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S 1. Sambong
A 2. Akapulko
N 3. Niyog-niyogan
T 4. Tsaang Gubat
A 5. Ampalaya
L 6. Lagundi
U 7. Ulasimang Bato
B 8. Bawang
B 9. Bayabas
Y 10. Yerba Buena
Scientific Name: Blumea balsamifera

 A plant with rough hairy leaves that grows to be 1 ½ to 3 meters tall.

 When the young plants around the mother plant have three or more leaves,
they can be separated.

Preparation & Uses:

 Anti-edema, diuretic, and anti-urolithiasis — Boil chopped leaves in a

glass of water for 15 minutes, or until just one glass is left. Divide the
decoction into three parts and drink one of them three times a day.

 Diarrhea - Boil chopped leaves for 15 minutes in a glass of water. Every

three hours, drink one portion.

NOTE: Sambong is not a kidney infection treatment.

Scientific Name: Cassia alata

 Ringworm Bush

 Bayas-bayasan
 This plant is about 1 to 2 meters tall
 The leaves are embraced with 8 to 20 oblongelliptical shaped leaflets
 It has flowers with oblong sepals

Uses & Preparation :

Anti-fungal (tinea flava, ringworm, athlete’s foot and scabies) – Fresh, matured
leaves are pounded. Apply soap to the affected area 1-2 times a day

Scientific Name: Quisqualis indica L.

 Chinese Honey Suckle

 A vine which bears tiny fruits and grows wild in backyards.
 The seeds must come from mature, dried but newly opened fruits.
 Propagated through stem cuttings about 20cm in height.

Uses & Preparation:

Anti-helmintic – The seeds are taken 2 hours after supper. If no worms are
expelled, the dose may be repeated after one week. (Caution: Not to be given
to children below 4 years old)
Adults may take 10 seeds; children 4 to 7 years of age may eat up to four seeds
only; ages 8 to 9 may take six seeds and seven seeds may be eaten by children
10 to 12 years old.

Tsaang Gubat

Scientific Name: Carmona retusa

 Forest Tea or Wild Tea

 A shrub with small, shiny nice-looking leaves that grows in wild
uncultivated areas and forests.
Uses & Preparation:

Diarrhea – Boil chopped leaves into 2 glasses of water for 15 minutes.

Divide decoction into 4 parts. Drink 1 part every 3 hours

Stomachache – Boil chopped leaves in 1 glass of water for 15 minutes. Cool

and strain.

Scientific Name: Momordica charantia

 Bitter Gourd or Bitter melon

 A climbing vine with tendrils that grow up to 20 cms long.
 Leaves are heartshaped, which are 5 to 10 cms in diameter.
 Fruits have ribbed and wrinkled surface that are fleshy green with pointed
ends at length and has a bitter taste.

Uses & Preparation:

Diabetes Mellitus (Mild non-insulin dependent) – Chopped leaves then boil in

a glass of water for 15 minutes. Do not cover. Cool and strain. Take 1/3 cup 3
times a day after meals

Scientific Name: Vitex negundo

 5 Leaved-Chaste Tree
 A shrub growing wild in vacant lots and waste land.
 Matured branches are planted.
 The flowers are blue and bellshaped. The small fruits turn black when ripe.

 It is better to collect the leaves when are in bloom.

Uses & Preparation:

Asthma, Cough & Fever – Decoction ( Boil raw fruits or leaves in 2 glasses of water for

15 minutes)Dysentery, Colds & Pain – Decoction ( Boil a handful of leaves & flowers in

water to produce a glass, three times a day)

Skin diseases (dermatitis, scabies, ulcer, eczema) -Wash & clean the skin/wound with

the decoction
Headache – Crush leaves may be applied on the forehead

Rheumatism, sprain, contusions, insect bites – Pound the leaves and apply on affected


Ulasimang Bato

Scientific Name: Peperomia pellucida

 Silver bush or Shiny bush

 Pansit-pansitan
 A weed with heartshaped leaves that grow in shady parts of the garden
and yard.

Uses & Preparation:

Lowers uric acid (rheumatism and gout) – One a half cup leaves are boiled in
two glass of water over low fire. Do not cover pot. Divide into 3 parts and drink
one part 3 times a day

Scientific Name: Allium sativum

 Garlic
 A low herb and grows up to sixty cms high
 Leaves are flat and linear
 Bulbs consist of several tubers

Uses & Preparation:

Hypertension – Maybe fried, roasted, soaked in vinegar for 30 minutes, or

blanched in boiled water for 15 minutes. Take 2 pieces 3 times a day after
Toothache – Pound a small piece and apply to affected area
CAUTION: Take on full stomach to prevent stomach and intestinal ulcers.

Scientific Name: Psidium guajava

 Guava
 A tree about 4 to 5 meters high with tiny white flowers with round or oval
fruits that are eaten raw.

Uses & Preparation:

For washing wounds – Maybe use twice a day

Diarrhea – May be taken 3-4 times a day

As gargle and for toothache – Warm decoction is used for gargle. Freshly
pounded leaves are used for toothache. Boil chopped leaves for 15 minutes at
low fire. Do not cover and then let it cool and strain
Yerba Buena

Scientific Name: Mentha cordifelia

 Peppermint
 A small multibranching aromatic herb. The leaves are small, elliptical and
with toothed margin.
 The stem creeps to the ground, and develop roots.

Uses & Preparation:

Pain (headache, stomachache) – Boil chopped leaves in 2 glasses of water

for 15 minutes. Divide decoction into 2 parts, drink one part every 3 hours.

Rheumatism, arthritis and headache – Crush the fresh leaves and squeeze
sap. Massage sap on painful parts with eucalyptus

Cough & Cold – Soak 10 fresh leaves in a glass of hot water, drink as tea.

Swollen gums – Steep 6 g. of fresh plant in a glass of boiling water for 30

minutes. Use as a gargle solution

Toothache – Cut fresh plant and squeeze sap. Soak a piece of cotton in the
sap and insert this in aching tooth cavity

Menstrual & gas pain – Soak a handful of leaves in a lass of boiling water.
Drink infusion.

Nausea & Fainting – Crush leaves and apply at nostrils of patients

Insect bites – Crush leaves and apply juice on affected area or pound leaves
until like a paste, rub on affected area

Pruritis – Boil plant alone or with eucalyptus in water. Use decoction as a

wash on affected area.

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