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Task 1 - Introducing Myself

Task 1
Introducing Myself

María José Carreño Alba

Group: 518007_153 Phone: 321 9 565358


National Open and Distance University UNAD

Bachelor's Degree in Foreign Languages with emphasis in English

School of Education Sciences (ECEDU)

English II

Madrid; Cundinamarca

5 of September 2021

Task 1 - Introducing Myself

● Part 1: Personal Information

Write a text in the forum for task 1 to introduce yourself, including the following

1. What is your full name?

My full name is María José Carreño Alba.
2. Where are you from?
I´m from Bogotá, Colombia.
3. Where do you live?
I live in Madrid, Cundinamarca.
4. What is your e-mail address?
My e-mail address is
5. What do you do? (Your occupation)
I'm only a student.
6. How old are you?
I'm 17 years old.
7. What are your hobbies? (Mention at least 3 activities)
I enjoy long walks, books of fiction or poetry, sometimes i really love to draw things
like human anatomy, and also enjoy listening to music all the time.
Basically, my tastes and favorite activities are almost all about artistic skills.
8. What is your favorite food? (Mention at least 3 different types of food)
I really love the pasta, in all presentations. Also, nearly to the same love of pasta, i
like sushi but i don't like cooked fish and since always in my life, i enjoy salad and
vegetables in general.
9. What is your favorite movie? Why?
My favorite movie is “Pride and Prejudice” which is directed by Joe Wright but written
by Jane Austen. Has been my favorite because since the first time I saw it, it just
makes me feel so excited and interested in the era of that time, along with the humor
that is kind of satire and romantic. Since I have never seen a similar movie, it
became my favorite movie.
10. What is your favorite book? Why?
My favorite book is “Love Letters to the Dead” which is written by Ava Dellaira.
Although it was not the first book that I read, it was the first that made me feel alive,
and a little bit more aware of my feelings, thoughts and actions. Actually, i can't
describe with words all the emotions that i have. It just i can say, it feels like a
tornado that leaves me constantly pondering.

● Part 2: Evaluating My Abilities

Think about your abilities concerning your English performance and write at least
three specific strengths and weaknesses.

Task 1 - Introducing Myself

● Strengths:

1. I listen to English music all the time, which means that I am familiar with its
2. I have more facility in listening and speaking English.
3. Sometimes to get even more understanding of the English language, I often
use its slang and informal way of speaking.

● Weaknesses:

1. Sometimes I tend to forget basic vocabulary.

2. I could never really learn the alphabet, so I could never spell anything, not
even my name.
3. In sentences, I tend to change the order of the sentence leaving it without

Talk about what extra activities you usually do to improve your English skills in your
daily life. (3 or 5 sentences)

1. The activity I do the most is listening to music in English with its subtitles.
2. I also read comics in English.
3. When I watch series or movies, I use the audio in English and the subtitles in
Spanish, or vice versa.
4. When I want to delve into a topic in English, I look for almost all its vocabulary
and relate it to words already learned.

● Part 3: Recording The Video

Now record a video in which you answer the previous questions. Try to do it
spontaneously; it means avoid reading the answers.


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