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Healthy Ageing Tips

 1. Integrate exercise into your life with walking, sports and social activities.
 2. Use Sea Salt and Black Pepper to season food. Sea salt is full of minerals and pepper boosts digestion.
 3. Eat when you are hungry and always to appetite. Never under eat to lose weight.
 4. Carbohydrates are fine but make sure they are unrefined and whole (potatoes, squash, sweet potatoes,brown
rice, whole grains etc)
 5. If you are going to eat junk food, do it with a smile on your face
 6. Stretch in the evening before bed. Especially the shoulders it will help you sleep.
 7. Have a hot bath regularly - a cheap easy way to relax
 8. Exercise should be short, and intense but infrequent.
 9. Try to go vegetarian a 1-2 days a week
 10. Taking a nap in the afternoon is totally fine and even beneficial, but keep it under 30 minutes.
 11. Start the day with hot water and the juice of a fresh lemon
 12. Forget supplements and get your vitamins and minerals from real food
 13. Don't be scared of eating late at night. A small snack can lower stress hormones and allow you to sleep better.
 14. Sometimes the things you are looking for in life come when you stop trying so hard to find them.
 15. Snack on fruit and almonds.
 16. Have one banana a day for the potassium and unique fibre.
 17. Use spices to season food - they add flavour and are very healthy aiding digestion and controlling blood sugar
(cinnamon) and inflammation (turmeric)
 18. Take advantage of the summer and berries being is season, eat lots of blueberries, raspberries and
 19. Do 20 bodyweight reps of either squats, pushups or lunges every morning after brushing your teeth. It will rev
up your metabolism.
 20. Stop using Vegetable Oils (rapeseed, canola, sunflower) when cooking - they are not stable at high
temperatures and therefore make for bad cooking oil.
 21. Try Coconut oil for cooking, and as a cheap efficient moisturiser.
 22. Sneak in 20-30 minutes of walking everyday
 23. Never stop learning, make sure you always have one book on the go about a topic you love.
 24. In the evening dim the lights for a few hours prior to sleep. This allows melatonin to be releases, also sleep in
a pitch black room.
 25. Never exercise hard when you have slept badly or for only a few hours. Your body needs rest not more
 26. Everyone should do 1-2 resistance training workouts a week.
 27. Sprints are a cheap and easy form of exercise that are great for fat burning.
 28. Try Yoga, either by attending a class or even by following a Yoga DVD.
 29. Workouts should be simple and mainly consist of bodyweight movements (Squats, Dips, Chin-ups, Pushups etc)
 30. If you can afford it, have a weekly back and shoulder massage. This will relieve the tension built up by living in
the modern world.
 31. Drink a maximum of 2 coffee's or tea's a day. Make sure they are high quality.
 32. Hours of sleep before midnight are twice as effective as those after.
 33. Don't drink water with meals, it dilutes digestive enzymes.
 34. Eat locally and seasonally when you can. Try new local vegetables. This food is more nutrient dense.
 35. There is nothing wrong with real butter, eat it and cook with it. but use it in moderation.
 36. Do healthy things to help live your life well. Don't let your life revolve around being healthy!
 37. Don't overdo it on the animal protein. Buy high quality meats less often.
 38. If you can't get to sleep try a herbal tea and an apple.
 39. Always breath into your belly through your nose, not through your mouth into the chest.

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