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Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Well ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention please ..Our opening ceremony is about to
begin, Please hava a nice seat and back to your position.

Good Morning ladies and Gentleman,

we proudly present the 1st International Conference between ...... and ... with the theme ....
It`s being a great honour for me (… and ………) to be standing here and welcome each and
everyone of you in 3rd Floor of Direktorat Health Polytechnic of The Ministry of Health

Ladies and Gentleman this meeting will provide you plenty of opprtunities to discus, share
knowledge and insights. Before we come to the main session, let us start this by praying first, so
the event that we will hold on this day will run well without any obstacle at all. Pray based on
individual belief, begins…. done

After that, We would like to express our sincere gratitude to

Excellency/ The Direktor Health Polytechnic of The Ministry of Health Tasikmalaya Mrs. Hj.
Ani Radiati R, S.Pd, M.Kes
Excellency a speaker from Indonesia/
Excellency a speaker from Indonesia/
Excellency a speaker from ( …..) Prof. ………………., welcome to Indonesia

Excellency Distinguished Guest Delegates, ladies And Gentleman ,

On this special morning we have several agendas, So allow me to read several sequences of our
The first is the opening, which we Previously had read together.
The second is Reciting Holy Quran.
The third is Singing Indonesia Raya.
The fourth is report of program.
The fifth is the core event internasional seminar
The sixth is the closing and prayer.
Step on to the following agenda is reciting the holy Qur’an who will be recited by …….. (Time
is yours)…
Thanks to our …., Who has recited the Holy Qur’an for us, May Allah Always gives us
Guidance and help. Amen.
The third agenda is Singing Indonesia Raya who will be led by ….., ……. (The floor is yours)....
Thanks to our ….., Who has led the Singing Indonesia Raya.
The next Agenda is remarks. Ladies and gentlemen, I immediately invite the chief executive to
brother …… give his remarks. (Please welcome)....
Thank you very much to ….. for the remarks.
It is now my deep pleasure to introduce head of the department of nurse, Mr. Dudi Hartono,
S.Kep, Ners, M.Kep, we would like to invite to the podium to deliver his speech. please give a
warm applause.
And the next, we would like to invite to the podium to deliver his speech, as a head department
of midwifery, Mrs. Nunung Mulyani, APP, M.kes, please give a warm applause.
And the last speech, we would like to request the Direktor of Tasikmalaya Ministry of Health
polytechnic to officially open International Conference Of …., Mrs. Hj. Ani Radiati R, S.Pd,
M.Kes, please give a warm applause.
Excellencies Ladies and gentleman, now we come to our main program , internasional
seminar,who will be led by our moderator, mrs. …………….., please give a warm applause.

The last agenda is closing and prayer. The prayer who will be recited by ……... (Time is your)....
Thanks to our ……….., may the prayers can be answered by Allah SWT, Amen. To the close the
program, Let’s recite Hamdalah together.
Finally, from the deepest of my heart I do apologize for my mistakes in presenting this event.
Thank you very much for your kind attention and thank you very much.

Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullohi Wabarokatuh.

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