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Support System:

According to Kelly, M. (2019), Many students fail to separate the important ideas from the
minutiae; others struggle to understand the objective of a paragraph or chapter in the book.
Helping students improve their reading comprehension can mean the difference between
academic achievement and failure.

According to an article said of Kelly, M., it is said that supporting and guiding the students
improve their reading comprehension.

The earliest teachers of their children are their parents. Beginning at birth, parents assist in
providing the support and stimuli that children require to begin to make sense of their
surroundings. Parents assist their children develop the uniquely human gift and cognitive tool of
language by talking to and interacting with them, as well as identifying the hundreds of items in
the home with words. By combining child language and literacy development, this chapter will
look at numerous areas of parental support for understanding in prereaders. (Billie Enz and Jill
Stam, 2015)

According to Billie Enz and Jill Stam, Parents’ support has a has a significant impact on student'
reading comprehension difficulties because beginning at birth, parents assist in providing the
support and stimuli that children require to begin to make sense of their surroundings.

According to Ontario (2017), Teachers have a pivotal role in assisting students in developing and
maintaining a positive attitude toward learning and literacy. Motivated readers read more,
employ more complex cognitive processes, and thereby improve their reading skills.

According to the literature of Ontario, Teachers are the ones who help students progress and
keep a positive mindset in terms of reading skills.

Learning Environment:

The researchers could not deny the fact that environmental settings interact with vocabulary
gains to affect reading comprehension. This means that the learning environment might impact
vocabulary learning directly and impact reading comprehension indirectly. Students in
immersion environments tended to gain more vocabulary, and this led to higher reading
comprehension scores. Students in other groups, on the other hand, had lower gains of
vocabulary knowledge, which hindered their reading comprehension growth. Environmental
settings, however, only had effects on different vocabulary sizes. (Wang Weijun, 2018)

According to the article of Wang Wijun, Students in immersion environments tended to gain
more vocabulary, and this led to higher reading comprehension scores.

According to Rijk Y. V. & Volman M. (2016), To teach reading for comprehension to all
students in primary schools, effective and motivating learning environments as well as
educational strategies are required.

According to Ri Rijk Y. V. & Volman M., Effective and motivating learning environments can
improve the students’ reading comprehension.

The majority of Filipino students who scored poorly in reading comprehension in the 2018
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) come from low-income families and
school environment that do not encourage growth mindsets. (Andrew Tan, 2021)

According to the article of Andrew Tan, From low-income families and school environment that
do not encourage growth mindsets.


According to O’Flynn, K. (2016), To help students' comprehension abilities, it is important that

the information from the books (resources) presented to them is clear, accurate, and engaging.

According to an essay of O’Flynn, K., to improve students' comprehension abilities, the

information from the books (resources) presented to them is clear, accurate, and engaging

Reading comprehension instruction that included cultural materials (e,g., textbooks, written
books) improved students' vocabulary knowledge and attitudes toward lessons. (Mehmet Atim,

According to Atim, M., Including the cultural materials, it can improved students' vocabulary
knowledge and attitudes toward lessons.
According to Astri, Z. & Wahab, I. (2018), The students' reading comprehension has improved
significantly as a result of the teaching materials. After being given the material, 100% of visual
learners improved their English reading comprehension ability. Following the distribution of
teaching materials, 100% of auditory learners improved their English reading comprehension
ability. Similarly, visual-auditory learners saw an increase in which 100% of respondents

According to Astri, Z. & Wahab, I. The resources especially the teaching materials help
students' comprehension abilities, such as students' vocabulary knowledge.


Support System – Teachers and Parents give physical or emotional assistance to the students to
improve their reading comprehension.

Learning Environment - A learning environment can be an educational technique, a cultural

background, or a physical space where teaching and learning take place.

Resources - A resource is something that may be used to help thestudents, whether it be a source
or assistance in improving their reading comprehension.

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