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Maya DeAngelis

Recreational Modalities

Professor Burket


Horseback Riding


● TB;, W. T. E. V. (2002). Mauch S.N.S. hydraulic knee units in above-knee amputees. A

long-term follow-up studies. Clinical orthopaedics and related research. Retrieved

November 30, 2021, from

● Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association,. (2004). Horseback riding for leg amputees -

the War Amps. War Amps. Retrieved November 30, 2021, from


● Ossur. (2020). Össur. life without limitations. Össur. Life Without Limitations. Retrieved

November 30, 2021, from

● Smith, C. (2021). Industry links. Learn About Therapeutic Riding. Retrieved November

30, 2021, from

about-therapeutic-riding#:~:text=Therapeutic%20 riding%20 provides%20

benefits%20in, %2C%20support%20and%20recreation%20%26%20leisure. &

text=Because%20 horseback%20racing%20rhythmically%20 moves,

Activity Description:

● Horseback riding is the activity of riding a horse by yourself or assistance with a trainer

next to you walking the horse for enjoyment or exercising

● Horseback riding is usually on a set trail to follow and gives you the ability to discover

landscapes around you

● Must listen and follow the path of the experienced trainer who is leading the horseback


● Be careful and gentle with interacting with the horse as well

● Most importantly have fun and enjoy connecting with the animal and nature

Materials needed:

● A saddle, saddle pad, girth/bridle with reins, and a helmet (Horseback riding farms

should always supply this to us usually)

● Make sure to dress appropriate, such a closed toed shoe, comfortable pants, and a shirt

that does not overly restrict movement

Primary Social interaction Patterns:

● I chose this activity, because this improves a wide range of motion for anyone to

experience. Anyone is able to do this activity and can be adapted or modified to a specific

patient. This activity improves balance, strength, and range of motion. It also improves

coordination and motor skills, and as well as improves respiration. I think this activity

gives anyone a chance to clear their mind, and to focus on their awareness around them

as well. This activity gives the ability to a patient to connect with nature outside, it is
good for enjoyment purposes as well as exercise too. It overall improves someone's

mental and physical health for the better. This activity allows someone to step outside

instead of being crammed inside all day, allows everyone to breathe in fresh air while

also connecting one on one with nature/animals. Horseback riding can be done by

yourself if you want to do it by yourself, but it also can be a fun activity to do with

friends or family. This activity allows someone to experience joy and socialize with

others around them or if they just want a break from the outside world this activity can be

done by themselves. This activity displays aggregate, because it requires a person to

interact with another living object, such as the horse or friends/family as well; but also

requires no talking to other individuals if they don't need to.

What I have learned:

• I have learned that above the knee amputations occur when removing the upper leg from

the body and cutting through both the thigh tissue and femoral bone. This usually occurs

from tumor, infection, accidents, or trauma. It usually takes 1-2 months to heal the limb.


● The adaptation I chose was the Mauch S.N.S hydraulic knee is used for amputees who

have experienced amputations above the knee. The Mauch S.N.S hydraulic knee is an

adaptation to horseback riding, because it allows the rider who is riding the horse to keep

their leg/knee in the desired flexed angle. When riding the horse, it usually needed that

the legs be formatted a certain way into the saddle, this allows easier motion for the

amputee rider to keep their leg in fixed position in the saddle in an easier way. It allows
them also to still have a wide range of motion, but the Mauch S.N.S allows them to have

an increase in activity level.

Participant: Amputee with an amputation above the knee

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