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Mark — your arguments are nothing more than a load of bloviating

about points that we all agree with. You fail to address what is possibly
the simplest counterargument to any theory that the existence of Kira is
good for the world. In the words of John Dalberg-Acton, 1st Baron
Acton, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Lord Acton's sympathies
with the Confederacy during the Civil War aside, this maxim has stood
the test of time. Light is human, and his arrogance (his power corrupting
him) was his downfall. I do agree that the Near arc was rushed, but
reading the manga will clear up many reservations you have about it.
Now, to change tacks slightly: many Kira supporters fail to grasp the core
Machiavellian morals that motivate and drive Light. In short, as
Machiavelli writes in the 17th chapter of The Prince, "it is far safer to be
feared than loved." Yet, Machiavelli himself would have strong words of
rebuke for Light, as later in that chapter he asserts that fear is simply a
means to an end — the security of the one wielding power. He states
explicitly and firmly that fear instilled should never be excessive, as that
endangers the one wielding power; yet, this is exactly what Light did. If
you believe that the ICPO, L, the SPK, Near and even Mello were
pursuing Light because of some idealistic view of what justice is, I would
ask you to reconsider your opinion. Light's opponents arose because of
pure, primal fear, and that fear is, indirectly, what brought him down.
Even more damning to Light, in Chapter 8 Machiavelli openly decries the
idea of executions to gain and maintain power, using the case study of
Agathocles of Syracuse. Agathocles was a Greek tyrant who summarily
executed the entirety of the old oligarchy upon his rise to power in
Syracuse. As Machiavelli wrote addressing Agathocles' deeds, "Yet one
cannot call it virtue to kill one's citizens, betray one's friends, to be
without faith, without mercy, without religion; these modes can enable
one to acquire empire, but not glory... his savage cruelty and
inhumanity, together with his infinite crimes, do not permit him to be
celebrated among the most excellent men. Thus, one cannot attribute
to fortune or virtue what he achieved without either." Finally, I assert
that it is pointless to say that Light was the correct party, and it is equally
short-sighted to claim that L/the SPK/Near were in the right. Nothing in
this world is black and white, wholly good or wholly evil. The system will
never change, because of that maxim I expressed above. As long as
civilization exists, there will be societies or individuals who hold absolute
power and prevent a perfect utopia from being attained. It doesn't
matter if power is held by a seemingly useless government, an
egomaniacal serial killer or a morally bankrupt detective — the end
result is the same. Why Light Should Have Legitimately Won


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In all seriousness, He actually is the only sane and world loving person there.

This is a theory page on the Death Note Fanon Wiki.

Now this isn't formal and is directly off the top of my head, since I just finished the whole series
anime/manga, like maybe 3 hours ago, and my response to the horrifying reviews and happiness
I saw that came with the terrible and irrational ending to the series. Here I will procede to clarify
the series to you and show you how all arguments against it involve personal vendetta's,
attempting to be politically correct ignoring what you know must be true because your scared of
being shown to be smart since it's against your warped morals (yes I can give you historical and
natural evidence to prove you have warped morals) and ignorant-unviable-irrational-not even
worthy of me showing you this out of generosity, created opinions. Here is the more than
obvious reality of the series, enjoy.
When I see these views all over the internet that favor Light dying I'm faced with two options:
These people are either trying to be politically correct or well.....some people must not be able to
see the big picture. So let me explain the big picture. The big picture here is from the concepts
that the manga/anime was actually trying to display (aka the point of it). The big question of the
manga/anime I guess is: "Is murder wrong" and basically the intent is where the answer lies. In
Light's scenario the answer lies with searching to attain world peace. With world peace and
crimes abolished (which includes littering at some point way down the line), not only would the
human race flourish, but environmental problems can mostly be solved pollution wise, and I'm
sure there are many more world problems that can be that much closer to being solved when
people don't have to worry about corruption or being stabbed in the back by power hungry
people. So since Light's aim is to abolish all evil in the world, is there really a more noble or
honorable cause for murder? The answer is obviously not for those of you still wondering. What
is frustrating about how the series ended is that the ignorant mass wins. Which is just not good
enough for what the series had accomplished thus far. Now before we go into this, if your glad
Light lost because your still mad he killed L, leave this page. Your opinions aren't viable for the
depth of what the series portrays to be worthy of reading this. So Who is Light? Light is not the
average teenage boy. He is a guy that is not only a genious across Japan (and the world, at least
deductive reasoning wise, being proven through his defeat of L later on), but that he has figured
out how women and how to get whomever he wants, he has mastered athletics (champion tennis
player), and most importantly spent time in the corrupted society of populated innercity life
(through living in the city and experiencing and also through working with his dad and police
department to solve many cases over the years). So what does someone with all these
accomplishments do with their time? They sit there and be bored because what is there to do,
really. So being as ambitious as Light is, which is probably one of his biggest traits, its not
surprising that when a power to kill people in the way that only he has (and im not going to
explain the other obvious benefits), he begins to form a vision as all ambitious people do, hence
ambition. With all these qualities about him he probably one of the few people in the world (like
maybe of 300 people in the world) that could actually have the intelligence to not get caught and
legitimately attain world peace by eliminating all corruption. To do this he traded his future of
any honest life as basically a payment for self-sacrifice morally to bear the weight of all the evil
on the world, end corruption and make it so that only he had to bloody his hands. In not so if-so-
factso terms, he traded his soul for the end of corruption. His aim was to eliminate all corruption
in the world, and then be a symbol aka-"god" to keep it out. Now most people are going to make
a beginners mistake on the God bit thinking "OMG becky, anyone who thinks they can be god to
other humans obviously has mental issues, is unstable and has serious egotistical problems!"
......Don't let this be you. I don't think a better choice of term than God could have been chosen.
What is god? technically it is one that controls an aspect of reality. In this case that is obviously
Kira (Light) who controls all crime in the world shifting what is reality using a power that only
he has (the deathnote). The fact that he uses the term god to describe what he will become is
basically showing that he can in fact use a dictionary and realizes that he is actual going to have
that power to change the environment of human society (I mean who wouldn't be super pumped
about that). So to

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