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La casa del Marqués de San Jorge,

which was built towards the end of
the 17th century, is a Spanish
colonial mansion located in the
historical sector of Bogota.
For 48 years the residence
belonged to don Jorge Miguel
Lozano de Peralta, who had been
granted the title of “The Marquis of
San Jorge” by the Spanish Crown
Casa del Marqués in 1787.
de San Jorge
As years went by the mansion
La llamada casa del Marqués de belonged to, among others, the
San Jorge fue construida a finales Prosecutor-General of the Spanish
del siglo XVII. Su propietario por 48 colonial government. Don Manuel
años fue don Jorge Miguel Lozano de Bernardo Alvarez, before
de Peralta, beneficiado con el título eventually coming into the hands of
de Marqués de San Jorge en 1787. the Restrepo-Saenz family, this
Perteneció entre otros a don family in turn sold the mansion to
Manuel de Bernardo Álvarez, fiscal the Sisters of the Adoration, an
de la Real Audiencia. Fue donada order of Catholic nuns. After
por la familia Restrepo Sáenz a las residing 27 years within
religiosas adoratrices quienes the walls of the casa del Marques
después de 27 años la vendieron al San Jorge, the Catholic Sisters
Banco Popular que la restauró y sold the site to the Colombian bank,
convirtió en el Museo actual en Banco Popular, which restored the
1973. grounds and buildings and founded
the archeological museum which
La casa es una joya arquitéctonica currently occupies the premises
representativa de la arquitectura since 1973.
colonial santafereña, con detalles
de expresión pictórica (pintura The mansion stands as a reminder
mural), encontrados en la of the classic Spanish colonial
restauración de 1994. architecture that was once
prevalent in the city of Santa Fe de
Bogota. In 1994, during restoration
operations, colonial murals were
salvaged on numerous walls
throughout the residence.

Fondo de Promoción de la Cultura

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