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Colegiul National Constantin Cantacuzino, Targoviste

2 hours/week

Level- beginner


10th grade- 1st term

1. Put the verbs in the brackets into the right tense:

a) Their friends usually (write) .......a lot of stories when they had time to do it and while
they (do), they (listen) music.
b) He just (love)......sitting in the sun and admiring the people around him, as he
(know)......that there wouldn’t be beauty if she (not exist).......
c) I promise you I (do) best to help you if you (make)......the same promise, because
your sister never (try) give you a hand.
d) What time ( you return).....home last night as I didn’t hear you?
e) I am convinced your cousin ( work) this moment, as he never ( answer ) .....the
phone at this hour, so you (call) vain.


2. Find the mistake in each sentence:

a) Their teacher scolds the students for being late again.
b) If they wouldn’t apologize, she wouldn’t forgive them.
c) She consider that life without friends is just a waste of time.
d) They just didn’t wanted to start all over again.
e) It was the most cold day of the year so they decided to stay home.
f) It is an old tree in the garden witnessing all our lives.
3. Give the apropriate nouns or adjectives for the words written in italics.
a) They didn’t know the ......hour , and that’s why they were late. ARRIVE
b) Stop being so.....about the things around you as you will get to suffer. CARE
c) She just couldn’t her life. FAIL
d) They wanted another......for that situation. EXPLAIN
e) It was when she could hardly breathe. WIND
f) He didn’t like her ......attitude. REVOLUTION
g) Her .......only said that she just couldn’t stand it anymore. TIRED
h) The council decided to approve the demolition of that..... BUILD
i) She got scared when she saw that......animal. HAIR
j) It is a .......situation that nobody can put up with. DISAPPOINT
1,00 p

4. Rephrase the following sentences so that the meaning should be the same:
a) I have never met such a bold person.
She is.......
b) What time is it?
He wanted to know......
c) She has more confidence than you do.
You have......
d) What are you reading?
He asked me .....
e) They will build a new house.
A new house......
1,00 p

5. Translate the sentences into English:

a) Deseori face curatenie la sfarsitul saptamanii si de aceea acum spala vasele si se
pregateste sa iasa.
b) Daca i-ai spune mai multe, poate ca ar vrea sa vina cu tine si ar fi mai fericita sa stie ca e
cu tine.
c) In timp ce astepta in ploaie, a vazut cum ei se plimbau si zambeau fericiti.
d) Unde ai auzit acest cantec saptamana trecuta, pentru ca eu nu stiu nimic de el?
e) Despre ce vorbeati ieri cand am ajuns acolo, pentru ca nu a vrut sa-mi spuna prea multe
f) Era o toamna atat de calda incat toti aveau impresia ca e inca vara si ca au inca vacanta.
g) Ar minti, daca ar sti ca e o situatie imposibila si daca nu te-ai supara.
h) Va invata mai putin daca va sti ca tu nu esti acolo, caci are nevoie de el.
2,00 p
6. Write a letter to a friend of yours where you tell him about some interesting things you did
on your last trip with your classmates. (150 words) 2,50

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