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Polangui Community College

Polangui, Albay

Name: ENRIQUEZ, MARY GRACE M. Year & Section: CMT Date: September 16, 2021

Deadline: September 18, 2021


Instruction: Provide what being ask.

1. What Learners can do at the different stages of development?

- An individual’s developmental stage significantly influences the ability to learn. During
infancy and toddlerhood cognitive development occur, this includes his/her language,
communication, attention, remembering and learning to talk. Also toddlers acquire
language and are learning to verbally express their feelings.

2. What are the important characteristics of infant/toddler stage according to Eriksson

- Trust vs. Mistrust of infants and Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt for toddlers. The first
stage of Erik Erikson’s center around the infant’s basic needs being met by the
parents. They depend on parents for food, sustenance and comfort. Infants view of
trust and mistrust based on the safety they feel from their environment especially from
their parents. Toddlers begin to explore their surroundings and gain increased
muscular coordination and mobility which they become capable of satisfying some of
their own needs.

3. What are the Developmental characteristics of the learner?

- Physical characteristic
- Cognitive characteristic
- Socio-emotional characteristic

4. What is “pedagogy”?
- Base on Wikipedia, pedagogy is most commonly understood as the approach to
teaching, is the theory and practice of learning, and how this process influences, and
is influenced by, the social, political and psychological development of learners.

5. What is learning through in Piagets sensorimotor stage?

- Piaget's theory suggests that children progress through a series of four different stages
of cognitive development and one of the stages is Sensorimotor stage. Piaget chose
to call this stage the 'sensorimotor' stage because it is through the senses and motor
abilities that infants gain a basic understanding of the world around them. The abilities
that an infant is born with—sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch—combined with
physical capabilities that continue to develop—including touching, grasping, and
tasting—allow infants to interact and build awareness of themselves and what is
around them.

6. What are Three (3) stages of dependence growing up?

- Early Infancy (birth – six months)
- Later Infancy (7 – 12 months)
- Toddlerhood years (1-2)

7. Why should chronological age not be a good predictor of learning ability?

- Learning has no limit and age is not a barrier in learning. There are child who’s develop
their skills or learn in a late stage. We cannot predict the learning ability of a child base
on his/her chronological stage.

8. What other factors besides chronological age must the parents take into consideration
besides stage of development?
- Aside from the chronological age, parents must take into consideration the
environment of their child during the stage of development. he environment plays a
critical role in the development of children and it represents the sum total of physical
and psychological stimulation the child receives. Some of the environmental factors
influencing early childhood development involve the physical surroundings and
geographical conditions of the place the child lives in, as well his social environment
and relationships with family and peers.

9. What are some examples of chronological age VS stage of development?

- There are child that has a “stuck” part of their development. If you have a child like
this, typically you might notice that there are times when he or she acts much younger
than you would expect for their chronological age. What makes this confusing is that
your child may be able to do things that are appropriate for their chronological age.
For example, you may have a child that works at or even above grade level in reading
and/or math, but in some emotional areas they may be developmentally younger than
their chronological age.

10. Is chronological age a good predictor of learning ability?

- No

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