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Kristinelou Marie N.


List common diseases of the elderly.

a. Definition:
Cancer is a neoplastic disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to
other parts of the body.

b. Signs and Symptoms:

 Fatigue
 Lump or area of thickening that can be felt under the skin
 Weight changes, including unintended loss or gain
 Skin changes, such as yellowing, darkening or redness of the skin, sores that won't heal, or
changes to existing moles
 Changes in bowel or bladder habits
 Persistent cough or trouble breathing
 Difficulty swallowing
 Hoarseness
 Persistent indigestion or discomfort after eating
 Persistent, unexplained muscle or joint pain
 Persistent, unexplained fevers or night sweats
 Unexplained bleeding or bruising

c. Management:
 Stick to a healthy, balanced diet that includes plenty of lean protein, healthy fats, fruits,
vegetables and whole grains.
 Limit sugar, caffeine, salt, processed foods and alcohol.
 Maintain a healthy body weight/body mass index (BMI).
 Adhere to medical or surgical therapy like surgery, chemotherapy.
 Avoid stress and find ways to relax and enjoy time alone and with others.
 Exercise and be as active as you can.

d. Prevention:
 Consume a healthy diet (low-fat diet with increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, and
lean protein foods).
 Limit intake of sugar and salt.
 Engage in physical activity or exercise routinely.
 Avoid risky lifestyle choices (recreational drug use, needle sharing, unprotected sexual
 Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption.
 Lose weight if overweight or obese.
 Avoid exposure to environmental hazards (radiation, chemicals). Use proper protection
when unavoidable.

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