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Lecture Outline
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Objectives
4.3 Quadratic Functions
4.4 Cubic Functions
4.5 Summary
4.6 References

4.1 Introduction

This lecture is an extension of lecture three. Remember that we only gave the general
models of the quadratic and cubic functions and a sketch of a graph of a particular
quadratic and cubic function. We are now going to go a bit into the details of these two
functions, by stating their properties and applying them to solve given problems.

4.2 Objectives

At the end of this lecture you should be able to:

1. Describe quadratic and cubic functions and state their
2. Fit quadratic and cubic functions to a given set of data
3. Find the Solution for a quadratic function using a
4. Apply quadratic and cubic functions to solve a real life

4.3 Quadratic functions

The quadratic function is a polynomial of the form

y  ax 2  bx  c
where a, b, c are constants with a  0 , y = the dependent variable, x = the
independent variable

4.3.1 Properties of Quadratic Function

1. The quadratic function crosses the x-axis a maximum number of two (2). Thus
two is the maximum number of solutions. To find the solutions of a quadratic
function we have to have to equate the dependent variable to zero. That is
0  ax 2  bx  c . The solution is obtained by the formula
 b  b 2  4ac
The graph of a quadratic function is called a parabola; if a > 0 the parabola opens
upward and if a < 0 it opens downwards. If b 2  4ac  0 the equation has no real
solutions. The quantity b 2  4ac is called the discriminant of the quadratic

2. It has a single turning point

3. It is completely specified once three points that lie on the curve are given. This is
illustrated in following examples.

Example 4.1

Suppose that the quantity of goods supplied can be determined by the price. Find the
general quadratic equation Q  c  bP  aP 2 given the following three simultaneous
(1) 500  c  30b  900a
(2) 3600  c  40b  1600a
(3) 6300  c  50b  2500a
We combine the equations to get two new equations in the following way
(4) = (2) – (1) = 3100  10b  700a
(5) = (3) – (2) = 2700  10b  900a
Combining (4) and (5) by subtraction ((4) – (5)) we get
400  200a
a  2

Substituting this vale in (4) we get

3100  10b  700( 2)
3100  10b  1400
3100  1400
b  450

Substituting the values of b and a into equation (1) we find

500  c  30( 450)  900( 2)

500  c  13500  1800
c  13500  1800  500
c  11200
Thus the supply function is
Q  11200  450 P  2 P 2

Example 4.2
Similarly given three simultaneous equations find the general quadratic function
(1) 1600  c  5b  25a
(2) 900  c  10b  100a
(3) 100  c  20b  400a

Combining (1) and (2), (2) and (3) we obtain two new equations (4) and (5) respectively
(4) = (1) – (2) we get 700  5b  75a
(5) = (2) – (3) we get 800  10b  300a
We form a new equation from (5) in the following manner
(6) = ((5)  2) we get 400  5b  150a
Combining (4) and (6) that is
(4) – (6) we get 300  75a
Substituting this vale in (4)
700  5b  75( 4)
700  5b  300
700  300
b  200

Substituting these two values in (1)

1600  c  5( 200)  25(4)

1600  c  1000  100
c  2500
The required quadratic equation is

Q  2500  200 P  4 P 2
This is a demand function.

Activity 4.1
1. A rocket’s altitude, in miles, at t minutes after launching is given by
the equation y  0.5t 2  18t . Graph this quadratic. (a) What is the
rocket’s maximum altitude? When will it be attained?
(b) How long will it take after launching for the rocket to return to earth?

2. The concentration of sulfur dioxide in the air of a city from 7 A.M to 7

P.M is given by y  0.3t  5t  3 where y is the concentration

(measured in parts per million) at time t,

t = 0 being 7 A.M. graph this function. At what time of the day is the
concentration at its greatest? What is the maximum concentration?
4.4 Cubic Functions

Cubic functions are of the form

y  a  b1 x  b2 x 2  b3 x 3
Where a, b1 , b2 , b3 are constants but b3  0

4.4.1 Properties of Cubic Functions

1. It crosses the x-axis at most three times. Therefore it can have at most three real roots
2. It will have either two (2) turning points (one of which is the maximum and the other
the minimum) or one point of inflexion.

Maximum point



-4 -2 0 2 4 6

Minimum point -1.5 Point of inflexion

Fig. 4.1

4. It is completely specified once four points are given. We illustrate this in the
example 4.3 below .

Example 4.3

The general form of the cost function is

C  a  b1Q  b2 Q 2  b3 Q 3
Given the following three simultaneous equations find the cubic cost function in terms of
the quantity of goods produced.
(1) 120  a (this is the fixed cost when Q=0)
(2) 124  a  b1  b2  b3
(3) 120  a  3b1  9b2  27bb3
(4) 140  a  5b1  25b2  125b3
We generate new equations by combining two equations as follows
(5) = (2) –(1)… 4  b1  b2  bb3
(6) = (3) – (1) .. 0  3b1  9b2  27bb  0  b1  3b2  9b3 (by dividing by 3)

(7) = (4) –(1) .. 20  5b1  25b2  125b3  4  b1  5b2  25b3 (by dividing by 5)
Further combining the equations we have
(8) = (6) – (5) …  4  2b2  8b3
(9) = (7) – (6) … 4  2b2  16b3
Combining (8) and (9)
(10) = (9) – (8) …. 8  8b3
Therefore b3  1
Substituting this value in (5) and (6) we get respectively
(11) … 3  b1  b2
(12) …  9  b1  3b2
With (12) – (11) ..  12  2b2
Thus b2  6
Substituting this value in (11) we get that
3  b1  6
Therefore b1  9
Hence the total cost function is
C  120  9Q  6Q 2  Q 3
With the equation one can now determine the total cost for producing a certain quantity
of a product.
For example the total cost for producing 11 units is
C  120  9(11)  6(11 2 )  113
= sh. 824
A graph of this cost function is given in figure 2
Plot of Cost against Quantity

Cost (C)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Activity 4.2

1. The number of sunspots on the sun varies over an 11-year cycle.

Suppose that the average number of sunspots visible t years into
the cycle is y, where
y = 0.5t2 – 5.5t + 19, for 0 ≤ t ≤ 11.
(a) graph this quadratic function
(b) find the minimum average number of sunspots visible and the
time in the cycle when this minimum occurs

2. A rocket’s altitude, in km t minutes after launching is given by the

y = -0.5t2 +18t
(a) graph this quadratic
(b) what is the rocket’s maximum altitude and when is it attained?
(c) How long will it take after launching for the rocket to return
to earth?
3. The demand function for a certain product is given by the
q = -p2 + 10,000
and the supply function for the product is given by the equation
q = 150p

(a) graph the demand and supply functions on the same axes.
(b) Find the market equilibrium price.

4. A firm’s fixed cost is 50,000shs., the cost of making 10 thousand

units of its product is 100,000, and the cost of making 20,000
units is 250,000shs. Find the firm’s cost function if it is k
5. nown to be quadratic.

6. Suppose the supply and demand equations for a commodity are

q = p2 +20p – 50 and q = -p2 – 10p +150

Respectively, where q is in thousands of units. Find the equilibrium
price and quantity of the for the commodity.
7. The concentration of sulphur dioxide in the air in a city from
7AM to 7P.M is given by
y= 3 + 5t + 10t2 – 0.05t3
where y is the concentration in ppm at time t, t = 0 being 7AM.
(a) graph the function
(b) at what time of the day is the concentration greatest?

8. A firm’s monthly sales over the past year are given by

S(t) = 2t3 – 39t2 + 240t + 100
Where t is in months, with t = 0 representing the beginning of the
year. The sales are in thousands of shillings.
(a) graph the sales function
(b) find the maximum sales and the month it occurred
(c) find the minimum sales and the month it occurred

4.5 Summary

In this lecture we have:

 described two functions, the quadratic function and the cubic
 stated the characteristics of the quadratic function which are:
1. The quadratic function crosses the x-axis a maximum number
of twice. Thus it has at most two solutions.
2. It has a single turning point
3. It is completely specified once three points that lie on the
curve are given.
 Indicated that to find the solutions of a quadratic function we have
to have to equate the dependent variable to zero. That is
0  ax 2  bx  c with the solution being obtained by the formula
 b  b 2  4ac
 Stated the characteristics of the cubic function, which are:
o It crosses the x-axis at most three times, which means it
can have at most three real roots (solutions)
o It will have either two (2) turning points (one of which is
the maximum and the other the minimum) or one point of
o It is completely specifies once four points are given
 Learned that quadratic and cubic function can be applied in
solving supply, demand and cost problems.

4.6 References
Management and the Life and Social Sciences
Second Edition
Donald L. Stancl and Mildred L. Stancl

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