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user settings:

cut power using on/off button

ID to be placed into SDCARD ID.txt
take out SDCARD, the sdcard will not be initilized to save power
place TIME.txt and press yellow button to calibrate time

engineer settings:
min train dwell time in depot / timout before sending new LoRa
vibration/vibration_timer_thread.c TIMER_DELAY_MS 5000
number of lora signals to send on first wheel detection app_main.c 4 lora send
global define SD_LOG
global define WIRELESS_LORA_LOG

<M>1ATSW28 or <M>2ATSW28
- add noise filter so that the vibration interrupt won't have random turn on
- set vibration threshold -ok
- optimize send delay 10ms - ok
- set watchdog
- set eeprom addresses - ok
- sleep in rt file - ok
- write battery measurement into sdcard - ok
- remote datalogger - ok
- battery charge log - ok
- set high power and low power lora settings -ok
- e harvester monitoring pin read and write to excel
- external vibration sensor - reuse existing - ok
- beacon 1 and 2 to be determined by sdcard setting - ok
- add date to error log - ok

-debug error occured when turned on unused pins as analog

-system failed to program or get into debug mode 2nd time

-optimization 1 have spi errors

known bugs:
- need to load twice for the flash memory to get the ID stored in
- <M> gets mumbled, probably simultaneos read and write - but could not find this

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