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Section 2 Cardiovascular Physiology

Cardiovascular physiology applied to critical

12 care and anesthesia

Nils Siegenthaler and Karim Bendjelid

perioperative setting and in intensive care. The

Introduction chapter was conceived primarily to provide up-to-
Hemodynamic management of the patient in a date information to anesthesiologists and intensivists
perioperative setting and especially in intensive care in order to be able to understand adequately meas-
is considered a cornerstone of patient treatment.1,2 ured hemodynamic parameters and to adapt the
Guidelines and protocols provide a standard basis therapy according to the pathophysiological state
for the management of such patients. However, of patients.
mastering the cardiovascular physiology, and identi-
fying the pathophysiological mechanisms and arche-
types involved, allow the clinician to manage each Hemodynamics and oxygenation
situation according to the specific characteristics of The “Pathway of oxygen,” described previously by the
the state of the patient. Moreover, implementation of Swiss biologist ER Weibel, successively combines a
hemodynamic monitoring at the bedside faces many system able to extract oxygen from the atmosphere
challenges. and eliminate CO2 produced by the cells, i.e., the
Monitoring devices and hemodynamic markers respiratory system. Then, the cardiovascular system
assessed at the bedside have evolved significantly over is charged to transport oxygen from the lungs to the
the last 30 years, resulting in the availability of a large tissues. Within the cells, cellular respiration will use the
variety of methods and procedures with specific fea- oxygen to produce adenosine triphosphate and other
tures and limitations. In the present setting, adequate high-energy compounds through aerobic metabolism.
use of these devices and machines requires a full The cardiovascular system can be separated into two
knowledge of the concepts used to obtain the meas- circulations, with specific characteristics, arranged in
ured parameters. Thus, in order to guide therapy, series. Macrocirculation, which includes the heart,
physician skills should be based on physiological con- arteries and veins, is responsible for the transport
cepts rather than on simple guidelines.3,4 Indeed, no of oxygen to the organs and for the transport of meta-
hemodynamic monitoring, per se, has been associated bolic wastes to their elimination sites. Microcirculation
with an improvement in patient survival5–9 unless includes arterioles, capillaries, and venules and ensures
integrated in an early and clinically relevant therapy.1 adequate and homogeneous perfusion of tissues. Even if
Finally, the habitually measured macrohemodynamic these two systems are arranged in series, the specificity
parameters may not always allow assessment of tissue of each system means there may be a situation where,
perfusion. Indeed, in some circumstances, macrocir- despite one part seeming to operate correctly, the other
culatory perfusion may be decoupled from microcir- one may be altered. This particular state, called macro-
culation perfusion, resulting in situations where, even microcirculatory decoupling, explains why in specific
if macrocirculatory parameters are adequate, tissue situations, signs of tissue hypoperfusion may persist
hypoperfusion may persist.10,11 despite normalization and optimization of macrohemo-
The objective of the present chapter is to describe dynamic parameters.11
the essential physiological mechanisms involved The hemodynamic goal of macrocirculation is to
in the hemodynamic management of patients in a generate an oxygenated blood flow (DO2). DO2 is

Perioperative Hemodynamic Monitoring and Goal Directed Therapy, ed. Maxime Cannesson and Rupert Pearse.
Published by Cambridge University Press. © Cambridge University Press 2014.

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Section 2: Cardiovascular Physiology

Critical DO2 Figure 12.1. The relationship between

total cellular consumption of oxygen
(VO2) and the O2 delivery (DO2). In the
supply independent zone, a decrease in
DO2 is compensated by an increase in O2
Oxygen consumption VO2

extraction, which preserves O2 cellular

Decrease the oxygen need without change in O2 consumption.
needs DO2/VO2 relationship
3 A further decrease in DO2, under the
2 critical point of DO2, could not be
compensated by an increase in O2
extraction, and thus will result in a
decrease in O2 cellular consumption. Two
Signs of cellular hypoxia therapeutic strategies can allow
Increase the oxygen
(lactate) the re-equilibration of DO2/VO2
relationship: a decrease in O2 needs or
an increase in DO2. (1) Low DO2/VO2
relationship indicating shock state. (2)
adequate DO2/VO2 relationship. (3) high
Oxygen delivery DO2 DO2/VO2 relationship representing
supra-physiologic resuscitation.

defined as the quantity of oxygen per unit of volume of elevation in the plasmatic concentration of lactate, or
blood (CaO2 ¼ [1.39 × Hb (g.liter 1)] × [SaO2 (%)] + signs of excessive extraction of oxygen (low venous
[(0.23 × PaO2 k Pa 1)]) debited at a rate equivalent blood saturation).
to the cardiac output (CO) in liters per minute (DO2 ¼ Equilibration of DO2/VO2 can be obtained by two
CO × CaO2). DO2 is adequate when the present value methods (Figure 12.1): a decrease in the oxygen
is equivalent to the metabolic oxygen requirement requirement (VO2) or an increase in the oxygen deliv-
(oxygen consumption: VO2). The relationship linking ery (DO2). First, VO2 depends mainly on cellular
DO2 to VO2 presents with two zones (Figure 12.1). metabolism, which may be increased by a rise in
Initially, a decrease in DO2 is compensated by an cellular metabolism (temperature or muscular activ-
increase in extraction of oxygen in order to maintain ity). In a critically ill patient, the respiratory cost of
the aerobic metabolism (zone of supply independ- spontaneous breathing may be important. Field et al.
ency). However, when DO2 decreases further, oxygen estimated the cost of breathing in a patient with
extraction may not be able to compensate for the cardiorespiratory disease to be about 24% of the
decrease in delivery (critical DO2 point) and cells VO2 total, but it may be higher in specific patients.13
suffer from a lack of oxygen, limiting their aerobic Therefore, respiratory support to decrease VO2 may
metabolism, which may result in cellular hypoxia, allow re-equilibration of the DO2/VO2 relationship
ischemia, lactate production, and lastly death (zone until DO2 improves. This concept is especially
of supply dependency) (Figure 12.1). Therefore, important in a patient where a refractory low cardiac
the goal of tissue resuscitation is to use any method output limits the DO2. For example, after a cardio-
possible to balance the relationship between DO2 pulmonary bypass, myocardial function may be tran-
and VO2. A therapeutic management that allows sitorily decreased, limiting DO2. In this case, the
achievement of a high DO2 value (far above VO2) increased cost of breathing during an early weaning
may also result in the situation of supraphysiologic of positive pressure ventilation can be associated with
oxygenation that has been demonstrated to be associ- a DO2/VO2 imbalance, resulting in cellular hypoxia.
ated with an excess of morbidity and mortality The second way to re-equilibrate DO2/VO2 is to
(Figure 12.1).12 The present concept of DO2/VO2 increase DO2 (Figure 12.2). The arterial oxygen
balance applies not only in a global shock state, but content, CaO2, can be optimized by increasing the
also in a situation where local perfusion is altered hemoglobin content or by raising the SaO2. The usual
(intracranial hypertension, cerebral vasospasm, mes- goal is to achieve a hemoglobin concentration
enteric ischemia, intra-abdominal compartment between 7.0 and 9.0 g/dL. SaO2 could be increased
syndrome). Imbalance between DO2/VO2 can be iden- by raising FiO2 or by improving the pulmonary gas
tified by the occurrence of signs of cellular hypoxia exchange (decreasing the pulmonary shunt [zones
(Figure 12.1): organ dysfunction (oliguria, confusion), with low ventilation/perfusion ratio]).

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Chapter 12: Critical care and anesthesia

Tissue oxygenation

Oxygen delivery consumption

Macrocirculatory oxygen delivery

DO2 Driving pressure

Upstream Compartment Downstream

CaO2 CO pressure pressure pressure

Hcrt SaO2 Systolic volume of ejection

Preload Inotropy Afterload

Figure 12.2. Hemodynamic determinants of tissue oxygenation. Tissue oxygenation is adequate when O2 delivery is equilibrated with O2
needs. O2 delivery is determined by the arterial content in oxygen (CaO2 × cardiac output (CO)). The main determinants of CaO2 are the
arterial mass in red cells (Hematocrit: Hcrt) and the O2 arterial hemoglobin saturation (SaO2). CO is determined by the stroke volume multiplied
by the heart rate. The value of preload, inotropy, and afterload influence stroke volume. A sufficient driving pressure across the tissue is
mandatory in order to maintain tissue perfusion. Driving pressure is determined by the upstream pressure (arterial pressure), the downstream
pressure (venous pressure), and the pressure around the tissue.

As optimization of DO2 by SaO2 and hemo- resistance and downstream pressure, maintaining
globin concentration is limited, CO is thus the an adequate perfusion pressure (blood flow ¼
main determinant of DO2 in a shock state. CO is perfusion pressure/resistance).
defined as the systolic volume (SV) of ejection Perfusion pressure, often called driving pressure,
(stroke volume: SV) multiplied by the heart rate depends on upstream pressure (aortic or postarteriolar
(CO (liter min 1) ¼ SV (liter) × HR (beat min 1)) pressure for the capillary circulation) and on down-
(Figure 12.2). The three main determinants of SV stream pressure (venous pressure) (Figure 12.3A). In
are ventricular preload, ventricular inotropy, and some cases (intracranial hypertension, abdominal
ventricular afterload (or aortic impedance in a pul- compartment syndrome, limb compartment syn-
satile system). Each of these determinants will be drome), pressure surrounding the tissue is higher
discussed separately in the next part of the chapter. than downstream vascular pressure. In this situation,
The second determinant of CO is heart rate. Heart similarly to a Starling resistor, the external pressure
rate must be high enough to ensure CO; however, will determine driving pressure and thus the flow
an increase in heart rate is at the expense of a across the tissue (Figure 12.3B). Flow can be main-
decreased duration of diastole, necessary to gener- tained by increasing the arterial pressure (thera-
ate enough preload, and is associated with an peutic hypertension) or by lowering the extramural
increase in myocardial work. Finally, even if a tissue pressure (decompressive craniectomy,
macrocirculatory oxygenated blood flow is gener- opening of the abdominal wall, draining excessive
ated (optimal DO2), it must be transmitted to abdominal fluid, fasciotomy). An increase in down-
arterial and tissue circulation. Therefore, arterial stream vascular pressure (high central venous pres-
pressure must be enough to overcome vascular sure) may also limit perfusion pressure and may

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Section 2: Cardiovascular Physiology

P2 P2

P1 P3 P1 P3

Upstream pressure
Upstream pressure Downstream pressure Downstream pressure

Tissue compartment
compartment pressure

Arteriolar vasoconstriction

P1 P2 P3 Partial P1 P3

Upstream pressure Downstream pressure

Upstream pressure Downstream pressure

Tissue Tissue
compartment compartment
pressure pressure

Figure 12.3. The main hemodynamic determinant of the driving pressure (i.e., pressure allowing perfusion of tissue). Upstream pressure
represents input arterial pressure and downstream pressure represents the outlet venous pressure. The tissue compartment pressure
represents the pressure around the tissue. In a normal situation (A) upstream pressure is higher than downstream pressure, that is higher than
the tissue compartment pressure resulting in a positive, driving pressure allowing tissue perfusion. When the tissue compartment pressure
increases (intracranial hypertension, abdominal compartment, etc.) at a value higher than downstream pressure, the pressure surrounding the
organ determines the flow across the tissue. In the case where the present pressure increases more than the upstream pressure, blood flow
across the tissue ceases. In various situations, such as venous congestion, increasing downstream pressure may also limit the blood flow across
the tissue, even if upstream pressure seems adequate (C). The upstream pressure of the capillaries lies next to the arteriolar site of
vasoconstriction. Therefore, when arteriolar vasoconstriction is excessive, even if arterial pressure may be high, upstream pressure determining
the driving pressure across capillaries may be low, resulting in a decreased tissue blood flow.

contribute to organ dysfunction (venous conges- of cardiomyocyte) before contraction. As this cannot
tion), as in the cardio-renal syndrome, for example be measured directly, clinicians may estimate pre-
(Figure 12.3C).14,15 Finally, even if the arterial pressure load either by volumetric indices or by ventricular
seems adequate, increasing arteriolar vasoconstriction filling pressure measurements. Since volumetric
induced by the use of vasopressors, for example, may indices may be better related with the degree of
be responsible for significant perfusion pressure stretch of the myocardium than with pressure, pre-
loss (Figure 12.3D). Consequently, postarteriolar pres- load can be defined as the ventricular end-diastolic
sure decreases, leading to a decrease in capillary perfu- volume.16
sion pressure, inducing tissue hypoperfusion. This The volume–pressure relationship depends on
mechanism (peripheral resistance-induced macro- the compliance of the cavity. Any change in ven-
microcirculatory decoupling) can be observed in the tricular compliance may change the measured pres-
distal limb of hypovolemic patients under high doses sure for the same volume. Therefore, a preload state
of norepinephrine. may be the same for different measured pressures.
Moreover, measured pressures reflect intra-cavitary
pressures and not the physiologically relevant trans-
mural pressures (transmural pressure ¼ intra-
Preload and venous return cavitary Pr –extra-mural Pr). As a result, no static
To improve SV, preload must be adequate. Excessive parameters (central venous pressure, pulmonary
preload, especially in cases of decreased ventricular artery occlusion pressure) allow accurate preload
compliance, however, may be associated with the estimations.
high ventricular pressure responsible for pulmonary The preload has two roles: to provide enough
and/or systemic congestion. Preload is defined as the fluid to be ejected and to recruit the force of con-
degree of tension of the cardiac muscle (stretching traction through the Frank–Starling mechanism.

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Chapter 12: Critical care and anesthesia

Preload dependency Preload independency

Stroke volume

Venous return

Preload (left ventricular end-diastolic volume)

Figure 12.4. Starling’s law of the heart. The relationship between 0 Right atrial pressure
ventricular preload and stroke volume determines the heart function
curve. The heart function curve can be separated in to two zones, Figure 12.5. The relationship between venous return and right
depending on the effect of change in preload on the stroke volume. atrial pressure (i.e., the downstream pressure or back pressure of
In the preload-dependent zone, an increase in preload will result in a venous return) at different values of mean systemic filling pressure
significant increase in stroke volume and thus in cardiac output. In (MSFP; representing the upstream pressure of venous return) and
the preload independent zone, a further increase in preload will no venous resistance (VR). At a fixed MSFP, venous return increases
longer result in a significant increase in stroke volume. when the right atrial pressure decreases until a negative venous
transmural pressure results in a venous collapse, limiting a further
increase in the venous return. At a constant resistance to the venous
The Frank–Starling law of the heart states that, over return (VR1), an increase in MSFP (MSFP1 to MSFP2) will result, at any
a specific range of preload, an increase in preload fixed value of right atrial pressure, in an increase in venous return. On
will result in an increase in ejection volume defining the other hand, at a fixed value of MSFP (MSFP1), a decrease in
venous resistance will result in a higher venous return for any fixed
a situation of preload dependency (Figure 12.4). value of right atrial pressure. Positive pressure ventilation with PEEP
Above a certain preload, the force of contraction will result in a right-ward shift in the venous return curve, limiting
cannot be increased. Over this range of preload, the return of blood to the heart.
any increase in preload will be associated with an
increase in ventricular pressure, with no increase This volume keeps the venous system open, but with-
in SV, defining a situation of preload independency. out pressure. Then, as the venous blood volume
In clinical practice, fluid infusion may improve the increases, the venous pressure will increase and
hemodynamic state only if the specific function of determine the stressed blood volume (i.e., venous
the heart is in a preload-dependent state. Otherwise, blood volume above the unstressed blood volume that
fluid infusion will result in fluid overload. For the is responsible for the generation of a positive venous
left heart, fluid overload and associated high ven- transmural pressure). Magder et al. suggested that the
tricular pressure can induce a rise in pulmonary stressed blood volume represents only a quarter of the
capillary pressure, resulting in pulmonary edema. total blood volume, providing a large reserve of
The amplitude of the increase in pressure depends unstressed blood volume.20 As soon as the stressed
on left ventricular compliance, therefore in a situ- blood volume generates a pressure above the down-
ation where the left ventricular (LV) compliance is ward pressure (right atrial pressure), the positive
low, as in LV diastolic dysfunction (acute ischemia, pressure gradient generates a flow: the venous return.
ventricular hypertrophy) a rise in LV end-diastolic The venous return is thus determined by the
pressure could be significant. Therefore, with low pressure difference (driving pressure of the venous
LV compliance, the optimal range of ventricular return) between upstream pressure (mean systemic
volume is also narrow. filling pressure: MSFP) and downstream pressure
Ventricular preload is generated by the venous (right atrial pressure [RAP]) and can be described
return to the heart.17–19 The venous compartment by the equation: Venous return ¼ (MSFP – RAP) /
contains a large fraction of the total systemic Venous resistance (Figure 12.5). Venous return will
blood volume (70%). The part of this volume then increase if MSFP increases for a constant RAP
that did not contribute to pressure generation is and venous resistance, or if RAP decreases with a
called the unstressed blood volume (i.e., venous blood constant MSFP and venous resistance. However, if
volume at a venous transmural pressure near zero). RAP decreases under a critical pressure (close to the

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Section 2: Cardiovascular Physiology

extramural pressure), the transmural pressure (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) or by extrinsic factors

becomes negative, leading to the collapse of the vein, (pericardial restriction, cardiac tamponade, or lung
limiting the flow of the venous return. This phenom- hyperinflation). Duration of the diastole and the
enon of flow limitation may protect the heart contribution of the atrial contraction (30%–40% of
from excessive venous return (excessive ventricular the filling) to ventricular filling may then limit gener-
preload) when the patient generates very low pleural ation of the preload.22
pressure, for example, during high inspiratory effort. Assessment of the preload and especially the preload
As pressure and volume are linked by compliance, dependency–independency state is difficult. The static
MSFP pressure may increase as a consequence of preload parameters (central venous pressure or pul-
two interventions: an increase in volume, such as monary artery occlusion pressure) that are influenced
during fluid expansion, for a constant venous compli- by various physiological parameters (volume, compli-
ance, or by a decrease in venous compliance with a ance, heart function, or extramural pressure), do not
constant volume, such as following venoconstriction.21 allow adequate prediction of fluid responsiveness.23,24
Fluid loading increases the stressed blood volume with- The dynamic parameters (pulse pressure variation
out impacting on the unstressed blood volume, while [PPV] or stroke volume variation) are better indices as
venoconstriction contributes unstressed blood toward they are based on the influence of cardiopulmonary
the stressed blood volume. At the bedside, clinicians interactions, which are amplified in a state of preload
may thus increase venous return, and consequently dependency (see heart–lung interactions).
ventricular preload, by infusing fluid or by inducing
venoconstriction (phenylephrine, norepinephrine).
Fluid infusion may be more efficient, as the second Inotropy (contractility)
determinant of venous return, apart from the driving The second determinant of stroke volume, cardiac ino-
pressure, is the venous resistance (Figure 12.5). tropy, refers to the intrinsic ability of the myocardial
For any driving pressure, venous return decreases muscle to change its generation of force indepen-
when venous resistance increases. Fluid infusion dently of the preload. Inotropy can be described
increases the diameter of the vein and thus reduces the in various terms: in terms of a length–tension relation-
venous resistance, while the impact of venoconstriction ship (Frank–Starling curves: as an increase in tension
on venous resistance is difficult to predict (there are for a determined length [preload]); as the maximal
different effects on large veins from those on venules). force generated at any ventricular volume (end-systolic
Various situations may increase the venous resistance pressure–volume relationship); in terms of a force
to flow. For instance, an increased intra-abdominal (afterload)–velocity (of muscle shortening) relation-
pressure (abdominal compartment syndrome, preg- ship; as an increase in velocity of shortening at zero
nancy) may limit venous return, despite an insufficient force (Vmax); or as an increase in the rate of pressure
increase in MSFP. This situation may result in a generation that can be estimated by the ratio of pressure
preload-dependent decrease in cardiac output that change (dP) over a period of time (dt) : dP/dt.
would not necessarily respond to fluid infusion or With a constant value of preload and afterload, the
venoconstriction, but that would dramatically improve consequence of a variation in inotropy is a change in
after freeing up the abdominal constraint (opening stroke volume. When inotropy decreases, the Frank–
the abdominal wall or draining the cavity). Starling curve is shifted downward and to the right,
Generation of the ventricular preload is mainly resulting in decreased stroke volume, increased end-
determined by the diastolic phase of the heart cycle diastolic volume, and increased end-diastolic pressure
(relaxation phase), and a normal heart filling is almost (Figure 12.6). The amplitude of the increase in end-
completed at early diastole. However, in situations diastolic pressure depends on the ventricular compli-
characterized by an alteration of the relaxation phase ance. In terms of preload, a decrease in inotropy may
(diastolic failure), filling needs time, and occurs thus transform a state of preload dependency into a
during the entire diastole. Therefore, any factor that state of preload independency. Conversely, an
would decrease the capacity of the ventricle to fill may increase in inotropy will results in increased stroke
be associated with a limitation in preload generation. volume, decreased end-diastolic volume, and
This situation may occur when ventricular compli- decreased pressure. Usually, this change in preload
ance is decreased by intrinsic change of the ventricle can be observed at the bedside after initiation of

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Chapter 12: Critical care and anesthesia

inhibition of intracellular cAMP corrosion by the

Normal inhibition of phosphodiesterase III (Milrinone), or by
an improvement in the efficiency of myofilament con-
Stroke volume

traction (calcium sensitizers). Although they allow an

1 Inotrope acute increase in the force of contraction, catechol-
inotropy amines may also lead, in excess, to stress cardiomyop-
athy, resulting in a decrease in heart function. Increased
sensibility to circulating catecholamines at the apex
of the heart may explain the geometric characteristics
of takotsubo cardiomyopathy.27,28
Preload (left ventricular end-diastolic volume)

Figure 12.6. Relationship between ventricular preload and stroke Afterload

volume whatever the contractility. As ventricular contractility
(inotropy) decreases, the heart function curve is shifted right and
The afterload is the tension developed by the ventricle
downwards (1 to 2) resulting in a decrease in stroke volume and an during ejection and can be considered as the load
increase in left ventricular end-diastolic volume. Inotropic drugs may (impedance in a pulsatile system) against which the
improve stoke volume, while decreasing left ventricular end-diastolic
volume and thus ventricular pressure as the heart function curve
heart must contract in order to open the aortic valve
returns toward the baseline. and promote forward flow (blood ejection). The end-
systolic ventricular pressure defines this parameter.16
Afterload can be described, according to Laplace’s
inotropes that induces a decrease in central venous
law, as the repeated instantaneous wall stress of the
pressure or pulmonary artery occlusion pressure. The
ventricles, ventricular wall stress being wall tension
present paradigm explains why a fixed static value of
(ventricular pressure × ventricular radius, during
central venous pressure or pulmonary artery occlu-
ejection) divided by wall thickness. Thus, afterload
sion pressure is not able to accurately estimate fluid
integrates various parameters: ventricular structure,
ventricular function, impedance, and resistance to
Myocardial contraction is related to actin–myosin
the ejection. This last component, when aortic or
interaction, facilitated by calcium (Ca2+) binding to
pulmonary valve or outflow tract are normal, is
troponin C and ATP. To maintain or improve
mainly determined by the characteristics of the
inotropy, first, oxygen delivery must be adapted to
arteries (systemic or pulmonary arterial load). To
the cellular needs. Unlike other organs, the myocar-
maintain the same ejection, an increase in afterload
dium has a low reserve of oxygen extraction that can
will be associated with an increase in the myocardial
compensate for a decrease in oxygen supply. (Oxygen
work. If the ventricle is unable to generate enough
extraction of the left ventricular myocardium is close
work, the volume of ejection will decrease, resulting
to 75% at rest.) The myocardium must thus depend on
in a reduction of the cardiac output and an increase
an increase in coronary blood flow to meet increased
in ventricular volume (Figure 12.7).
metabolic demand. Coronary perfusion must then
Afterload must then be maintained as low as
be maintained and the coronary flow reserve (the
possible, especially in situations with a decreased
difference between resting and maximal coronary
contractility and for the right ventricle. However, a
blood flow) must be adequate, otherwise the force of
certain amount of aortic pressure is mandatory for
contraction may be limited. If hypoxia persists, cellular
maintaining coronary perfusion and the driving
ischemia will ensue, inducing transitory or definitive
pressure of organ perfusion. Therefore, in cases where
loss of cardiac cells and myocardial function.25,26
an afterload value cannot be tolerated, mechanical
Before stimulating the myocardium with inotropes,
assistance (intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, ven-
it is therefore essential that the coronary flow reserve
tricular assistance, etc. . .) may be required.
can meet the increased demand in oxygen by the
myocardium. Once myocardial oxygen delivery has
been confirmed, inotropic stimulation may be used. Specificity of the right ventricle
Inotropes increase contractility by different pathways: The right ventricle (RV) differs from the left ventricle
by stimulation of beta-adrenergic receptors – subtype 1 (LV) in various ways and can be considered to be a
(dopamine, dobutamine, isoprenaline, adrenalin), high-volume-low-pressure pump (volume primed but

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Section 2: Cardiovascular Physiology

Right ventricle Left ventricle resistance.34 Both of these effects result in a decrease
in venous return, ventricular preload, and thus right
ventricular stroke volume,32,35 but can be limited
Stroke volume

by a simultaneous increase in mean systemic filling
pressure (the input pressure of the venous return),
maintaining the venous return. This adaptation to
inotropy increased intrathoracic pressure (PEEP) is mediated
through neurohumoral36 and mechanical factors,37
but may be blunted during hypovolemia. This
explains why PEEP may induce a significant decrease
in cardiac output in hypovolemic patients that
Figure 12.7. Influence of afterload on right- and left-ventricular generally improves after fluid replacement. It must
stroke volume. On the left side of the heart, the stroke volume
of a normal left ventricle is influenced only at high afterload, as be noted that severe lung inflation may induce a
ventricular work reserve is high. However, at decreased left progressive compression of the heart, resulting in a
ventricular contractility (decreased inotropy), stroke work reserve restriction of ventricular diastolic filling.38
may not allow compensation for an increase in afterload and may
result in a decrease in stroke volume. Unlike the left ventricle,
due to anatomical structural and geometrical factors the right
ventricle does not tolerate any further increases in afterload.
Influence of static heart–lung interactions
on afterload
pressure unprepared). The RV is thinner (one-sixth of During the inspiration phase of positive pressure
the LV), decreasing its capacity of force generation. ventilation, the aortic transmural pressure decreases
Its geometry is crescent-shaped, lying on the LV and (increase in pleural pressure), reducing the left ven-
it contracts inward, longitudinally, and by traction tricular afterload and favoring ejection. This effect
on the free wall, resulting in greater longitudinal than can be especially beneficial in the presence of left
radial shortening. As the RV lies on, and is bound ventricular heart failure. Conversely, during spontan-
to, the LV through the septum, its contractility is eous respiration, the decrease in pleural pressure will
partly generated by the LV.29 Unlike the LV, the RV result in an increase in left ventricular afterload
is highly sensitive to afterload, relying on preload and (increase in aortic transmural pressure), imposing a
force of contraction (Figure 12.7). Moreover, the RV greater load on the LV.
is excessively preload sensitive allowing it to recruit The effect of heart–lung interaction on the right
a force of contraction through the Frank–Starling ventricle is different. As the lung volume increases
mechanism. However, volume overload of the RV above its functional residual capacity, in spontaneous
may result in right–left ventricular interaction, or positive pressure ventilation, the pulmonary
impairing left ventricular diastolic function.30,31 arterial resistance increases due to the compression
of the vascular bed (capillaries) by the expanding lung
Heart–lung interactions (increase in lung West zones I and II at the expense
It is essential to understand heart–lung interactions in of zone III).39
order to understand hemodynamic interactions in
patients under mechanical ventilation and during the Cyclic influence of mechanical ventilation
assessment of dynamic parameters of preload.32,33
on the hemodynamic state
Influence of static heart–lung interactions First, as already stated, on the right side, a positive
intrathoracic pressure is responsible for an increase
on preload in right atrial pressure and an increase in venous resist-
A stable increase in intrathoracic pressure (PEEP) has ance to the venous flow, resulting in a decrease in
multiple influences. First, pressure may be transmit- venous return. Second, as the expanding lung
ted to the right atrium, resulting in a decrease in volume increases the right ventricular afterload, right
the pressure gradient of venous return. Second, the ventricular ejection decreases, resulting in a decrease in
influence of intrathoracic pressure on venous return transpulmonary blood flow. This limits the left ven-
may be amplified through an increase in venous tricular preload, which may decrease further in the case

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Chapter 12: Critical care and anesthesia

of right ventricular volume or pressure overload (septal Considering the weaning of positive pressure
shift to the left compresses the LV and limits its diastolic ventilation, two factors therefore seem important:
expansion, decreasing LV compliance). After a few heart function must be recovered and fluid overload
heartbeats, corresponding to the pulmonary vascular avoided. Positive pressure ventilation decreases the
transit time, the left ventricular preload decreases, oxygen requirement from the respiratory muscles
with a concomitant decrease in LV stroke volume. and supports the heart, assisting systolic function
The relative increase in venous return on the right and limiting venous return. Thus weaning failure
side during expiration results in an increase in left may be due to the inability of the hemodynamic
ventricular preload and SV a few heartbeats later, system to support the new physiology and maintain
during the mechanical breath. Moreover, at inspiration, oxygen supply to the organs. First, heart function
the increase in transpulmonary pressure (Palv > Ppl) must have recovered sufficiently to support the
expands lung volume and may “squeeze” the capillaries, decreased assistance of the LV by positive intrathor-
recruiting lung blood and resulting in an early and acic pressure. An apparent imbalance DO2/VO2
transitory increase in the left ventricular preload.40 during weaning, representing an inability of the heart
At the same time, due to the increase in pleural pres- to ensure the increased oxygen demand, can be
sure, the left ventricular afterload decreases, resulting assessed by various means, for example, by the trend
in an increase in LV stroke volume. of central venous blood saturation.42 Second, as
Various factors may affect these heart–lung positive pressure limits the venous return and thus
interactions during positive pressure ventilation. In protects the heart (Figure 12.5), any excess circulating
hypovolemia, resulting in a state of preload depend- blood volume must be avoided before weaning of
ency, the amplitude of the variation of left ventricular positive pressure ventilation. An increase in ventricu-
ejection increases with ventilation. When there is lar pressure (pulmonary artery occlusion pressure,
spontaneous respiration during positive pressure for example) during weaning may indicate an inad-
ventilation, as pleural pressure and alveolar pressure equacy between the increase in venous return and
are influenced by movable respiratory rate and the heart function.43
spontaneous effort, cardiopulmonary interactions Dynamic cardiopulmonary interactions may
described may be unpredictable. The tidal volume also be used to determine the physiologic state
also influences the importance of cardiopulmonary of the hemodynamic system. Dynamic indices of
interaction, particularly because of the influence of preload, used to predict a state of preload depend-
lung volume on transpulmonary pressure. ency, originate from these interactions. Among the
Cardiopulmonary interactions may be used to dynamic indices, pulse pressure variation is widely
treat patients. For example, the physiological man- used (Figure 12.8). The origin of pulse pressure
agement of pulmonary edema is determined by variation is related to cyclic perturbation of the car-
the relation between the left ventricular volume and diovascular system by the respiratory system. The
compliance. An elevated left ventricular pressure perturbator (respiratory system) increases or
induces a postcapillary pulmonary vascular hyper- decreases the LV volume of ejection as discussed
tension responsible for initial interstitial edema. previously. However, to be clinically relevant, the
Left ventricular pressure rises as ventricular present perturbation must be sufficient (enough
volume increases and/or as ventricular compliance tidal volume [> 6 mL/kg], stable chest compliance,
decreases. Therefore, in clinical practice, the treat- stable transmission of pressure), unperturbed with
ment of pulmonary edema consists of reducing constant respiratory cycles (no spontaneous respir-
ventricular pressure essentially by a decrease in the ation), and a stable cardiovascular system (regular
end-diastolic volume (preload). This can be achieved cardiac rhythm).
by decreasing venous return through increasing
venous compliance with venodilatators, a decrease From macrocirculation to
in blood volume (diuretics), or by positive pressure
ventilation (decreasing venous return to the LV). microcirculation
Moreover, the left ventricular volume can be Microcirculation is the “vital” part of the cardiovas-
decreased by increasing left ventricular ejection cular system, consisting of a network of small vessels
through decreasing afterload.41 (5–200 μm) including arterioles, capillaries, and

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Section 2: Cardiovascular Physiology

Expiration Inspiration Expiratory pause

Arterial pressure




Pulmonary transit time Pulmonary transit time

End-inspiration End-expiration
(Positive pressure (Positive pressure
ventilation) ventilation)

Figure 12.8. Arterial pressure variations during positive pressure ventilation without spontaneous effort. Due to cardiopulmonary
interactions, inspiration induces a decrease in right ventricular stroke volume, due to a decrease in venous return and an increase in right
ventricular afterload. After a few heart beats (pulmonary transit time), the present decrease affects the left ventricular filling and stroke volume.
The pulse pressure (PP) represents the difference between systolic and diastolic arterial pressure. Pulse pressure is maximal (PPmax) a few
heart beats after the end of expiration and lower (PPmin) a few heart beats after inspiration. The difference between maximal and minimal
pulse pressure determines the pulse pressure variation (PPv). The difference between maximal and minimal systolic pressure define the
systolic pressure variation (SPV) that comprises two values (∆Up and ∆Down), according to the reference value of systolic arterial pressure
(PPref) obtained after an expiratory pause.

venules.11 Its function resides in the regulation of macrocirculatory pressure, but it may also be associ-
exchanges between blood flow and tissue. Therefore, ated with a paradoxical reduction in the capillary
its anatomical and functional integrity is essential bed perfusion pressure, due to the loss of pressure in
to assure cellular oxygenation. the highly resistant arteriolar vascular network.44
Microcirculatory perfusion is determined by
macrocirculatory parameters (arterial blood pressure,
viscosity, DO2) and by specific microcirculatory Conclusions
parameters. In various situations, microcirculatory In summary, the key to treating the changes that
perfusion may be decoupled from macrocirculatory occur in a patient’s cardiovascular status is under-
parameters. During septic shock, for example, tissue standing the underlying physiology and how this
hypoperfusion may persist, despite normal macro- has been disturbed. When applied to anesthesia and
circulatory parameters. Consequently, in some cases, critical care, cardiovascular physiology provides
commonly measured macrocirulatory parameters paradigms and knowledge that could be used to
may not allow prediction of tissue perfusion. Various treat patients and to improve their critical state on a
mechanisms contribute to changes in microvascular daily basis. Recently, great progress was made in
perfusion: perfusion pressure, rheological factors, and perioperative hemodynamic monitoring and goal
alteration of the microcirculation autoregulation. directed therapy for these kinds of patients, with a
Considering capillary perfusion pressure, the input primary focus on concepts and algorithms able to
pressure of the capillary bed resides in the vascular assess cardiovascular integration and tissue resusci-
pressure next to the arteriole, which is the main site tation. At the beginning of the new millennium, this
of vasoconstriction and resistance (capillaries are evolution is an important indicator, highlighting
devoid of muscular tissue). Therefore, an increased the major shift of hemodynamic monitoring toward
arteriolar vasoconstriction results in an increase in a pragmatic approach.

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Chapter 12: Critical care and anesthesia

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