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Centre de Spectrom~Ctne NucMatre et de Spectrom~tne de
Masse du C N R S., 91 Orsay, France

lnstitut d'OptTque Electromque du C N R S, 31 Toulouse, France

Centre de Spectrom~trte Nucl~atre et de Spectrom~trw de
Masse du C N R S , 91 Orsay, France
Also :Laboratory for Space Physics, Washington Umverstty,
St Louis, Mtssourt, USA

Recewed 29 June 1970

Revised versmn received 21 October 1970

Some habit and texture features of the freest and uncrushed grams m the lunar dust samples 10084 and 12070,
were stuched wlth the 1 MeV electron microscope of the lnstatut d'Opttque Electromque du C.N.R S., Toulouse,
France These features were then compared wath those observed m broken fragments extracted either from lu_nax
rocks 10047 and 12063 or from different types of meteorites (Orgued, Pesyanoe, Shergotty) The f'mest fraclaon or"
the Apollo 11 lunar soft samples is constituted of about 80% of well ordered but rounded crystals whleh am .fre-
quently overhud by a tlun skin of amorphous matertal. In the Apollo 12 sod the grams are coarser, the fravt~a,ao f
crystalhne matenal is higher (%90%) and the proportion of crystals shovang an amorphous skin is smaller, bu~tboth
lunar sod samples are very ¢hfferent from meteontac or lunar rock matter. Some Implications of the present results
concerning the fabnc of the finest fractmn of the lunar regohth, the ancient solar wind and meteoritic ~search are
briefly outlined.

1. Introduction b y solar wind particles, and also subjected to various

types o f dynamic processes, such as meteoritic Im-
It Is k n o w n [1,2] that habit and texture stu&es o f pacts. As a result various forms o f lattice dtsorders
well dispersed materials can provade mformataons should be stored m such samples and their habits and
concerning their fabric. In parucular texture features textures should reflect their complex history m the
such as the d~stortion present in the electron or planet regolith.
X-ray diffraction patterns o f natural samples have 8 0 0 , 2 0 0 and 100 keV transmission electron
already been used to obtain reformation about the microscope studies have been reported [ 6 - 1 1 ] for
disordering processes acting dunng their formaUon grains extracted from the Apollo 11 lunar sod and
and subsequent history [ 3 - 5 ] . from lunar rocks. These stu&es have been generally
Samples from the surface o f atmosphereless and Itmlted to the analysis o f exsolutlon lamellae present
magnetic field free planets hke the Moon - and pos- m lunar pyroxenes and have gwen evidence for a fast
sibly the parent b o d y o f gas-rich meteorites - have cooling history o f these crystals and for disordering
been lrradmted by solar and galactic cosmic rays, and processes probably not related to the lrradaatlon
history o f the lunar sod.
392 J.C.DRAN et al.

In the present work we studied some hahit and substrate containing microscopic holes (Fukaml-
texture features of the Apollo 11 and 12 uncrushed Adachi type substrate). As they were coarser and
dust grams by high voltage electron rmcroscopy, with opaque to the beam the crystals extracted from lunar
the hope of f'mdlng some characteristic signature of or meteormc rocks were crushed before being also
the dynamic processes acting m the lunar regolith and "dry" deposited.
evidence for the exposure of the grams m different The samples were examined with the 1 MeV elec-
types of solar radiations. tron microscope of the InstltUt d'Optlque Electro-
We saved a tremendous amount of machine time tuque du C.N.R.S., Toulouse. Generally dark field
by not studymg m detad exsolutmn lameUae and not and bright field observations and electron dlffractmn
indexing our great number ('x,300) of electron dif- patterns were made as soon as possible after the intro-
fracUon patterns. This declsmn was made because we duction of the grain m the microscope, with a beam
were using the diffraction patterns almost exclusively as intensity smaller than 0.2/aA. But we examined occa-
"scahng" dewces to estimate the relatwe abundances smnaUy the influences of both the beam intensity (up
of amorphous matenal and well crystallized and high- to 2/aA) and the duratmn of the observation (up to
ly disordered crystalline grams m the finest fractmn 2 hr) on the appearance and stahihty of some of the
of both lunar soil samples, and because the study of most striking habit and texture features of the grains
exsolutmn lamellae only gwes a crude classification of
pyroxene grams m groups of related coohng histories. 2 2. Experimental results
We then compared the lunar soft results to those Our habit and texture studies are summanzed m
obtained from the study of small crushed crystals figs 1 - 6 of this paper where we show the lugh volt.
extracted from various types of meteorites and from age electron mlcrographs and electron diffraction
the surfaces of lunar rocks 10047, 12063. Such com- patterns of the Apollo 11 and 12 uncrushed lunar soil
parisons were made in order to get both a better grains (figs 1 - 3 ) and those of broken fragments ex-
understanding of the fabric of the finest lunar soil tracted from the following meteorites PesyardSe
grains and some clues concerning the tustory of (fig. 4), Shergotty (fig. 5), and Orgued (fig. 6). In
meteoritic matter considered e~ther as primltwe addmon, several high voltage electron mlcrographs of
(Orgued) or extremely enriched m solar type rare gas individual grams from the Apollo 11 and 12 sods can
(Pesyanoe). be examined in figs. 1-5 of another paper [12] for a
more detailed comparison of lunar and meteoritic
matter, in that paper the Apollo 12 grams were
2 Experimental Methods and Results crushed. We analyzed about 100 individual grains for
each lunar sod sample, •50 grams for each lunar rock
2.1. Experimental methods but only * 1 0 grams for each meteormc sample
Lunar fines from the Apollo 11 and 12 mlssmns - Therefore the conclusmns concerning meteoritic mat-
samples 10084 and 12070 - and small surface chips ter have to be considered as very prehmmary.
from lunar rocks 10047 and 12063 were provided by
NASA. Small fragments from the type I carbonaceous 2.2.1. Lunar fine samples 10084 and 12070
chondnte Orgued, from the solar type gas-rich In the Apollo 11 dust, the crystalhne component
Pesyanoe enstatlte achondnte and from the Shergotty represents approxamatwely 80% of the material and
eucnte were obtained from B. Mason (U.S. National has the following striking charactensucs.
Museum, Washington D C.). (1) The gram hahits are generally very homoge-
The preparatmn techmques apphed to the samples neously rounded (dark grams m fig. 1),
differ from those described m a previous paper [12] (2) In dark field observation an tmportant fraction
concerning the nuclear particle track content of the of the grams (%50%) appear to be surrounded with a
same lunar sod grams The finest fractions of the superficial layer of about 1000 A m thickness. We
lunar soft samples were still separated by using a verified that these layers, also observed m the Apol-
400 Mesh sieve but they were directly "dry" depos- lo 12 grams, were made of amorphous material by
ited with a platinum loop on a new parloldion-carbon moving the selecuon diaphragm over the grains and

0 ~ I~- c~ ~

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394 J.C.DRAN et al.

Fig. 3. Dark field mlcrograph of an amorphous gram of the Apollo 11 lunar soft. This
gram was examined with a contrast screen and is beautifully rounded.

Fig. 4. Bright field mlcrograph of a crystalline gram extracted from a dark part o f the
gas-rich Pesyanoe meteorite.

Fig 5 Dark field mtcrograph of a crystalhne graan from the shocked Shergotty meteor-
lte. Abundant texture features are visible m almost each individual grmn
396 J.C.DRAN et al.

.... 11£

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Fig. 6 Bright field nucrograph of the fine grained matter extracted from Orgued by a gentle crushing In the lower part
of this picture magmfied views of the dark and bright field observations of spherule a have been reported m b and a'
with the corresponding electron chffractlon pattern m c. This pattern mdlcates that the spherule is probably a ctrcular
magnetite platelet. No latent track can be observed m the good dark field mlcrograph c which shows a comphcated
growth pattern for the platelet

observing that the electrons were no more diffracted contamination or a ra&atlon damage layer* (the lack
when the selected diffracting area (of about 1000 A of any combined effect o f I b and T is Illustrated m
m &ameter) was chosen in the dark superficial hnlng. fig. 2 where we show two mlcrographs A and B o f the
Such an amorphous skin and the corresponding elec- same gram taken with the following values for I b and
tron diffraction patterns are shown m fig. 2, for an T. fig. 2A Ibm<0 1/.tA, T%20 seconds, fig. 2B.
Apollo 12 grmn, which was simultaneously stu&ed Ib = 0.5/aA, T = 30 minutes, (3) its thickness or ap-
for other purposes described m paragraph (3), pearance showed no dlscontmmty when the observed
(3) The dlffracUon patterns when taken below the grmns suddenly stopped being supported by the
amorphous skin, show a good ordenng o f the gram Fukami-Adactu substrate, this fact excludes any com-
lattices; thus the proportion of tughly &sordered phcated shadowing effect for the skin ongln, due for
crystalhne material is remarkably small m tlus sample, example to the deposttlon o f gram matter on the
(4) A very lugh proportion o f the crystalhne grains substrate
('x,90%) contain very high densities o f nuclear particle Some a d d m o n a t observations relevant to the origin
tracks perhaps produced - as suggested m another o f the skin were made
paper [12] - by a flux of cosmic nuclear particles (1) The skin was still observed unchanged after an
with energies mtermedmte between those o f the solar annealing of 1 hour, at 800°C m mr followed by a
wind nuclei and those o f the solar flare cosmic rays very rapid transfer o f the grains In the microscope
It should be pointed out that the highest track densi- column, this observation seems to rule out the skin as
ties (~> 101 l tracks/cm 2) were always observed m a reaction layer produced by an atmospheric com-
grmns showing an amorphous skin ponent with the grams, and ln&cates that the skin
The non crystalhne component representing the matter Is n o t made o f pure glass because after this
remmnlng 2 0 0 fraction in sample 10084 is totally annealing experiment we have not found any spherule
amorphous and consists of very ttun lamellae which or glass lamella m the 400 Mesh residue,
are either vet . . . . ~ular (hght gram m fig. 1) or very (2) It disappeared completely after 1 minute of
homo~p .,~ly rounded hke the crystalline grams etching m a mixture of acids (2 parts HF 40%, 1 part
( ~ -,). SO4H2 80%, 4 parts water) at 25°C, such etching
Some o f the characteristics of the finest fraction condltLons generally remove layers of about several
of the Apollo 12 soil were different from those o f the 1000 A in thickness m slhcate material and this ex-
Apollo 11 sod In the Apollo 12 dust sample the periment shows that the skin is superficmlly located
proportion o f crystalhne material was higher ( ~ 9 0 % ) in the grams
and that of crystalhne grams showing an amorphous
skin was smaller ( ~ 2 0 0 ) . Furthermore the grams 2 2 2 Lunar and meteoritic rocks
were coarser and for unknown reasons, the nuclear Texture features such as exsolutlon lamellae, stria-
particle track distributions were more contrasted and tions, mlcrocracklngs were much more frequent in
easier to observe in the Apollo 12 material crystals extracted from the surface of lunar rocks
In the discussion we shall explain how the amorph- 10047 and 12063, but no amorphous edge with tugh
ous skin could be used as a tracer to study the past track densities below was observed
activity o f the Sun. But for such a purpose it is neces- The grains constituting the dark parts o f solar type
sary for this skin to be formed on the Moon and not gas-rich meteorites are considered by several lnvestlga-
m the microscope as a result of the interaction be-
tween the electron beam and the grains A beam on- * The degradation of insulator grams [ 13] and the very quick
gm for the skin is ruled out by the following evi- fading of latent nuclear particle tracks 114] in silicate
dences, (1) the skin was never observed on crushed minerals occur frequently at 100 keV and these effects are
generally attributed to the Ionization produced by the elec-
fragments extracted from lunar or meteoritic rocks,
trons m the samples That they are not observed at 1 MeV
(2) its thickness and appearance did not vary when Is not surpnsmg m view of the marked decrease m the
the beam intensity, Ib, was increased by a factor of lomzatlon energy losses of the electrons and the much
10 or when the duration of observation, T, was ex- lower beam intensity re~tulred to make similar observations
tended up to 2 hours, therefore the skin cannot be a with the 1 MeV microscope
398 J C.DRANet al.

tors to have been mdtwdually xrradlated m the an- regohth is very different from those fornung the
clent solar wind [15] and solar flare cosmic rays grams extracted from a prlrmtwe meteorite (Orgued),
[ 16,17]. In grams extracted from a dark part of a a solar type gas-rich meteorite (Pesyanoe) or a
typical member of tlus class of meteontes (Pesyanoe) shocked meteorite (Shergotty) because this fraction,
we observed no amorphous fraction and no gradual contrary to meteontlc matter, seems to consist of 2
disordering of the crystals. The angular habits (fig. 4) dlstmct components wluch are a totally amorphous
were similar to those of fragments obtamed from the fraction and a component of rounded crystalhne
crushing of large single crystals No amorphous edge grams showing no tendency for a gradual amorphlza-
with nuclear particle tracks below was ldentlfied m tlon These grams are frequently homogeneously
the crystalhne grams. rounded and covered by a ttun skin of amorphous
Shergotty Is generally considered as a good exam- matter and loaded with very tugh densities of nuclear
ple of a shocked meteorite [18] We observed that particle tracks
the material extracted from th~s meteorite was ex- Furthermore m the smallest grams of the lunar sod
tremely different from the lunar soil grams and the the exsolut~on lamellae and other stnatlon and micro-
Pesyanoe material. An Important fraction ('x,50%) of cracking features were apparently less frequent than
the grams was amorphous and a gradual dlsordenng those observed by us and other investigators [6-11 ]
of the crystalhne component was observed, however in coarser lunar rock crystals, in particular m those
no amorphous edge or track was present m the grams. examined with a 800 keV electron microscope, after
Furthermore abundant texture features, rarely found an ion bombardment ttunnmg of the crystals [6]
m the lunar fine and Pesyanoe materials were ob- This observation could be added to other ewdence -
served m almost each mdwldual gram chosen at such as the 3- to 100-fold enrichment of the lunar soil
random (fig. 5) m Ir, Au, Zn, Cd, Ag, Br, B1 and T1 relatwe to type A,
The Orguefl meteorite is often described as a very B rocks reported by Keays et al [21 ] - to argue that
pnmmve object [19] The material extracted by an important fraction of the lunar soil did not origi-
gentle crushing from this meteorite (fig 6) was nate from the rocks imbedded m it presently
markedly different from the Apollo 11 and 12 dust The finest grams of the lunar regohth were proba-
graans as well as from the Pesyanoe and Shergotty bly produced by an erosion mechamsm releasing mat-
matter (a) the proportion of amorphous material was ter from rocks by a flaking off process perhaps trig-
even more important ('x,90%) than m Shergotty. gered by mlcrometeonte impacts as suggested by
However the abundant texture features observed m Gault [22]. Such a process can m pnnclple produce
the Shergotty grams were almost absent m the an amorphous fraction but also well crystalhzed and
Orguell material, (b) the habits of the amorphous tughly disordered crystalhne materials Then the
fraction were frequently similar to those of "fibrous" astomshingly small proportion of htghly disordered
material, (c) no crystalhne gram with an amorphous crystals observed m the present work should help to
edge and latent tracks below was found in Orguell, fix some of the input parameters (such as the charac-
(d) small crystalhne spherules were frequently ob- teristics of the ancient mlcrometeonte fluxes) m
served The mdexatlon of the electron diffraction Gault's theory.
pattern of the spherule shown m fig. 6 lnchcated a Immediately after their release m the lunar soft the
cubic lattice stmdar to that of magnetite Therefore grains probably had angular habits hmlted by cleavage
these spherules are probably circular magnetite plate- or fracture surfaces. Then they should have been
lets of a type already discovered by Jedwab with an processed by a second erosmn mechamsm hawng the
optical microscope [20]. No spherule with dmmeter stnklng capabilities of homogeneously rounding the
smaller than 3000 A was observed. gram habits and covenng their external surface with a
skin of amorphous material without introducing any
3 Discussion of the results measurable amount of lattice disorder below the skin.
It is difficult to admit that these erosion features
3 1 Fabrw o f the lunar sod grams observed m grains of about 1 micron m size are due
The fabric of the finest fraction of the lunar to mlcrometeonte tmpacts, or to microcracklng In-

duced by thermal shocks produced during the lunar 3 3. Meteorttw research

thermal cycle A more hkely process is perhaps the The first solar type gas-rich meteorite grams we
lmplantatton of solar wind Ions in small grains which examined looked very different from the lunar soil
are rolling over the Moon surface during their bom- grams both in the size distribution of the grams,
bardment. That such an implantation is really oc- winch were much coarser, and by the absence of an
curring is clearly shown by the rare gas data o f amorphous fraction Also there was no rounded edge
Eberhardt et al [23]. Then the amorphous skin ob- showing a superficial amorphous skin with Ingh densi-
served in the grams could be due to the radiation ties of tracks below. These chfferences have already
damage accompanying the anctent solar wind Im- been emphasized by our high voltage electron nucro-
plantation. Tins conclusion is also compatible with scope nuclear particle track stu&es [12] and by other
the skin thickness ('x,1000 A) winch corresponds to evadence summanzed elsewhere [24]. They show that
the expected range o f solar wind ions in silicate mate- the individual mineral grains In the dark part of a
rial typical solar type gas-rich meteorite have not been
processed by mechanisms smailar In nature or in m-
3.2. Anetent solar wind tensity to those responsible for the lrra&ation and
If further studies* confirm the solar wind origin of formataon of the finest grains of the lunar regohth,
the amorphous skin then some interesting results except if the compaction process anneals the tracks
concerning the charactenstlcs of the solar wmd in the and the amorphous skin without introducing any
past could be obtained for the following reasons. measurable amount of &sorder in the lattice of the
(1) In a given rmneral the tinckness o f the skin will grams
represent a dynamic balance between the loss and the These conclusions are also valid for Orgued How-
formation of amorphous material but wtll be a func- ever it could be argued that tins meteorate contains
tion of the range and therefore of the energy of the crystals which have been highly disordered by some
solar wind particles Thus It should be possible to kind of radiation damage. Therefore before excluding
look for eventual marked variations m the average an ancient Irradiation for the constituent grains of
energy o f the solar wmd nuclei in the past by mea- Orguetl, a thermal annealing experiment of a type
suring in a gwen mmeral species (such as cristobahte proposed by Seitz et at. [25] should be conducted to
which can be easily identified by its electron diffrac- verify if the proportion of Inghly disordered crystals
tion pattern) the tinckness of the amorphous skin as a has clearly decreased after the annealing, thus mdz-
function o f depth in a core tube, caring that radiation damage remnants are still
(2) for a gwen set of exposure conditions of the trapped in Orgued, even if no amorphous edge with
dust grams on the Moon surface, any change m the tracks below has been preserved m the mineral grains
solar wind intensity in the past would result in a o f tins meteorite
variation with depth reside a core tube o f the propor- As already pointed out the results and conclusions
tion of grains showing a skin effect, concerning meteoritic matter are preliminary because
(3) for a given mineral gram the cntlcal value o f we examined only a small number o f grams ('x,10) in
the solar wind flux above winch the amorphous skin very few meteontes. A more extended version of our
is produced can be determined by amficmlly irradi- work, including results obtarned from a 2 MeV elec-
ating lunar matenal with solar wind type ions. Tins tron microscope survey of different types of pnmmve
value will gwe an interesting lower limit of the rote- meteorites (Orguefl, Murray, Renazzo, Bjurbole),
grated flux of solar wind nuclei winch bombarded the other gas-rich meteontes (Pesyanoe, Khor-Temlki,
lunar soil grains. Jodzle, Kapoyeta) and the fission xenon rich Angra
dos Rels eucnte, is in preparation

* Crushed grams from the central part of several lunar rocks

are presently arttficlaUy trradiated with solar wind type Acknowledgements
ions and the eventual growth of the amorphous skin will be
studied as a function of the energy, atomic number, dose This work has been made possible by the generous
rate and integrated flux of the ions
cooperation of Professors G Dupouy and F. PerrIer
400 J.C.DRAN et al.

f r o m the Institut d ' O p t l q u e E l e c t r o m q u e du apphcatlons of tugh voltage electron microscopy,

C.N R.S., Toulouse. The efficient help we recewed HarweU, April 1970
f r o m R. Sirwn, B. Saur and G G o n t r a n o f the same [12] J. Borg, J.C Dran, L Dumeu, C. Jouret, M. Maurette,
H~gh voltage electron m~croscope studies of fossil nu-
I n s t i t u t i o n is gratefully acknowledged. One o f us clear particle tracks m extraterrestrial matter, Earth
(M. Maurette) is deeply i n d e b t e d to Drs R. Bernas Planet Sc~. Letters 8 (1970) 379
and R.M. Walker for their very actwe and enthusmstic [13] LD C. McConnel, Photochemical degradation of a sih-
support and interest. cate m the beam of the electron microscope, Phd. Mag
20 (1969) 1195.
[ 14] P B Price, R.M. Walker, Observations of charged parti-
cle tracks m sohds, J. Appl Phys. 33 (1962) 3400
References [15] P. Eberhardt, J Gelss, N. Crbgler, Further evidence on
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