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English has played an important role in every aspects of people life.

 For example, English has

applied in Education as a foreign language or as the first language. In this case, non-native
English students often face some difficulties in mastering English skills. They have to work hard
to acquire English skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing.
It can be said that learning English for non-native students is little bit challenging, they have to
acquire every English skill that is not simple and complex. In learning English, the ability to
speak can be used as an indicator whether someone can speak English well or not. In hand
with this, Nunan stated that mastering speaking skill is important aspect in learning foreign
language and measuring the ability to carry out a conversation in the language for English
foreign language learner.

Besides, Al-Habbash said that students who have ability to master speaking skill can be
indicated that they can carry out conversation with others, give ideas and change the
world. However, for non-native English students who is the mother tongue is not English the
ability to speak English well is not easy thing. It can be said that mastering speaking skill is not
only focus on speaking English fluently, accurately, and appropriately it is more than that. There
are several things that make speaking is difficult to be acquired such as
sociological, linguistic, psychological, economic factors that may negatively influence on
students speaking performance.

Psychological problems are common thing that occur when students learning a second
language. As the result the students who have psychological problems tend to be outstanding
and hard to express their feeling or idea using English in speaking. In some cases, most of the
students are afraid when perform in front of class because of less self-confidence, nervous and
shy. Liu in his research about speaking anxiety of Chinese undergraduate non-English majors
reported that students felt the most anxious while talking to the teacher and speaking alone in
front of the classroom, but they felt the least anxious during pair work and much less anxious in
speech communication.

The matter of speaking anxiety also occurs among the university students when they try to
speak English. In hand with this Campbell and Ortiz investigated that university students faced
language anxiety, with approximately one-half of the language learners facing incapacitating
levels of language anxiety. Moreover, the term of speaking anxiety not only faced by the
students who’s the major is non-English but also the students who’s the major is
English. Inconclusion, speaking anxiety is the major problems that affected on the students
speaking performance not only for non-English major students but also the students of English

The first study was conducted by lisa rakhmanina and dian kusumaningrum about the
effectiveness of video blogging in teaching speaking viewed from students’ learning motivation
shows that video blogging is effective and suitable to teach speaking for high motivated
students. The subject is from the students of faculty of law. The subject is from students at SMA
Negeri 4 Kendari. The reason why the researcher conduct study to analyze students’ speaking
anxiety in creating video blog is because the previous studies mostly focused to find the
effectiveness of using video blog to teach speaking and reducing speaking anxiety.

In term of the user of video blog the researcher chooses the University students especially
English Education Department students in the seventh semester because they are in advance
level and have passed their speaking classes. In short, based on that explanation, the
researcher wants to conduct research entitled Analysis of Students’ Speaking Anxiety in
Creating Video Blog Faced by The Seventh Semester of English Education Department
Students at IAIN Tulungagung.


What are the levels of speaking anxiety among the students in creating video blog?
2. What are the types of speaking anxiety among students in creating video blog?

To classify the levels of speaking anxiety among the students in creating video blog.
2. To find out the types of speaking anxiety among the students in creating video blog.

Miles and Huberman (1984) stated that qualitative data analysis consist of three procedures; data
reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification.

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