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8!- A oñ 'es hic watcb to B ft PS00. B ssid that be wtll buy it ft P4SO. b tge coatrect pafected?

b. YN proviM B will psy £'4f0.

62. Oa laauary 1,201 I A wzou e knee to B offaring kñ o to kass a building. Oa laousry 2,20t I, B smt e lv to A
advising bim thu his oPer m accepted. Tbis lv m r<osiwved t›y «I 2:ssj>a tBst dsy. On the same dsy, ia
tb* momiog at I I:2s, A bed slzeady writt<o • leer to a. witcarswiag the offs to I+ax ae Ix›ilaiag. Use lv

b. Yes I›e<nu< 0• conaact is perf<aed gzoza the moocot B sead tbs l«ao o£cocq›aec<.
c. to baauss bafâm tbs aofie$ aacc ñ kaewa, la oBw cao be rwok*d, it aot being aec«scary, ia order /ér

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” Advertisements Doc bidders aze deflaJts olTets.

d. no b••uac tk< lowest bidder should be

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