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Questions & Answers

1. Who are the creators of Toram online?

 Asobimo Inc./ Asobimo
2. What were the names of the straye adventurers when you first log
in in the game
 Tenert, Virgo, Libera
3. What is the other term for Holy Gems?
 Goddess beads
4. Give the 3 known factions in Toram online
 Straye, Resistle,Technista
5. Who is the most greedy NPC in Toram Online?
 Pelulu
6. Who is the Goddess of Wisdom and the former Chief Consul in
Sofya City?
 Pino
7. Who is the King that reign in El Scaro?
 King Elbano
8. Who/ what is the main antagonist in Toram Online?
 The Coenubias
9. Who was the Black Knight?
 Balft
10. What was the first boss that you defeated?
 Forest Wolf

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