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A Treatment for a short film

Darkroom Productions

Prepared by Max Corrigan


Break down into great detail each element of your Short Film

SHORT FILM (Beginning, middle & end)

In the beginning we will have the two detectives pull up and enter the police station. We
then move to the interrogation room, with some snippets of a chess game. Next, we will have
a part where the picture shown becomes reality and then back to an interrogation. We then
go to a new location at a house where there has been a murder, but there is surveillance
footage, however it is unbelievably bad quality, so they need to enhance it. Finally, it gets
enhanced, but there is no way of putting the suspect at the crime, so they are free to go and
as they leave one of the detectives notice a vital part of evidence.

POSTER (What will feature on the poster)

The poster will have the chess game incorporated somehow and will be a double exposure
type poster. The title of the short film will be on the poster and we will also go with a black
background for the dark room corelation.

LINKAGE (How will each element above be linked, to keep it all consistent to the theme?)
Our production name will link with the darkroom aspect of an interrogation room. We will
show our film on Netflix, as. They have a variety of films and. Our poster is going to have a
link with a black background. Also, in a chess game you have to think ahead and its more of
an intellectual game.

Our film will be a psychological, drama, which will have two detectives and someone who is being
interrogated, because the detectives think that they are a terrorist. It will be shown that they are not
interrogating for the reason they thought, but they are still not innocent. We our calling the shot film
STALEMATE, as we will be showing snippets of a chess game. We will end on a cliff hanger, so that if
we need to make a sequel we can. This is a backstory for one of the detectives. Seth Palmer is a
Detective Inspector for the North Somerset Police, and he is stationed in Weston Super
Mare. He was moved there after he had run in with a terrorist organization. He is considered
a terrorist expert, so they often ask him to advise them on terrorist situations, so he never
settles. Our Logline "two detectives try to find answers but, a criminal is desperately trying to
mislead them.".

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