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Tugas Rangkuman Pengenalan Komputasi

Dibuat: Jumat, 10 September 2021

Kelas : KU1102

Disusun Oleh:

Mifstah Hanif

NIM 16321005



1. Computational thinking: A digital age skill for everyone

Yang saya peroleh dari video ini adalah :

In a rapidly changing world, today's students will need a whole new set of skills
to solve tomorrow's problems. Computational thinking gives them the ability to
recognize when and how technology can boost their own critical-thinking,
creative and problem-solving skills in order to find innovative solutions to real-
world problems. ISTE, CSTA and NSF collaborated on this video, which is part
of a suite of free CT resources you can find at

#Change is the law of life and those who looks only to the past or present are
certain to miss the future – john F. Kennedy

#Change is a big part of the life of a chameleon – and lives of humans

#Technology is changing how people do things. Let’s take a look

a. reading a book, b. shopping, c. starting a movement

#Technological advances are driving change

a. the internet has increased connection, b. mobile allows connection from

anywhere, c. increasing quantities of data are collected and shared

#Change is Accelerating by 2020, mobile devices will be the primary connection

tool to the internet for most people in the world

$1000 computer = processing power of a human brain, $1000 computer =

processing power of all human brain on earth by 2050

Data and processing power can improve lives when people use them to innovate
solutions. Past crime data helps police to focus on the most likely places for crime
to occur, efficiently using limited resources. Data from agriculture, fishing,
nutrition and population is merged into a single database to efficiently manage the
global food supply. Smaller, cheaper, more powerful technologies allow us to use
them in places we couldn’t before.
The internet is allowing people from all walks off life to help advance knowledge.
Citizen computing uses volunteers to work on large projects like transcribing
ancient texts or categorizing pictures of galaxies. Mapping of the human genome is
revolutionizing the diagnosis and treatment of disease and will continues to do so
in the decades to come. The succeed in this changing environment people need to
be adaptable, flexible problem solvers, whether they are imagining new solutions
developing hardware or software or using technology. They all need to think
beyond “what is” to “what could be”. What skills do students need to prepare for
this future? Computing, creartivity, problem solving, communication,
collaboration, critical thinking.

Computational thinking = critical thinking skills + power of computing.

2. Computational Thinking: Decomposition

This video introduces the concept and process of decomposition, the first step in
Computational Thinking. Examples of decomposition are shown and resources for
teaching decomposition skills in the classroom are introduced. It is part of a
collection of videos and links to activities that comprises a short course to introduce
Middle and High School teachers to Computational Thinking.

The resources are aligned to Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) K-

12 Computer Science Standards 5.2 Level 2: Computer Science and Community.
Videos are designed for teachers and activities are designed for teachers to
implement with students in their classrooms, although some activities are also
useful for teacher understanding.

Decompotition, one by one thinking problem solver. Smaller + smaller = big and
get analysis.

3. Computational Thinking: Pattern Recognition
This video introduces the concept and process of pattern recognition, the second
step in Computational Thinking. Learn more at.

Computational thinking: Pattern Recognition

Which is a pattern of ten stressed and unstressed syllables. Pattern can be identifies
in art, as well, such as van Gogh’s distinctive brush strokes. In the process of
observing and breaking down a problem into easier to solve smaller pieces. Pattern
are opportunities for efficiency when solving problems. Being able to recognize
patterns is a fundamental step in the process of computational thinking. Pattern help
you determine which operations can and need to be done. Recognizing pattern is
critical for utilizing computers to automate the souliton to a problem. Pattern allow
operations to be repeated, saving time.

4. Computational Thinking: Abstraction and Pattern Generalization

This video introduces the concepts and processes of abstraction and pattern
generalization, the third step in Computational Thinking. Examples of abstraction
are shown and resources for teaching abstraction skills in the classroom are
introduced. This video is part of a collection of videos and links to activities that
comprise a short course (Problem Solving through Computational Thinking for

Online Professional Development Training for Middle and High School Teachers)
to introduce Middle and High School teachers to Computational Thinking.

The resources are aligned to Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) K-

12 Computer Science Standards 5.2 Level 2: Computer Science and Community.
Videos are designed for teachers and activities are designed for teachers to
implement with students in their classrooms, although some activities are also
useful for teacher understanding.

A variable is a name that can be associated with a value. Variables have changing
values that can be represented by a number, letter, word, blank or image.
Describing an everyday object, in this activity sudents first go from specific to
general, by carefully describing an everyday object using general terms so that
someone who didn’t know that iw was could understand.

5. Computational Thinking: Algorithm Design

This video introduces the concept of Algorithm Design in Computational Thinking.

It is part of a short course to introduce Middle and High School teachers to
Computational Thinking.

Computionl thinking, decompotition, pattern recognition, abstraction, algorithm.

Algorithm = A set of instructions for completing a task. Algorithmic design moves

the problem from the modelling phase, to the operation stage. Algorithms take the
form of a recipe or list of instructions that utilize efficiency and written in such a
way that they could allow for automation, or use of computers to execute tasks, or
they could simple be followed by a human (sequential, complete, accurate, finite).

Step by step

a. break the problem down into its components

b. identify subproblems that need to be solved

c. recognize pattern between subproblems

d. set up operations that can be used for the subproblems.

e. solve the paralles subproblems

f. solve the sequential subproblems

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