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Date: 30.09.

Sree Sankara Bala Vidyalaya Golden Jubilee School & Junior College
Std. XII Mid Term Test English Core (301) – Marks: 40
Total No of Pages: 9 Time: 90 min
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains three sections – A, B and C. Each part is compulsory.
2. Section - A Reading contains 18 MCQs, attempt any 14 out of 18 as per specific instructions for ech
3. Section - B Writing Skills contains 12 MCQs, attempt any 10.
4. Section - C Literature contains 30 MCQs, attempt any 26.
5. There is no negative marking
6. All questions carry equal marks.

Read the passage given below.

The choices we make on a daily basis—wearing a seatbelt, lifting heavy objects correctly or
purposely staying out of any dangerous situation—can either ensure our safety or bring about
potentially harmful circumstances.
You and I need to make a decision that we are going to get our lives in order. Exercising self-control,
self-discipline and establishing boundaries and borders in our lives are some of the most important
things we can do. A life without discipline is one that’s filled with carelessness.
We can think it’s kind of exciting to live life on the edge. We like the image of “Yeah! That’s me! Living
on the edge! Woo-hoo!” It’s become a popular way to look at life. But if you see, even highways have
lines, which provide margins for our safety while we’re driving. If we go over one side, we’ll go into the
ditch. If we cross over the line in the middle, we could get killed. And we like those lines because they
help to keep us safe. Sometimes we don’t even realize how lines help to keep us safe.
I’m not proud of this, but for the first 20 years of my life at work, I ignored my limits. I felt horrible,
physically, most of the time. I used to tell myself “I know I have limits and that I’ve reached them, but
I’m going to ignore them and see if or how long I can get by with it.” I ran to doctors, trying to make
myself feel better through pills, vitamins, natural stuff and anything I could get my hands on. Some of
the doctors would tell me, “It’s just stress.” That just made me mad. I thought stress meant you don’t
like what you do or can’t handle life, and I love what I do. But I kept pushing myself, traveling, doing
speaking engagements and so on— simply exhausting myself.
Finally, I understood I was living an unsustainable life and needed to make some changes in my
outlook and lifestyle. You and I don’t have to be like everyone else or keep up with anyone else. Each
of us needs to be exactly the way we are, and we don’t have to apologize for it. We’re not all alike
and we need to find a comfort zone in which we can enjoy our lives instead of making ourselves sick
with an overload of stress and pressure.
On the basis of understanding of the passage, answer ANY EIGHT questions from the
TEN that follow.
01) Which of the characteristics are apt about the writer in the following context: “I know I have limits
and that I’ve reached them, but I’m going to ignore them and see if or how long I can get by
with it.” ?
1. negligent 2. Indecisive 3. Spontaneous 4. reckless 5. Purposeless 6. patient
a) 2 and 5 b) 3 and 6 c) 1 and 4 d) 2 and 3
02) The reason why living on the edge has become popular, is because of the
a) constant need for something different. b) population being much younger.
c) exhausting effort to make changes. d) strong tendency to stay within our limits.
03) The phrase “potentially harmful circumstances” refers to circumstances that can
(a) certainly be dangerous. (b) be fairly dangerous.
(c) be possibly dangerous. (d) seldom be dangerous.
04). Choose the option that correctly states the two meanings of ‘outlook’, as used in the passage.
1. A person’s evaluation of life
2. A person’s experiences in life
3. A person’s point of view towards life
4. A person’s regrets in life
5. A person’s general attitude to life
a) (1) and (4) b) (2) and (3) c) (3) and (5) d) (4) and (5)
5) Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the given quotes.
1. It’s all about quality of life and finding a happy balance between work and friends.
2. To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.
3. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.
4. Balance is not something you find, it’s something you create.
a) Option (1) b) Option (2) c) Option (3) d) Option (4)
06) The author explains the importance of discipline and boundaries in our lives using the example of
a) road accidents. b) traffic rules c) lines on the highway d) safe driving
07) The author attempts to __________________ the readers through this write-up.
a) rebuke b) question c) offer aid to d) offer advice to
08) What is the message conveyed in the last paragraph of the passage?
a) Love what you do. b) Love yourself to love others
c) Be the best version of yourself. d) Be yourself
9) The author uses colloquial words such as “yeah” and “Woo-hoo!”.
Which of the following is NOT a colloquial word?
a) hooked b) guy c) stuff d) stress
10) Select the option that makes the correct use of “unsustainable”, as used in the passage,
to fill in the blank space.
a) In the long run, the ______ officials followed emergency procedures.
b) Emergency procedures were _______ by the officials.
c) Officials reported an ________ set of events during the emergency.
d) Officials admit that the emergency system is _______ in the longer run.
II. Read the passage given below:
Manav Singh had been farming his land for the past 20 years . His father had also been farming
in the same land. But now he is unable to irrigate the agricultural land as the ground water level has
gone down and the monsoon rains are also irregular. He has an option to connect the canal irrigation
that the Government has initiated but is finding it difficult to implement the process. He knows that
Farmers world wide will need to increase crop production, either by increasing the amount of
agricultural land to grow crops or by enhancing productivity on existing agricultural lands to meet the
global demand.
However, the ecological and social trade -off of clearing more land for agriculture are often
high, particularly in the tropics. And right now, crop yields the amount of crops harvested per unit of
land cultivated are growing too slowly to meet the predicted demand for food. Even if some regions
increase their output and traders reduce the mismatch between supply and demand, doubling food
production by 2050 will undeniably be a major challenge.
Thus the last resort for farmers, Manav Singh thinks would be to grow more on the land they
currently operate through what is called “sustainable intensification”. This means using precision
farming tools, such as GPS fertiliser dispenser, advanced irrigation systems, and environmentally
optimized crop rotations. These methods can help produce more crop, especially in parts of Africa,
Latin America and Eastern Europe with large yield gaps.. They can also reduce the negative

environmental impacts from over stressing resources -preventing groundwater depletion and
the destruction of fertile lands through over-use of fertiliser.
Net irrigated area (%) of India has increased from nearly 18 to 48% in recent times due to
government interventions at various levels (Fig. 1). Although the government has given much
emphasis on improving canal system in various five year plans but it has declined over years (Fig.
1). People have identified groundwater irrigation as much reliable and independent source of
irrigation. Groundwater irrigation has taken quantum jump since 1965.

Fig. 1. Percent net irrigated to net sown area and per cent canal irrigated & per cent groundwater
irrigated to net irrigated area (Source: based on data from DES, 2017-18); NIA %: Net Irrigated area
to net sown area, GW %: Groundwater share in net irrigated area, SW %: Surface water share in net
irrigated area October-December 2019]
In order to attract more investments in agriculture, the risks need to be reduced by governments.
Regulators need to overhaul policies that is affecting the inclusion of small, rural farmers into the
financial system. More supportive policies, laws and public spending on infrastructure would help
create a favourable investment climate for agriculture.
On the basis of your reading answer any SIX out of the eight questions given below:
11. Which of the following pairs given in the options can conclude Paragraph 3 and start 4
A. Over the last 30 years, investment in agriculture has declined resulting in low productivity and
stagnant production.
B. Thus, as banking sectors in developing countries give fewer loans to farmers are
bearing huge losses.
C. If we have to use methods extensively more agricultural research is needed which
further highlights the need of investments in agriculture.
a) C- A b) C-B c) A-B d) B-A
12. What does the author want to convey by, ‘would help create a favourable investment climate
for agriculture’ as mentioned in the passage in the italics?
A. The climate conditions need to be improved to improve food production.
B. With supportive policies and laws investments in agriculture are likely to increase.
C. Lower returns in agriculture are the main reason behind low investment.
a) Only A & C b) Only A & B c) Only B d) Only B&C
13. Which of the following is /are true according to passage?
A. Paragraph 2 only highlights how food demand can easily be met in the near future.
B. Rising food demand is likely to affect developed countries more severely than
the developing countries.
C. Increasing land under agriculture, can impact the ecology negatively.
a) Only A & B b) Only B c) Only C d) Both A & C
14. What is the author’s view about sustainable intensification mentioned in paragraph 3?
a) It is only useful for countries which have small yield gaps.
b) It may increase food production to meet the rising demands.
c) It will have a tremendous negative impact on the environment.
d) It is hyped and may not work in the long run.
15. The graph indicates that the irrigation of agricultural land in India using canal system has
a) Increased through the years b) Decreased through the years
c) Equal all these years d) None of the above
16. Irrigation of agriculture land has increased in the recent years through:-
a) Rain water b) Monsoon rain c) Canal water d) Ground
17. Read the following statements:
A. Net irrigated area started to decrease , while canal irrigated area started to increase..
B. Net irrigated area started to increase slowly while canal irrigated area started to decrease
C. Net irrigated area increased considerably, while canal irrigated area also increased
D. Net irrigated area started to increase slowly while ground water irrigated area increased
E. Net irrigated area started to increase while ground water irrigated area decreased
F. Net irrigated area started to increase slowly while groundwater irrigation made a huge increase
According to the figure 1., which of the above statements are true.
a. A,B ,C b. D ,C ,B c. B ,D,F d. C, E, F .
18. The word ‘ Sustainable ‘ would mean…..
a. tenable b. viable c. unceasing . d. All of the above
III. You are Amit / Amita staying at Sunrise apartments, Gymkhana road, Pune. The main
road leading to this colony has three open manholes causing frequent accidents at night.
The street light is also not available. Complete this letter to the editor of the Times of
India expressing your concern about the part of the authorities towards this situation.
Also suggest ways to mobilize city dwellers, with the help of school children
for the cause of safety roads (answer any 4).
C4, Sunrise apartment,
Gymkhana Road,
June 13 2021
The Editor
The Times of India
Sub: a __________________________________________
Respected Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper I wish to draw the kind attention of the relevant
authorities towards the b)_____.I would like to draw the attention of the relevant authorities towards
the issue of three open manholes on the main road leading to a colony. These open man holes are
turning into death traps for the residents who have demanded that the authorities concerned take
steps to cover them. Moreover , our colony has no street lights since the last 2 months . There are no
street lights even on the main roads leading to a colony. With the open manholes and lack of street
lights c)______, the road gets dark even after 7 in the evening. People fear going out not only to
avoid accidents but also to avoid being prey to unscrupulous elements. The open manholes not only
d)_____ but are also a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Motorist, elders and children are the main
victims of these manholes and many times accidents have been reported due to these manholes.
Whenever torrential rains hit the areas they cause even more problems. e) _____for the cause of
safe roads, we plan to organise a student rally from sunrise apartments main gate to Mr Rehan, the
current MP’s house and hope this letter will elicit a suitable response from our elected
Thanking you
Yours faithfully

19. a) Choose the most appropriate option .
i) Mobilization of city dwellers. ii) Darkness around sunrise apartments.
iii) Road safety in the colony. iv) Concern about night accidents
20. b i) Pitiable condition of local residents.
ii) Miserable condition of people residing in colony.
iii) Pathetic condition of residents of Sunrise apartments Gymkhana road.
iv) Frequent accidents occur during at night.
21 c i) Accidents happen ii) Accidents are on a rise.
iii) There are racing accidents. iv) Most accidents occur.
22. d i) Emit bad smell and cause pollution. ii) Give foul smell and lead to accidents.
iii) Create a pollution. iv) Create a worst situation
23. e. i) To avoid the danger ii) To provide safety to passengers.
iii) To protect the passes by iv) To mobilize City dwellers
IV. Read the following article on Education For All and answer any six out of the eight
questions given below:
A few years ago the Delhi Government directed the Education Department to implement the new
scheme 1)___________EFA in order to educate all the people of Delhi. Teachers of many schools
participated in the workshops headed by Education Officers to carry out the scheme with the help of
2) _________However,3) _________. Despite their best efforts, this is still a dream. I think it would have
been better if the government had employed 4) ________ to teach the uneducated people, particularly in
the villages and the slums of Delhi. Another positive step is to open a few temporary schools in the slums
5) ___________. This would look after the physical, social and educational needs of the illiterate slum
dwellers. The parents would feel encouraged and inspired to send them to such schools 6) ________.
It is a well known fact that the poor can hardly make both ends meet. The experience of running Adult
Education Centres is of no help in the ‘Education for All’ programme.
Teaching unwilling, young, hungry and unfed children is far more difficult 7)________. Besides
patience on the part of the teachers, some physical facilities and audio-visual aids are essential to
eradicate illiteracy.
Choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks:
24) a. Employer Forum on Age b. Equipment Finance Agreement
c. Education for All d. None of the above
25) a. common public b non-. government organisations and students
c. government officials d. corporate sector
26) a. It was a huge success b. it was a huge hit
c it met with partial success d. it was received with great enthusiasm
27). a. Trained graduate teachers b. interested house wives
c. retired college professors d. fresh and young unemployed dedicated teachers
28) a, with the facility of mid-day meals c. b. with the facility of temporary classrooms
c. with the facility of providing stipend d. with the facility of free books .
29) a. instead of allowing to while away their time in wandering
b. instead of engaging in anti-social activities
c. instead of engaging them in menial jobs to earn their bread.
d. All of the above
30) a.. than teaching literate adults . b. than teaching illiterate adults.
c. than teaching school children d. None of these

Literature (Sections V to IX contains 30 questions . Attempt any 26 out of them).
V. And
Looked out at Young
Trees sprinting, the merry children spilling
Out of their homes, but after the airport’s
Security check, standing a few yards
Away, I looked again at her, wan, pale
As a late winter’s moon and felt that old familiar ache...
31. What is the most likely reason the poet capitalized ‘Young Trees’?
(a) Convey a clearer meaning
(b) Highlight the adj- noun combination
(c) Enhance the contrast
(d) Draw a connection with the title
32. Choose the option that appropriately describes the relationship between the two
statements given below.
Statement 1: The poet knows her mother has aged.
Statement 2: The poet feels the pain of separation.
(a) Beginning- ending (b) Cause- effect
(c) Question- answer (d) Introduction- conclusion
33. Choose the option that completes the sentence given below.
Just as the brightness of the winter’s moon is veiled behind the haze and mist, similarly,
(a) The pain of separation has shaded mother’s expression
(b) Age has fogged mother’s youthful appearance.
(c) Growing up has developed a seasoned maturity in the poet
(d) Memories warm the heart like the pale moon in winter.
34. Choose the correct option out of the ones given below:
1. Simile: the merry children spilling, Metaphor: old familiar ache
2. Metaphor: pale as a late winter’s moon, Imagery: young trees sprinting
3. Imagery: all I did was smile, Personification: the merry children spilling
4. Personification: young trees sprinting, Simile: pale as a late winter’s moon
(a) Option 1 (b) Option 2 (c) Option 3 (d) Option 4
35. This poem is made up of
(a) Twenty lines (b) A single sentence (c) Ten stanzas (d) Five stanzas
For once on the face of the
. Earth
let’s not speak in any
let’s stop for one second,
and not move our arms so
It would be an exotic
without rush, without
we would all be together
in a sudden strangeness.
36. The poet uses the word “let’s” to _______
a) initiate a conversation between the poet and the readers.
b) invite readers as part of the poem’s larger call to humanity.
c) welcome readers into the world of the poem and its subject.
d) address readers as fellow members of the human race.
37. Margaret Atwood said, “Language divides us into fragments, I wanted to be whole.”
Choose the option that correctly comments on the relationship between Margaret
Atwood’s words and the line from the above extract – “let’s not speak in any language”
a) Atwood endorses Neruda’s call to not speak in any language.
b) Atwood justifies Neruda’s request to not engage in any speaking.
c) Atwood undermines Neruda’s intent to stop and not speak in any language.
d) Atwood surrenders to Neruda’s desire for silence and not speak in any language
38. Why do you think the poet employs words like “exotic” and “strangeness”?
a) To highlight the importance of everyone being together suddenly for once.
b) To emphasize the frenetic activity and chaos that usually envelops human life.
c) To indicate the unfamiliarity of a sudden moment without rush or without engine.
d) To direct us towards keeping quiet and how we would all be together in that silence.
39. Choose the option that correctly matches the idioms given in Column A with
their meanings in Column B
Column A Column B
1. On the face of the earth (i) In existence
2. What on earth (ii) to do all possible to accomplish something
3. Move heaven and earth (iii) to express surprise or shock
4. The salt of the earth (iv) to be good and worthy
a) 1 (i); 2 – (iv); 3 – (iii); 4 – (ii) b) 1 (i); 2 – (iii); 3 – (ii); 4 – (iv)
c) 1 (ii); 2 – (i); 3 – (iv); 4 – (iii) d) 1 (iv); 2 – (ii); 3 – (iii); 4 – (i)
40. What is the poetic device used in the phrase “ and not move our arms so much”?
a) Metaphor b) simile c) pun d) Imagery
VII. My breath was gone. I was frightened. Father laughed, but there was terror in my heart at
the overpowering force of the waves. My introduction to the Y.M.CA. swimming pool
revived unpleasant memories and stirred childish fears. But in a little while I
gathered confidence. I paddled with my new water wings, watching the other boys
and trying to learn by aping them. I did this two or three times on different days and
was just beginning to feel at ease in the water when the misadventure happened
41. Choose the correct option with reference to the two statements given below.
Statement 1: The author’s father laughed to mock his son’s inability to swim.
Statement 2: The author wanted to swim just to prove to his father that he can swim.
a) Statement 1 is true but Statement 2 is false.
b) Statement 1 is false but Statement 2 is true.
c) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 cannot be inferred.
d) Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 can be inferred
42. “My introduction to the Y.M.CA. swimming pool revived unpleasant memories and
stirred childish fears.” It can be inferred that this was a clear case of
a) suppression b) oppression c) depression d) repression
43. The misadventure that took place right after the author felt comfortable was that
a) the author slipped and fell into the swimming pool.
b) a bully tossed him into the pool for the sake of fun.
c) his coach forgot to teach him how to handle deep water.
d) his father couldn’t help him from drowning into the water

44. Choose the option that describes the equipment used by the author while learning
to swim.

1 a)
2 3 4
a) Option 1 b) Option 2 c) Option 3 d) Option 4
45. What is the name of the autobiography of William Douglas?
a. Men from Mountains b. Of Men and Mountains
c. From Mountains to Men d. From Men to Mountains
VIII. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.
To make sure, I walked over to a newsboy and glanced at the stack of papers at his feet. It was
The World; and The World hasn’t been published for years. The lead story said something about
President Cleveland. I’ve found that front page since, in the Public Library files, and it was printed
June 11, 1894. I turned toward the ticket windows knowing that here — on the third level at Grand
Central — I could buy tickets that would take Louisa and me anywhere in the United States we
wanted to go. In the year 1894. And I wanted two tickets to Galesburg, Illinois. Have you ever been
there? It’s a wonderful town still, with big old frame houses, huge lawns, and tremendous trees whose
branches meet overhead and roof the streets. And in 1894, summer evenings were twice as long,
and people sat out on their lawns, the men smoking cigars and talking quietly, the women waving
palm-leaf fans, with the fire-flies all around, in a peaceful world.
46. What did the narrator want ‘ to make sure’?
a) he was not on the third level
b) he was not on the second level
c) he was on the third level
d) the date printed on the newspaper was correct
47. The word ‘glanced’ means the same as:
a) looked down upon b) glimpsed c) gaped d) stared
48) Why did Charley want to go to Illinois?
a) in 1894 he could go anywhere in the United States b) it was easy to get there
c) his friend Sam was there d) he could lead an idyllic life there
49. What kind of life do the people of Illinois lead?
a) comfortable b) relief c) tranquil d) wonder
50. Have you ever been there? Charley says these words to whom?
a his wife b. his friend c. to the reader d. to no one particular
51. “And survival in Seemapuri means rag picking through the years it has acquired
the proportions of a fine art.” Name the device.
a. Paradox b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Contrast
52. Why does the author wonder if Savita knows the sanctity of the bangles she helps make?
a. because she is too young to know that it symbolizes an Indian woman’s
Suhag, an auspiciousness in marriage
b. because she hasn’t seen any sanctity associated to bangles.
c. because she is immature and impractical
d. all of the above

53. Why is the poet asking everyone not to speak any language?
a. to avoid noise b. to avoid conflicts and misunderstanding
c. to avoid wars d. to have peace
54. Dr. Sadao’s most important instruction to the white man while planning his departure was?
a. eat raw fish
b. until you saw a Korean fishing boat
c. use flashlight at the instant the sun drops over the horizon
d. a fire would be seen
55. For the old gardener, the best of fertilizers is?
a. eggshells b. coffee grounds c. banana peels d. blood
56. ‘And then in the midst of terror came a touch of reason.’ Which of the following
words can replace the word ‘reason’ in the above line?
a. Logic b. Sense c. Cause d. Fear
57. Of the following what is NOT true about the feelings of Douglas after the experience
in the pool.
a. The slightest amount of work would depress him.
b. He often had a sick feeling in his stomach
c. He kept recalling the dreadful experience for many days
d. None of the above
58. What is the sadness that the poet speaks about in the poem ‘ Keeping Quiet’ ?
a. Conflict with our ownseleves b. Fear of Death
c. Not clear of the purpose of our existence d. All of these

59. Which face among the given options has a handlebar moustache?

a) face A b) face B c) face C d) face D

60. Charley says, "Yes, I’ve taken the obvious step". Which step is he talking about?
a. entering the Third level
b. talking to his psychiatrist friend about the incident
c. talking to the railroad authorities about the incident
d. talking to his wife


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