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1. Which of the following sentences is the main idea of the paragraph below?

"Many animals migrate to avoid harsh weather conditions. Birds fly south during the winter to find more
abundant food sources and warmer climates. Similarly, whales travel to warmer waters to give birth.
These migrations can cover thousands of miles and are often instinctual, ensuring the survival of

A) Birds and whales migrate thousands of miles instinctually.

B) Migration is a survival tactic used by many animals to find food and give birth in better conditions.
C) Birds fly south during the winter to escape the cold.
D) The migrations of animals are often a long journey.

2. What is the main idea of the following paragraph?

"Reading books has numerous benefits; it improves concentration, enhances vocabulary, and fosters
imagination. By immersing in a good book, readers can escape to other worlds and experience
adventures from the comfort of their home. Whether it's a novel, biography, or a piece of scientific
literature, reading stimulates the mind in a way few other activities can."

A) Reading books is a good way to escape reality and experience adventures.

B) Books come in various genres like novels, biographies, and scientific literature.
C) Reading improves concentration, enhances vocabulary, and fosters imagination.
D) Reading stimulates the mind uniquely compared to other activities.

3. Identify the main idea of this paragraph:

"Global warming is a significant threat to our planet. It causes glaciers to melt, sea levels to rise, and
increases the frequency of extreme weather events. The primary cause of global warming is the
emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, which trap heat in the earth's
atmosphere. Reducing these emissions is crucial to mitigating the impacts of global warming."

A) The primary cause of global warming is the emission of greenhouse gases.

B) Global warming causes glaciers to melt and sea levels to rise.
C) Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases is crucial to combat global warming.
D) Global warming is a significant threat that leads to various environmental changes.

Read the following paragraph and choose the main idea.

"Global warming has become a serious issue that affects all countries around the world.
It leads to extreme weather conditions, such as hotter summers and colder winters. The
melting of polar ice caps and rising sea levels are also significant consequences. Various
factors contribute to global warming, including greenhouse gas emissions from
industries and vehicles, deforestation, and agricultural practices."
4. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A) The consequences of global warming include extreme weather conditions.

B) Global warming is caused by several factors, including emissions and deforestation.
C) Global warming affects all countries around the world and leads to serious
environmental issues.
D) The melting of polar ice caps and rising sea levels are worrying effects of global

5. Choose the sentence that best represents the main idea of the given text.

"Eating a balanced diet is crucial for maintaining good health. It helps in weight
management, improves brain function, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. A
balanced diet includes a variety of foods from all food groups in the right proportions.
This ensures that the body gets the essential nutrients it needs to function properly."

A) Eating a variety of foods ensures the body gets essential nutrients.

B) A balanced diet is important for brain function and managing weight.
C) Maintaining good health requires eating a balanced diet.
D) Reducing the risk of chronic diseases can be achieved by improving diet.

6. Identify the main idea of the paragraph below.

"Many people today spend a significant amount of time on social media platforms.
These platforms are not only used for socializing but also for news, entertainment, and
educational purposes. However, excessive use of social media can lead to issues such as
decreased productivity, sleep disturbances, and a sense of isolation in some individuals.
It is important for users to find a healthy balance to avoid these negative effects."

A) Social media platforms offer a variety of uses beyond socializing.

B) The excessive use of social media can cause several problems.
C) Finding a healthy balance of social media use is important.
D) Many people use social media for a significant part of their day.

7. What is the main idea of the following paragraph?

"Renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, are key to fighting climate
change. Unlike fossil fuels, they produce energy without emitting greenhouse gases that
contribute to global warming. Investing in renewable energy not only helps protect the
environment but also creates new jobs and reduces dependence on imported fuels."

A) Renewable energy sources are essential for sustainable development.

B) Investing in renewable energy creates jobs and reduces fuel imports.
C) Renewable energy sources produce energy without harming the environment.
D) Fighting climate change requires the use of solar and wind power.

Baca paragraf di bawah ini dan jawab pertanyaan yang mengikutinya:

"Many people believe that learning a new language is a daunting ta sk. However, with the right
approach, it can be a rewarding experience. The key to success is consistent practice and exposure to
the language. By dedicating a few hours each week to study and converse in the new language, one can
gradually become proficient. Additionally, using language learning apps and watching movies or TV
shows in the language can significantly enhance one's learning experience."

8. what is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. Many people believe that learning a new language is a daunting task.

B. The key to success is consistent practice and exposure to the language.

C. By dedicating a few hours each week to study, one can become proficient in a new language.

D. Using language learning apps and watching movies in the language can enhance learning.

9. Read the paragraph below and choose the main sentence from the options provided.

Paragraph: The rapid advancement of technology in the 21st century has transformed the way we live,
work, and communicate. From smartphones that keep us connected with the world to artificial
intelligence that drives automation in various sectors, these innovations have reshaped our daily
routines. The internet, in particular, has revolutionized information accessibility, making it possible to
learn virtually anything with just a few clicks. Despite these benefits, the digital age also presents
challenges, including privacy concerns and a digital divide that leaves some communities behind.

A) Smartphones keep us connected with the world.

B) The rapid advancement of technology in the 21st century has transformed the way we live, work, and

C) The internet has revolutionized information accessibility.

D) The digital age presents challenges, including privacy concerns and a digital divide.
10. Read the short text below and choose the best conclusion from the options provided.

Text: Every year, many trees are cut down to make paper. This leads to less forest area, which is bad for
the environment and animals living there. People are now trying to use less paper by doing things
online, like reading news or sending emails. Also, recycling paper is becoming more popular, which helps
save more trees.

A) Cutting down trees has no real impact on the environment or animals.

B) Using less paper and recycling are good ways to help save trees and the environment.

C) Only animals are affected by the cutting down of trees.

D) Reading news online can harm the environment more than cutting down trees.

11. Read this short story and pick the best ending from the choices below.

Story: Every morning, Jenny walks to school. One day, she saw a small cat stuck in a tree. She wanted to
help but couldn't reach. Jenny ran to get a teacher. With the teacher's help, they safely got the cat
down. Jenny felt happy she could help.

A) Jenny goes to school by bus.

B) Jenny and the teacher left the cat in the tree.

C) Helping the cat made Jenny feel good.

D) The cat climbed down by itself.

12. Read the simple text below and choose the best summary from the options provided.

Text: Riding bicycles is good for health and the environment. It helps reduce air pollution and keeps
people active. Many cities are encouraging cycling by building bike lanes and providing bike-sharing

A) Bicycles are bad for the environment and should not be used.

B) Riding bicycles has health benefits and helps the environment by reducing air pollution. Cities are
promoting cycling through bike lanes and sharing programs.

C) People should avoid using bicycles as they are not good for health.

D) Cities are not taking any steps to promote cycling.

13. Read the sentence and choose the word that has a similar meaning (synonym)
to the word "expand."

Sentence: The company plans to expand its operations to new markets.

A) Reduce

B) Extend

C) Limit

D) Shrink

14. Find a synonym for the word "hinder" in the following passage.

Passage: The bad weather did not hinder our progress; we continued working indoors.

A) Help

B) Delay

C) Enhance

D) Promote

15. Select the word that has a similar meaning to "efficient" based on the context
in the sentence.

Sentence: The new system is more efficient and saves time.

A) Slow

B) Effective

C) Confusing

D) Wasteful

16. Identify a synonym for the term "significant" in the provided text.

Text: The discovery of clean energy sources is a significant breakthrough in

environmental sustainability.

A) Insignificant

B) Important

C) Minor
D) Unnecessary

17. Choose the word that has a meaning similar to "determine" in the given

Sentence: The investigation aims to determine the cause of the accident.

A) Guess

B) Identify

C) Ignore

D) Forget

18. Read the sentence and choose the word that has a similar meaning (synonym)
to "create".

Sentence: The artist had the ability to craft beautiful sculptures from marble.

A) Destroy

B) Invent

C) Modify

D) Ignore

19. Find a synonym for the word "expand" in the following text.

Text: The company decided to enlarge its production facilities to meet growing demand.

A) Reduce

B) Extend

C) Shrink

D) Constrict

20. Choose the word that has a similar meaning to "efficient" based on the context
of the sentence.
Sentence: The new software system helped the team become more efficient in
completing tasks.

A) Slow

B) Effective

C) Confusing

D) Unreliable

21. Identify a synonym for the word "comprehensive" in the text below.

Text: The report provided a comprehensive overview of the current economic situation.

A) Limited

B) Thorough

C) Superficial

D) Incomplete

22. Choose the word with a meaning similar to "analyze" in the given sentence.

Sentence: Scientists need to carefully examine the data before drawing conclusions.

A) Ignore

B) Simplify

C) Analyze

D) Accept

23. Read the sentence and choose the word that has an opposite meaning
(antonym) to "increase".

Sentence: The company decided to decrease the prices of its products to attract more

A) Raise

B) Maintain

C) Expand
D) Enhance

24. Find an antonym for the word "approve" in the following text.

Text: The committee decided to endorse the proposal after careful consideration.

A) Disapprove

B) Support

C) Acknowledge

D) Validate

25. Choose the word that has an opposite meaning to "include" based on the
context of the sentence.

Sentence: The basic package will only consist of essential features and will exclude any
additional services.

A) Exclude

B) Embrace

C) Incorporate

D) Encompass

26. Identify an antonym for the word "harmless" in the text below.

Text: The biologist assured us that the small snake we encountered in the garden was
completely harmless.

A) Safe

B) Dangerous

C) Innocent

D) Secure

27. Choose the word with an opposite meaning to "expand" in the given sentence.
Sentence: Due to financial constraints, the company had to contract its operations and
reduce its workforce.

A) Shrink

B) Enlarge

C) Extend

D) Broaden

28. Read the sentence and choose the word that has an opposite meaning
(antonym) to "happy".

Sentence: Despite facing challenges, she remained cheerful and optimistic.

A) Sad

B) Content

C) Joyful

D) Pleased

29. Find an antonym for the word "increase" in the following text.

Text: Over the past year, the company has witnessed a steady increase in profits.

A) Decline

B) Grow

C) Expand

D) Rise

30. Choose the word that has an opposite meaning to "confident" based on the
context of the sentence.

Sentence: Despite his initial doubts, he became more confident in his abilities with each

A) Doubtful

B) Assured
C) Certain

D) Fearless

31. Identify an antonym for the word "flexible" in the text below.

Text: The schedule for the conference is flexible, allowing for changes if needed.

A) Rigid

B) Adaptable

C) Pliable

D) Bendable

32. Choose the word with an opposite meaning to "construct" in the given

Sentence: The builders worked diligently to construct a new bridge over the river.

A) Demolish

B) Erect

C) Assemble

D) Create

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