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English Worksheet #3 (2421726) (no compartidos) Cambiar de cuenta Borrador guardado


Student name *

Juan Camilo Guzmán Solano

Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence.

I (sit) in a café when you called me.


was sitting

used to sit

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It was a beautiful morning and the sun (shine) bright.


was shining

used to shine

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When I was a kid, I (not eat) vegetables.

didn't eat

wasn't eating

didn't use to eat

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When I (walk) into the room, everyone was working.


was walking

used to walk

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Yesterday I (go) to the library and then I went to visit Sophie.


was going

used to go

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It was snowing when I (leave) the house.


was leaving

used to leave

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At 7pm, I (listen) to music


was listening

used to listen

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When I lived in Spain, I (go) to the same bar ever weekend.


was going

used to go

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On holiday last year, I (visit) Rome.


was visiting

used to visit

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Why (you / stand) on a chair when I came into the room?

did you stand

were you standing

did you use to stand

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He was living in Russia when the October Revolution (happen).


was happening

used to happen

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Read the following story. Choose the correct expression to fill the gaps.
Yesterday, I woke up really late. (1) I realized what time it was, I got up and showered as fast as I could.
(2) getting dressed, I only ate a piece of toast for breaksfast. (3), I tried to run to school as fast as I
could. (4), as I was crossing the street, I heard a loud noise, and that's when I saw that a motorcycle was
coming straight towards me. I was in such a big hurry that I forgot to look both sides before crossing the
street. (5) I could react, the motorcycle collided with me. Someone called an ambulance, and I was taken
to the hospital. Luckily, I was fine, and (6) they let me out of the hospital. I was (7) able to get to school,
but at that point my class was already over.


First of all

As soon as


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As soon as


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Correct the mistakes in the following sentences

I used to watch a movie yesterday.

I used to watch a movie.

I didn't went to the doctor last week.

I didn't go to the doctor last week.

He was walked along the street when the accident happened.

He was walking along the street when the acci

I driving to work when you called me.

I was driving to work when you called me.

He use to play football every weekend when he was a kid.

He used to play football every weekend when h

I didn't knew about your accident until I Andrés told me.

I didn't know about your accident until I Andrés

María didn't used to have any pets, but now she has a dog!

María didn't use to have any pets, but now she

He was shop at the mall when he heard the news.

He was shopping at the mall when he heard th

He was shop at the mall when he heard the news.

He was shopping at the mall when he heard th

I was sleeping last night, when suddenly the fire was starting.

I was sleeping last night, when suddenly the fir

Did you went to the theater last night?

Did you go to the theater last night?

I was waiting there for 3 hours but the bus wasn't arriving.

I was waiting there for 3 hours but the bus didn

Put the following sentences in the correct order to form a story:
a. She was wearing a uniform that was too big for her, and had holes in it.

b. There was a girl standing by her locker. Three other girls were pointing at her and laughing, and she
was crying.

c. Last week when I was walking through the hallway, I saw something terrible.

d. That was when I realized that we need to do something about bullying.

(write the correct order here)

c, b, a, d.

Put the following sentences in the correct order to form a story:

a. Once, while she was hiking, my aunt saw a black bear.

b. When I was a child, my family used to go to the Rocky Mountains every summer.

c. She was waiting on that tree for hours before the bear finally left.

d. She climbed onto a tree to wait for the bear to go away.

e. She never goes hiking anymore

(write the correct order here)

b, a, d , c, e.

Put the following sentences in the correct order to form a story:

a. When I came outside, there were many people screaming and chasing two men who were on a

b. The two men tried to run away, but the police arrived soon and arrested them.

c. Someone threw a rock at the motorcycle, the motorcycle then lost control and the two men fell over.

d. One of the men on the motorcycle was carrying the woman's handbag.

e. A woman was shouting "thieves, thieves".

f. Last night I was doing my homework when, I heard a loud commotion outside my house.

(write the correct order here)

f, e, a, d, c, b.

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