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It is one of the things that can improve you Verbal Communication in which it is engaging with
what people say by giving affirmative replies and asking follow-up questions to show that you
are paying attention.

a. Active listening
b. Ask for feedback
c. Practice active listening

2. It is asking your peers or subordinates for their advice on improving your communication skills
can help you better understand how you are coming across in your work environment.

a. Focus On Non Verbal Communication.

b. Practice Public Speaking
c. Ask For Feedback

3. For the sake of clear communication and your own personal wellbeing, it’s important to
_________________ express them appropriately in context.

a. Focus On Non Verbal Communication

b. Practice Public Speaking.
c. Manage Your Own Emotions

4. It is an ability that assists you to become effective at sharing information with others.

a. Effective Communications
b. Social skills
c. Good Communication skills

5. In the words of___________, "Communication is the process of passing information and

understanding from one person to another. It is essentially a bridge of meaning between

a. Keith Davis
b. Keith David
c. Kath David

6. What is interpersonal Communication?

a. It is the process of passing information of a person.

b. It is an exchange of information between two or more people.
c. It is the ability to communicate information accurately.

7. This referred to as body language, is what people see when they’re looking at you during a
conversation, either face-to-face or on video. It’s your facial expressions, eye contact, and the
positions of your body.

a. Physical Barrier
b. Non- Verbal Communication
c. Verbal Communication

8. This is a form of communication that is extremely private, and restricted to ourselves.

a. Intrapersonal Communication
b. Interpersonal Communication
c. Public Communication

9. This is a form of communication that takes place between two individuals and is thus a one-
on- one conversation

a. Intrapersonal Communication
b. Interpersonal Communication
c. Small Talk Group

10. This is form of communication that can takes place only when there are more than 2 two people

a. Public Communication
b. Small Talk Communication
c. Interpersonal Communication

11. This is form of communication takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering of
a. Small Talk Group
b. Intrapersonal Communication
c. Public Communication

12. Communication by way of photography, art, drawing, sketches, charts and graphics.

a. Written Communication
b. Verbal Communication
c. Visual Communication

13. The following are types of all Types of Communication except for one

a. Non- verbal Communication

b. Interpersonal communication
c. Written Communication

14. These are examples of non- verbal communication

a. transfer of information through the use of body language including eye contact, facial
expressions, gestures and more
b. a conversation, a speech or presentation and having a phone call with someone.
c. include conferences and trade shows, websites, social media posts, office presentations and

15. These are all the importance of Communication, except for one:

a. It understands information from a receiver. Whatever one wants to say to someone should
be clearly understood by him else the very purpose of the communication would be
b. Communication skills can only help some aspects of your life.
c. Communication skills can improve your personal relationships by helping you to understand
others, and to be understood.
16. The term communication is derived from the ____________word ' communis', which means to
inform, to tell, to show to spread information.

a. Greek
b. Latin
c. Mexican

17. There are 10 types of Communication

a. True
b. False
c. Cannot be determined

18. To ensure that whatever information you are sharing with others is understandable and creates
the desired impact, you need to adhere to the ________________________.

a. Communication Skills
b. Types of Communication
c. 7 C’s of Communication.

19. While conveying your message, you need to respect your audience and appreciate them for
giving their valuable time to listen or read your message. It’s important that you connect with
your audience by introducing humor, and let them express their thoughts about the topic under
a. Clear
b. Coherent
c. Courteous

20. The content of your message must be easy to understand and you can do this by avoiding the
use of complex words.

a. Clear
b. Coherent
c. Concise

21. It means that all the sections of your message should relate to each other and make sense. You
need to structure your message logically and while maintaining consistency of the language,
tone, etc.

a. Concrete
b. Coherent
c. Complete

22. How do you communicate effectively?

a. Active listening
b. Asking the right questions to gain clarity
c. Adjust your communication style to meet different needs
d. All of the above

23. What is the importance of communication?

a. Communication skills allow you to interact with people effectively and let you make your
presence felt by the people present in a discussion or a meeting.
b. Good communication skills can improve your personal relationships by helping you to
understand others, and to be understood.
c. Both A and B

24. Communicating effectively means that your message should include everything that makes it
more credible and useful. Messages with missing information can create misunderstanding and
hampers the decision-making process.
a. clear
b. complete
c. coherence

25. It is as one of the 7 C’s that refer to keeping the length of the message as short as possible for
an effective Communication.

a. Clear
b. Coherent
c. Concise

26. These are the 7C’s of Communication

a. Clear, Coherent, Courteous, Complete, Concrete, Correct, Concise

b. Coherent, Communication, Clean, Compose, Correct, Complete, Clear
c. Complete, Clear, Courteous, Charming, Coherent, Concrete, Concise
27. What is the Primary essence of Communication?

a. Inform, influence, inspire, motivate, build relationships, read, reduce inspiration, promote
yourself, and socialize and gain confidence
b. Inform, influence, discourage , motivate, build relationships, learn, gain inspiration, promote
yourself, and socialize
c. Inform, influence, inspire, motivate, build relationships, learn, gain inspiration, promote
yourself, and socialize and gain confidence.

28. There are 22 C’s of Communication

a. True
b. False
c. Cannot be determined

29. This is the main reason why interpersonal communications may fail.

a. Communication Noise
b. Concise Communication
c. Communication Barrier
30. It is type of barrier that a message includes a lot of specialist jargon and abbreviations that will
not be understood by a receiver who is not familiar with the terminology used.

a. Language Barrier
b. Psychological Barrier
c. Attitudinal Barrier

31. In this type of Barrier, it is referring to Time, Place, Space, Climate and Noise. Some of them are
easy to alter whereas, some may prove to be tough obstacles in the process of effective

a. Physical Barrier
b. Physiological Barrier
c. Psychological Barrier

32. This type of barrier may result from individuals' personal discomfort, caused by ill-health, poor
eye sight, or hearing difficulties.

a. Physical Barrier
b. Physiological Barrier
c. Psychological Barrier

33. This is a type of barrier refer to the internal belief of a person that stops him from effectively
completing a task. It also refers to the emotions, opinions, and status consciousness of an
individual and has a direct impact on his ability to communicate with others in a positive frame
of mind.

a. Attitudinal Barrier
b. Psychological Barrier
c. Physical Barrier
34. These are all example of communication barrier, except:

a. Emotional barriers and taboos.

b. Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
c. Reducing the use of jargon. Over-complicated or unfamiliar terms.

35. ____________________to communication is geographic distance between the sender and


a. Physical Barrier
b. Psychological Barrier
c. Attitudinal Barrier

36. How will a Good Communicator reduce the impact of these barriers to a communication?

a. It reduce the by continually checking understanding and by offering appropriate feedback.

b. It reduces the impact by not listening to the messages during the communication.
c. It reduces the impact by walking away during the communication.
37. It is a model which contains a feedback
a. Transaction model
b. Shannon- Weaver Model
c. Transmission Model

38. These are example on how to improve communication skills

a. Be an active listener
b. Practicing self- awareness
c. All of the above

39. According to Hubley, communication is a ______________.

a. Complex process
b. Compound Process
c. Context Process

40. There are 2 models of Communication, namely

a. Shannon- Waver Model and Transitional Model

b. Shawn- Weaver Model and Transactional Model
c. Shannon- Weaver Model and Transaction Model

41. One of the element in the one way process of communication that where the speaker encodes
the message into signal

a. Channel
b. Transmitter
c. Receiver

42. It is an element who produces the message.

a. Receiver
b. Sender
c. Destination

43. It refers to the way how the sender conveys his message.

a. Channel
b. Transmitter
c. Sender

44. These are the elements of Shannon Weaver Model, except:

a. Transmitter
b. Sender
c. Context

45. It is s model that is a two- way process with the inclusion of feedback as one element.

a. Transaction Model
b. Shannon Weaver Model
c. Transmission Model
46. This is referring to a more interactive and collaborative Communication

a. Transaction Model
b. Shannon weaver Model
c. Transmission Model

47. Why good communication skill of a teacher is Significant?

a. Because it is the basic need of academics success of students, and professional success of
their lives.
b. Teacher with good communication always make the things easier and understandable
c. All of the above

48. As a future Educator, is communication important?

a. Yes
b. Maybe
c. No

49. Using humor is vital to us, it's sometimes hard to discuss it in a light-hearted way. But humor can
ease tension and shows you're comfortable with yourself. Do you think it can help you to gain
confidence though humor?

a. Yes
b. No
c. Maybe

50. I can improve my Communication Skills through Confidence and Practice

a. Yes, of course
b. No, I can’t
c. Maybe, I cannot say

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