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Rica Mae C.


INSTRUCION: Write the correct answer on the space provided.
1. It refers to the ability to use your joints fully.
a. Muscular Endurance b. Flexibility c. Muscular Strength d. Body Composition
2. What is it called the percentage of body weight that is fat compared to other body tissue,
such as bone and muscle?
a. Body Composition b. Cardiovascular Fitness c. Flexibility d. Muscular Strength
3. What is called the amount of force you can put forth with your muscles.
a. Muscular Endurance b. Body Composition c. Muscular Strength d. Flexibility
4. What is the ability to use the muscles, which are attached to the bones, many times without
getting tired?
a. Flexibility b. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Endurance d. Body Composition
5. It is the ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time.
a. Cardiovascular Endurance b. Body Composition c. Muscular Endurance d. Flexibility
6. It refers to the ratio between lean body mass and fat body mass.
a. Body Composition b. Cardiovascular Fitness c. Flexibility d. Muscular Strength
7. It refers to the greatest amount of force that can be generated from a single maximal effort.
a. Flexibility b. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Endurance d. Body Composition
8. It refers to the range of motion of a joint.
a. Flexibility b. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Endurance d. Body Composition
9. It is a test that measures muscular strength.
a. Flexibility b. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Endurance d. Body Composition
10. It is tested indirectly using estimation.
a. Flexibility b. Muscular Strength c. Muscular Endurance d. Cardiorespiratory Endurance
11. It refers to how often the exercise is done.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
12. It refers to how hard the activity or exercise is.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
13. It refers to the duration or how long the exercise will take.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
14. It refers to the kind of activity or exercise to engage in.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
15. It is part of fitness, since a lot of moves are affected by the flexibility of a person.
a. Frequency b. Intensity c. Time d. Type
ENGAGE: Discussion Points
INSTRUCTION: Analyze personal health benefits through a writing discussion.
a. On a scale of 1 to 10, how fit do you see yourself? Why?
Ans: On a scale of 1-10, I would rate myself 7/10 fit. I am able to do the usual daily activities
without getting easily tired such as doing grocery shopping. I sometimes workout in the
morning but I would sleep in the afternoon. If I have extra time, I walk in the road in order
to be more physically fit. Nowadays especially with the pandemic going around, most of us
aren’t allowed to go out as often as we used to. Thus, necessary to do simple workouts in
the morning in order for our muscles to be firm. We must also have a healthy diet and
proper exercise since it would help us to be more physically fit.

b. After school or on weekends, when is the most probable time for you to engage in your own
personal workout?
Ans: Personally, as a person who is conscious, I would prefer having early morning jogs for 10
minutes on school days and also after school we would have practice, and on weekends I
usually still do the routine. But on weekends the exercise is much longer compared to

b. List at least three things that defer you from following a healthy diet.

1. Not disciplining myself to eat right amounts of foods.

2. Not exercising regularly.
3. Not trying or planning to have a or to start a healthy diet.

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