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NEU Web Technologies End of Module Project Zee Nagre Oct 2021

NEU Web Technologies End of Module Project

Instructions, Marking Scheme and Specification
This is your final part for the assessment purposes of the Web Technologies module. This
assessment adheres to the ethos of collaboration which has always been the abiding spirit of the
Internet and indeed the industry. You hardly ever work on your own when you enter the world of
work and nearly always as part of a team.

Each one of you have decided the team you want to belong to, but please bear in mind that when
you enter the world of work this is rarely the case! That said, time and time again research has
proved that you learn more from each other than you do from the teacher, so I am hoping that
working together and collaboratively on this project will prove the point.

As all projects have a deadline, this one has one of 20 th October 2021. By that date each team will
email me one zip file that contains your proposed website. If you have used subfolders this has to be
preserved in your zip file as well as all your assets such as images, css and js codes. Once I have
unzipped your files, I should have your website replete with all the links, images etc working

Please feel free to contact me if you are not clear on any of the instructions or any of the
specification tasks, but please coordinate this so that I only receive communications from one
nominated member of your team. Always put the breakout room number in the subject of the email.

The spokesperson of your team will also email me the membership of each team asap.

Marking Scheme
There are 5 main tasks in the specification. Each task has the weighting of:

Task 1: 20%

Task 2 : 10%

Task 3: 25%

Task 4: 15%

Task 5: 10%

20% set aside for the overall visual appeal of your website, comments on your code, uniformity and
accessibility of your design.

Each group project will be marked and awarded marks that you will share with team members of
course with the proviso that no one single member of the group can attain a percentage of 100%.

In case of disagreements about allocation of marks a viva might be necessary and the university’s
appeals procedures might have to be invoked.

NEU Web Technologies End of Module Project Zee Nagre Oct 2021

Redesign the very crude website on music according to the following specification:

Task 1:
Horizontal navigation bar menu which will exist on every page of the site. The menu bar will be
towards the top of the page and will have a hover effect. This means that when you mouse over
a menu item, the items background will change to a different colour. The positioning of the
navigation bar should be in exactly the same place on all the pages so that moving from page to
page doesn’t cause any jerkiness. You may achieve this using cascading style sheets or
JavaScript. Feel free to download any opensource code you wish. The structure of the menu bar
should be as shown below with the corresponding link pages. For inspiration look at the
following web sites:

Home Genres Charity Spotify Vietnam Contact

index.html genres.html charity.html spotify.html vietnamese.html contact.html

Task 2:
Currently the website looks unfinished and boring. There is no uniform look or feel about the
site. There are also mistakes and is generally lacking in style, visual appeal and
For a start there is a lot of unbroken text! Break it up by carefully interspersing with images.
Be careful with the sizes of your images. Make use of the height and width attributes and
always include the “alt” and “align” attributes. Choose your own images or make use of the
ones I included in the zip file. It doesn’t really matter if the images you use are not directly
related with the text. It is the proof of concept that’s the idea here.
Please make sure that any image you use is first downloaded and resized (if necessary) to a
local folder within the folder that holds your webpages.
It would also be an idea to have a small logo which you may design or simply download from

NEU Web Technologies End of Module Project Zee Nagre Oct 2021

somewhere on the web. It is recommended that the logo is no larger than 150 px width and
150 px height.

Task 3:
You are also required to apply some style to the web site using cascading style sheets.
Ideally there should be just one stylesheet that is externally linked.
Without being prescriptive the style is left to your discretion and creativity, but it should
perform at least the following:
The page should be two sections, with the top section containing the heading of the page
whilst the text in the lower half. The top part should be significantly smaller than the
bottom. Through cascading style sheets, you are to apply different background colours that
are complementary. The menu bar should sit between the two layers

There should be at least three heading sizes that is formatted to a complementary font
family to the main text.

You must also apply styles to the different html elements like <p>, <table>, <form> that will
affect margins, padding, font-families, background colours, font sizes colours etc

Task 4:
The contact.html page should contain a form that asks the user to register for newsletters.
The form should at the least ask for first name, last name, email address, country of
residence and choice of music genre. The form should also have a text area where the user
can say what musical instruments they play. The form should also include your logo.
Ideally the choice of music genres should be presented as a drop-down list so that the user
can select one of the prepopulated genres.
The form will have a style defined in your cascading style sheet file as regards

NEU Web Technologies End of Module Project Zee Nagre Oct 2021

Task 5:
On the Vietnamese.html page you are required to include at least five YouTube videos of the
different artists performing their music. You are also required to create a carousel or
slideshow of at least ten different artists. It is recommended that you download JavaScript
code to achieve this, making sure that you acknowledge your source.

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