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Social Marketing as a Strategy to Increase

Immunization Rates
Douglas J. Opel, MD; Douglas S. Diekema, MD, MPH; Nancy R. Lee, MBA; Edgar K. Marcuse, MD, MPH

oday in the United States, outbreaks of vaccine-preventable disease are often traced to
susceptible children whose parents have claimed an exemption from school or child
care immunization regulations. The origins of this immunization hesitancy and resis-
tance have roots in the decline of the threat of vaccine-preventable disease coupled
with an increase in concerns about the adverse effects of vaccines, the emergence of mass media
and the Internet, and the intrinsic limitations of modern medicine. Appeals to emotion have drowned
out thoughtful discussion in public forums, and overall, public trust in immunizations has de-
clined. We present an often overlooked behavior change strategy—social marketing—as a way to
improve immunization rates by addressing the important roots of immunization hesitancy and ef-
fectively engaging emotions. As an example, we provide a synopsis of a social marketing campaign
that is currently in development in Washington state and that is aimed at increasing timely im-
munizations in children from birth to age 24 months.
Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2009;163(5):432-437

Although US national immunization rates an erroneous perception of low suscepti-

are high,1 outbreaks of vaccine-preven- bility to vaccine-preventable disease.9 In
table diseases traced to children exempt 2004, 93% of pediatricians reported that
from school and child care immuniza- there was at least one parental refusal of
tion requirements continue to occur in the a recommended vaccine in the last year,10
United States.2-6 One recent measles out- and a recent analysis of data from the 2004
break resulted from an index case of a child National Immunization Survey found that
in California who claimed an exemption 28% of parents were unsure about, de-
from measles-mumps-rubella vaccine for layed, or refused vaccines.11 This rising tide
personal beliefs.2 Of the 9 additional chil- of immunization hesitancy is also mani-
dren older than 12 months who devel- fest by legislative initiatives to introduce
oped measles from the index case in this personal belief or philosophical exemp-
outbreak, 8 had claimed personal belief ex- tions in states that have not allowed them
emptions. Nineteen states now allow a per- and increased media attention to con-
sonal belief exemption from vaccina- cerns about vaccine safety and immuni-
tions.7 zation mandates.12 Public trust in immu-
In 2000, a national survey revealed that nization and the authorities who formulate
19% of parents had concerns about vac- national immunization recommenda-
cine safety, and 18% opposed immuniza- tions, as a result, has declined.13
tion requirements because these require- A new strategy for addressing immu-
ments went against freedom of choice.8 nization concerns is badly needed. Given
Another reason parents refuse vaccines is the diverse reasons for parental refusal of
Author Affiliations: Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics, Seattle or delay in immunizations, a one-size-fits-
Children’s Hospital (Drs Opel and Diekema), and Department of Pediatrics, all approach to health promotion founded
University of Washington (Drs Opel, Diekema, and Marcuse), Seattle, and Social on expert authority or the articulation of
Marketing Services, Inc, Mercer Island, Washington (Ms Lee). the scientific evidence that supports im-


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munization ignores the realities of how people are per- sociated with immunization are rapidly disseminated by
suaded. Social marketing may hold the key. As a model the Internet and electronic media is because contro-
for behavior change, social marketing is a process that versy sells.16 Journalists seek to achieve balance by pre-
applies traditional marketing principles and techniques senting both sides of a controversy but often do so irre-
to influence target audience behaviors that benefit soci- spective of the qualifications and scientific credibility of
ety as well as the individual.14 In this article, we explain the proponents of either side. Even these attempts at bal-
how the origins of immunization hesitancy and the psy- ance may be in jeopardy as the threat of vaccine-
chology of persuasion provide the rationale for explor- preventable disease becomes less apparent and the risks
ing social marketing as an innovative solution to address- of vaccines are perceived to be more newsworthy.
ing vaccine hesitancy. Parents are ultimately caught in the middle. As they
try to decide what is best for their child, they must navi-
ORIGINS OF IMMUNIZATION HESITANCY gate these “controversies” in search of the truth. This is
not easy, as the media portrayal of these controversies
Despite the incredible technical achievements of mod- rarely provides an evaluation of the merits of the 2 con-
ern medicine—vaccines being near the top of the list— flicting viewpoints but rather propagates the notion that
the boundaries of medicine, science, and technology are “multiple rationalities and truths now prevail.”23 When
evident in our limited capability to address new mor- multiple “truths” carry equal weight, those who cite the
bidities (mental health, obesity, substance abuse) or ease authority of evidence-based recommendations from vari-
the burdens of chronic disease. These relative limita- ous professional groups and government agencies have
tions have occurred alongside a growth in consumer- no more credibility than those who cite other opinions
ism, product liability, and malpractice litigation as well or theories.15 What takes the place of evidence-based medi-
as an increasing number of instances where patients ques- cine is the belief that there are “many opinions based on
tion the recommendations of medical authority.15 Con- very different views and theories of the world.”15
sequently, some patients turn to alternative medical sys- One strategy for addressing vaccine concerns is to con-
tems.16 Visits to complementary and alternative medicine front intentional misinformers24 in public forums. These
providers, in fact, have recently been found to outnum- tactics, however, are unlikely to be successful when meet-
ber visits to primary care physicians.17 ing with a concerned parent. Although good science is
The rise of mass media and the Internet has drawn vac- essential in both, it is not sufficient in either. The ori-
cines into this changing sociocultural landscape. From gins of immunization hesitancy suggest that in situa-
Jenner’s era through Salk’s, medical hypotheses, such as tions where parental concern is high, medical expertise
those concerning vaccine safety, were initially vetted in is trumped by empathy, openness, and perceived hon-
scientific forums before being communicated to the gen- esty. A behavior change model that embraces this is
eral public. Today, mass media allow new theories con- needed.
cerning vaccine safety to become a topic of public de-
bate before the scientific community has had the SOCIAL MARKETING AND PUBLIC HEALTH
opportunity to deliberate on them. Unproven hypoth-
eses, even unsubstantiated or erroneous accounts of vac- As a discipline, social marketing was first introduced by
cine reactions,18 can easily be promulgated and vali- Philip Kotler in the early 1970s. A useful definition of
dated simply by repetition in popular media. social marketing is
Similarly, case reports, although accorded very lim-
ited weight as scientific evidence, can have great influ- the application of commercial marketing technologies to the analy-
ence on public opinion. The criteria required to establish sis, planning, execution and evaluation of programs designed to
causality in the court of public opinion are quite different influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences in order to
improve their personal welfare and that of society.25(p7)
than those in science or a court of law. For example, the
parents of Hannah Poling sued the Department of Health Using marketing techniques proven in the commer-
and Human Services under the Vaccine Injury Compen- cial sector to address social issues in the public sector
sation Program when she exhibited behavioral features seen has had a profound positive impact.14,26
in autism after receiving immunizations at 19 months of Social marketing is an approach to influencing healthy
age. The court awarded compensation for a possible vac- behaviors and has roots in several behavior change theo-
cine-related injury and, in doing so, appeared to strengthen ries familiar to public health. The Exchange Theory,27 the
the claim that vaccines cause autism despite the fact that Theory of Planned Behavior,28 and the Health Belief
Hannah’s autistic features were likely attributable to en- Model28 all play an important part in social marketing.
cephalopathy due to a mitochondrial enzyme defect19 and Social marketing is also informed by social psychology,
in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence that re- marketing science, and human reaction to messages.26 Its
futes any causal link between immunizations and au- campaigns seek to rigorously segment the market to tar-
tism.20,21 Other nonvaccine examples abound: breast im- get specific populations and then use the “marketing mix”
plants are seen as the cause of chronic illness by the (the 4 P’s of marketing: place, price, product, and pro-
public—and manufacturers of those products were found motion) to develop unique strategies for each to achieve
liable—despite an absence of valid scientific evidence link- the desired behavior change.
ing breast implants to disease.22 An illustrative example of social marketing—and why
A fundamental reason why case reports of alleged vac- this strategy might apply to immunization hesitancy—is
cine reactions and hypotheses about adverse events as- the Washington State Department of Health (WSDOH)


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tobacco cessation program. The campaign was launched communication. The relatively brief duration of the
in 2000 when there were an estimated 1 million adult well- or acute care visit, the myriad topics that must be
tobacco users in the state, about 70% of whom had some addressed (growth and development, nutrition, behav-
desire to quit. This 70% was chosen as the campaign’s ior, safety), and the increasing prevalence of vaccine
target audience because of their interest in but reluc- safety concerns require a broader societal communica-
tance to commit to quitting. This population has simi- tion strategy.
larities with parents who wish to protect their children A communication strategy that goes beyond the pe-
against vaccine-preventable diseases yet remain hesitant diatrician’s office requires that the messengers (whether
to immunization. For instance, smokers who are con- groups or individuals) be likable, trustworthy, and seen
templating quitting but fail to do so may have uncer- as working toward the same goal as parents. Jenny
tainty about the beneficial health effects of quitting or McCarthy has been an effective messenger for the anti-
concerns about its adverse effects, such as weight gain. vaccination movement precisely because she is per-
They also may be influenced by peer group pressures or ceived this way. Having a child with autism helps estab-
a fear of failing or simply lack support in quitting. These lish all 3 of these factors, but just as important are the
concerns are analogous to vaccine-hesitant parents, who photos that appear in popular media of her and her boy-
may have uncertainty about the threat of vaccine- friend, Jim Carrey, standing elbow to elbow with other
preventable disease, concerns about vaccine safety and protesters in Washington, DC.31 Those photos further con-
the number of injections required, or lack of trust in medi- vey the sense that she is just like other concerned par-
cal authorities. ents and shares a common interest with them.
The tobacco cessation program used the WSDOH as Finally, the most successful communication strate-
the messenger of the program’s campaign elements: (1) gies are those that recognize that in order for the mes-
a product strategy—a Quit Line where callers could talk sage to make an impact on the audience, it must be ca-
with personal counselors; (2) a price strategy—free coun- pable of getting their attention and engaging their minds
seling and medications for those qualifying; (3) a place in a way that leads to action. An emotional element is
strategy—phone availability 7 days a week, 5 AM to 9 PM; essential to both of these functions. A message that can
and (4) a promotion strategy—ads appearing on televi- arouse the audience emotionally will be more likely to
sion, billboards, brochures, wallet cards, bar coasters, and get their attention and motivate them to change their
posters with messages that were encouraging and sup- behavior.32
portive. By the time the Quit Line received its 100 000th One of the most effective strategies for arousing an au-
call in 2007, 13% of callers had quit, there were 235 000 dience emotionally is through the use of stories and nar-
fewer smokers in the state, and tobacco use had de- ratives. Any communication strategy designed to in-
creased from 22% to 17%, placing Washington state fifth crease vaccination rates will need to use powerful stories
in the nation. While these outcomes cannot be attrib- that resonate with the audience by engaging their emo-
uted solely to the campaign, as secular trends in smok- tions.33 Multiple studies have found that a compelling story
ing undoubtedly contributed to the decline, they are none- about a single victim is far more likely to move an audi-
theless impressive. ence to action than is the use of data.34-36 For a message
to be effective, the messenger and the way the message
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF PERSUASION is presented are both important. The use of rational ar-
gument and data alone will not be sufficient.
Social marketers focus intently on message delivery and
response.26 With regard to immunizations, the goal of any COERCION, MANIPULATION,
social marketing strategy is to convince parents that their AND MISREPRESENTATION
child will be better off if he or she receives vaccinations.
While supporting data and a rational argument are im- The appeals to emotion that are often made by a social
portant factors, they are not sufficient. Aristotle realized marketing campaign’s promotional strategy may leave
this 2000 years ago when he argued that persuasion re- some feeling that social marketing is coercive. And while
quires not only a reasonable argument and supporting coercion may not be all that bad—many argue that co-
data (logos), but also a messenger who is trustworthy and ercion is justifiable in vaccination programs when oth-
attentive to the audience (ethos) and a message that reso- ers are placed at substantial risk of serious harm37-39 or
nates with the audience’s emotions (pathos).29 There is generally to control behaviors that are not only harmful
a rich social psychology literature that supports Aristo- but simply wrong40—we would argue that social mar-
tle’s observations.30 keting is not coercive. Coercion requires that one’s choices
The most effective messenger is one the audience likes are unfavorably narrowed using threats, force, or other
and trusts and who is working toward the same goals as forms of compulsion in another’s attempt to make that
those in the audience. Messengers are most likely to be person do something he or she would not otherwise do.
effective if they have established trust, made clear the fact Social marketing does not narrow the options of its tar-
that they share a common goal with the parent (ie, the get audience; it offers new ones, and offers are not gen-
welfare of the parent’s child), and developed a positive erally considered to be coercive.41
relationship by displaying a willingness to listen respect- It would be more reasonable to ask, rather, whether
fully and attend to parental concerns. While pediatri- social marketing constitutes an inappropriate manipu-
cians are often seen as possessing these traits, they can lation by public authorities that undermines individual
no longer shoulder the full burden of immunization freedom and autonomy. Because many social marketing


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efforts use advertising to communicate the benefits of a measures of the proposed campaign include rates of timely
desired behavior change, and advertising “hardly aims immunization and exemptions from the Washington state
to make [us] more autonomous,”40(p162) social market- immunization requirement to attend licensed child care
ing could be considered to be a manipulative attempt to centers.
change behavior. We would argue, however, that social The message of the campaign will likely have to work
marketing falls short of inappropriate manipulation on to dispel myths that impede adoption of a new behav-
3 counts. First, it is not harmful. Its aim is to protect both ior. An example of such a myth is that propagated by the
individual and public health. Second, since the behav- “Green Our Vaccines” message that childhood vaccines
ior change social marketing seeks is voluntary, it re- are toxic.44 To do so, the campaign will have to consider
spects autonomy at least to some degree. Finally, it pre- whether to adopt a 2-sided message that both praises vac-
sents truthful information that has been validated using cination and identifies its shortcomings at the same time.
evidence-based methods. Two-sided messages have been shown to be more effec-
This last aspect draws attention to the fact that a so- tive when the audience is inclined to be suspicious about
cial marketing campaign must not be misrepresenta- the product and when the audience is better educated,14
tive. Amidst its attempt to leverage the emotional com- as is the case with the target audience in the proposed
ponents of decision making, a campaign’s messages and campaign. An example of such a message might be: “Al-
promotional strategy must ultimately be honest and though 30% of parents don’t get their kids the right shots
backed by credible science. Given the current context of at the right time, most parents do.”
misinformation and fear surrounding vaccines, accu- The campaign will need spokespersons to convey its
rate representation seems paramount. On achieving this, message who can, like McCarthy, provide a warm and
though, social marketing, with its own appeal to emo- sympathetic face for vaccine advocacy and tell an emo-
tions, seems to be an appropriate and justifiable method tional story that resonates with parents. Two types of in-
to address immunization hesitancy. dividuals might fit these criteria: a formerly hesitant par-
ent who has come to realize the importance of vaccinations
A SOCIAL MARKETING PLAN TO INCREASE after their unvaccinated child became seriously ill with
TIMELY IMMUNIZATION FROM BIRTH a vaccine-preventable disease and/or a recognizable, re-
TO AGE 24 MONTHS: THE WASHINGTON spected public figure who has personal life experience
STATE CAMPAIGN with vaccine-preventable disease and is willing to advo-
cate for immunization. The parent might relay his or her
Washington state ranks 46th among US states in immu- struggle with the decision of whether to vaccinate, con-
nization rates for the 15-dose series42 and is not on track cerns about vaccination risks, and harrowing story about
to meet its goal, based on the Healthy People 2010 ob- the vaccine-preventable disease, sequelae, and economic
jective,43 for 80% of children aged 19 to 35 months to have burdens he or she endured. Alternatively, a celebrity with
received all recommended vaccines. Consequently, Wash- directly applicable personal experience can both draw at-
ington state is in the process of developing a social mar- tention to the value of vaccination and help shape public
keting campaign to increase timely immunization in chil- discourse on immunizations. While the actress Amanda
dren. To accomplish this, the market has been segmented Peet’s advice for parents to “take medical advice about im-
both demographically, to accommodate the fact that im- munizations from medical experts, not celebrities”45 is a
munization schedules vary considerably with age, as well welcome counterweight to McCarthy, a celebrity with an
as behaviorally, since the basis of knowledge, attitudes, and emotionally compelling personal provaccination story can
behaviors relative to vaccination differ greatly among par- capture the attention of vaccine-hesitant parents.
ents. The intent is to focus on parents who are expecting Along with the campaign spokesperson(s), trusted lo-
or currently have a child up to the age of 24 months (to cal health care providers will serve as credible messen-
reflect that vaccination against most vaccine-preventable gers to the campaign by giving voice to fact-oriented mes-
disease occurs by the age of 24 months) and who might sages and illustrating the value of vaccination through
be categorized as hesitant toward immunizations. Hesi- the use of real stories about real people who have been
tant parents are defined as being unsure whether to im- affected by vaccine-preventable disease. Local media chan-
munize their children or are intentionally delaying 1 or nels, such as talk shows and television news commen-
more immunizations for nonmedical reasons. Hesitant par- taries, and presentations at moms’ groups and birthing
ents, rather than parents who refuse vaccinations, will be classes are a couple of possible venues for local provid-
targeted because they are a larger group,11 more likely to ers to advocate for vaccination as part of the campaign.
be open to considering vaccination, and likely to proceed Providers will also be integral to a place strategy that will
to vaccination if perceived barriers are addressed. include counseling of hesitant parents at prenatal visits
Background characteristics of this target market in and postdelivery.
Washington state show that hesitant parents tend to be The messenger for the campaign will also include some
older than 30 years, have an income more than $70 000, of the many sponsors that have already been assembled
and have a college degree. The planning team will con- for the development phase of the social marketing cam-
duct research with this market to determine their spe- paign. These groups include the WSDOH, Community
cific and unique perceived barriers and benefits related Pediatric Foundation of Washington, Seattle Children’s
to timely immunizations. A positioning and marketing Hospital, Group Health Foundation, and Within Reach,
mix strategy will then be carefully designed to decrease a private nonprofit organization whose mission is to serve
these barriers and to highlight these benefits. Outcome as the foremost catalyst for improvements in maternal,


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child, and family health. Nonprofit organizations are in- Lee, and Marcuse. Administrative, technical, and mate-
strumental to the messenger strategy, as they often are rial support: Diekema. Study supervision: Diekema.
perceived as more trustworthy than people or organiza- Financial Disclosure: Ms Lee owns the consulting firm
tions that are paid to endorse a product. A vaccine manu- Social Marketing Services, Inc.
facturer encouraging childhood immunization, for in-
stance, naturally provokes skepticism about motives. An
example of a current social marketing campaign on im- REFERENCES
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that began enrollment before this date, registration will
be required by September 13, 2005, before considering the
trial for publication. The trial registration number should
be supplied at the time of submission.
For details about this new policy, and for information
on how the ICMJE defines a clinical trial, see the edito-
rials by DeAngelis et al in the September 8, 2004 (2004;
292:1363-1364) and June 15, 2005 (2005;293:2927-
2929) issues of JAMA. Also see the Instructions to Authors
on our Web site:


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