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Arctic Wolves
Arctic wolves have white fur, which helps them blend in with the environment they
live in.

Their fur is denser and longer than other subspecies. At their longest, they can
grow up to about 6 feet, including their tail.

Arctic wolves have smaller ears and shorter muzzles to contain their body heat.

During winter, these Arctic wolves grow a second layer of fur for protection from
the harsh conditions.

They have a thick, white coat that is insulated against frigid temperatures.

The layer of fur closest to the wolf’s skin is waterproof. The waterproof layer of fur
helps this wolf to remain dry and maintain its body heat in low temperatures.
Kangaroo rats
Kangaroo Rats are nocturnal, which protects them from the heat
during the day.

Kangaroo rats dig burrows to protect themselves from predators

and extreme heat.

They have large hind legs that allow them to jump almost 9 feet
at a time to avoid predators.

They have large ears as well as an extremely good sense of

hearing that allows the rat to detect the approach of the
Kangaroo rats collect seeds and beans at night and store them in
their cheek pouches. This behavior allows them to store extra
seeds quickly.
Fennec Fox

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