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Can you see an improvement in your own writing throughout this semester?

If so, describe
that improvement and how it developed. If not, describe how areas of improvement could
be better addressed in this course.

Honestly, I do not think my writing ability has improved since middle school. I have a hard time
putting thoughts into sentences that flow well with one another. I have done group reports this
semester and I have seen my partners just spew out well thought out sentences like nothing and I
envy that. I did not read much as a child so my vocabulary is also not incredibly large so I often
find myself going to a thesaurus website otherwise the same words will get used over and over
again. You will also notice that almost every sentence in this reflection will start with the word I
because I do not know how to not do that. I do not think anything course related is the reason
behind my writing ability not improving.

What was your goal for this course and did you meet it? If so, how did that happen? If not,
how do you think the course could be revised to better help other students meet that goal?

Despite the fact that I still do not think I am even the slightest bit of a decent writer, I do believe
I met the goal. I did the assignments, although sometimes barely, and know how to layout the
material for it. Part of the problem I had with this course was that it wasn’t an engineering class
and it was all online so sometimes I would forget about it. I think taking this class in person
would have helped me more honestly, being able to have immediate critique and help with the
assignments from both the teacher and peers would be a big plus.

Which assignment are you most proud of and why? If you could add any assignment to this
course, what would it be? If you could edit any assignment in this course, what would it be?

I like the way my Instructions packet turned out. Graphic design is not my passion and I think it
does look rather ugly, but I think it gets the job done and could be helpful. I also like how my
resume is, I did not create a new one for the class but I redesigned it a little bit and I think it
looks better than it did before. If I were to add an assignment into this class, it would be one
where you present a paper topic you wrote. As much as I hate presentations, it is something I will
encounter as an engineer and would be helpful to get more practice in before I bomb an
important one in my career. An assignment I would edit is the engagement one with the sphere
pictures. Honestly I did not understand the point of that and thought it was a rather difficult topic
to do when I am restricted by how far I am willing to drive to get a picture of a certain scene. I
ended up using pictures I found off Google because the closest ocean to me is a few hours away
and in the event that I did not find trash around it, I would have to pollute it myself and hope I
was able to get it out before the tide swept it away.

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