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Historical Improvement of Technology

-Yahya YILMAZ-

-Faculty of Civil Engineering-


İbrahim Ethem DURMAZ

Faculty of Architecture


Kerem Yavuz ÜSTÜNDAĞ

Faculty of Civil Engineering


ING 201


January 22, 2021


Thesis Statement: Technology, which was born with the curiosity of humanity, has improved

humanity in many areas and had breaking points in the history in three distinct eras, which are

Early Development Era, Industrial Revolution and Information Era.

I. Early Development Era

A. Prehistory

1. Paleolithic

a. Middle Paleolithic Technologies

- Paleolithic technology and human evolution (Ambrose, 2001,


b. Upper Paleolithic Technologies

- Paleolithic technology and human evolution (Ambrose, 2001,


2. Mesolithic

-Technological Features and Tools

- Microlithic Lithic Technology of Neandertal Shellfishers from

El Cuco Rockshelter (Rios-Garaizar, 2020, p.10)

3. Neolithic

- Prehistoric Inventions

- The Invention of Technology (Beaune, 2004, pp.145-146)

B. Ancient

1. Copper and Bronze Age

- Materials

- Bronze Age (Bronze Age, 2018)

2. Iron Age


- Fragmenting the Chieftain - Catalogue: Late Bronze and Early

Iron Age Elite Burials in the Low Countries. (Vaart-Verschoof

& Sasja, 2017, pp.27-32)

II. Industrial Revolution Technology

A. Power Technology

1. Engines

- Steam Engines

- The Industrial Revolution (Wolfe, 2015, p.29, 55)

2. Electricity

a. Metallurgy

i. The Industrial Revolution (Wolfe, 2015, p.129)

ii. The Role of Electricity in Industrial Development

(Rosenberg, 1998, p.17)

b. Communication

- The Industrial Revolution (Wolfe, 2015, p.146)

B. Developing Industries

1. Engineering

a. Mechanical Engineering

- The Industrial Revolution (Wolfe, 2015, p.132)

b. Civil Engineering

- The Industrial Revolution (Wolfe, 2015, p.140)

2. Manufacturing

- Textile

- Technology of the Industrial Revolution (Vallencourt, 2015,

p.52, 55, 62)

III. Information Era

A. Internet of Things (IoT)

1. Industry 4.0

- Big Data and Analytics

- 2021 Trends in Big Data: The Interoperability Challenge

(Harper, 2020)

2. Industry 5.0

- Society 5.0

- Japan’s Innovation Systems at the Crossroads: Society 5.0

(Carraz & Harrayama, 2018, p.41)

B. Artificial Intelligence

1. Cyber Security

- Importance of Cyber Security

Overview of Cyber Security (Seema, Sowmiya & Sundaresan,

2018, p.127)

2. Transportation

- Autonomous Vehicles

- Autonomous Vehicle Implementation Predictions (Litman,

2020, p.18)

Since the birth of humanity, people have always used their irreversible curiosity, their

interactions with the environment and those of their kind, sometimes to survive and

sometimes to make their lives easier. The result of this curiosity and interaction with the

environment has been the inevitable emergence of technology shortly after the existence of

humanity. The historical development of technology, which has been shaped according to the

needs of people in many areas in this process that continues throughout humanity, has been a

long and challenging process that started from prehistoric times and had ideas and theories on

it even for the future. Technology has basically been a type of science that people use to meet

their needs, to get what they want more easily, to survive and to make their lives easier.

Changing human needs in different periods of history has been the main reason that guided

the development of technology. The quality of life of people has changed tremendously with

the development of technology, which was originally a primitive tool, used by humans only to

solve simple problems. As Rosenbloom states in Technology Evolution (2007), what is

called the evolution of technology is the production process that makes it possible to

increase the production of certain services or produce qualitatively more advanced

products with a fixed amount of resources, or the change in the institutional

arrangements that regulate this production process. The evolution of technology is the

leading cause of the increasing quality of life, but also the main reason for the difference

in the quality of life of societies (2007, p.1). As history unfolded in the mid-twentieth

century, technology was seen as a tool and action used by humans to change their

environment. These definitions, which are difficult to understand the distinction

between technological activity and scientific research, have been criticized by observers

for being so broad (Buchanan, 2020). Later, with people wondering about the origin of

technology, studies were conducted on how technology emerged, what it owes its

development to and how it can become in the future (Ambrose, 2001; Beaune, 2004; Wolfe,

2015; Rosenberg, 1998; Vallencourt, 2015; Harper, 2020; Litman, 2020). To sum up, be

inferred that technology, which was born with the curiosity of humanity, has improved

humanity in many areas and had breaking points in history in three distinct eras, which are the

Early Development Era, Industrial Revolution, and Information Era.

YAHYA YILMAZ Throughout history, people have benefited from technology in

every part of their lives and they have developed technology day by day. Technology has

passed many stages of development in history. This development in technology dates back to

prehistoric times. The paleolithic era which starts 2.5 million years ago and contains %99 of

human history, is the beginning of human history and technology. The paleolithic era is also

divided into Middle Palaeolithic (MP) and Upper Palaeolithic (UP) parts. According to

Ambrose (2001), during the Middle Palaeolithic (MP) and its sub-Saharan African

correlate, the Middle Stone Age (MSA) technological improvement was expedited as

well as cultural improvement 300,000 years ago (300ka) (2001, p. 1751). We can say that

this increasing speed in MP / MSA is the first step of the historical development of

technology. Since technological improvement accelerated during MP/MSA humans

developed the tools they use for cutting. Ambrose (2001) also indicates that Radial cores

and smaller tools from Levallois were substituted for LCTs (large cutting tools) (2001,

p.1751). And Pibble & Bar-Yosef cited in Ambrose, Levallois' core technology is an

advanced strategy to produce relatively standardized artifacts efficiently and can reflect

more complex cognitive skills. (2001, p.1751). In view of this information, it can be

considered that since the time of MP/MSA, technological tools and technology have

continued to develop. Later in MP/MSA LCTs have left their place to blades with the further

development of technology. Blade production become more important in that time and it

augmented the number of utilizable sharp-edged tools. As Upper Palaeolithic (UP) and Later

Stone Age (LSA) approached, the improvement in technological tools took a different

status. As the study of Ambrose (2001), at the time of MP/MSA ground, polished, drilled,

and perforated bone, ivory, antler, shell, and stone, shaped into projectiles, harpoons,

buttons, awls, needles, and ornaments were very rare since the UP/LSA period was

started 40,000 years ago, these and similar technological tools increased (2001,

p.1752). This implies that with the transition to UP, technology has taken another step in its

development adventure. The Mesolithic Period is another phase in the development of

technological innovation. There is an extremely fine transition between the UP and the

Mesolithic period. Even in some sources, the Mesolithic period is called the end of the UP

period, however, the Mesolithic period, even it is a short meantime, has something that causes

it to leave the paleolithic period. The main advance that distinguishes the Mesolithic period

from the UP period is the stone composite microliths, which is combined with wooden bone

and other tools. Microliths, which have many useful features, were the number one material

used by people in the Mesolithic period in their technological tools. As the study of Rios-

Garaizar (2020) suggests, as a result of a variety of various factors, the use of microliths

has arisen. It is conditioned due to its original size and distance from the outcrops.

Other considerations are the need for lightweight labor-free transport equipment, the

potential to generate flags using ramified systems as well as the low requirements for

heavy tools that drive these classes' technical choices. (2020, p.10). Taking this into

consideration, it can be concluded that microlithic technologies integrated the tools used by

people in the Mesolithic period, and again the improvement of technology made human life

easier. Nevertheless, technology was continuing its development adventure in history. The

last part of the historical improvement of technology in the prehistorical era is Neolithic. In

this period of the prehistorical era, the last technological tools and improvements of the

prehistoric era have occurred. In Neolithic instead of prior technological tools made of stone,

bone, and microliths for utilizations such as hammering and cutting processes, people have

developed a new technique grinding for grindstones. Beaune (20014) indicates that these

grinding tools have been perfected to simulate a successful innovation, a long pestle and

deep mortar, which is still commonly used in Africa. The importance of the tools was

connected with its relaxing aspect to the diffusion of the percussion. All the handler had

to do was drop the pestle in this form of percussion. The kinetic energy required for the

procedure was not extracted from the handler, but from the object that had to be heavy,

therefore. So, an instrument connecting thrusting to rest percussion became a tool that

only operates by diffuse thrusting percussion (2004, p.145). In view of this information

understood that how the grinding technique works. On the other hand, if it has to be

mentioned what grindstones are used to make. As Beaune (2004) states since the

grindstones were related to the ruins of tubers that must be base either to distill toxins

or to eject fiber grindstones were surely utilize to produce food that would make them

nondigestible before being depleted. Hillman, Madeyska, and Hather, cited in Beaune,

states that; “Most of the other species identified —in particular fern rhizomes and doum

palm fruit pith— also benefit from grounding to make them more digestible”. And also,

Jones, as cited Beaune, says that; the mass spectrometric investigation of the three

pounding stones fits the depiction of the four-plant materials fair specified, with

permitting the distinguishing proof of cellulose-rich and protein-poor natural residues

(2004, p.146). Taking all these facts into consideration, it is possible to claim that in the

Neolithic era people have made progress on their nourishment with the improvement of

grindstone technology, and with the end of the Neolithic, the Prehistorical era had been

brought to an end. All things considered, it is clear that while technology in every phase of

prehistoric times has experienced seemingly minor innovations, these developments are the

first and just as necessary steps of a historical improvement.


YAHYA YILMAZ One of the early developments of historical improvement of

technology is ancient age technology whit the ancient age, which started with the end of the

prehistoric period, people entered a new era and technology continued to develop in this

period according to the needs of people in the period. In this period, with the production of

bronze from tin and copper. Since bronze was more durable and harder than copper, people at

that time preferred bronze for use in making tools and weapons. The transition to the Bronze

Age started at different times in different groups. Based on archeological finds, it is believed

that the Sumerians were the first civilization to pass the Bronze Age by introducing tin to

copper around 3300 BC. As indicated in the HISTORY website (2018), as a result of the

research, Stone Age which is dominated by stone tools and weapons was ended with the

invention of bronze. Transition to Bronze Age began at disparate times in different

human societies. For instance, civilizations in Greece began working with bronze before

3000 B.C., while the British Isles and China entered the Bronze Age much later—

around 1900 B.C. and 1600 B.C., respectively. Marked by the rise of the community or

kingdoms, the Bronze Age large-scale communities were united under a public

administration by a powerful sovereign. Interaction in the Bronze Age states; happened

through war, trade, immigration, and the circulate of ideas. Leading Bronze Age

kingdoms included Sumer and Babylon in Mesopotamia and Athens in Ancient Greece

(2018). Considering the information above, it can be said that with the transition to Bronze

Age and the use of bronze in technology have affected humanity and the development of

technology as there are clusters in societies. The ancient age which is one of the early

developments of historical improvement continued with the Iron Age. With the end of the

Bronze Age and the starting of Iron Agethe using of copper and bronze are decrease, instead

of these materials the iron made materials are started to use. The iron-made materials are

more strong and solid than the Bronze Age materials hence the people who live in Iron Age,

prefer iron for making technological tools such as potteries, horse-gears, and more

importantly weapons. Iron made swords and blades are the main weapons in that age. Vaart-

Verschoof (2017) recommended that Both Milcent (2004; 2012) and Trachsel (2004)

have written significant works on Early Iron Age sword typo(chrono), over the last 15

years. Trachsel (2004; Fig. C2.4) defined his scheme by identifying multiple typo

chronological 'stages' in Gündlingen (5 steps) and Mindelheim (six steps) forms. Two

collections of Mindelheim swords he distinguishes from both of them. Trachsel (2004,

107-44) agrees to Mindelheim, but suggests that there's chronological variation between

Gündlingen and Mindelheim. He also claims that from stage 3 of Gündlingen the

Mindelheim Series 1 was created (Trachsel 2004, 124) (2017, p. 28). In light of this

information, it is understood that people who lived in the iron age carried their technology to

the next level with the integration of iron materials into the tools they used, and the various

types of swords found as a result of researches many different techniques used the iron

material in their weapons and especially in sword making was an indication of their

improvement of technology. All things considered, it is clear that in the Ancient Age, which

started with the end of the prehistoric period, people developed themselves and their life

quality by converting their many tools to, first with bronze and copper in the Bronze Age,

then with iron material in the Iron Age and by inventing different tools as a result of the

features of these materials, while doing all this improvement with technology science they

also improved their technology.

İBRAHİM ETHEM DURMAZ The first is that engines play one of the most critical

positions in the wide range of powerful technology tools that have changed industrial

revolution technology in a radical shift due to its importance on the road to mechanization and

mass production. Overall, steam and combustion engines have had a significant impact on

developing technology in the industrial revolution period. For the very first examples and

trials to create steam engines. Wolfe said that the main theoretical basis needed by

practical technologists interested in steam power was provided by the research of

several scientists, especially Robert Boyle, who became famous for his research on

atmospheric pressure, and Otto von Guericke from Germany who worked on the

vacuum (2015, p.29). Accordingly, the role of Germany and England has helped to benefit

from steam power through pressure studies and to develop existing technological devices.

Unfortunately, it is not known how Thomas Savery and Thomas Newcomen, who are

considered to be the pioneers of steam engines used this knowledge to develop their steam

engines named Newcomen Engine. In 1698 Thomas Savery invented a steam to expel water

from a mine, then Thomas Newcomen, who is an inventor, made a contract with him

afterwards. Together in 1705, the two built the first steam engine. Hundreds of Newcomer

engines were built during the 18th century. James Watt greatly expanded this incredible

machine later in 1767. In reality, James was asked to repair a Newcomer steam engine model.

He found how primitive and inefficient it was, and over a series of improvements, converted

it into a practical device for machine factory. Wolfe also said that the reason Watt's motor

needs an extra device to convert the piston movements of the Watt motor into rotational

motion is that although it is very successful in pumping, this aspect is lacking. Watt built

an additional mechanism in the device to compensate for this shortcoming so that the

piston can move the connecting rod and a crank that rotates an axle. From here we can

understand that (2015, p.55). From here we can say that although Watt developed the

Newcomen engine, it remained incomplete, but Watt managed to solve this situation thanks to

his good mechanical ability. Since hydraulic energy was used for power in factories, the

places where it was established had to be placed with rapid water flow, which narrowed the

factory land. Thanks to the power of the Watt’s steam engine, this problem was solved. Later

on, throughout the 1800s, steam engines were used in many fields of industrialization, such as

shipping, heating systems, agriculture and electrical generators. Besides the steam engines,

there was another big factor that upset the balance of power technology during the industrial

revolution, electricity. The development of metallurgy and the materials used in its process

affected the industrial revolution in a way that would expand the areas where electricity

would later be used such as communication. First of all, to improve the work with iron and

steel, a more efficient source than carbon, which can burn at a maximum of 1100 degrees, was

required. In this sense, the iron and steel industry has begun to use coal as a fuel instead of

charcoal, which can reach up to 2,500 degrees Celsius in the coal fire. In this way, both the

rewards for the manufacture of coal and the indispensable materials for the construction of all

other devices, such as communication equipment, have been made available. As a result of

these developments, the British iron and steel industry was not dependent on forests for

the use of combustible materials and was encouraged to turn to coal mines (Wolfe, 2015,

p.129). This shows that advances in the supply of the materials needed for the processing of

raw materials and their efficient use directly stimulate the production of raw materials and the

industry in which they are used, making a major contribution to the technology. After all, the

advancement of metallurgy was necessary for the development of communication technology.

As a result of these developments in metallurgy, the production of materials that can be used

in the machines to be produced has been made faster and the growth in the communication

sector has been rapid. Before electricity, the steam engine contributed to the

mechanization of papermaking and printing processes (Vallencourt, 2015, p.73). Thus,

these factors contributed greatly to the acceleration of the printing press and the sharing of

information. However, electricity was the major reason for big advances in communication.

The first significant invention was the telegraph invented by Charles Wheatstone and William

Cooke and patented jointly in 1837. At around the same time, Samuel F.B. Morse designed a

signal cipher, a globally accepted form of communication, and gave it his last name morse.

After that, continents were crossed by telegraph wires, and formal and commercial centers

started to connect at an extraordinary speed that humanity never did before. The phone came

after the electric telegraph. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell contrived the telephone,

spread rapidly in American cities, but it took a little longer to spread to Europe (Wolfe,

2015, p.150). It shows that Europe embraced telegraphic communication and the transition to

telephone use was painful. To sum up, the processing of raw materials used in mechanization

became simpler, continents became interconnected, and people could interact faster than ever


İBRAHİM ETHEM DURMAZ During the industrial revolution, major innovations in

raw material production and the acceleration of production enabled new industries to emerge

and existing industries to develop. Some types of engineering industries, such as mechanical

engineering and civil engineering, have enabled great innovations through ambitious work in

material products and construction. Foremost, the development in mechanical engineering,

guided by the supply and demand for large machines, and first shaped at the Soho

workshop in Boulton and Watt in Birmingham, was intimately associated with the

industrial sector. Precision engineering, developed in the production of scientific

instruments and automatic weapons, was first applied to the growth of high industrial

machines (Wolfe, 2015, p.132). This provided an incentive to increase the mechanical

innovation required for the industry to develop and production to increase. If there is an

important factor affecting the industrial and transportation mechanization of the 19th century,

it is the engineer workshops that were established. Working more effectively than a wooden

framed and manually operated one, the advanced Lathes formed fully metal along with a solid

base and a lathe slide for using cutting tools. The specialization in the machinery industry

became more evident in the 19th century due to the growth of industries such as mining, the

manufacture of vehicles, and construction. In the case of large civil engineering, it was still

the human workers are responsible for the hard work of moving the soil coordinated by

the project managers during this time. However, the cordon of gunpowder, dynamite,

and steam scoops helped reduce this reliance and helped ease the chore at the end of the

19th century (Wolfe, 2015, p.140). Thus, developments in metallurgy and power technology

have contributed to facilitating the heavy work of workers in the construction field. With the

use of cast iron in the framework of large buildings becoming very important, tests were

carried out in the area of strength and size in order to see the limits of this material in the

field. Nevertheless, at the end of the 19th century, the use of wrought iron began to become

widespread and ferroconcrete structures were introduced. Advances in these two engineering

fields later played a huge role in the development of the manufacturing and transportation

sectors. Thanks to the increased productivity and factorization of the developing industries

during the industrial revolution, as well as the growth of the engineering industries,

manufacturing has also improved considerably. Following the innovations brought by

metallurgy, the development of chemistry and textile was one of the biggest reasons for the

acceleration in the development of technology of the century. As Vallencourt stated, while

many inventors were trying to develop the spinning wheel, James Hargreaves patented

the spinning generator in 1770 that allowed a single worker to run exactly eight spindles

instead of one, and simultaneously, the water frame, a spinning machine with water-

powered rollers were advanced by Richard Arkwright. These developments in spinning

machines also required more innovation in the weaving industry (2015, p.52,55). Thus,

we understand that the effects of the spinning and weaving industries are directly related to

each other. Because these industries are related, the need for weaving machines increased, but

their production started much later. Many developments were required for the use of these

machines to become widespread. On top of that, weavers strongly opposed them because they

thought they would put people out of work. For this reason, some people caused riots,

smashed machines, and tried to prevent them from being used and developed. Again,

Vallencourt states that despite all these developments, all the processes in the

manufacture of clothes were done manually until fabric production was possible at the

factory, and in 1830 after several trials, the Parisian Barthelemy Thimonnier patented a

practical machine. However, a crowd of tailors who feared unemployment destroyed

Thimonnier's machines (2015, p.62). This shows us that developments, which are an

inevitable fact, that would facilitate production and reduce the burden on people, were

approached with fear at any point in history in fear of the unknown technology and

unemployment. The sewing machine was the only machine used in the clothing industry for a

long time until the 1860s when the band-knife mechanism developed. As a result, although

the textile industry was interrupted by people's fear of being unemployed due to

mechanization, it has reached its present state thanks to determined scientists and engineers.

KEREM YAVUZ ÜSTÜNDAĞ These days, knowledge is one of the most significant

things in life. With the beginning of the information age, information gathering started and the

place where this information was collected was called big data. Since one of the first

examples in America’s H1N1 virus wanted to create a precaution due to the terrible effects of

the Spanish flu in 1918, taking information from people carrying the H1N1 virus, combining

them in the field called big data, making the right diagnoses and taking the right precautions

accordingly, and the disease was weakened before reaching large dimensions. After the

success here, big data started to spread. As Harper states Big Data has become part of the

ubiquitous data-driven process, whether it involves cognitive computing, multi-cloud or

advanced streaming data use cases. Nowadays, big data is used in almost every aspect of

life. Ads, websites, applications, and countries (2020). Thus, in the light of this information

that explains how important big data is. For instance, when you enter a website, it takes the

places you clicked the most as information and consolidates them into big data, which makes

it possible to find out why you clicked, which makes the unclicked places more accurate using

the data of the clicked places, which makes every location ideally in use. Or, on the search

platform, you use in ads, you can memorize the products you have looked at on the last sales

sites you visited, and you will encounter ads related to discounts or the like. Today, this

concept called big data is questioned in terms of security. In case of insufficient security, it

can cause major problems. Today, Facebook Instagram, and WhatsApp owner Mark

Zuckerberg have an important case recently about leaking information from big data, which

means that everything you write or say may be leaked to companies, countries, or individuals.

These days, too, the judiciary is trying to catch up with the information age because the

slightest leak in this area and a similar event can have devastating consequences. First of all,

with Information Era, getting informed has become the task of robots rather than us. Also,

Industry 4.0 is a stage where robots are humanized using the internet of things. Yet with

Industry 5.0, the humanization of robots that will continue in society 5.0 and their

communication with each other will be perfected with the internet of things. Subsequently,

people will robotize using the internet of things and can use the advantages of robots. Industry

5.0 Here, too, the concept of the internet of things catches the eye. Robots are helping us more

and more, learning more and more every day. However, with the arrival of industry 5.0, our

lives will change completely. With the arrival of Industry 5.0, Society 5.0 will be brought

with it, which means after a certain point, robots will not become humanized, we will become

robots. In Society 5.0, people will be robotized and add something important, such as

information, directly to their brain via a chip. Neuralink owned by Elon Musk is to transfer

information by inserting a chip in the human brain. Subsequently, deficiencies in the brain,

such as paralysis, etc. even situations such as damage to one region of the brain. occur and are

currently working to solve them. The main feature of Community 5.0 is to maximize the

potential of people, to minimize all time-loss. For instance, traffic and waste of time caused

by the long road, etc. There will be almost no time lost in the situation. All vehicles will

communicate among themselves as they become autonomous and smart. Since they always

communicate and accident probabilities are minimized, they will be able to travel much faster

than the current time. One of the biggest representatives of Society 5.0 is Japan. As Europe

made the beginning of Industry 4.0, the Japanese, which fell behind in the technology war, is

already aiming to be ahead of other countries by designing Industry 5.0 and Society 5.0. As

Carraz & Harayama states, Social 5.0 optimizes the potential for more data-driven

technology and implementation while improving human life. Through the "super-smart

society", the lives of all citizens become significant. This has the potential for Japan to

play a key role in science, technology, and innovation (2018, p.41). To sum up, the whole

world will participate in these leaps of the Japanese in this field in the near future. Because

staying a few years behind in this area may mean falling behind 20-30 years in real life.

Subsequently, one of the most useful parts of this technology is that almost all people born

with deficiencies can now continue their lives equally.

KEREM YAVUZ ÜSTÜNDAĞ One of the biggest developments in the information

age has been to get smart by getting information from robots or virtual robots that serve us on

the internet. This started with the invention of artificial intelligence and studies on it. With the

widespread use of artificial intelligence, robots have started to work almost everywhere.

Robots continue to make our lives much easier by getting smarter every day. However,

Artificial Intelligence has a huge issue as every good thing has negative aspects. That is, the

concept of security that we describe as Cybersecurity will multiply its existing value as robots

become widespread. Even today, companies spent very high amounts of money on

Cybersecurity to prevent their information from being stolen, and to prevent the hacking of

their artificial intelligence and machines, and to prevent similar situations. Seema, Sowmiya

& Sundaresan state that, according to a questionnaire conducted in the UK in 2017.


Cybersecurity expenses a mean of £19.600 for major companies. For middle-sized

companies, it expenses a mean of £1.570 (2018, p. 127). Thus, in light of this information

survey was conducted in 2017 and it was a very high amount even then, money spent on

Cybersecurity has increased significantly these days. One of the biggest reasons is that there is

an incredibly large number of machines and robots used in factories these days. When a

hacker breaks into the system, they can directly take over the whole system. Subsequently,

even if it can damage your robots or not, it disrupts production and this can cause great

damage to companies. For instance, for a few years, with industry 4.0 technologies,

companies have started working to build factories consisting only of machines. Subsequently,

when such a factory is established, or a hacker takes over a factory, it becomes inoperable

until an entire factory's security gap closed. To summarize, Cybersecurity has become

incredibly valuable with the development of artificial intelligence and the spread of robots.

Companies must take serious precautions for these, if they do not, they suffer a much bigger

loss. One of the things people are curious about in the future is how transportation will be.

However, transportation has improved a lot even now, even if many people are not aware of

it. For example, autonomous driving developed by Tesla started in vehicles. Right now, you

can go from place to place in a completely automatic way. On the other hand, there are points

that need improvement, yet this technology works only if you are careful. Your arms should

be on the steering wheel so that you can intervene in case of any problems. However, this will

be fixed soon. So why is autonomous driving so important? Litman states that by

expanding traveler solace and profitability, significant distance trips, including drives,

more bearable, can become prompted by this innovation more vehicle travel and spread

turn of events. Will probably be incremented by this. numerous family unit's vehicle

travel, especially via independent vehicle proprietors in provincial and rural zones (2020

p.18). After seeing the importance of autonomous driving in the light of this information, we

can be sure that this technology will develop further in the future. For instance, everything

will communicate through Industry 4.0, from recent plans. Streets that will be filled with

autonomous vehicles will only communicate with traffic lights and traffic accidents will be

minimized thanks to very powerful sensors. In addition, one of the greatest benefits is that

since all vehicles work like computers, there will be no traffic and vehicles can be traveled at

very high speeds. For example, it will be possible to travel at a speed of 100 km in the city by

personal vehicles, and it will be possible to travel at speeds of 400-500 km outside the city.

To summarize, autonomous vehicles, which are not used much at the moment, will soon be

filled with almost only them. Because it will be a technology that will save people from

fatigue, loss of time, and material and moral losses caused by traffic accidents.

In a nutshell, it would not be wrong to say that there are some periods when

technology has developed to a considerable extent. In different periods of history, which are

the Early Development Era, Industrial Revolution, and Information Era, with different turning

points, technology has been the biggest factor in the development of humanity and its

superiority over nature. When we examine this development from the very beginning, we see

that the first period of these developments took place in prehistory and subsequently in the

ancient age. Secondly, with the mechanization brought by the industrial revolution, the

inventions in power technology have enabled the development and invention of many

industries, the technology has progressed at an incredible pace, these fundamental

developments in mass production have been effective in every field and the technology has

developed and come to the present day. Finally, in these successive periods, industrial

developments have opened the door, including today's technology; Thanks to artificial

intelligence and the internet of things, changes have occurred in our lives that we cannot think

of. Apart from all these good aspects of technological developments, some people have also

been harmed. For instance, if they asked people in the 1900s when people wanted faster

horses. With the invention of cars, people were able to travel to distant places they wanted in

a much shorter time. While this affected most people positively, some people here, most of

the horse carriage drivers were unemployed and suddenly one sector disappeared. Based on

all this, we can say that technology aims to make people's lives easier, but we cannot say this

for some people. Because people who couldn't adapt to technology lost their jobs or

approached technology with prejudice and opposed it by saying it was a bad thing. Here, too,

people who both lose their jobs and think technology is a bad thing can protest in public or try

to oppose technological developments, which can cause chaos. This is correctable, if people

are informed about technology, they can adapt to technology so they can find new jobs if they

lose their jobs. In this way, negative aspects that may occur from this area are prevented.

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