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SY 2021-2022
NAME: Julyna Pearl N. Amistad DATE SUBMITTED: 09/12/2021
CODE: Cs15
Themes in Biology

DIRECTION: Wear a mask, get your cell phone and walk around your garden. Do a backyard nature walk
to assess biodiversity and observe nature. As you walk around, try to listen, and feel nature. Pose one
bio-related question. Take a photo of any organism that interests you most then return inside your house.
NOTE: Do not go out your gate and do not go near anyone else.

1. Write your biology-related question below and discuss how you might find the answer to that
question. (4 pts)

How to identify if a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Although the two have similarities,
we can still differentiate the two. The primary distinction between these two types is that
eukaryotes have a membrane-bound nucleus and prokaryotes do not. Another primary distinction
is the DNA structure. In prokaryotes, DNA is bundled together in the nucleoid region and not
within. It also consists of numerous molecules double-stranded and circular. On the other hand, in
eukaryotes, their genetic information is stored in the nucleus and consists of multiple molecules
of double-stranded linear DNA. Concisely, major characteristics are a great help to differentiate
the two.

(Reference: Gleichmann, N. (2021, July 8). Prokaryotes vs eukaryotes: What are the key
differences? Technology Networks.

2. Paste the picture of the organism below and explain how it is related to the themes of Biology.
( 2 points clear photo, 4 points explanation of the themes)

At the levels of the organization, this flowering plant consists of cells, tissues, organs, organ systems.
Cells as the basic unit, whereas new cells produced by meristematic cells become specialized to form
tissues. And when different types of tissues work together to execute their function, they create an
organ. As such, the organs are grouped and worked together to establish the organ systems. Then, the
organ systems work together to carry out a particular function for the organism, which is now the rose

This flowering plant known as rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa in the
family Rosaceae. They typically have dark green stems with sharp prickles, incorrectly called thorns.
The size of this plant depends on the species. Flowers can reach from a couple to 33 inches in diameter,
and some species can reach 23 feet in length. Furthermore, they’re multi-petal flowers available in an
array of colors. And what makes it interesting is that each color of the rose symbolizes a value, wherein
pink symbolizes joy.

All living organisms depend on the ability of plants to turn energy from the sun into food through a
process called photosynthesis, so basically, flowers get their food from sunlight. And as I’ve mentioned
earlier, roses are perennial flowering plants, which means they continuously grow year after year
without replanting. But, you might need to consider the place where it will be because roses are
considered full-sun plants, so if you have a high, bright shade, roses can do all right, but the direct sun
is best. However, in the hot climate of summer, partial shade is helpful.

Flowers are the primary way plants attract insects, and bright, colorful flowers, like roses, attract
insects such as butterflies to collect nectar and pollen. This process is what we call mutualism, which is
one example of an interaction. Another example is predation, wherein the predator consumes its prey.
And what's interesting here is that roses can protect themselves from predators. Roses are well-known
for their sharp prickles. It looks like hooks that protect them from herbivores. Concisely, roses use this
trait to avoid being consumed by predators.

Roses have many adaptations which help them survive and perhaps the most well-known structural
adaptation of the rose is the presence of sharp prickles which I’ve mentioned already. Well, roses
happen to be beautiful to look at, and I can assure that. They’re also fragrant to smell, that's why roses
are an important ingredient in the perfume industry. Roses are also sweet to taste wherein they can be
turned into marmalades and jams. All of these characteristics will most likely attract different
organisms, so that’s why roses developed sharp prickles to protect themselves to survive. Concisely, the
structural adaptation of roses shows how they evolved to survive.
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