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CHOIR DIRECTOR 3 Steps Every Choir

What is a Choir Director? Leader Should Take

A choir director is someone who conducts and Now!
leads a choir. There are many types of choirs,
including church choirs, children's choirs, school
and community choirs.

A choir director motivates and inspires the choir,

and knows the techniques needed to make a vocal
performance stand out. They choose the piece that
the group will perform and makes sure that the
vocal harmony is perfect. He or she ensures that all
choir members attend rehearsals and that they will
be at their very best when performing.

A choir director usually has a background in

conducting, harmony and vocal production, music
theory, or teaching.
As a choir director, you've no doubt asked yourself
"What steps can I take toward improving my church
choir?" The answer begins within...

1. Schedule time to be present in God’s

presence. God’s presence is everywhere but often
we are unaware of the opportunity we have to
activate His presence by our praise. That means we
have to choose to focus our attention on Him and not
our circumstances and surroundings. Whether you
are a worship leader, pastor, church member or a
Where can he lead or conduct a choir? worshiper this is an important step in your journey
with Christ. Although there are many ways to
1. Church
accomplish this, consider taking a walk without your

2. Community phone or electronics. Start by giving thanks. Singing

a song. Or, just talk to the Lord. It’s amazing how this
3. Schools time can become a favorite part of your day.

4. Any Performing Arts/Venues (Theater, TV, 2. Read God’s Word. This sounds like such a no
Stage performing arts, concert, etc.) brainer but it’s one that is most easily pushed aside
for so many people. I’ve heard some say, “I’m not a
reader”. Others say they fall asleep whenever they
start reading. Most are unsure why their Bible stays
dusty on a shelf. Whatever the reason, this step is
one that serves as a map to help us find our way.
Take a step today toward reading His Word. It will
serve as sustenance to your every day.

3. Pray! We’ve all heard that prayer changes things.

It does! This step is an incredible opportunity to build
a relationship through communicating with your
Father. There’s something incredible about praying
and watching God provide and answer our prayers.
Even when it seems you don’t know what to
pray there’s always something to thank Him for. Start
with that. After a while you’ll find your prayers
growing into more meaningful moments and you’ll
never look back.

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