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Submitted by: Edward Espeleta ABM Rousseff January 30, 2018

Submitted to: Renante Gustilo, MBA-TRM, MPA


Samsung helps you discover a wide range of home electronics with

cutting-edge technology including smartphones, tablets, TVs, home
appliances and more.


Samsung sells their phones worldwide around 61 different countries by

making slight changes according the countries need. It has divided the
market into different regions of Asia such as northern, eastern and southern
areas. Samsung target Young People, Professional Businessmen and
University students. Samsung products are available to every family size and
to every income class with their own preferences. It has products for lower
middle, Middle and upper middleclass. Samsung Galaxy range is very
attractive to Youth because it has many features such as Great quality
camera and multi task handling. It is also a good option for Businessmen.
Samsung mobiles are available for every lifestyle personality whether it’s
sporty lifestyle or professional style. It offers mobile phones in different
colors to attract especially girl’s attention. The price of mobile phones varies
from different models. It has a range of 12, 000 up to 70, 000.

Samsung targets a very wide range of consumers ranging from normal

day to day usage devices to industrial standard equipment. The usual target
age group of customers range from the 20s to 50s or even older, as long as
the person has the ability to purchase and use the products that Samsung
has to offer in the market.

Teenagers to early adults (age 14 ' 25); this age group of Samsung
product consumers is usually Samsung's smartphone target customers as
they are mostly technology savvy. This group of customers is growing as
Samsung saw that this group has more spending power in recent years
compared to in the past.

Adults (age 26 ' 50); this specific group of targets the largest portion
of Samsung's target market as this is the group of consumers that have the
most ability to purchase any of the product Samsung has to offer in the
market be it smartphones, smart television, cameras or any other household
products like vacuum cleaners or washing machines. This portion of
customers will continue to grow in the years to come.


Samsung tries to cover the whole mobile and smartphone market and
is now one of the leading mobile companies of the world. Today company’s
product lineup includes almost any possible smartphone or mobile. Thereby
the current positioning of Samsung Mobile is to be a market leader in the
whole mobile and smartphone market. Samsung came up with new ideas to
be more customer-focused and creative in order to establish a strong brand
image in the global market.  Their main focus is to make handsets with the
most amazing and unique designs in order to meet their customers’
expectation. Samsung has long counted on its marketing and hardware
prowess to attract customers seeking an alternative to Apple's iPhone. When
Samsung needs to churn out a hit, it turns to what it's always done best:
hardware. Samsung has long been at the forefront of the mobile market
when it comes to the technology crammed into the devices. Its phones tend
to use the fastest processors and brightest screens, as well as incorporate
novel, high-tech features such as curved displays seen in S6. Samsung
prefers to use different taglines for their different products. This
year Samsung launched S6 with "Six Appeal" as the tagline.

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