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Test Vocabulary Unit 5

A Read and choose.

1 Viking warriors wore helmets / shields to protect their heads.

2 They fought other warriors with crops / swords.

3 They grew different shields / crops for food.

4 They also cooked stew / weave made of meat.

5 The meat came from animals that they used to fight / hunt.

6 They liked weaving / hunting their own clothes.


B Choose the odd one out.

1 silk / leather / wheat

2 spices / coins / honey

3 pottery / jewelry / necklace

4 fur / silk / wood

5 honey / coins / jewelry

6 fur / spices / leather


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Test Grammar Unit 5

A Read and complete.

1 The Vikings used to build many ships for fishing, trading, and fighting.
2 Every Viking child learn how to sail and use ships.

3 The ships didn’t have engines, so they needed many sailors to row them.

4 They keep their shields hanging on the outside of the ships to protect them.

5 They didn’t have any cover at night on the ships—they slept outside.

6 When an important Viking chief died, they burn his body with his ship at sea.


B Read and complete.

1 What did you use to play (you / play) when you were younger?
2 (you / like) honey when you were younger?

3 Where (your mom / live) when she was a child?

4 What (your parents / call) you when you were a baby?

5 What time (you / go) to bed when you were five?

6 (you / have) a pet when you were younger?


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Test Listening and Writing Unit 5

A Listen to Paul. Write True or False.

1 Marco Polo lived about 600 years ago. False
2 Many people traveled the whole Silk Road then.

3 When Marco Polo arrived in China, he was 20 years old.

4 He learned to speak Chinese. Marco Polo

5 Marco Polo stayed in China for two years.

6 Historians think he lied about his adventures. /10

B Choose one child. Write five sentences about them. Use past tenses and give examples.

Viking warrior’s Silk Route trader’s Maori trader’s Egyptian farmer’s

son daughter daughter son

1 What was his/her name and how old do you think he/she was?

2 What did he/she look like?

3 Who did he/she live with and where?

4 What did he/she do every day?

5 What did he/she like?


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Test Reading Unit 5

The Spice Merchant

The merchant took a deep breath. The air around his stall was full of the smell of spices. There
were big bags of peppercorns and cinnamon. There were jars of nutmeg and cloves. The
merchant even had a small, silver box of rich saffron—the little red threads taken from the
Crocus flower, which many people wanted but
few could actually buy.
Yes, the spice crops had been good this year,
thought the merchant. He felt the gold necklace
around his neck, and he gave a little smile. He
ran his hands along his silk robe. He used to be
a poor man, but soon, he would be the richest
in the village. All he needed was for his ship to
Then Ahmed ran through the marketplace
calling out. “Word from the port, Master. Our
ship is lost!”

A Read and choose.

1 Saffron comes from the Crocus / cinnamon / nutmeg.

2 The merchant only has a small box of saffron because it is very tiny / it is very expensive /
the crops weren’t good that year.

3 The story is told from the point of view of Ahmed / the captain of the ship / the merchant.

4 The merchant is happy at the beginning of the story because Ahmed just told him a joke /
he loves eating spices / he thinks he’s going to make lots of money.

5 The merchant’s view changes by the end of the story because he hears that his ship is lost /
he is angry with Ahmed / he has lost his box of saffron.

6 In the story, dock means the same as arriving at the port / spice / sail.


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Test Speaking Unit 5

Student A
Take turns. Read, say, and respond.

1 I’m looking for a trade with these Viking cards.

Yes, I do. What do you want?  ​
2 If I give you … , will you give me … ? That’s too many.
OK, I’ll make a trade with you.
3 I’ll give you … for …

Fluency: /5
Accuracy: /5

Student B
Take turns. Read, say, and respond.

1 Do you have any Viking cards to trade?

What do you want to trade?  
2 If I give you … , will you give me … ? That’s not a good trade.
OK, that’s a deal.
3 I’ll give you … for …

Fluency: /5
Accuracy: /5

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