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Name : ________________________ Total Marks 17

1. In an investigation on plant cells and animal cells the changes shown in Figure 3 are observed.

(i) Name the process that causes the change in the appearance of both cells. ( 2marks)

The process that causes a change in both cells is called osmosis.osmosis is the movement of water
solvents from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. In the plant cell the water is
pressing against the cell wall,this causes the cell to become turgid. In the animal cell the water causes
the cell to burst due to the lack of a cell wall.

(ii) Explain why the process named in (b) (i) above is important to plant cells. (2marks)

The process of osmosis is important in plants as it allows water to move into the cell through a
semipermeable membrane that helps support the plant and keep it upright. This is because when the
water pushes against the cytoplasm which then pushes against the cell wall it then causes the cell to
become turgid and hold its shape.

(iii) The plant cell becomes turgid after one hour. Suggest why cell turgidity is useful to the plant.
2 mark)

Turgidity is important to the plant cell as it is the main reason that plants are able to stand upright.This is
because when plants go through osmosis, water travels into the cell and makes the cell turgid .
(iv) Why does the animal cell burst but the plant cell does not? (4 marks)

During osmosis when water enters the cell the plant cell is able to hold the water due to its strong cell
wall that keeps the water in and makes it appear turgid. while in the animal cell there is no cell
wall,because of this when the water enter the cell it becomes full and eventually it burst,

2. Explain with reference to diffusion, how sharks are able to smell blood in water. (4pts)

When blood enters the water it causes a passive flow of diffusion. This means that the blood moves from
the area of high concentration to an area of low concentration until it is evenly distributed. During this
diffusion the blood travels to the area of low concentration located near the shark causing the sharks to
be able to smell the blood through their navel cavities.

2b. Give FOUR examples to support the following statement “Diffusion plays an important part in the
lives of living organisms “ (4pts)

● Excess water in the plants must be eliminated, which is accomplished by the

process of transpiration, which necessitates diffusion.
● Diffusion is also required in a number of processes in photosynthesis.
Furthermore, roots collect water and minerals from the soil, which are then
diffused from the roots to the leaves.
● Diffusion has a crucial role in human excretory systems as well. If the body does
not eat enough water, for example, water is diffused back into the body and vice
versa in the urinary system.
● Diffusion allows our nerves to operate because the neurotransmitter diffuses
across the synaptic cleft, allowing the signal to be picked up and passed on to
the next nerve cell

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