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Chapter – I


 Need for the study

 Scope of the study
 Objectives of the study
 Methodology of the study
 Limitations of the study

Chapter – II

 Industry profile

Chapter – III

 Company profile

Chapter– IV

 Theoretical frame work

Chapter – V

 Data analysis & Interpretation

Chapter – VI


Human Resources is an evolving and dynamic field that challenges the ability of even the
most professional to keep abreast of policies, procedures, compliance requirements, and best
practices. Human resource management has become the central concern of any organization
either in public, private or cooperative sector. Human resources play a vital role in the
development of modern economics. In the changing economic environment, HRM is assuming
much greater importance than ever before. It is conceived to be different from the traditional and
conventional nation of “personnel management”. A nation with an abundance of physical
resources will not benefit itself unless human resources make use of them. In fact, human
resources is solely responsible for effective use of physical and natural resource and for the
transformation of traditional economic into modern and industrial economics.


Human resource management means employing people developing their resource,

utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational
requirement with a view to contribute to the organization, individual and the society.


Human resource management is the central sub-system of an organization and it permeates

all types of function management viz. Production management marketing management and
financial management.

Michael J. Jucius defined personnel management as “the field of management which has to
do with planning, organization, direction and controlling the functions of procuring, maintaining
and utilizing a labour force, such that the:

 Objective for which the company is established are attained economically and
 Objectives of all levels of personnel are served to the highest possible degree, and
 Objective of society are duly considered and served.

Human Resource Management is an active factor of production; all other factors are capital,
material, building, plants, machinery etc., all these factors are meaningless if capable persons
are not available to work upon these factors to production. Human brain has unlimited energy to
“think and act”. The high efficiency food quality of work depends upon capability of employees.
The development of human resources refers to the upgrading of their skills organizational
development and prosperity. The present day business complex environment is associated to
mature and judicious man power supply and enhancing their abilities for the benefits of the
The HRD concept is new and is used in two terms. Macro, which refers to the improvement in
qualities and productivity of employees, and Micro level, refers to the quality of managers and
employees so as to get higher level of productivity and improvement isthe quality of work.

The HRD is a continuous process which refers to develop effectiveness in a scientific way. This
is a program which is referred to accept all new changes without disturbance to production. The
HRD is related to all-round development of the employees working is an organization.

Evolution of Human resource management

The history of development of personnel management in India is comparatively of recent origin.

But Kautilya had dealt with some of the important aspects of human resources management in
his “Arthasastrs” 400 B.C. Government in those days adopted the techniques of HRM as
suggested by kautilya. In its modern sense it had developed only since independence.

Though the importance of labour officers was recognized as early as 1929, the appointment of
welfare officer to solve labour and welfare problems gained momentum only required the
appointment of welfare officer was concerned only after the enhancement of the factories.

Act of 1948.Section 49 of the Act required the appointment of welfare officer in companies
employing more than 500 workers. At the beginning, government was concerned only with
limited aspect of Indian labourers (regulation of recruitment, forwarding and employment) sent
to various British colonies in 1830.

Importance of human resources:

The term human resources can also be explained in the sense that it is resource like any natural
resource. It does mean that the management can get and use the skill, knowledge, ability, etc.
Human resources are also regarded as, human asset, human capital and the like. The terms labour
and manpower had been used widely, denoting mostly the physical abilities and capacities of
employees. The term personnel had been used widely in the recent past to denote persons
employed in any services.

Thus, this term denotes the employees as a whole but it does not clearly denote various
components of human resource like skill, knowledge, value etc. People in any organization
manifest themselves, not only through individual come to work place; they come with not only
technical skills, knowledge etc. But also with their personal feeling, perception, desires, motives,
attitude, values etc. Therefore, employee management in an organization does mean management
of not only technical skills but also other factors of the human resources.

Features of human resources management:

 Human resources management is concerned with employees both as individual and as

a group in attaining goals. It is also concerned with behaviour, emotional and social
aspects of personnel.
 It is concerned with the development of human resource i.e., knowledge, capacity,
skills, potentialities and attaining and achieving employees goals including job
 Human resources management covers all levels (low, middle and top) and categories
(unskilled, skilled, technical, professional, clerical and managerial) of employees, it
covers both organized and unorganized and unorganized employees.
 It applies to the employees in all types of organization in the world (industry, trade,
service, commerce, economic, social, religious, political and government
departments). Thus, it is common in all types of organizations.
 Human resources management it a continuous and never ending process.
 It aims at attaining the goals of organization. Individual and society in an integrated
 Organization goals may include survival growth and development in addition to
profitability, productivity, innovation, excellence etc.
 Goals of the society include equal employment opportunity, protecting the
disadvantaged distribution of income of minimizing wage differentials, developing
and society in general by organizing development activities etc.
 Human resources management is a responsibility of all line managers and a function of
staff managers and a function of staff managers in an organization.
 It is concerned mostly with managing human resources at work.
 Human resources management is the central sub-system of an organization and it
permeates all types of functional management, viz., production management,
marketing management and financial management.
 Human resource management aims at securing unreserved cooperation from all
employees in order to attain predetermined goals.

Training and development is an attempt to improve current and future performance by increasing
an employee‟s ability to perform through learning, usually by changing the employee‟s attitude
or increasing his/her skills and knowledge.

1. The quality and variety of the training provided is the key for motivation.

2. Training and development helps to remove performance deficiencies in employees.

3. It is very important to change negative attitude with respect to job satisfaction, resistance to
change and job commitment.

1. To understand the importance of the training program at the RENAULT..

2. To know the barriers of training programs in the RENAULT... And organization steps to
remove barriers.

3. To know the mode and benefits of training programs used in RENAULT...

4. To understand the organization efforts to make training program more effective.

5. To know whether the employees and the advisors are satisfied or not amongst the training
and development program.

1) Time constraint in meeting the respondents of the research. For collecting the data of the
research the day allotted for the researcher is Saturday only.

2) The information of the employees may be biased.


Different head of departments have given their points on this problem. The study will help in
reducing the turnover of employees in the organization.

With the help of this study it will become easier to know the perception of employees regarding
satisfaction by the organizations system.

After going through the results, the study will help to look after the overall development of the

The study would also be helpful to the organization as well as for the betterment of the
employees in the organization
Literature review:

According to Harold Koontz and Cyril O’Conner:

“Developing a manager is a progressive process in the same sense that education a

person is. Neither development nor education should be through of as something that can ever be
completed, for there are no known limits to the degree one may be developed or educated.
Manger Development concerns the means by which a erosion cultivates those skills whose
application will u=improve the efficiency and effectiveness with which the anticipated results of
a particular organizational segment are achieved”.

According to G R Terry:

“Management development should produce change in behavior which is more in keeping

with the organization goals than the previous behavior. The change frequently consists of a
number of a small steps resulting from training but the cumulative effect is considerable. It is
also basic that a terminal behavior is identified before the development and effort starts”.

Thus, Executive of Management Development implies that there will be a change in

knowledge and behavior of the individuals undergoing development programme. Te individual
will not only be able to perform his job better but also increase his potential for future
assignments through the acquisition, understanding and use of new knowledge insights and
skills. Self-development is an important concept in the whole programme of management

According to Ms VijitChaturvedi,Lingayas University:

The realized significance of    role of training as an important component of organization

development has led to a well defined position of T&D as a separate entity demanding time,
resources, planning, control and evaluation.

According to the recent review by Harvard Business Review, there is a direct link between
training investment of the companies and the market capitalization. Those companies with higher
training investment had higher market capitalization. It clearly indicates that the companies
which have successfully implemented training programs have been able to deliver customer
goals with effective results.

According to Russell Lou, Training & Development, Jul 2009:

Middle managers are important to their organizations' success, but times are changing, and the
core competencies required to be successful as a manager in the manic middle now include
training, leadership, and project management. You need to develop your skills before you can
help others grow. As Robert Greenleaf wrote in his book The Servant Leader, "...continue to
strengthen the hands of the strong."

According to Kirkpatrick Model of Training Evaluation Kirkpatrick:

Donald Kirkpatrick has developed a very popular evaluation model that has been used since the
late 1950s by the training community.

Kirkpatrick’s model includes four levels or steps of outcome evaluation:

 Level 1 Evaluation—Reaction

 Level 2 Evaluation—Learning

 Level 3 Evaluation—Behavior

 Level 4 Evaluation—Results
According to Palo &Padhi:

A process of updating the knowledge, developing skills, bringing about attitudinal and behavior
changes and improving the ability of the trainee to perform his/her task efficiently and

Benefits to organization and employees by Jonathan Winter ton:

A programmed of training becomes essential for the purpose of meeting the specific
problem of a particular organization arising out of introduction of new lines of production,
changes in design, the demands of competition etc. The major benefits of training to an
organization are;

 Higher Productivity
 Better Organizational Climate
 Less Supervision.
 Prevents Manpower Obsolescence
 Economical Operations
 Prevents Industrial Accidents
 Improves Quality.
 Greater Loyalty
 To fulfill Organizations future Personnel Needs
 Standardization of Procedures

Benefits to employees:
 Personal Growth.
 Development of new skills
 Higher Earning Capacity
 Helps adjust with changing Technology
 Increased Safety
 Confidence

Performance Management by William J Rothwell:

Training will help managers and supervisors create a system of performance management
based on clear objectives, focused on employee development, ad which involves the employee
in process.

Team Development by Sangeeta Chopra:

Training will explore the process of maximizing team or work group effectiveness.
Participants will examine the process of team learning and how it can be used to improve team
decision making and problem solving activities.

Nature of the Research

Research objectives and questions:

The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of the adoption of technology-
based services, and to model employees behavior in the ndustry. On the basis of a review of the
literature sampling developed from the theory as well as the various general objectives regarded
as pertinent to this research, the research questions listed below were formulated.

1. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon under investigation, and in

order to be able to provide a sufficient justification for answering that question, a number
of subordinate questions need to be addressed. For the purposes of the present research,
these questions are:
- What are the attributes of innovation, and how are they constituted to the training and
development of the employees?
- What are the drivers that makes the employees towards the training?

- What are future trends in training of employees ?

Research Design/Methodology:

This has been classified into subsections. They are

a) Literature/Internet survey
b) Design of Questionnaire
c) Sample Selection and Size
d) Sampling Procedure
e) Data Collection and
f) Analytical Tools
Literature/Internet survey:
The study started with the literature survey of journals and magazines that helped to comprehend
the various facets of the automobile industry. These sources provided the basic knowledge about
the industry, key players, their performance, key communication mediums, product features, etc
which facilitated the designing of questionnaire and hence analysis.

Design of Questionnaire:

The questionnaire was designed based upon the objectives of the study. The questionnaire
consisted of open ended and closed questions. The questionnaire is prepared on the basis of
following 1) Factors effecting training and development. 2) Identifying the training needs
viswarupa pvt ltd (renault) in Rajahmundry.3)To analyze the effect of training on the
performance levels of the employees.

Sample selection and size:

The first step of research is sample selection, for which the respondents were
employees. The total employees that are been taken for sample are 90.

Sampling Procedure:

The employees are selected by the Convenience Sampling method. Convenience

sampling selects a particular group of people but it does not come close to sampling all of a
population. The sample comprises subjects who are simply available in a convenient way to the
researcher. There is no randomness and the likelihood of bias is high. This method is often the
only feasible one, particularly for students or others with restricted time and resources, and can
legitimately be used provided its limitations are clearly understood and stated.

Data Collection:

For the present study, the survey method was used for collecting primary data. A
structured questionnaire was used for the purpose. The questionnaire included multiple choice
questions. The main source of secondary data has been books, internet, and articles.



The collection of data is a tedious task. For conducting any sort of research. Data was needed.
So for my research, there was plenty of primary data. I have collected the information from the
respondents with the help of questionnaire.

A) COLLECTION OF PRIMARYDATA:Primary Data is the data collected from


original source Questionnaire and personal interviews were the main instruments, which
were used for collecting primary data.

Research Design in This Case:

Interview and interaction with the officers and officials of thecorporation has been conducted in
order to find out the existing system of training and development and to suggest feasible
improvements in the system of JCBL. Discussions with the officials of the company have
provided detail insight into these discussions.

Contact Method: Interview/interaction method.

Sampling Procedure:Random & Convenience

Sample Size:50 respondents.


The corporate office of RENAULT Ltd is situated at Secunderabad and the registered office at

The Human Resources Development Department here in plays a very vital role with regard to
training and development. Various training programmes are taken up for upgrading the skills of
the employees of the organization.

Every year annual training calendar is prepared by the Human resources development
department on the basis of consolidation of the identified training needs.

The activities of Human resources development department include.

 Initiating the identification and consolidation of the identified training needs for all
levels employees.
 Preparing the annual training calendar on the basis of consolidation of the identified
training needs
 Identification of suitable in-house (or) external faculty of conducting the training
programme either in house (or) externally by nominating employees to programmes
conducted by professional training (or) academic institutions.
 Providing induction programmes for new recruits and trainees.
 Evaluating the effectiveness of training programme through end of session feed back
and year end assessment by the concerned department heads.
 Assisting the functional and executive authorities in designing and developing
instruments for assessment of competencies and skills of employees at the levels



Training and development- in-charge is responsible for

 Preparing the training schedules and modules under the guidance of Human resources
development department head.
 Organizing training programmes as per annual training calendar and requests in
accordance with the procedure.
 Initiating evaluation of training programmes conducted for their effectiveness as per
 Maintaining the records relevant to the quality system procedural requirements.
 Assisting Human resources development department head in all human resources
development activities.
 Assisting the human resources development department head in furnishing relevant data
and information pertaining to questionnaires and entry forms received from external
agencies (or) institutions and organizing bench marking activities / competitions / data
collection exercises.
 Day to day administration of the department.
Even during the initial stages of the commencement of the training activities, workers
showed immense interest in training. The reason behind this is that this industry is
process industry and in process industry workers can enhance their skills and increase
their efficiency if they properly follow the training provided to them.

The company is having is own training cell with the help of which the workers are provided
necessary training to carry on their work in the most efficient manner

As a result of the training, the employees were motivated and this resulted in a higher level of
morale and increase in the efficiency of the employees.

The maximum out come of training was seen in the employees who were skilled. Their skills
were satisfactorily upgraded. The training results were also excellent in case of the employees.
The organization takes up the training programmes keeping in organization employs both on_
the_ job and off_ the_ job methods for the training of the employees. view, the time period as
well as the needs of the organization and employees.


The Under on_ the_ job methods the method employed is apprenticeship and in case of
off_ the_ job methods the methods employed are seminars, lectures and workshops.


The organization employs highly skilled, semiskilled, and unskilled workers and training
activities are taken up accordingly.


During the conducting of the training and development activities the main stress is to
fulfill the needs of the organization as well as that of the employees.

To assess the effectiveness of the training imparted the trainees fill in the training
programme feedback form before the conclusion of each training programme. All the feedback
forms are consolidated by the in-charge of the training and development.

Human Resource Development Department head revives the consolidated feedback information
to assess the effectiveness of the concerned faculty, coverage of the course content, effectiveness
of presentation, during of the programme for improvement steps in the future training

Head of the department review the effectiveness of the training by interacting with the concerned
employees who have undergone training programmes and assess the impact of the training on
their attitudes, skills, awareness, and competencies.

Head of the department forward the training effectiveness feedback form to the HRD department
with their review comments.


 Departmental heads will identify the required training needs viz., soft skills and / or any
new technological / functional, including management systems implementation skills of
the departmental personnel under their control as per the role / job requirement annually;
however, if warranted, as and when any new task or assignment is to be carried out
by the employee.
 Departmental heads will provide the necessary on the job training to the employees
under their control in the department.
 HODs will identify and send Workmen and Jr.Staff cadre training requirements through
Training Needs Identification Format to HRD Department.
 Sr. Staff training needs will be captured from PMS Appraisal reports.
 Head (HRD) will draw up the annual training calendar, based on the departmental
requirements and/or organisational requirements, inconsultation with Head (HR), for the
year ( June-May )and circulates the same to all departments for their ready reference by
30th May every year.
 While preparing the training calendar, the training needs are broadly categorised as
safety oriented, behavioral/managerial (soft skills) and technical / functional
 As per annual training calendar, training programmes will be arranged and intimations
will be sent to the concerned departments fordeputing the nominees for the training
programme as per schedule. However, in case of exigency and / or in unavoidable
circumstances, there will be slippage in the schedule and attempt will be made to cover
thesame in the subsequent months/ year.
 For such programmes, where nominations are to be get from different departments,
intimation will be sent to the departments for getting suitable nominations from different
 For conducting the required training programmes, the services of employees as internal
learning facilitators( faculty) are utilised to the possible extent and wherever
necessitated, external faculties are engaged based on their expertise, reputation and
relevance to organisational requirement etc.
 On completion of a training programme ( of duration 1 day or more), feedback is
obtained from the participants to assess the effectiveness of the faculty and adequacy of
the training module besides participants’action plan for utilisation and / or
implementation of key learning point (s).
 The feedback from the participants will be considered, where deemed found necessary
and warranted, to introduce changes in the modules or faculty for subsequent
 Feed back on the effectiveness of the training imparted to employee (of duration 1 day or
more) is obtained from the concerned head of the department (HOD) with in a quarter
after completion of the training programme.
 Such feedback is used in designing subsequent training calendars in order to bring
improvements in the quality of training imparted and also for identification of
required training needs of employees.
 Feedback from the participants regarding faculty effectiveness will be shared with
 To enhance the effectiveness of learning process, feedback will be obtained from
learning facilitators (Faculty) regarding active participation of participants. The
identified participants will be communicated regarding their contribution to learning
process through the concerned HODs. A copy of the same will be sent to P& A
Department for keeping in personal files of the participants.
 In addition to in-house training programmes, as per the recommendation of departmental
heads and / or functional heads, employees will be sent for external training programmes,
conferences, seminars, study tours and workshops to hone up their skills and improve the
competency levels
 Feed back is obtained from the participants as well as HODs on the effectiveness of
external programmes attended by the employees.
 Head (HRD) will review the training calendar at the end of the calendar period and
intermittently, if necessary, and act upon as deemed fit to meet the organisational


 As and when new experienced employees join the company, they will be given necessary
induction training by the respective departmental heads or directed to the HRD
department for an induction training over a period of one week to two weeks depending
upon the new employee’s professional experience and job profile requirements.
 Head (HRD), in consultation with concerned HOD/ Chief of Operations will structure
the induction training schedule for new employees as per the job profile requirement.
 Training schedule for in-plant trainees and GETs will be prepared covering introduction
about the organisation; briefing on applicable service rules; all operations and sections of
plant; safety aspects including response in case of emergency; awareness on
management policies on quality, environmental and safety management systems and
system implementation requirements etc. as per level of input requirement.
 The duration of the class room training and plant visits will be normally 4-6 weeks for
in-plant trainees and12 weeks for GETs.
 All in-plant trainees and GETs will under go on the job training in allocated
sections/departments during their training period as per the terms and conditions of their
 For Management Trainees the duration of Induction training will be decided in
consultation with concerned HOD.
 After completion of the induction training period, feed back will be obtained from the
trainees to review the induction training methodology and take necessary measures for
improvement, if any, warranted.

ViswarupaAutomotives Pvt Ltd, A name of trust for leading automobile brand
like RENAULT as a reliable channel partner. The ViswarupaAutomotivespvt ltd started
its foray into a highly customer centric division of Automobile industry as designated
channel partner of RENAULTVizag in the year 2011. With Quality/ and Customer
Satisfaction as the benchmark parameters ViswarupaAutomotives grew exponentially in
the competitive field of Automobile Industry to achieve a high level of success in a very
short span of 6 years and today is regarded as one of the best Channel Partners in terms of
both Quality and Business Performance across manufacturers of various segments in
India. "Viswarupa Automotive Private Limited" which is located in the Vizag,
Rajahmundry, Bhimavaram, Srikakulam and vizianagaram is one of the biggest
RENAULT dealership in India. Excellence in business operations and complete focus on
Manpower Development made ViswarupaAutomotives to emerge into a reliable
manufacturer Channel Partner across in automobile industry.

Groupe Renault [French:] is a French multinational automobile manufacturer established in

1899. The company produces a range of cars and vans and in the past has manufactured trucks,
tractors, tanks, buses/coaches and autorail vehicles.

According to the Organisation international des ConstructeursAutomobiles, in 2015 Renault was

the tenth biggest automaker in the world by production volume, with 50.5% of sales coming
outside of Europe. The Renault-Nissan Alliance is the fourth-largest automotive group.
Headquartered in Boulogne-Billancourt near Paris, the Renault group is made up of the
namesake Renault marquee and subsidiaries, Alpine, Automobile Dacia from Romania, Renault
Samsung Motors from South Korea and AutoVAZ from Russia. Renault has a 43.4% controlling
stake in Nissan of Japan, and a 1.55% stake in Daimler AG of Germany (since 2012, Renault
manufactures engines for the Daimler’s Mercedes A-Class and B-Class cars). Renault also owns
subsidiaries RCI Banque (automotive financing), Renault Retail Group (automotive distribution)
and Motrio (automotive parts). Renault has various joint ventures, including Oyak-Renault
(Turkey), Renault Pars (Iran). Carlos Ghosn is the current chairman and CEO. The French
government owns a 19.73% share of Renault as of April 2015.

Renault Trucks, previously known as Renault Vehicles Industries has been part of Volvo Trucks
since 2001. Renault Agriculture became 100% owned by German agricultural equipment
manufacturer class in 2008.

Together Renault and Nissan invested 84 billion (US$5.16 billion) in eight electric vehicles over
three to four years beginning in 2011.

Renault is known for its role in motor sport particularly rallying, Formula 1 and Formula E. Its
early work on mathematical curve modelling for car bodies is important in the history of
computer graphics.
Founding and early years (1898-1918):

Louis Renault in 1903:

The Renault corporation was founded in 1899 as Societe Renault Freres by Louis Renault and
his brothers Marcel and Fernand. Louis was a bright, aspiring young engineer who had already
designed and built several prototypes before teaming up with his brothers, who had honed their
business skills working for their father’s textile firm. While Louis handled design and
production, Marcel and Fernand managed the business.

The first Renault car, the Renault Voiturette 10V was sold to a friend of Louis’ father after
giving him a test ride on 24 December 1898.

1901 Voiturette Renault Type D SerieB:

In 1903 Renault began to manufacture its own engines; until then it had purchased them from De
Dion-Bouton. The first major volume sale came in 1905 when Society des Automobiles de place
bought Renault AG1 cars to establish a fleet of taxis. These vehicles were later used by the
French military to transport troos during World War 1 which earned them the nickname “Taxi de
la Marne.” By 1907 a significant percentage London and Paris taxis had been built by Renault.
Renault was also the best selling foreign brand in New York in 1907 and 1908. In 1908 the
company produced 3,575 units becoming the country’s largest car manufacturer.

The brothers recognised the value of that participation in motor racing could generate for their
vehicles. Renault made itself known through succeeding in the first city-to-city races held in
Switzerland, producing rapid sales growth. Both Louis and Marcel raced company vehicles.

Renault’s flagship showroom, L’Atelier Renault is located on the Champs-Elysees in Paris, with
other manufacturers such as Peugeot, Citroen and Toyota. It opened in November 2000, located
on the site of Pub Renault, which operated from 1963 to 1999. The first Renault venue at the
location was the Magasin Renault in 1910, a pioneering car showroom.

L’Atelier features a Renault Boutiqures well as regular exhibitions featuring Renault and Dacia
cars. An upmarket restaurant is located on the second floor, looking out onto the Champs-
Elysees.The ground floor can hold up to five exhibitions at any one time. As of March 2009, 20
million visitors had visited L’Atelier Renault.

Renault Classic:
Main article: Renault Classic:
Renault classic is a department within Renault that seeks to collect, preserve and exhibit notable
vehicles from the company’s history. Originally named Histoire& Collection, the collection was
assembled in 2002 and its workshops formally opened on 24 April 2003.

Throughout the 1980s and 1990s. Renault European advertising made extensive use of Robert
Palmer’s song “Johnny and Mary”. Television advertisements initially used Palmer’s original
version, while a range of special recordings in different styles were produced during the 1990s,
most famously the acoustic interpretation by Martin Taylor that he released on his album Spirit
of Django.

Renault is a sponsor of the Port Adelaide Football Club in the Australian Football League,
signing a three-year deal in 2013.Renault has sponsored films as an advertising technique since
1899. A Renault Voiturette Type A, driven by Louis Renault appeared in one of the Lumieres’
early films. Between 1914 and 1940, the company commissioned a series of documentary films
to promote its industrial activities. Renault also backed some films set in Africa during the 1920s
to promote the reliability of its products on tough conditions. Since 1983, the company sponsors
the Cannes Film Festival and it has also sponsored other festivals as the Venice Film Festival,
Marrakech Film Festival and the BFI London Film Festival.

Through its foundations and institutes, Renault funds projects around the world that focus on
education through scholarships, road safety and diversity. But Marcel was killed in an accident
during the 1903 Paris-Madrid race. Although Louis never raced again, his company remained
very involved, including Ferenc Szisz winning the first Grand Prix motor racing event in a
Renault AK 90CV in 1906.

Louis took full control of the company as the only remaining brother in 1906 when Fernand
retired for health reasons. Fernand died in 1909 and Louis became the sole owner, renaming the
company Societe des Automobiles Renault (Renault Automobile Company).Renault fostered its
reputation for innovation from very early on at the time, cars were luxury items. The price of the
small Renaults at the time were 3000 francs, an amount equal to ten years pay for the average
worker. In 1905 the company introduced mass-production techniques and Taylorism in
1913.Renault manufactured buses and commercial cargo vehicles in the pre-war years. The first
real commercial truck from the company was introduced in 1906. During World War 1, it
branched out into ammunition, military aircraft engines (the first Rolls-Royce aircraft engines
were Renault V8 units) and vehicles such as the revolutionary Renault FT tank. The company’s
military designs were so successful that Louis was awarded the Legion of Honour for his
company’s contributions.

Interwar years (1919-1938):

Renault Celtaquatre, 1935:
Louis Renault enlarged Renault’s scope after 1918, producing agricultural and industrial
machinery. The war led to many new products. The first Renault tractor, the Type GP was
produced between 1919 and 1930. It was based on the FT tank. Renault struggled to complete
with the increasingly popular small, affordable “people’s cars”, while problem with the stock
market and the workforce slowed the company’s growth. Renault also had to find a way to
distribute its vehicles more efficiently. In 1920, Louis signed one of its first distribution contracts
with Gustave Gueudet, an entrepreneur from northern France.

The pre-First World War cars had a distinctive front shaped caused by positioning the radiator
behind the engine to give a so called “coalscuttle” bonnet. This continued through the 1920s.
Only in 1930 did all models place the radiator at the front. The bonnet badge changed from
circular to the familiar and continuing diamond shape in 1925. Renault introduced new models at
the Paris Motor Show that was held in September or October of the year. This led to confusion
about model years. For example a “1927” model was mostly produced in 1928.

Renault cars ranged from small to very large. For example, in 1928, when Renault produced
45,809 cars, its seven models started with a 6cv a 10cv, the Monasix, 15cv, the Vivasix, the
18/22cv and the 40cv. Renault offered eight body styles. The larger chassis were available to
coach builders. The smaller were the most popular while the least produced was the 18/24cv.
The most expensive body style in each range was the closed car. Roadsters and tourers
(torpedoes) were the cheapest.

The London operation was important to Renault in 1928. The UK market was quite large and
“colonial” modified vehicles were dispatched from there to North America. Lifted suspensions,
enhanced cooling and special bodies were common on vehicles sold abroad. Exports to the US
by 1928 had declined to near zero from their high point prior to WWI. A NM 40cv Tourer had a
US list price of over$4,600 about the same as a Cadillac V-12. Closed 7-seat limousines started
at $6,000 which was more expensive than a Cadillac V-16.

Cars were conservatively engineered and built. The Vivasix model PG1, was sold as the
“exective sports” model beginning in 1927. Lighter weight factory steel bodies powered by
a3180 cc six-cylinder motor provided a formula that lasted until the Second World War.

The “de Grand Luxe Renaults” those with a wheelbase over 12- foot (3.7 m) , were produced in
small numbers in two major types six and eight cylinder. The 1927 six cylinder Grand Renault
models NM,PI and PZ introduced the new three spring rear suspension that considerably aided
stability that was needed since some vehicles surpassed 90 mph (140 km/h).

The 8-cylinder Reinastella was introduced in 1929 and expanded to a range culminating in the
1939 Suprastella. Coach builders included Kellner, Labourdette, J. Rothschild et Fils and Renault
bodies. Closed car Renault bodies were often trimmed with interior woodwork by
Rothschild.Renault Viva Grand Sport and Helene Boucher. During the 1930s Renault settled
several speed world records with Caudron planes thanks to its six-cylinders engines and
aerodynamic designs.
In 1928 Renault an upgraded specification to its “Stella” line. The Vivastella’s and Grand
Renaults had upgraded interior fittings and a small star fitted above the front hood logo. This
proved to be a winning differentiator and in the 1930s all cars changed to the Stella suffix from
the previous two alpha character model identifiers.

The Grand Renaults were built using a considerable amount of aluminium. Engines, brakes,
transmissions, floors and running boards and all external body panels were aluminium. Of the
few that were built, many went to scrap to aid the war effort.

In 1931, Renault introduced diesel engines for its commercial vehicles.

Renault was one of the few French vehicle manufactures that pursued the production of aircraft
engines after World War 1. In the late 1920s it attempted to produce a high-power military
engine to compete with the American Pratt & Whitney units, which proved unsuccessful,
although its civil engines achieved better results. In 1930s the company took over the aircraft
manufacturer Caudron, focusing its production in small aeroplanes, acquired a stake in Air
France and partnered to establish the airmail company Air-Bleu. Renault continued developing
tanks as part of France’s rearming effort including the D1 and the FT’s replacement the R 35.

During the late 1920s and early 1930s, Renault was surpassed by Citroen as the largest car
manufacturer in France. Citroen models at the time were more innovative and popular than
Renault’s. However by mid 1930s the French manufacturers were hit by the Great Depression.
Renault could initially offset losses through its tractor, railroad and weaponry businesses while
Citroen filed for bankruptcy and was later acquired by Michelin. Renault became again the
largest car manufacturer a position it would keep until the 1980s.

Renault was finally affected by the economic crisis in 1936. The company sold Caudron and
spun off its foundry and aircraft engine divisions into related but autonomous operations keeping
its core automotive business. Between 1936 and 1938 a series of labour disputes, strikes and
worker unrest spread throughout the French automobile industry. The disputes were eventually
quashed by Renault in a particularly intransigent way and over 2,000 people lost their jobs.

World War II and aftermath (1939-1944):

Renault 4CV:
After the French capitulation in 1940, Louis Renault refused to produce tanks for Nazi Germany
which took control of his factories. He produced trucks instead. On 3 March 1942, the British
Royal Air Force (RAF) launched 235 low level bombers at the Billancourt plant the largest
number aimed at a single target during the war. 460 tons of bombs were dropped on the plant and
the surrounding area, causing extensive damage along with heavy civilian casualties. Renault
resolved to rebuild the factory as quickly as possible, but bombardments continued a year later
on 4 April this time delivered by the Americans and on 3 and 15 September 1943.

A few weeks after the Liberation of Paris at the start of September 1944 the factory gates at
Renault’s Billancourt plant reopened. Operations restarted slowly in an atmosphere poisoned by
plotting and political conspiracy. In 1936 the billancourt factory had been the scene of violent
political and industrial unrest that had surfaced under Leon Blum’s Popular Front Government.
The political jostling and violence that followed liberation ostensibly reflected the rivalries
between capitalist collaboration and communist resistance, many of the scores settled predated
the invasion.

Responding to the chaotic situation at Renault a 27 September1944 meeting of the Council of

(the provisional government’s) Minister’s took place under de Gaulle’s presidency. Postwar
European politics had quickly become polarised between communists and anti communists and
in France De Gaulle was keen to resist Communist Party attempts to monopolise the political
dividends available to resistance heroes politically Billancourt was a communist stronghold. The
government decided to “requisition” the Renault factories. A week later, on 4 October Pierre
Lefaucheux a resistance leader with a background in engineering and top level management was
appointed provisional administrator of the firm assuming his responsibilities at once.

Meanwhile the provisional government accused Louis Renault of collaborating with the
Germans. In the frenzied atmosphere of those early post liberation days with many wild
accusations. Renault was advised by his lawyers to present himself to a judge. He appeared
before Judge Marcel Martin, on 22 September 1944 and was arrested on 23September 1944, as
were several other French auto industry leaders. Renault’s harsh handling of the 1936-1938
strikes had left him without political allies and no one came to his aid. He was incarcerated at
Fresnes prison where he died on 24 October 1944 under unclear circumstances, while awaiting
trial.On 1 January 1945 by de Gaulle’s decree, the company was posthumously expropriated
from Louis Renault. On 16 January 1945it was formally nationalised as RegieNationale des
Usines Renault. Renault’s were the only factories permanently expropriated by the French
government. In subsequent years, the Renault family tried to have the nationalisation rescinded
by French courts and receive compensation. In 1945 and again in 1961 the courts responded that
they had no authority to review the government’s action.

Postwar resurgence (1945-1971):

Under the leadership of Pierre Lefaucheux, Renault experienced both a commercial resurgence
and labour unrest, that was ultimately to continue into the 1980s.

In secrecy during the war, Louis Renault had developed the rear engine 4CV which was
subsequently launched under Lefacheuxin 1946. Renault debuted its flagship model, the largely
conventional 2-litre 4-cylinder Renault Fregate (1951-1960), shortly thereafter. The 4CV proved
a capable rival for cars such as the Morris Minor and Volkswagen Bettle its sales of more than
half a million ensured its production until 1961.
The Dauphine sold well as the company expanded production and sales further abroad including
Africa and North America. The Dauphine sold well initially in the US although it subsequently
became outdated against increased competition including from the country’s nascent domestic
compacts such as the Chevrolet Convair. Renault also sold the Renault Caravelle roadster, which
was called the Floride outside North America.

During the 1950s Renault absorbed small French heavy vehicles

manufacturers (Somua and Latil) and in 1955 merged them with its own truck and bus division
to form the SocieteAnonyme de Vehicles Industrials et d’ EquipmentsMecaniques (Saviem).

Renault then launched two successful cars the Renault 4 (1961-1992), a practical competitor for
the likes of the Citroen 2CV, and Renault 8. The larger rear engined Renault 10 followed the
success of the R8 and was the last rear engined Renault. The company achieved success with the
more modern and more upmarket Renault 16, a pioneering hatch back launched in 1966 followed
by the smaller Renault 6.

On 16 January 1970 the manufacturer celebrated the 25 th anniversary of its 1945 rebirth as the
nationalised RegieNationale des Usines Renault. The 1960s had been a decade of aggressive
growth a few months earlier in October 1969 the manufacturer had launched the Renault 12
combining the engineering philosophy of its hatch-backs with the more conservative “three-box”
design. The four-door Renault 12 model fit between the Renault 6 and Renault 16. The model
was a success. 1970 was also the first year during which Renault produced more than a million
cars in a single year, building 1,055,803.

Modern era (1972-1980):

The Renault Fuego won 8 consecutive championships in the TC 2000 touring car racing series
between 1986 and 1993.The company’s compact and economical Renault 5 model launched in
January 1972 was another success anticipating the 1973 energy crisis. Throughout the 1970s the
R4, R5, R6, R12, R15, R16 and R17 maintained Renault’s production with new models
including the Renault 18 and Renault 20.During the mid seventies the already broad based
company diversified into more industries and continued to expand globally including South East
Asia. The energy crisis led Renault to again attempt to attack the North American market.
Despite the Dauphines success in the United States in the late 1950s and an unsuccessful
assembly project in Saint Bruno de Montarville, Quebec, (1964-72), Renault began to disappear
from North America at the end of the decade.
Over the decades Renault had developed a collaborative partnership with Nash Motors Rambler
and its successor American Motor Corporation (AMC). From 1962 to 1967, Renault assembled
complete knock down (CKD) kits of the Rambler Classic sedans in its factory in Belgium.
Renault did not have large or luxury cars in its product line and the “Rambler Renault” was
positioned as an alternative to the Mercedes Benz “Fintail” cars. Later Renault continued to
make and sell a hybrid of AMC’s rambler American and Rambler Classic called the Renault
Tornio in Argentina (sold through IKA Renault). Renault partnered with AMC on other projects,
such as a rotary concept engine in the late 1960s.

In the late 1960s and 1970s the company established subsidiaries in Eastern Europe, most
notably Dacia in Romania, and South America (many of which remain active) and forged
technological cooperation agreements with Volvo and Peugeot, (for instance, for the
development of the PRV V6 engine which was used in Renault 30, Peugeot 604 and Volvo 260
in the late 1970s).In the mid 1960s Renault Australia was set up in Melbourne. The company
produced and assembled models including the R8, R10, R12, R16, sporty R15, R17 coupe’s R18
and R20. The unit closed in 1981. Renault Australia also built and marketed Peugeots. From
1977, they assembled Ford Cortina station wagons under contract the loss of this contract ended
the factory.

When Peugeot acquired Citroen and formed PSA the group’s collaboration with Renault was
reduced although established joint production projects were maintained. Prior it’s merging with
Peugeot, Citroen sold to Renault the truck and bus manufacturer Berliet in 1975, merging it with
its subsidiary Saviem in 1978 to create Renault Vehicles Industrials which became the only
French manufacturer of heavy commercial vehicles. In 1976 Renault reorganised the company
into four business areas automobiles (for car and light commercial vehicles or LCV’s), finance
and services, commercial vehicles (coaches and trucks over 2.5 tons GVW) and minor operations
under an industrial enterprises division(farm machinery, plastics, foundry, etc.). In 1980 Renault
produced 2,053,677 cars and LCVs. The cars at the time were the Renault 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 14, 16,
18, 20 and 30 the LCVs were the 4, 5 and 12 Societe and the Estafette. The company added
54,086 buses/coaches and trucks.In North America, Renault partnered with American Motors,
lending AMC operating capital and buying a minority 22.5% stake in the company in late 1979.
The first Renault model sold through AMC’s dealerships was the R5, renamed Renault Le Car.
Jeep was keeping AMC afloat until new products particularly the XJ Cherokee could be
launched. When the bottom fell out of the 4*4 truck market in early 1980 AMC was in danger of
bankruptcy. To protect its investment Renault bailed AMC out with cash at the price of a
controlling 47.5% interest. Renault replaced some AMC executives and Jose J. Dedeurwaerder
of Renault became President of AMC.

The Renault AMC marketing effort in passenger cars was not successful compared to the
popularity for Jeep vehicles. This was because by the time the Renault range was ready, the
second energy crisis was over taking with it much of the desire for economical, compact cars.
One exception was the Renault Alliance (an Americanised version of the Renault 9), which
debuted for the 1983 model year. Assembled at AMC’s Kenosha, Wisconsin plant, the Alliance
received Motor Trend’s domestic Car of the Year award in 1983. The Alliance’s 72% U.S.
content allowed it to qualify as a domestic vehicle, making it the first car with a foreign
nameplate to win the award. (In 2000, Motor Trend did away with separate awards for domestic
and imported vehicles).US releases in the 1980s included the Renault Alliance GTA and GTA
convertible an automatic top convertible with a 2.0L engine big for a car of its class and the
Renault Fuego couple. The Alliance was followed by the Encore (U.S. Version of the Renault
11), an Alliance - based hatchback. In 1982 Renault became the second European automaker to
build cars in the United States, after Volkswagen. However, Renaults quickly became the target
of customer complaints for poor quality and sales plummeted.

Eventually, Renault sold AMC to Chrysler in 1987 after the assassination of Renault`s chairman
Georges Besse. The Renault Medallion (Renault 21 in Europe) sedan and wagon was sold from
1987 to 1989 through Jeep Eagle dealerships. Jeep Eagle was the division Chrysler created out of
the former American Motors. Renault imports ended after 1989. A completely new full sized 4-
door sedan, the Eagle Premier, was developed during the partnership between AMC and Renault.
The Premier design as well as its state of the art manufacturing facility in Bramalea, Ontario,
Canada were the starting point for the sleek LH sedans such as the Eagle Vision and Chrysler
300M.In early 1979, as part of its attempts to expand into the American market, Renault bought
a 20% minority stake in the truck manufacturer Mack Trucks. The aim of this operation was to
make use of the company’s extensive dealership network to distribute light trucks. In 1983,
Renault increased its stake in Mack Trucks to 44.6%. In 1987, it transferred the ownership of a
42% stake to Renault Vehicles Industries.

In the late seventies and early eighties Renault increased its involvement in motorsport with
novel inventions such as turbochargers in their Formula One cars. Renault’s head of engines,
Georges Douin, orchestrated the installation of turbocharged European cars in 1984 were
Renaults. The company’s road car designs were revolutionary in other ways also the Renault
Escape was one of the first minivans and was to remain the most well-known minivan in Europe
for the next two decades. The second generation Renault 5, the European Car of the year winning
Renault 9 and the most luxurious Renault yet the aerodynamic 25 were all released in the early
1980s. At the same time poor product quality damaged the brand. The ill-fated Renault 14 may
have been the culmination of these problems in the early 1980s.

Restructuring (1981-1995):
Renaults were somewhat successful on both road and track, including the 1984 Espace launch,
which was Europe`s first multipurpose vehicle, a dozen years before any competitor. However,
Renault was losing a billion francs a month totalling 12.5 billion in 1984. The government
intervened and Georges Besse was installed as chairman; he set about cutting costs dramatically,
selling many of Renault`s noncore assets (Volvo stake, Gitane, Eurocar and Renix), withdrawing
almost entirely from motorsports and laying off many employees. This halved the deficit by
1986, but Besse was murdered by the communist terrorist group Action Directe in November
1986. He was replaced by Raymond Levy who continued Besse`s initiatives, slimming the
company enough that by the end of 1987, Renault was more or less financially stable. However,
while Besse was convinced that Renault needed a presence in the North American market and
wanted to push forward with restructuring American Motors, Levy, facing domestic losses from
Renault at home, and losses from American Motors in the United States, along with the political
climate that led to Besse`s assassination, decided to sell American Motors to Chrysler that same

The Renault 9, a small four door family saloon, was voted European Car of the year on its 1981
launch. It sold well in France, but was eventually eclipsed by the Renault 11 hatchback, as the
hatchback body style became more popular on the size of the car. The Renault 5 entered its
second generation in 1984 and continued to sell well. The long running Renault 18 was replaced
by the Renault 21 early in 1986, adding a seven seater estate badged as the Nevada or Savanna
depending on where it was sold. Renault`s top of the range model in the 1980s was the Renault
25, launched at the end of 1983.In 1990, Renault strengthened its collaborative with Volvo by
signing an agreement that allowed both companies to reduce vehicle conception costs and
purchasing expenses. Renault had access to Volvo expertise in upper market segments and in
return Volvo exploited Renault designs for low and medium segments. In 1993 the two
companies announced their intention to merge operations by 1 January 1994 and increased their
cross shareholding. The French accepted the merger, while Volvo shareholders rejected it.

A revitalised Renault launched successful new cars in the early 1990`s accompanied by an
improved marketing effort on European markets, including the 5 replacement, the Clio in May
1990. The Clio was the first new model of a generation that replaced numeric identifiers with
traditional nameplates. The Clio was voted European Car of the Year soon after its launch, and
was one of Europe`s best selling cars in the 1990s, proving even more popular than its
predecessor. Other important launches included the third generation Espace in 1996 and the
innovative Twingo in 1992, the first car to be marketed as a city car MPV. The Twingo was
roomier than any prior cars of its size range. Twingo sales reached 2.4 million in Europe, even
though the original was only built for (continental) left hand drive markets.Renault scenic,
awarded Car of the year in Europe in 1997 and the first car to be marketed as a compact MP V is
the most popular MPV in Europe for 20 years.Renault Clio IV, 5 doors or estate, named
European Car of the Year in 2006 Renault Captur is the best seller SUV in Europe since its first
commercialization month in 2013.2015 Renault Espace V, a crossover mixing elements of SUVs
and MPVs.

Privatisation and the alliance era (1996-present):

It was eventually decided that the company’s state owned status was a detriment. By 1994 plans
to sell shares to public investors were officially announced. The company was privatised in1996.
This new freedom allowed the company to venture once again into markets in Eastern Europe
and South America including a new factory in Brazil and upgrades for its infrastructure in
Argentina and Turkey. In December 1996 General Motors Europe and Renault begun to
collaborate in the development of LCVs, starting with the second generation Traffic (codenamed

Renault`s financial problems were not all fixed by the privatisation, and Renault`s president,
Louis Schweitzer gave to his then deputy, Carlos Ghosn, the task of confronting them. Ghosn
elaborated a plan to cut costs for the period 1998-2000, reducing the workforce, revising
production processes, standardising vehicle parts and pushing the launch of new models. The
company also undertook organisational changes, introducing a lean production system with
delegate responsibilities inspired by Japanese systems (the “Renault`s Production Way”),
reforming work methods and centralising research and development at its Techno centre to
reduce vehicle conception costs while accelerating such conception.

After Volvo`s exit, Renault searched for a new partner to cope with an industry that was
consolidating. Talks with BMW, Mitsubism, Nissan, PSA and others were held yielded a
relationship with Nissan, whose negotiations with Daimler had stalled. Signed on 27 March
1999, the Renault-Nissan Alliance is the first of its kind involving Japanese and a French
company, including cross ownership. Renault initially acquired a 36.8% stake at a cost of
US$3.5 billion in Nissan. While Nissan in sum took a 15% non voting stake in Renault. Renault
continued to operate as a stand- alone company, but with the intent to collaborate with its
alliance partner to reduce costs. The same year Renault bought a 51% majority stake of the
Romanian company Dacia, thus returning after80 years, in which time the Romanians had built
over 2 million cars that primarily consisted of local version of Renaults 8, 12 and 20. In 2000,
Renault acquired a controlling stake of the South Korean Samsung Group`s automotive division.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Renault sold various assets to finance its inversions and
acquisitions, refocusing itself as a car and van manufacturer. In 1999, the company sold its
industrial automation subsidiary, Renault Automation, to Comau and its engine parts division to
TWR Engine Components. In 2001, Renault sold its 50% stake in bus/coach manufacturer
Irisbus to co-owner Iveco and its logistics subsidiary CAT France to Global Automotive
Logistics. Following the sale of Renault Vehicles Industrials to Volvo in 2001, the company
retained a minority (but controlling) stake (20%) in the Volvo Group. In 2010 Renault reduced
its participation to 6.5% and in December 2012 sold its remaining shares. In 2004, Renault sold a
51% majority stake in its agricultural machinery division, Renault Agriculture, to CLAAS. In
2006, CLAAS increased its ownership to 80% and in 2008 took full control.

In the twenty first century, Renault developed a reputation for distinctive, outlandish design. The
second generation of the Laguna and Megane featured ambitious, angular designs that turned out
to be successful. The 2000 Laguna was the second European car to feature “keyless” entry and
ignition. Less successful were the company`s more upmarket models. The Avantime, a unique
coupe/multipurpose sold poorly and was quickly discontinued while the luxury Velsatis model
also disappointed. However, the design inspired the lines of the second generation Megane, the
maker`s most successful car. As well as its distinctive styling, Renault was to become known for
its car safety by the independent company EuroNCAP Thus, in 2001, the Laguna achieved a 5-
star rating, followed in 2004 by the Modus.

In April 2010, Renault-Nissan announced an alliance with Dailmer. Renault supplied Mercedes-
Benz with its brand new 1.6L turbo diesel engine and Mercedes-Benz provided a 2.0L four-
cylinder petrol engine to Renault-Nissan. The resulting new alliance was to develop a
replacement for the smart based on the Twingo.

In February 2010, Renault opened a new production factory near Tangier, Morocco, with an
annual output capacity of 170,000 vehicles. Initially, it manufactured the Dacia Lodgy and Dacia
Dokker models followed in October 2013 by the second generation Dacia Sandero. The output
capacity increased to 340,000 vehicles per year with the inauguration of a second production
line. The site is located in a dedicated free trade area, neighbouring Tanger Automotive City.
According to Renault new factory emits zero carbon and industrial liquid discharges. Over
100,000 vehicles were produced there in 2013. Renault expects to eventually increase production
at the Tangier plant to 400,000 vehicles per year.

In December 2012 the Algeria`s National Investment Fund (FNI), the SocieteNationale de
Vehicles Industrials (SNVI) and Renault signed an agreement to establish a factory near the city
of Oran, Algeria with the aim of manufacturing symbol units from 2014 onwards. The
production output was estimated at 25,000 vehicles. The Algerian State has a 51% stake in the

In September2013, Renault launched its brand in Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous
country with the aim of becoming one of the top European brands there until 2016. The model
range at the time of the launch consisted of the Duster (locally assembled), the Koleos and the
Megane RS. Later the Clio and the Captur were also added.In April 2015, the French
government upped their stake in Renault to 19.73 percent with the aim of blocking a resolution at
the next annual general meeting that could reduce its control over the company.

During 2016, Renault changed position on the visibility of small diesel cars in Europe as they
become significantly more expensive when re-engineered to comply with new emissions
regulations as a result of the Volkswagon emissions scandal. Renault believes that all small and
some mid size will no longer be diesels by 2020. However on Friday, 13 January 2017, Renault
shares fell as the Paris prosecutor started an investigation into possible exhaust emissions
cheating. Renault denied any foul play, stating compliance with French and European
standards.On 12 May 2017, one of the Renault manufacturing plants computer networks was
attacked by a malware known as WannaCry which was found to be something critical causing it
being shut down for one day. The production of at least 1,200 vehicles was halted.


 1899: Louis Renault “Driving, speed changing mechanism and reversing gear” Louis
Renault invented a revolutionary direct drive gear with no drive belt, with much better
uphill performances.
 1963: Renault 8 was the first serial cart with four wheel disc brake system.
 1980: First patents for “Braking distribution device for total adherence”.
 1988: CARMINAT, a real-time system for location and weather information. This
program received European support from 1988, under the code Eureka EU-55
CARMINAT. These are included in the Renault R-link system and Carminat Tom-Tom
1907 Renault-built Replica of their French Grand prix winner, one of 4 known to exist.

Main articles:Renault Sport and Formula Renault.

Renault took part in motorsport at the beginning of the 20 th century, promoted by Marcel
Renault’s racing interests and over the years acquired companies with a sporting connection such
as Gordini and Alpine.

In the seventies, Renault set up a dedicated motorsport division called Renault sport and won the
Le Mans 24 Hours with the Renault Alpine A442 in 1978.Renault achieved success in both
rallying and in Formula One over decades.

Renault has twelve F1 championships wins as engine manufacturer in Formula One. Nigel
Mansell, Damon Hill, Michael Schumacher, Alain Prost, Fernando Alonso, Sebastian Vettel and
Jacques Villeneuve won eleven F1 driver’s titles with cars powered by Renault engines.

The company has also backed various one-make single-seater series such as Formula Renault
and the Formula Renault 3.5.These two racing series were step in the career of thousands of
drivers, including Formula One champions Fernando Alonso, Sebastian Vettel, Kimi Raikkonen
or Lewis Hamilton or AndyCar champion Will Power.

Renault Sport develops and manufactures the Renault Sport-badged cars, as the Renault Clio
Rs(for Renault Sport) and the Renault MeganeRs, which own the world records in their
categories, such as the Nurburgring and the Suzuka circuit and awards from what car?, Evo and
other magazines.

Fernando Alonso driving for Renault F1 at Indian polis in 2005,the year in which the Renault
team won the first of their two Formula One championships.

The Renault Alphine A442, 1978 Le Mans 24 Hours winner, at the 2014 Good wood festival of

Renault Sport R.S 01, 2014

Renault alpine A110, first Champion of the World Rally Championship.

Renault Megane RS III

DdFormula One:
Main article: Renault in one Formula One
Renault introduced the turbo engine to Formula One when they debuted their first car, the
Renault RS01 at Silverstone in 1977.The Renault team continued until 1986.From 1989 Renault
supplied engines to the successful Williams-Renault car.Renault took over the Benetton formula
team in 2000 for the 2001 season and renamed it Renault F1 in 2002.In 2005 and 2006 the team
won the Constructors’ and Drivers’ titles(with Fernando Alonso).At the 2005 French Grand Prix
Carlos Ghosn set out his policy regarding the company’s involvement in motorsport.

“We are not in formula one out of habit or tradition. We’re here to show our talent and that we
can do it properly. Formula one is a cost if you don’t get the results. Formula One is an
investment if you do have them and know how to exploit them.”

Renault powered the winning 2010 Red Bull Racing team and took a similar role with its old
team in December 2010, when it sold its final stake to the investment group Genii Capital, the
main stake holder since December 2009, ending Renault’s direct role in running a F1 team for
the second time. Renault returned to F1 as a works team for the 2016 season.

Renault has been involved in rallying from an early era. Marcel Renault won the 1902 Rallye
Paris-Vienna, but lost his life while completing in the 1903 Paris-Madrid rally.During the 1950s
and 1960s, Renault manufactured several small cars with rear wheel drive in some cases, as the
4CV, the R8 or the Dauphine. These cars were well-adapted to the rally of the time and the tuner
Amedee Gordini collaborated with its performance. In the 1950s the Renault Dauphine won
several international rallies, including the 1956 milleMigilia and the 1958 Monte Carlo Rally.

In 1973,Renault took control of Automobiles Alpine, a related company for several years, which
was responsible for building successful rally cars such as the A110.A highly evolved A110.A
highly evolved A110 won the first World Rally Championship, representing alpine-Renault.

In 1976, the Alpine’s competition department and the Gordini factory at Viry-Chatillon were
merged into Renault Sport. The focus shifted to Formula One, although Renault achieved several
victories including the 1981 Monte Carlo Rally with the Renault 5 Turbo before retirement from
the world rally in late 1994.

Renault cars also participate of cross-country races, most prominently the Dakar rally. The
Marreau brothers won the 1982 edition driving a Renault 20 Turbo 4X4 prototype.

Later, Renault provided a Renault a Megane platform and sponsored the Schlesser-Renault Elf
buggies that won the 1999 and 2000 editions. The 1999 car was the first two-wheel drive
Dakar’s winner.Renaults won the European rally Championship four times, in 1970, 1999, 2004
and 2005.
Corporate governance:
Renault’s head office is in Boulonge-Billancourt. The head office is located near the old Renault
factories; Renault has maintained a historical presence in Boulonge-Billancourt since the
company’s opening in 1898.

Renault is administered through a board of directors, an executive committee and a management

committee as of may 2014, members of the 19-seat board include Carlos Ghosn, Alain J.P.Belda,
Charles de Croisset, Thierry Desmarest, Yuriko Koike, Marc Ladrit de Lacharriree, Franck
Ribound and Pascale Sourisse.

Products and technologies:

Main article: List of Renault vehicles current models
Current model line up, with calendar year of introduction or most recent facelift.

Main article: List of Renault vehicles: Concept cars

Renault’s concept cars show future design and technology directions. Since 2008
Renault has displayed various all-electric car concepts under the name ‘Z.E”, for zero emission,
starting with a concept based on the Renault Kangoo Be Bop. Further concepts and
announcements followed, with production of the Fluence Z.E. saloon beginning in 2011 and the
Renault Zoe in 2012.

Renault revealed the Ondelios hybrid concept in 2008.but this was overtaken by the
Z.E.programee. However, Renault presented a new hybrid car in September 2014, the Eolab,
which incorporates various innovations that the company said will be added to productions
models by 2020.

In 2014 at the New Delhi Auto Show, Renault announced a new model, the Kwid Concept,
which comes with helicopter drone.

Electric vehicle:
In 2013, Renault became the leader of electric vehicles sales in Europe, thanks to its large range
of vehicles (Twizy, Zoe, Kangoo).

Beginning in 2008, Renault made agreements for its planned zero-emissions products, including
with Israel, Portugal, Denmark and the US states of Tennessee and Oregon, Yokohama in Japan
and the Principality of Monaco. Serge Yoccoz is the electric vehicle project director.

In 2008, Renault-Nissan signed a deal to produce electric cars for an initiative in Israel with
Better Place, a US company developing new non-petroleum-based transport infrastructure.
Renault aimed to set 10-20,000 cars a year in Israel. Renault also agreed to develop
exchangeable battenes for the project. Renault collaborated with Better Place to produce a
network of all-electric vehicles and thousands of charging stations in Denmark, planned to be
operational by 2011.The Renault Fluence Z.E., was selected for the Israel project. It became the
first zero-emission vehicle with a switchable battery, with trails in 2010 undertaken with the
Renault Laguna. Renault ended the partnership in 2013, following Better Place’s bankruptcy,
with only 1000 vehicle sales in Israel and 240 in Denmark.

Renault- Nissan and the largest French electric utility, Electricite de France(EDF) signed an
agreement to promote electric vehicles in France. The partnership planned to pilot projects on
battery management and charging infrastructure. Renault-Nissan also signed deals with Ireland’s
ESB and in Milton Keynes as part of the UK’s plugged in Places national project.

“We have decided to introduce zero-emission vehicles as quickly as possible in order to ensure
individual mobility against the background of high oil prices and better environment protection.”

According to Ghosn, the Renault-Nissan alliance was a fundamental step in electric car
development and that they needed each other for other issues such as battery manufacturing,
charging infrastructure and business strategy.

“I don’t think either Renault or Nissan would have been able to launch an EV alone successfully.
You can have an electric car alone. But what you cannot have is an EV business system, from
batteries to recycling to cars to infrastructure to negotiation, by being alone.”

In September 2013, Renault and Bollore announced an agreement to collaborate on a new

electric vehicle and in car-sharing project.The Renault Zoe, with 18,453 registrations, was the
top selling all-electric car in Europe in 2015.With 11,873 units sold during the first half of
2016,the Zoe continued to rank as the top selling plug in electric car in Europe. Global Zoe sales
achieved the 50,000 unit milestone in June 2016.Groups Renault global, electric vehicle sales
passed the 100,000 unit milestone in September 2016,with Zoe sales representing 54%, the
Kangoo Z.E. with 24%, the Twizy with 18% and the Fluence Z.E. and its Korean rebadged
Samsung SM3 Z.E. together representing 4%.

In 2007 Renault introduce a new line of eco-friendly derivatives marked eco that were based on
production platforms. A minimum of 5% recycled plastic was used and the vehicle’s materials
were 95% reusable.Eco2’s CO2 emissions were not to exceed 140g/km, or would be biofuel
compatible. At the 2008 Fleet World Honours, Renault received the Environment Award. The
chairman of Judges, George Emmerson, commented,” This wasthe most hostly contested
category in the history of the Fleet World Honours, such is the clamour for organizations’ green
credentials to be recognized. These were some very impressive entries, but the plane felt that
Renault’s impressive range of low-emission vehicles was the most tangible and the most

The R-Link infotainment system, developed by Renault and the CCETT labs during the 1980’s,
produced with TomTom and fitted in Renault’s vehicles, was ranked first in a user accessibility
study perfomed by an independent consulting British company SBD in Europe, R-Link getting
85% of the users satisfaction whereas the second “big five” automotive maker got a 10% lower
satisfaction from the users.

Autonomous vehicles:
Renault plans to introduce autonomous vehicle technology by 2020. The company unveiled a
prototype, the Next Two (based on the Zoe), in February 2014.

Vehicle design:
The “pre-design” era:
During its early years, Renault only manufactured the cars chassis, while the bodywork was in
charge of coachbuilders. The first car with Renault’s bodywork was the “Taxi de la Marne”
introduced in 1905. Most Renault made bodyworks were simple and utilitarian until the
Reinastella unveiling in 1928. In the 1930s Renault developed streamlined cars as the Viva
Grand Sport. In the 1950s the company worked with Ghia designers.

Renault Styling:
In 1961 with the assistance of the independent designer Philippe Charboneaux 9responsible for
the R8), the company created Renault Styling as a design department, led by Gaston Juchet since
1963. In 1975, Robert Opron was named chief designer and Renault Styling was divided into
Interior, Exterior and Advanced Design groups.

In the 1960s an in-house CAD CAM system called UNISURF was introduced led by Pierre
Bezier (who popularised Bezier curves and worked at Renault from 1933 to 1975.

Industrial Design Department:

In 1987, Renault named Patrick le Quement as chief designer and created the Industrial Design
Department to replace Renault Styling. The new division incorporated a new management
system, with more technology and personnel. Renault gave it the same importance as
Engineering and Product Planning, participating in product development.

Le Quement was responsible for bold designs such as the Megane II and the VelSatis giving
Renault a more coherent and stylish image. In 1995, Design and Quality were merged under le
Quement’s direction. Later the new department moved to Guyancourt’sTechnocentre, which also
became the base for Engineering and Product Planning. The group was organised in three
sections: Automobile Design: Truck, LCV and bus Design; and Concept Cars and Advanced
Design. During the next years satellite centres opened in Spain (1999), Paris (2000), South Korea
(2003), Romania (2007), India (2007) and Brazil (2008).

At the end of 2009, le Quement was replaced by Laurens van den Acker, who introduced the
“cycle of life” concept to Renaults design.

Engineering and Product Planning:

Renault twin-turbo engine:
Most of Renault engineering was decentralised until 1998, when the Technocentre became the
main Renault’s engineering facility. Satellite centres exist, including Renault Technologies
Americans (with branches in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Mexico), Renault
Technologies Romania (branches in Morocco, Russia, Slovenia and Turkey) and Renault
Technologies Spain (branch in Portugal). As of 2013, Renault‘s engineering section had over
6500 employees worldwide of which 34% were engineers and 63% technicians. Engine
development is in charge of a specific division, Renault Powertrains, with nearly 65 engineers.
Overseas engineering is increasing and R&D teams are in charge of adjusting existing vehicles to
local needs and budgets.

As of 2014 Engineering and Product Planning are directed by Gaspar Gascon Abellan and
Philippe Klein respectively.

View of the Technocentre from the Jardin des Gogottes:
The Renault Technocentre is the main research and development facility. It is located
inGuyancourt. It covers 150 hectares and integrates all departments involved in developing
products and industrial processes (design, engineering and product planning) as well as supplier
representatives. The Technocentre gathers more than 8000 employees and comprises three main
sections. The Advance Precinct, a stepped structure surrounded by a lake, has design studios and
other departments related to early design stages. The Hive is the tallest structure and includes
research and engineering facilities dedicated to the development process of new vehicles. The
prototype build centre is an extension of the Hive. The three main structures are accompanied by
smaller technical buildings.

The Technocentres was one of the first enterprises to have real-time life-size 3D modelling

Renault Tech:
Renault Tech is a division of Renault Sport Technologies, headquartered in Les Ulis. It was
established in 2008 and is in charge of modifying cars and vans for special purposes
(transporting people with reduced mobility, driving school cars, business fleets).


Main article: AvtoVAZ

In February 2008 Renault acquired a 25% share in AvtoVAZ, known for its Ladas range of
vehicles. VAZ had been seeking a strategic partner since the late nineties. Its owners had little
success in forming an alliance with various firms.

Renault began off and on in talks with AvtoVAZ in 2005, initially insisting that CKD assemble
Logans at its facilities, while VAZ intended to keep its own Lada brand and sought only a new
platform and engine. After several rounds of talks, interrupted by VAZ’s attempts to ally with
Fiat and Magna, Renault agreed to the partnership under terms similar to its Nissan deal. Renault
and Rosoboronexport, the state corporation that is a major stockholder of VAZ, discussed
Renault increasing its stake in VAZ to 50%. Following a AvtoVAZ recapitalisation in 2016,
Renault holds over 50% of the company, making it a subsidiary.

Main article: Automobile Dacia
In 1999, Renault acquired a 51% controlling stake from the Romanian based manufacturer
Automobile Dacia, which increased to 99.43%. As part of the Renault group, Dacia is a regional
marquee of entry levels cars focused on Europe and Northern Africa which shares various
models with the Renault marque.

Renault Samsung Motors:

Main article:Renault Samsung Motors
Renault acquired the car division of Samsung on 1 September 2000 in a $560 million deal for
70% of the company, eventually rising its stake to 80.1%.Renault Samsung Motors is a marquee
used almost exclusively in South Korea. The majority of the company’s production at its Busan
plant is exported under the Renault badge.
RCI Banque:
Main article:RCI Banque
RCI Banque is a wholly owned subsidiary that provides financial services for Renault marques
worldwide and Nissan marques in Europe, Russia and South America.

Renault Retail Group:

Renault Retail Group is Renault’s wholly owned automobile distributor for Europe. In 1997, the
French branches were merged to establish the subsidiary Renault France Automobiles (RFA).In
2001, it served as the basis for Renault Europe Automobiles (REA),which managed sale in
Europe. In 2008, the company adopted its current name. Renault Retail Group operates in
France, Austin, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Luxembourg,
Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Manufacturing subsidiaries:

Main article: Renault-Nissan Alliance

Renault has a 43.4% stake in Nissan and Nissan holds a 15% stake (with no voting rights) in
Renault, thereby giving it effective control. Renault has a 50% stake in the joint venture Renault-
Nissan b.v., which was established to manage the Renault-Nissan alliance. The company is
responsible for the management of two joint companies, RNPO (Renault Nissan Purchasing
Organization) and RNIS (Renault-Nissan Information Services). Combined vehicle scales in
2008 reached 6.9 million (including AvtoVAZ), making the Renault-Nissan Alliance the world’s
third-largest automotive group.

As well as sharing engines and joint-development of zero-emissions technology, Nissan

increased its presence in Europe by badging various Renault van models such as the Renault
Kangoo/Nissan Kuoistar Renault Master/Nissan Interstar and the Renault Traffic/Nissan
Primastar. Some passenger cars have also been badged-engineered, such as the Renault Clio-
based Nissan Fiatina ion Brazil. The “Renault Production System” standard used by all Renault
factories borrowed extensively from the “Nissan Production Way” and resulted in productivity
improving by 15%.The alliance led to the loss of 21,000 jobs, the closure of three assembly and
two powertrian plants.
In March 2010 the Renault-Nissan alliance opened its first joint facility in Chennai, India,
investing 45 billion rupees. The facility builds the Nissan Micra. The Renault Fluence and
Renault Koleos are intended to be assembled there from completely knocked-down units as a
result of opening its own factory, Renault ended its five-year Mahindra Renault joint venture
with Mahindra & Mahindra company to make and sell the Renault Logan in India.

Renault-Nissan and Daimler alliance:

On 7April 2010 Ghosn and Daimier AG CEO Dieter Zetsche announced a partnership between
the three companies. Daimler acquired a 3.1 percent stake in Renault-Nissan and Reanult and
Nissan each took a 1.55 percent stake in Daimler.

American Motors:
In 1979, Renault entered into an agreement with American Motors Corporation (AMC) to sell
cars in the US.A year later Renault acquired a 22.5% interest in AMC. This was not the first time
the two companies had worked together. In the early 1960’s, Renault assembled CKD kits and
marketed Ramblers in France. In 1982, Renault increased its stake in AMC to 46.4%.The
Renault Alliance/Encore (a modified version of the Renault 9 and 11) entered production in the
US, but following AMC’s continued decline, Renault withdrew from the US in 1987 and sold its
share to Chrysler.

Proposed alliance:
On 30 June 2006, the media reported that General Motors converted an emergency board
meeting to discuss a proposal by shareholder Kirk Kerkorian to form an alliance with Renault-
Nissan. However, GM CEO Richard Wagoner felt that an alliance with disproportionaely benefit
Renault’s shareholders and that GM should receive compensation accordingly. Talks between
Gm and Renault ended on 4 October 2006.

In 2007, Renault-Nissan entered talks with Indian manufacturer Bajaj Auto to develop a new
ultra-cost car along the lines of the Tata Nano. Renault’s existing partner in India, Mahindra, was
not interested in the project. The proposed joint venture did not come to fruition and in late 2009
they companies announced that Bajaj would develop and manufacture the vehicle and supply
Renault-Nissan with completed cars.

On 7 October 2008 a Renault executive said the company was interested in acquiring or
partnering with Chrysler. On 11 October 2008, the New York Times reported that General
Motors, Nissan and Renault had all been in discussions over the past month with Chrysler’s
owner Cerberus Capital Management about acquiring Chrysler.

United Kingdom
In 2014, two Renault models were among the most numerous on British roads: the Clio (ranked
6th by total number) and the Megane (ranked 10th).

The Renault Centre, ordered by Renault to Norman Foster:

1970s, 1980s, 1990s:

The first Renaults to sustain sales in the UK were the Renault 5 and Renault 18 both of which
attained sixdigit sales figures during the late 1970s and early 1980s.

In 1980 Renault commissioned British architect Norman Foster to build the Renault Centre, an
award-winning office and distribution centre in Swindon. It was easily identified by the
extensive use of the corporate Renault yellow.

Renault enjoyed greater popularity with the arrival of the Clio supermini in March 1991. It was
regularly among the best sellers during the 1990s. The successor (launched in 1998, alongside
the final instalment of the successful “Papa & Nicole” advertising campaign), continued its
success. The sedan/saloon version, Thalia, was not launched in the United Kingdom.

Renault introduced the Megane in April 1996 to steady sales, although it failed to reach the top
ten during the first two years. In 1998, however, sales grew, making it Britain’s sixth-bestselling
car and the second most popular in its sector.

In 2006 Renault was Britain’s third most popular brand, surpassed only by Ford and Vauxhall.In
November 2007, Renault UK lost a US$2 million lawsuit against an independent distributor,
who had placed orders for 217 cars under a discount scheme. This was intended for members of
the British Airline Pilots Association. Three were legitimate, because they had “made a profit of
some sort on every vehicle”. Two Renault employees were criticised, for having “turned a blind
eye” to the very large number of orders.

In 2008 Renault sales started declining and the marquee fell to the eighth most popular, with
89,570 sales (down 29% compared to 2007) and considerably less than 2002’s 194,685 sales.
Renault suffered more than most main brands during 2009, as the recession deepened and ended
the year with 63,174 sales and a reduced 3.17% market share.

During 2010 however, as the economy returned to growth, Renault sold more than 95,000 cars
and increased its market share to 4.71%, before falling again in 2011 to 68,449, yielding a 3.53
percent market share. In December 2011, Renault announced that the Laguna, Espace, Kangoo,
Modus and Wind lines would be disconnected as a cost-cutting measure, while 55 of its 190
British dealerships would close. By 2014 Renault sales outperformed the market overall growth
with a 41.9% increase, in spite of a range limited to the Clio, Captur, Megane, Zoe, Scenic,
Kangoo, Twizy and the third-generation Twingo, launched at the end of 2014.
Renault models have won the European Car of the Year award six times in the last forty years:

 1966: Renault 16
 1982: Renault 9
 1991: Renault Clio
 1997: Renault Scenic
 2003: Renault Megane II
 2006: Renault Clio III

Renault cars have won numerous national-level awards in Spain, Australia, Ireland the United
States, Denmark and elsewhere. Renault and its Dacia subsidiary have won three “Autobest” car
of the year awards for the Duster, Logan and Symbol models.

Marketing and branding:

Renault markets its products under five marques: Renault, Lada, Dacia, Renault Samsung
Motors and Alpine.

Renault badge:
Renault’s first badge was introduced in 1900 and consisted in the Renault brother’s intertwined
initials. When the company started mass production in 1906, it adopted a gear shaped logo with a
car inside it. After World War I the company used a logo depicting an FT tank. In 1923 it
introduced a new circle-shaped badge, which was replaced by the “diamond” or lozenge in 1925.
The lozenge of Renault means a diamond that expresses the brand’s firm desire to project a
strong and consistent corporate image.

The Renault diamond logo has been through many iterations. To modernise its image, Renault
asked Victor Vasarely to design its new logo in 1972. The transformed logo maintained the
diamond shape. The design was later revised to reflect the more rounded lines of the brand’s new
styling dues. The current badge has been in use since 1992.

The logo for web and print use was updated three times thereafter. In 2004 a more realistic
representation inside a yellow square with the world “Renault” in Renault Identite typeface
besides it was incorporated. In 2007, Saguez& Partners produced a version with the word
“Renault” inside the yellow square

In April 2015, Renault introduced new designs to differentiate the company from the product
brand, as part of the ‘Passion for life’ campaign. The new brand logo replaced the yellow
background with a yellow stripe. A new typeface was also introduced. A corporate logo was
unveiled at the 2015 Annual General Meeting, incorporating Renault, Dacia and Renault
Samsung Motors.

The yellow associated with the company appeared initially in the diamond badge of 1946, when
Renault was nationalized.Both the Renault logo and its documentation (technical as well as
commercial) historically used Renault MN, a custom typeface developed by British firm Wolff
Olins. This type family is said to have been designed mainly to save costs at a time where the use
of typefaces was costly.

Renault Identite:
In 2004, French typeface designed Jean-FrencoisPorchez was commissioned to design a
replacement. This was shown in October of that year and was called Renault Identite. The Open
Type font family was developed from the Renault logotype created by Eric de Berranger.

Since 2007, as part of the Saguez& Partners revamp, all graphic advertising makes use of
Helvetica Neue Condensed.

L’Atelier Renault in Paris, a cultural place, gastronomy restaurant and cars showroom.

Renault Life :
The Renault Life font family was built by Fontsmith Limited, based on the foundry’s FS
Hackney font family.

The family consists of 6 fonts in 3 weights (Life, Regular, Bold) and 1 width, with
complimentary italic.



Among the many components that go into making a company competitive are the skills of its
employees. Other components like technology and capital are not crucial. Technology can be
copied and money can be borrowed. This being an information era, whoever is able to use
information properly will have an advantage over other competitors in the same field. This is
why Human Resource Development (HRD), which transforms information into various skills of
the personnel, has great responsibility in any organization. We would call this transformation of
information into human skills as training.

Training needs arise from restructuring, expansion, performance gaps, replacing of employees
who are leaving, motivating of staff and, new technology.
The goal in training is to meet the organization objectives at shortest possible time, efficiently
and with minimum use of resources. To meet this objective, various training models have been

Definitions of Training:

“Training constitutes a basic concept in Human Resource Development. It is the systematic

modification of behaviour through learning which occurs as a result of education, instruction,
development and planned experience”.

As was said earlier, it is concerned with developing a particular skill to a desired standard by
instruction and practice.

Training was defined in greater detail Lundy and Cowing as follows:

“A planned process to modify attitude, knowledge or skill behaviour through learning

experience to achieve effective performance in an activity or range of activities. Its purpose, in
the work situation, is to develop the abilities of the individual and to satisfy the current and
future manpower needs of the organization”.

Training is highly useful tools which can bring an employee into a position where he/she can do
his/her job correctly, effectively and conscientiously:

a) Correctly, in that he/she can apply whatever he/she has been taught,

b) Effectively, in that he/she may be in a position where he/she can perform to the expected
standards, and

c) Conscientiously, in that the behaviour of the trainers can bring the trainees to the position
where they can put their maximum effort at the right time.
A training course should constitute a key feature in a formal development programme, and this
could be a standard offering by various specialist bodies or in -house courses developed for the
organization‟s specialist needs. Increasingly, these options are being combined so that there is
the possibility of an externally provided course tailored to suit an organization‟s particular needs.

The Goals of Training:

The main goal of training is to help the organization achieve its objectives by adding value to its
key assets – the people it employs. Training means investing in people to enable them to perform
better and to empower them to make the best use of their natural abilities. The particular
objectives of training are to:

 Develop the competencies of employees and improve their performance.

 Help people grow within the organization in order that, as far as possible, its future needs
for human resources can be met from within.

 Reduce the learning time for employees starting in new jobs on appointment, transfer or
promotion, and ensure that they become fully competent as quickly and effectively as

Challenges in Training:
Upgrading employees' performance and improving their skills through training is a necessity in
today's competitive environment. The training process brings with it many questions that
managers must answer. Included in these questions are: Is training the solution to the problems?
Are the goals of training clear and realistic? Is training a good investment? Will the training

 Is Training the Solution?

 Are the Goals Clear and Realistic?

 Is Training a Good Investment?

 Will Training Work?

Understanding training and its process:

To understand how training should be developed and operated within an organization, the first
requirement is to appreciate learning theory and approaches to providing learning and
development opportunities in organizations. It is then necessary to understand the following
approaches to training.

1) Training Philosophy.

2) Types And Process Of Training.

3) Identifying Training Needs.

4) Planning Training.

5) Conducting Training.

6) Responsibility For Training.

7) Evaluating Training.

1) Training Philosophy:

The training philosophy of an organization expresses the degree of importance it attaches to

training. Organizations with a positive training philosophy understand that they live in a world
where effectiveness is achieved by having higher quality people than other organizations
employ, and that this need will not be satisfied unless they invest in developing the skills and
competencies of their people. They also recognize that actual or potential skill shortages can
threaten their future prosperity and growth. In hard economic terms, these organizations are
convinced that training is an investment that will pay off. They understand that it may be
difficult to calculate the return on that investment but they believe that the tangible and
intangible benefits of training will more than justify the cost.

It is not enough, however, to believe in training as an act of faith. This belief must be supported
by a positive and realistic philosophy of how training contributes to the bottom
line. Underpinning this belief is the need to set concrete objectives for training in terms of a
return on investment, in the same way as other investments have to demonstrate a pay-back. The
main areas in which such a philosophy should be developed are the following:

 A strategic approach to training: this takes a long-term view of what skills, knowledge
and levels of competence employees of the organization need.

 Relevance: Training must be relevant to identify appropriate training needs.

 Problem-based: Training should be problem-based in the sense that it should be planned

to fill the gaps between what people can do and what they need to do, now and in the

 Action-orientated: Training philosophy should stress that training exists to make things
happen, to get people into action, and to ensure that they can do things they are doing
now better, or will be able to do things that they could not do before.

 Performance-related training: A performance-related training philosophy involves

training specifically to performance and competence requirements.

 Continuous development: Learning is a continuous process and, therefore, a policy of

continuous development should be pursued.

 Training policies: These should provide guidelines on the amount of training needed, the
proportion of turnover that should be allocated to training, the scope and aims of training
schemes, and the allocation of responsibilities for training.

2) Types and the process of Training:

a) Systematic training:

“Systematic training is training which is specifically designed to meet defined needs. It is

planned and provided by people who know how to train, and the impact of tr aining is carefully
evaluated”. It is based on a simple, four-stage model expressed as follows:
 Define training needs.

 Decide what sort of training is required to satisfy these needs.

 Use experienced and trained trainers to plan and implement training.

 Follow up and evaluate training to ensure that it is effective.

The model of systematic training provides a good basis for planning training programmes, but it
is often oversimplified – training is a more complex process than this. Another drawback of
systematic training is that insufficient emphasis is placed on the responsibilities of managers and
individuals for training. The concept of planned training provides a more comprehensive
description of the training process.

b) Planned training:

Planned training is defined by Kenney and Reid as “a deliberate intervention aimed at achieving
the learning necessary for improved job performance”. The process of planned training consists
of the following steps:

 Identify and define training needs.

 Define the learning required.
 Define the objectives of training.
 Plan training programmes.
 Decide who provides the training.
 Implement the training.

3) Identification of Learning and Training Needs:

Training must have a purpose and that purpose can be defined only if the l earning needs of the
organization and the groups and individuals within it have been systematically identified and
analyzed. According to Kempton , training needs can be identified at the individual and the
organization level.

 At the individual level

 Identification will need to begin with the job description. This will provide a list of the
skills and knowledge required. It can be compared with the actual skills and knowledge that the
job holder processes.
 Another approach could be to look at critical incidents over, say, the past three
months that were particularly challenging or stressful. The training can then be
directed at the areas that are most relevant.

Managers will also be able to identify training for their subordinates. One of the best
ways of achieving this is through the appraisal interview, where agreed training needs can be
 Individuals may request training that they perceive will equip them for a change
of job, either laterally or through promotion.

 At the organizational level

 Training needs may be identified through the performance appraisal system. This
may provide the key channel for feeding back individual needs. The information
should be processed by a human resource professional in order to plan the overall
needs of the organization.

 The management team may identify areas from the corporate plan that they want
included in the training plans.

4) Planning Training Programmes:

Every training programme needs to be designed individually, and the design will continually
evolve as new learning needs emerge, or when feedback indicates that changes are required.
According to Kempton, before consideration is given to special aspects of training programmes
for managers, team leaders, craft and technical trainees, and office staff, decisions are necessary
in the following areas:

 Objectives: The objectives need to be considered against the desired results. The end -
result will be the acquisition of a new skill or changed behaviour. Skills and behaviours
can be learned. A skill can be learnt in isolation whereas a behavioural change will lead
to permanent change in the values and behaviours held. That means, teaching the skill of
juggling to people who can not juggle is achievable.

 Location: Is the training to be on-site? Is the training to be run by an external source?

 Timing: Is there an optimum time for the training to take place? What is the duration of
the training, and if it is to be a series of courses does a pilot course need to be planned?

 Level: If the training is to be just conceptual, are the trainees experienced enough to be
able to relate it to the work situation?
 Techniques: Consideration should be given to elements of technique. Is it appropriate
to use case studies or role plays? What is the objectivity level of the trainer and the
expectation of the trainee? There is a variety of training techniques that can be used.
These techniques can be divided into:

On-the-job techniques, which are practiced on a-day-to-day basis or as part of a specially

tailored training programme. These techniques include demonstration, coaching, job rotation,
planned experience and mentoring

 Off-the-job techniques, which are used in formal training courses away from the
place of work. These techniques include lectures, talks, discussions, the di
scovery method, case study, role-playing, simulation, group exercises, team
building, distance learning, outdoor learning and workshops.

 On- or off-the-job techniques, which include instruction, question and answer,

action learning, assignments, projects, guided reading, computer-based training,
interactive video and video.
Conducting Training Programmes:

The only general rules for conducting training programmes are that first, the courses should
continually be monitored to ensure that they are proceeding according to plan and within the
agreed budget and second, all training should be evaluated after the event to check on the extend
to which it is delivering the required results.

There are, however, a number of considerations which affect the conduct of training for specific
occupations, and those concerning managers and team leaders, sales staff, skilled workers and
office staff are the following:

 Management and team leader training.

 Sales training.

 Technical and skill or craft training.

 Training office staff.

 Team building training.

 Meeting the training needs of special groups.

6) Responsibility For Training:

It is believed that most learning occurs on the job through coaching, planned experience and
self-development. The onus is on managers and individuals to ensure that it takes place. Senior
management must create a learning organization in which managersrecognize that training and
development are a key part of their role and one on which their performance will be assessed.

The role of a specialized training function is generally to provide advice and guidance to
managers on their training responsibilities.

Some of the responsibilities of a training function are the following:

 Developing training strategies which support the achievement of bus iness strategies.

 Analyzing and identifying corporate and occupational training needs.

 Developing proposals on how these needs should be satisfied.

 Preparing plans and budgets for training activities.

 Identifying external training resources, selecting external training providers, specifying what
is required from them and ensuring that their delivery of training meets the specification.

 Advising on external training courses for individuals or groups.

 Organizing internal courses and training programmes, but often relying on outside help for
the whole or part of formal training courses

 Training managers, supervisors and mentors in their training responsibilities.

 Providing help and guidance to individuals in the preparation and implementation of

personal development plans.

 Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of training throughout the organization.

7) Evaluation Of Training:
One of the most nebulous and unsatisfactory aspects of training programmes is the evaluation of
their effectiveness. Evaluation has been defined by Hamblin, as “any attempt to obtain
information (feedback) on the effects of a training programme, and to assess the value of the
training in the light of that information”. Evaluation leads to control which means deciding
whether or not the training was worth the effort and what improvements are required to make it
even more effective. According to Hamblin, there are five levels at which evaluation can take

 Reactions of trainees to the training experience itself.

 Learning evaluation requires the measurement of what trainees have learned as a result of
their training.
Job behaviour evaluation is concerned with measuring the extent to which trainees have
applied their learning on the job.

 Organizational unit evaluation attempts to measure the effect of changes in the job

behaviour of trainees on the functioning of the part of the organization in which they are

Trainees and Trainers:

Since the real organizational needs are known, the process of training can begin. Exclusive of the
training techniques, the trainees and the trainers constitute other key elements of a training

The selection of trainees is a very important activity in order for an organization to achieve
desirable training results. According to Peel, the elements of trainees which have to be taken into
consideration in order for the selection of appropriate training methods are the following:

 How many they are.

 The level of education they have.

 The qualifications they have.

 The experience they have.

 Why they are chosen.

 What job they do now.

 Why they have to be trained.

 If they work as a team.

The trainers
Trainers constitute the key for the successful holding of a training programme. It is really
difficult for an organization to succeed effective training if the trainers do not have the necessary
abilities for that. According to Peel , possible trainers can be:

 Inside the company trainers.

 Outside consultants.

 Universities.

 Managers.


The Training Models Can Be Classified As:

 Classroom training.

 On-the- job- training.

 Electronic based training

Classroom Based Training:

Classroom based or instructor led training has been the traditional way of training and accounts
for over 60 % of training in leading firms. One advantage of this mode of training is that it
allows for immediate feedback. The instructor is able to assess the student‟s ability to follow and
speed of understanding and adjust the delivery method accordingly. Training is a form of
communication and as with other forms of communication; information is transmitted not only
with words but by other cues like body language, emotional expressions like shock, and surprise.
Such kind of communication is only possible in a classroom setting.

Learners and the instructor are able to share experiences which add to the students‟
understanding. With classroom training a lot of information can be passed within a short time.
The instructor is able to make sure that what is necessary to be covered for the particular skill
required is included in the course. The instructor is therefore able to assess when the student has
acquired the required skills.

Classroom training can be said to offer full interaction which ensures maximum skills transfer.

One disadvantages of classroom training is that it requires participants to be away from there
work places and during that time they are not productive. If there is need to consult them for
some urgent matters, it may not be possible.

Also to move to the training centres may be expensive because the employer has to pay for travel
and hotel accommodation.

Classroom training can be conducted within an institution owned by the organization or carried
out by another organization.

On The Job Training:

On the job training requires that the employee work under an experienced person from whom he
has to learn the new skills. This model of training has the advantage that the employee is
learning in real life situation and hence retentive ability is highest. Also there is immediate
feedback as to the results. Whereas in classroom training one has to wait to see how the
employee applies the skills learned, on the job training the employer is able to see immediately
whether the employee has acquired the skill or not. This mode of training is cheap as there are no
extra expenses to be paid.

There are however serious shortcoming with this model. It is only limited to skills that
organization already has. The rate of learning is also slow as the employee learns only what is
related to what is happening when he is at the place of work. There is the danger that the
employee will take whatever practice at the work place (whether good or bad) as the standard.
Bad practices sometimes take root in a particular section. Also not all people are good teachers
even if they may be excellent workers. The officer assigned to offer on the job training may
deliberately withhold valuable information fearing that the new employee may take over his job.
It must be noted that, since this training is conducted on live equipment, care must be taken in
allowing the trainee to have hands-on-experience until sufficient competence has been gained. If
not properly undertaken, it may be costly through poor workmanship which may result in
unnecessary faults.

Electronic Based Training:

With the advances in information technology more and more training is now being carried on
electronically. This has taken many names such as Web -based training (WBT), Computer Based
Training (CBT), Distant learning, CD-ROM training, and Internet Based Training (IBT).

This kind of learning range from live two-way interaction including video and audio interaction.
It may take the form of distribution of learning material via the internet. Another way is
searching the internet for information using powerful search engines. Also specialized training
centers offer training over the Internet.

This new model of training achieves cost and time savings. Employees learn at there own pace
and modules can be tailored to suit each individual employee.

This method assumes that computers are widely available and there is company-wide computer
literacy. This is far from being the case. There is also the acceptance stage which employees
must undergo. Also Web based training could cause many distractions as th e employees try to
down load information from the Internet.

4) Evaluating Training:

The credibility of training is greatly enhanced when it can be shown that the organization has
benefited tangibly from such programs. Organizations have taken s everal approaches in
attempting to determine the worth of specific programs.

In this phase, the effectiveness of the training is assessed. Effectiveness can be measured in
monetary or non -monetary terms. It is important that the training be assessed on how well it
addresses the needs it was designed to address.

• Participants’ Opinions:

Evaluating a training program by asking the participants‟ opinions of it is an inexpensive

approach that provides an immediate response and suggestions for improvements.
The basic problem with this type of evaluation is that it is based on opinion rather than fact. In
reality, the trainee may have learned nothing, but perceived that a learning experience occurred.

• Extent of Learning:

Some organizations administer tests to determine what the participants in training program have
learned. The pretest, posttest, control group design is one evaluationprocedure that may be used.

• Behavioral Change:

Tests may indicate fairly accurately what has been learned, but they give littleinsight into
desired behavioral changes.

• Accomplishment of Training Objectives:

Still another approach to evaluating training programs involves determining the extent to which
stated objectives have been achieved.

• Benchmarking:

Benchmarking utilizes exemplary practices of other organizations to evaluate and improve

training programs. It is estimated that up to 70 percent of American firms engage in some sort of

• A Case for Simplicity:

Value is the measure of impact and positive change elicited by the training.
The most common approaches used to determine the effectiveness of training programs are as

Other Approaches For Evaluation Of Training:

a) Post Training Performance Method:
In this method the participants‟ performance is measured after attending a training program to
determine if behavioral changes have been made.

Pre-Post Test approach:

Most commonly used approach towards measurement of effectiveness of training is Pretest Post
test approach this approach performances the employees is measured prior to training and if
required training is provided. After completion if the training again the performance is measured
this is compared with performance before training if evaluation is positive e.g. increase in
productivity that means that training is effective.

c) Pre- Post Training Performance with control group Method:

Under this evaluation method, two groups are established and evaluated on actual job
performance. Members of the control group work on the job but do not undergo instructions. On
the other hand, the experimental group is given the instructi ons. At the conclusion of the
training, the two groups are reevaluated. If the training is really effective, the experimental
group‟s performance will have improved, and its performance will be substantially better than
that of the control group.

Maintaining Performance after Training:

Effective training can raise performance, improve morale, and increase an organization's
potential. Poor, inappropriate, or inadequate training can be a source of frustration for everyone
involved. To maximize the benefits of training, managers must closely monitor the training
process. Developing learning points, to assist knowledge retention, Setting specific goals,
identifying appropriate reinforces and teaching trainees, self-management skills can help
organizations to maintain performance after training.

Following up on Training:
Any training or development implemented in an organization must be cost effective. That is the
benefits gained by such programs must outweigh the cost associated with providing the learning
experience. Training to be more effective, is supposed to be followed with careful evaluation.
Evaluation methods are discussed in the previous lecture.
Different techniques and approaches can be used to evaluate the training program and, if
required at any level, revisions and redesigning should not be avoided. It is not enough to merely
assume that any training effort of an organization is effective; we must develop substantive data
to determine whether our training

effort is achieving its goals- that is, if it‟s correcting the deficiencies in skills, knowledge or
attitudes that were assessed in needing attention. Training programs are expensive. The cost
incurred alone justify evaluating the effectiveness.


Table 1: Opinion on training facilities.

1)What is your opinion on training facilities available in your organization

a) Excellent b) Good c) Poor d) Very Poor

S no Item of Scale No. Of Respondents In (%)

1. Excellent 88 35
2. Good 150 60
3. Poor 12 5
4. Very Poor 0 0

Total 250 100

INTERPREATION: Inference: Good Opinion on training facilities.

5% 0%
Very Poor

Table 2: Opinion on working conditions and environment.

2) What is your opinion about your working conditions or environment?

a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfactory

c) Not Satisfactory d) Very Badly Satisfied

S no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In(%)

1. Highly Satisfied 55 22
2. Satisfied 160 64
3. Not Satisfied 20 8
4. Very Badly Satisfied 15 6
Total 250 100
No. Of Respondents

8% 6% 22%
Highly Satisfied
Not Satisfied
Very Badly Satisfied

Inference: Opinion on working conditions and environment is satisfactory.

Table 3: To what extent training program are useful in day to day life.

3) To what extent you found the training program useful for day to day activities.

a) Excellent b) Good c) Satisfactory d) Poor


S no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In(%)

1. Excellent 87 35
2. Good 78 32
3. Satisfactory 52 21
4. Poor 33 12
Total 250 100
35% Excellent
21% Good

Inference: To large extent training program are useful in day to day life.

Table 4: Dose the training department provides a congenial for learning.

4) Do you feel that training department provides a congenial for learning?

a) To large extent b) To some extent c) Very little extent


S no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In (%)

1. To large extent 120 48
2. To some extent 80 32
3. Very little extent 50 20
Total 250 100



48% To large extent

To some extent
Very little extent

Inference: To a large extent the training department provides a congenial for learning.

Table 5: Do training helps in personal development.

5) Do you feel that training helps in personal development


S no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In

1. To large extent 50 20
2. To some extent 180 72
3. Very little extent 20 8
Total 250 100

8% 20%

To large extent
To some extent
Very little extent


Inference: To some extent training helps in personal development.

Table 6: What are the performance levels after training.

6) How do you find the change OR improvement in your performance after attaining
training program?


S. no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In (%)

1. Excellent 160 64
2. Good 53 22
3. Satisfied 37 14
4. Poor 0 0
Total 250 100

15% 0%

64% Poor

Inference: the performance levels are improved after training.

Table 7: Training program helped content design

7)How did you find training program helped content designed


S no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In(%)

1. Excellent 131 52
2. Good 49 20
3. Satisfactory 54 22
4. Poor 15 6
. Total 250 100


22% Excellent

Inference: To a large extent the training program helped content design.

Table 8: To what extent does training helped in job.

8) To what extent the training program helped in your job.


S .no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In (%)

1. To long extent 40 16
2. To some extent 172 68
3. To very little extent 38 16
Total 250 100


No. Of Respondents

15% 16%

To long extent
To some extent
To very little extent


Inference: To some extent the training helped in job

Table 9: Opinion on faculty available for training

9) What is your opinion on faculty available for training program?


S no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In (%)

1. Excellent 54 22
2. Good 69 28
3. Satisfactory 74 29
4. Poor 52 21
Total 250 100

21% 22%
29% 28%

Inference:The faculty was satisfactory for training

Table 10: Infrastructure available in your organization for the training program.

10) What is your opinion on infrastructure available in your organisation for the training


S. no Item Of Scale No. Of In (%)

1. Excellent 100 40
2. Good 70 28
3. Satisfactory 40 16
4. Poor 40 16
Total 250 100
GRAPH - 10

No. Of Respondents

40% Excellent


Inference: Infrastructure was excellent in the organization for the training program

Table 11: Did company adopted new technology

11) To what extent the company adopts new technology OR equipment?


S no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In (%)

1. To large extent 89 35
2. To some extent 76 31
3. To little extent 44 18
4. To very little extent 40 16
Total 250 100
GRAPH - 11

35% To large extent
To some extent
18% To little extent
To very little extent

Inference: Company adopted new technology

Table 12: what are the criterion for giving training.

11) What is the criterion for giving training?


S no Item Of Scale No. Of Respondents In (%)

1. Company overall development 78 31
2. Competency improvement 54 22
3. Future career growth 59 24
4. Better performance 58 23
Total 100 100

GRAPH – 12

No. Of Respondents

Company overall
23% development
Future career growth

22% Better performance

Inference: Company development was the major criterion for giving training.

Q13. How many training programs will you attend in a year?

Ans. Parameter no. of respondent %

Less than 10 10 20

10-20 30 60

20-40 07 14
More than 40 03 06


The given graph shows the 60% of the employees attend 10-20 training
programs in a year. 20% said less than 10 and 14 % between 20-40 in a year. But the portion in
favor of 10-20 is high so they attend mid of 10-20 programs in a year at JCBL.


1)What is your opinion on training facilities available in your organization

a) Excellent b) Good c) Poor d) Very Poor

2) What is your opinion about your working conditions or environment?

a) Highly Satisfied b) Satisfactory

c) Not Satisfactory d) Very Badly Satisfied

3) To what extent you found the training program useful for day to day activities.

a) Excellent b) Good c) Satisfactory d) Poor

4) Do you feel that training department provides a congenial for learning?

a) To large extent b) To some extent c) Very little extent

5) Do you feel that training helps in personal development

6) How do you find the change OR improvement in your performance after attaining
training program?

7)How did you find training program helped content designed

8)To what extent the training program helped in your job.

9)What is your opinion on faculty available for training program?

10) What is your opinion on infrastructure available in your organisation for the training

It is recommended that managers must ask their employees from time to time what kind of
changes they think should be brought as many employees would like to introduce or accept
certain changes in their present job.

For the above, managers must hold meetings with officers and executives of their respective
departments after at least 3 months and encourage employees to share their views and give
suggestions for any kind of change in their job or in the organization.
If the capabilities are present and the department wants to have some fun while learning, develop
a game. This game can be anything from family feud to jeopardy and more.

In either format, the employees have the answer to the questions created by management
department relating to work situations or people. It is amazing what people will remember from a
fun situation versus a forced learning experience.

When conducting the training classes, attempt should be made to keep them informative. While
communicating the ideas is important, the goal should also be to keep the employees interest and
entertained during the workshop.


It is concluded from the survey on “Training & Development”that training program conducted
in VISWARUPA PVT LTD(RENAULT), is very effective in improving the skill and knowledge
of the employee to meet the present and future requirement of the organization. It‟s found that
training place a crucial role in not only the development of employees but also in achieving the
overall organizational goals.
Through the research work it was found that employees were very satisfied by the training
provided to them and strongly agreed that after training their confidence have increased and their
skill and knowledge has also been increased and hence, there was remarkable improvement in
their performance.


1. Paul Rade An introduction to the technology of pottery

2. C.B.Mamoria Industrial labour
3. Dr.T.N.Bhagoliwala Economics of Labour and Industrial
4. Dr.GajendraGodkar Report on national communication of
5. K.W.Rotheshid The theory of wages oxford, black wall 1956
6. P.Subha Rao HRM & Industrial management
7. V.P.Michel HRM & Human Relations

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