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Put the verb in brackets into the Past Indefinite, the Past Continuous,

the Past Perfect and the Past Perfect Continuous.

1. Where were you going when I met you in the street yesterday? - I was
going to tell the watchmaker that he had forgotten to send my watch

2. This, however, enabled him to add some ideas which he had omitted in the
first copy.

3. They decided to rebuild the church when they had found that the cement
used had begun to crumble.

4. He was so ill that he had found himself unable to complete the work he
had begun.

?5. She turned the light back on, lay on the sofa and took up the book she
had been reading.

6. His secretary took the paper from the table where he had put it, and went

7. It was near midnight when they came in from dinner, still laughing at
something he had said in the dining-room.

8. It was two o’clock. Eliza was suddenly thoroughly awake. She sat up in her
bed and circled her knees with her arms. It was raining, the way it had been
raining for days.

9. In his turn Jolyon looked back at his son. He wanted to talk about many
things that he had been unable to talk about all these years.

10. She was at the station after all, standing just as he had imagined, apart
from the others.

11. He came back on Saturday, as he had promised. They all were waiting
for him in the sitting-room. When he entered, everybody rushed forward to
him to embrace and hug him in greeting.

12. The state of his clothes indicated that he had played football in the muddy
Ex. 17. Translate the sentences into English
1.Куда вы ходили? - Я ходила в библиотеку. Я забыла там свою книгу и ходила за ней.
Where did you go? - I went to the library. I had left my book there and I went it

2. Куда он ушел? - Я думаю, он ушел в библиотеку. Он обычно ходит туда по пятницам.

Where did he go?- I thought, he went in the library. He usually goes there on Fridays.

3. “Вы давно живете в этом городе?” - “Двадцать шесть лет.” - “Где вы

раньше жили?” - “В С.-Петербурге.”
"Have you lived in this city long?" - "Twenty-six years." - "Where did you live before?" - "In S.-

4. Здравствуйте. Заходите, пожалуйста. Я ждал вас.

Hi. Come in, please. I’ve been waiting for you.

5. Что ты делаешь? - Я делаю домашнее задание по английскому языку. – Разве ты готовишь уроки по
утрам? - Да, я всегда делаю английский язык после того, как позавтракаю.
What are you doing? - I’m doing my English homework. - Do you do homework in the morning? Yes, I
always make English after breakfast.

6. Мы идем уже шесть часов и очень устали.

We’ve been walking for six hours and we’re very tired.

7. Вы нашли ключ, который потеряли вчера? - Да, нашла. - А где вы его нашли? - Он все время был в моем
Did you find the key you lost yesterday? - Yes, you did. - Where did you find it? - It was in my pocket the
whole time

8. Мы с ним знакомы уже больше года.

We’ve known each other for over a year.

9. Мы с ним вместе учились в школе, и мы остались друзьями на всю жизнь.

We went to high school together, and we stayed friends for life

10. “Ваши гости уже приехали.” - “Я знаю.”

"Your guests have arrived." - "I know."

11. Он окончил свою работу в саду и сидел на балконе, читая газету. Вечер был теплый, а солнце только что
He finished his work in the garden and sat on the balcony reading the paper. The evening was warm and the
sun had just set.

12. Я здесь с утра жду вас.

I’ve been here since morning waiting for you

13. Когда я напишу письмо, я сейчас же пойду и отправлю его, но я не знаю, когда она* его получит.
When I write the letter, I will go and send it immediately, but I do not know when she will get it.

14. Что у тебя с руками? - Я чистила картошку.

What happened to your hands? - I was peeling potatoes

15. Я в этом городе уже пятнадцать лет. Наша семья переехала сюда, когда мне было 10 лет.
I’ve been in this town for 15 years. Our family moved here when I was 10.

16. Они пишут вам? - Да, мы переписываемся уже шесть лет.

Are they texting you? - Yeah, we’ve been texting for six years.

17. Я очень много думаю о вас в последнее время.

I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately.

18. Я их не видела с тех пор, как переехала в этот город.

I haven’t seen them since I moved to this town.
19. Я пишу эту книгу полгода и очень устала.
I’ve been writing this book for six months and I’m very tired.

20. Вот и вы! Мы только что говорили о вас!

There you are! We were just talking about you!

21. О нем весь город говорит с тех самых пор, как он уехал.
The whole town’s been talking about him since he left.

22. Ты опять играл с моей пишущей машинкой

You were playing with my typewriter again

Ex. 18. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of tense-
aspect forms

1. I kept thinking about the number of years we worked together, and how little I did, actually, I know about
2. As they approached where he dropped the ring in the creek, he stopped.
3. Do you like cooking? - I love it. It’s one of my hobbies for years.
4. Dad always called me Katie.
5. Let’s discuss this case here in the cafe. The office will be ringing the phone all the time.
6. They’re coming back. I suppose they’ll be staying at the hotel this time.
7. She’s locked herself in and won’t come down until they’re gone.
8. I saw that the moment he was waiting for had come
9. Tell me what happened in my absence.
10. I know the names of everyone in the village. I’ve lived here all my life.
11. I was making dinner while she was cleaning the room.
12. Before they could enter the house, a storm broke out
13. She turned away, but not before he saw the tears that shone in her eyes.
14. I’ve decided not to go to the exhibition. I’m going to the library today. I haven’t changed a book in three
15. How long have you been like this?
16. I’ve hardly eaten properly since I came here.
17. He’s not coming. I just got off the phone with him.
18. Philip took his suitcase to the carriage and smoked on the platform
19. They’ve never danced together before
20. It’s been raining since morning, and I don’t think it’s gonna stop until tonight.
21. By the end of the week, I will have completed this translation
22. Who discovered Australia?
23. As soon as he opened the window, a gust of wind scattered his papers across the floor
24. This time next year we’ll sail back to America
25. You’re going too fast for me.
26. The sky has turned pale and has now begun to dark; a handful of stars have illuminated.
27. His wife, who had just put their little daughter to bed, sat up with a book.
28. It’s okay, baby, don’t cry. It’s just a dream.
29. The train leaves at a quarter to two. If we don’t get to the station right away, we’ll be late.
30. We lived at the Harrisons' for two days and returned to London by train
31. When I got up, I went to the window. Although it wasn’t raining anymore, there were big puddles
32. I’ve never felt so good in my life
33. I’m going into town tomorrow for two weeks.
34. Before I got to the corner, I heard someone’s footsteps behind
35. I’ll tell you everything I know
36. The weather was dark that day. Cold The wind from this morning stopped, but it was still raining.
37. As soon as I said good-bye to them, the train left.
38. He opened the window and smoked, looking at the evening river.
39. I’ll have him bring the key when he’s done with the house
40. We drove about an hour and then we stopped at a little cafe.

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