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A. En este ejercicio podrás practicar el uso correcto de los verbos. Lee atentamente las oraciones
y completa los recuadros con las formas correctas de los verbos que se encuentran entre
1. Every day martha (go) go to work by bus. Yesterday , she (get) get up early and (decide)
decided to go by car. 2. Last week, Mr Thomas (buy) buyed new flat near his office. Every day ,
he (arrive) arriving at the office at 9 o'clock. He usually (have) had lunch there too, but
yesterday he (go) go to the restaurant across the street. 3. Mary (like) like going to the cinema
very much. Last weekend, she (invite) invite her friend Nina to go and watch "Titanic". They
(arrive) arrived at the cinema around 8:30 and the film (start) start at 8:45. 4. Once a week ,
John (play) play tennis . but last week, he (stay) staying at home and he (play) played cards
with his wife.

1. Todos los días Martha va a trabajar en autobús. Ayer, se levantó temprano y decidió ir en
coche. 2. La semana pasada, el Sr. Thomas compró un nuevo piso cerca de su oficina. Todos los
días, él llega a la oficina a las 9 en punto. Por lo general, almorzaba allí también, pero ayer fue al
restaurante al otro lado de la calle. 3. A Mary le gusta mucho ir al cine. El fin de semana pasado,
ella invitó a su amiga Nina a ir a ver "Titanic". Llegaron al cine alrededor de las 8:30 y la película
comenzó a las 8:45. 4. Una vez por semana, John juega tenis. pero la semana pasada, se quedó en
casa y jugó a las cartas con su esposa.


1. He is never late. He always comes at time.

2. Will you be in home today?.
3. The teacher wrote something in the board
4. Many people work at this building
C. Complete con la “Wh question word” que corresponda.
1. Why are you happy? Because I finished school
2. When is your birthday? May 12th
3. Where are you going for holidays ? I'm going to London.
4. Why are you going for holidays? Because I need a rest.
5. What did you do yesterday?
6. What happened?
7. Whon trousers are these?
8. Whose money do you have?
9. Which children do you have?
10. Where were you yesterday evening

D. Lee atentamente las oraciones y completa con el adjetivo posesivo o con el pronombre
posesivo que corresponda.

Posessive Adjetives: my-your-his-her-its-our your-their

1. Paul and Jeannie are going to visit their friends tomorrow.

2. He usually goes to England for his holidays.
3. Sheila is buying a present for her mother.
4. We are living in our new home
5. This is their car. its that.
6. This is my computer. Its that.
7. You received a letter from your brothers.
8. The dog has its own place here.
9. This is his telephone. its that.
10. Monica and Sheila will meet their parents.

E. Complete los recuadros con el verbo entre parentesis conjugando en futuro con “going to”
1. Sylvie going to playing tennis.
2. It going to raining.
3. Paul going to traveling around the world.
4. I going to spending a week in Paris.
5. Peter and Lucy going to having dinner at a restaurant.
6. You going to buying a new house.
7. We going to seeing a film on Saturday

F. Complete los recuadros con las respuestas correctas. Entre paréntesis se indica el verbo que se
debe utilizar. Utilice el presente progresivo.

What is he doing?
He is playing

What is he doing?
He is Dancing

What is he doing?
He is reading a book.

What is he doing?
She is singing.

What is doing?
He is studenting English.

H. Escriba estas oraciones en presente prefecto en Inglés.

1. Ellos se han trasladado a un nuevo apartamento.
2.Él me dijo su nombre pero lo he olvidado.
3. ¿Dónde esta mi llave? la he perdido.
4. ¿Quieres comer alguna cosa? No gracias, acabo de comer.
5. ¡No olvides enviar la carta! - La acabo de enviar
6. No la he enviado todavia.
7. ¿Ha parado ya de llover?
8. ¿Has estado alguna vez en China?
9. Tengo este coche desde 1991.
10. Nosotros no hemos tenido problemas hasta ahora.

1. They have moved to a new apartment.

2. He told me his name but I forgot it.
3. Where is my key? I lost her.
4. Do you want to eat something? No thanks, I just ate.
5. Do not forget to send the letter! - I just sent it
6. I have not sent it yet.
7. Has it stopped raining?
8. Have you ever been to China?
9. I have this car since 1991.
10. We have not had problems so far.

I. Complete el dialogo con la forma correcta del verbo.-

Hello, Iḿ Peter. what is your name?
Hello. My name is Hugh. You are student?
Yes, I'm student. What about you?.-
No, I'm a student.-
You are a teacher here?
Yes, I'm a teacher.
you live in London?
No, I no living in London.
And you do you live?
I living in Oxford. I'm on holidays here.

J. Complete con el tag question correcto:

1. He's not coming, isn’t he?
2. I'm not late, aren’t I?
3. The bank lent him the money. ¿aren't I?
4. You should not do that, don’t you?
5. You don't take sugar in coffee, have you?
6, She looks tired, doesn’t she?
7. There is a cinema near the station, Itś there
8.He arrived late, don’t you?
9. Nobody has arrived yet, have you?
10. You had seen it before, doesn't he?
11. He'll be there, has he?
12. You havegot to arrive before half past eight, don’t you?

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