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1.What does being powerful mean to you?

The term "Powerful" can refer to a person who holds power or influence. And
often this power is confused with fame, money, social position or relationships
that a person has and that by virtue of them can get "anything you want".

2. How do successful people get things done?

Para tener éxito tu deseo de alcanzarlo debe ser mayor que tu miedo al fracaso
por eso las personas que tienen éxito son las que tienen confianza en sí
mismas, muestran iniciativa, son capaces de superar los obstáculos que se les
presenta y tienen deseo de lograr nuestras metas

3. What do you think about the power of words?

If we keep in mind the power of our words, we will recognize in our actions the
importance of adequately transmitting an idea verbally or in writing, we will be
more prudent in seeking to transmit ideas or our feelings in a correct way at any
given moment.

4. How good are you at speaking in public?

I am not good at public speaking; I get very nervous and sometimes I even
sweat and I think that little by little I will overcome this fear I have of speaking in
front of the public.

5. Are there any good public speakers in your country?

In Peru we have good speakers such as Ramón Castilla, Fernando Belaunde,

Alan García, Mario Vargas Llosa.

6. Do you think it’s essential to learn how to speak in public? What

qualities do you need?

Speaking well in public can open many doors from a professional point of view
can help us: increase the chances in a job interview, get more credibility and
attention in business meetings, get better results in an exam or opposition,
attract customers for a company or project.

It is a behavior that if we learn to manage it, it will give us a better self-esteem

and greater self-confidence.
Express yourself with simplicity, the people who listen to you will grasp one or
two of the main ideas that you expose.

Take charge of the situation: in the first moments of a speech, the link between
the audience and the speaker is established. Smile, thank the person who
introduced you and then wait a moment.

7. Do you think power corrupts people?

People with power not only take what they want because they can do it without
punishment, but also because they intuitively feel they have the right to do it. it
is evident that when a person acquires certain power - political, economic or
moral - he or she behaves differently. Power, the ability to influence and control
other people, is a characteristic of our social hierarchy. When someone has an
important role in societies, his brain functions differently.

8. What would you personally do if you had a lot of money?

First, I would fulfill some resolutions that I have, then I would help the neediest
people, I would contribute to foundations that are in charge of helping children
with low economic resources, I would make entrepreneurship schools for single
mothers and I would help them form their own business based on the
entrepreneurship that each one of them has.

9. Are you having problems with cash flow these days?

I don't, thank God I have a stable and secure job.

10. Would you like to splash out on something you have always wanted?

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