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The Ultimate Branding

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The Ultimate Branding

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A market story
Spices are an inseparable part of Bengali cuisine. Just a bit of spice has the power to
elevate the taste of food and light up your mood. Spice is ingrained in our culture to an
extent that it is impossible to resist the use of spice in our everyday meals. In the past, our
mothers-grandmothers used to prepare all the spices themselves. Times have changed.
Gone are the days of grinding spices at home. To reduce the never ending struggle of
every family member in the kitchen, irrespective of their gender, readymade spices are
now widely available in the market.

The size of the Bangladeshi spice market– both brand and non-brand – is around BDT
4,500-5,000 crore. With growing urbanization, the market demand for powdered and pro-
cessed spices of different brands is growing exponentially. The overall spice market is
growing at a rate of 2%-3% every year while the demand for packaged spices is increasing
at a rate of 10%-15%. Apart from packaged spices, spices are also sold in whole,
unground, manually powdered, or in paste form. However, changes in quality of life have
led to an increased dependence on branded spices.

As more and more people opt for packaged branded spices with the transition in people’s
lifestyles, rising demand for ready-to-use packaged spices has resulted in double-digit
market growth. Additionally, besides basic powdered spices, such as turmeric, chili, cori-
ander, etc., more varieties are being added to the shelves and gaining popularity. On top of
that, export earnings from processed spices have more than tripled in the last decade.
Identifying the continuous rise in spice consumption, Alesha Agro Ltd has decided to
expand its product line and establish its own packaged spice brand.

Company Vision
Alesha Agro Ltd is a futuristic organization aimed at serving Bangladesh with organic
food and committed to converting each and every liability into resources with the help of
modern technology. The company is set to introduce 5th generation farming to ensure the
best utilization of the agricultural resources around the country.

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The Ultimate Branding

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Currently, the firm is working on modern fish farming techniques, high-quality animal feed,
goat farming, and cutting-edge agro production. Alesha Agro Ltd strictly prioritizes two
things- quality and advanced technology. The company is heavily focused on increasing
the efficacy of Bangladeshi farmers. The company is now looking forward to making its
way into the spice market using its competitive edge on advanced technologies.

The Spice War

In Bangladesh, the competition in the packaged spice market has been somewhat monop-
olistic. For a long time, Radhuni, the popular spice brand of Square Group, has been domi-
nating the spice market with a 70% market share with high brand loyalty. Aside from Rad-
huni, Pran, BD Foods, ACI Pure, and ACME are in possession of less than 10% market
share separately in the spice business.

All of these spice brands have a wide range of products including turmeric, chili, cumin,
coriander, clove, beef spices, chicken spices, biryani spices, and such. Moreover, the exist-
ing brands are continuously stepping up in their game by focusing on product develop-
ment and improvement. As the market is thoroughly segregated, it has become quite a big
challenge for new companies to make market entry and deal with customer skepticism
and fierce competition.

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The Ultimate Branding

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Required tasks

Develop a suitable name for the spice brand.

Develop a suitable logo and tagline.
Define a target audience for the spice product line of Alesha Agro Ltd.
Develop product details, positioning, and pricing strategy.
Develop an overall branding strategy.

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The Ultimate Branding

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Read the product brief carefully and complete the task accordingly.
If we find any proof of plagiarism, your team will be disqualified.
Please send us your presentation within 6 slides.
Send your presentation in PDF format.
The file name must be your team ID and team name (i.e. 128_Team Pinacle)
Please send us your presentation at
Submit your presentation within 10 pm, 11th of December, 2021.
Any late submission will be disqualified.
Please don't mention your university name in any part of your submission.

*** All presentation contents can be used in the future by Alesha Holdings Ltd. and Voice
of Business.
*** Alesha Holdings Ltd. and Voice of Business have full authority to make any changes
during the competition.

Best of Luck!

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