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The female reproductive system

While the man’s part in human reproduction is simply the production and delivery of
woman’s role is much more complex. Her body not only produces the female gamete
receives the sperm, allows fertilisation to take place and then provides protection for
baby. After birth, her body will produce milk with which to feed it.
The human female usually produces one mature egg each month from the onset of p
years). This is called the menstrual cycle. Egg production becomes more and more ir
menopause and stops altogether usually about the age of 50.
During the menstrual cycle, the uterus is prepared to receive this ovum should it be
to develop into a baby.
The ovaries of a sexually mature female contain ova at various stages of developmen

When an ovum is fully mature, the ovarian follicle ruptures and the ovum is released
known as ovulation, always occurs 14 days prior to the next predicted menstrual flow
ovum is capable of being fertilized for approximately 36 hours.

The menstrual cycle

Menstruation is a very complicated process involving many different hormones, the w
and the brain. The average human menstrual cycle is 28 days long, but it can range
The onset of men
(menstruation) marks the beginning of the cycle. Menstruation lasts for several day
the loss of the endometrial lining of the uterus. About 50 millilitres of blood are lost

The main hormones involved in control of the menstrual cycle are oestrogen and pro
beginning of the menstrual cycle, the pituitary gland releases follicle stimulating horm
signaling the immature follicles to grow in the ovaries. Normally only one egg will be
period, each ovum alternately producing an egg. Oestrogen levels rise as the hormon
developing follicle. Ovulation takes place around day 14, during which, the follicle an
burst, releasing the egg. Here, oestrogen and LH levels are at their peak.
After ovulation, both oestrogen and progesterone are secreted by the corpus luteum
the burst follicle and remains in the ovary. Progesterone maintains the endometrial li
to prepare the body for a possible pregnancy. However, if conception does not occur,
dies and hormone levels fall. This causes the endometrium to degenerate and menst

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