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Practice Exercises

Lesson 1: CVs – Part III

Choose the correct answer then check your answers in the next page:

1. The ‘Specialized Skills’ section of your CV may include your (a. language skills only b.
language and technical skills).
2. Any scholarships that you have won should be listed under your (a. ‘Teaching Experience’
b. ‘Grants and Awards’) section of your CV.
3. If you have a medical state license, you should list under the (a. ‘Professional Experience’
b. ‘Qualifications and Certifications’) section of your CV.
4. Your published books should be listed under the (a. ‘Publications and Presentations’ b.
‘Research’) section of your CV.
5. In the ‘Conferences’ section of your CV, you should mention the conferences (a. you
presented in b. you attended or presented in).
6. The ‘Professional Affiliations’ section in your CV includes your (a. memberships at
professional organizations b. membership at clubs).
7. The ‘Research’ section of your CV may include your research (a. methodology and goals
only b. methodology, goals, and results).
8. The references in your CV could include (a. former b. current and former) supervisors,
instructors, colleagues, and professionals.


1. The ‘Specialized Skills’ section of your CV may include your (a. language skills only b.
language and technical skills).
2. Any scholarships that you have won should be listed under your (a. ‘Teaching Experience’
b. ‘Grants and Awards’) section of your CV.
3. If you have a medical state license, you should list under the (a. ‘Professional Experience’
b. ‘Qualifications and Certifications’) section of your CV.
4. Your published books should be listed under the (a. ‘Publications and Presentations’ b.
‘Research’) section of your CV.
5. In the ‘Conferences’ section of your CV, you should mention the conferences (a. you
presented in b. you attended or presented in).
6. The ‘Professional Affiliations’ section in your CV includes your (a. memberships at
professional organizations b. membership at clubs).
7. The ‘Research’ section of your CV may include your research (a. methodology and goals
only b. methodology, goals, and results).
8. The references in your CV could include (a. former b. current and former) supervisors,
instructors, colleagues, and professionals.

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