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第 页 共 页

规 格 书
Specification FM-ED-014-03
料号 描述 备注
Serial Number Describe Note
SKSD00.0001800 4.8kWh 电池/Hope 4.8L-C1/48V/100Ah/不含功率线和通讯线

最初适用机种 (Application Scope) SPF 12000T DVM

内 容 记 事 (Particular Information)

1 电气规格 (Electric Specification) NA 3 标示说明 (Mark) NA

2 机械结构 (Mechanism Structure) NA 4 所需文件 (Demands Documents) NA

GP 等级 Non-GP GP2(RoHS) GP3 GP3S 其它:

物料类别 非标准件 标准件(品牌: )

物料属性 贴片(SMT) 插件(Dip) 组装(Ass)

变 更 记 录 栏
首次承认默认版本号 00 无需填写;**研发中变更记录可省略 ECN NO.填写,版本号 00; 版本变更示例 00→01。

序号 版本 变更记录 负责人

工 程 师 审 批

黄光强 余健键

Shenzhen Sacolar New Energy Co., Ltd. T + 86 755 2981 6393 E
No.28 Guangming Road, Longteng Community, F + 86 755 2981 6393 W
Shiyan, Baoan District, Shenzhen, P.R. China P.C. 518000
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Revision/版本 Description/描述 Date/日期
Draft 1 Initial draft/初稿 2021-02-17
 Updated Max. Charging current/更新最大充电电流
Draft 2  Corrected the storage period/更正存储时长 2021-03-04
 Updated operating altitude/更新运行海拔
 Changed the document structure/修改文件结构
 Updated detailed specs:Max. charge current/Peak current/Max Power/Peak
Power/operating temperature/更新详细规格:最大充电电流/功率/峰值电流/功

 Deleted EOL and residual capacity/删除 EOL 和残余容量
Draft 3  Added calendar life/增加日历寿命 2021-05-10
 Updated communication and parallel connection/更新通信方式和并联
 Updated protection policy and added protection restore/更新保护策略增
 Updated package/更新包装
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目 录
1 Applicable Scope /适用范围 .............................................................................................................. 4
2 Model/产品型号:Hope 4.8L-C1 ..................................................................................................... 4
3 Standard Environmental Test Conditions /标准环境测试条件 ......................................................... 4
4 System Appearance/Component系统外观与组成............................................................................. 4
4.1 Ports and Terminals/端子/端口 ............................................................................................................................................. 5
4.2 Terminal Definition/端口定义 .............................................................................................................................................. 5
4.3 Labelling/PACK 丝印图纸 ................................................................................................................................................... 6
5 Detailed Specifications/详细规格 ...................................................................................................... 7
6 Warranty period/保质期 ..................................................................................................................... 9
7 Protection Strategy/保护策略 ............................................................................................................ 9
8 Package, Transportation and Storage/包装、运输和存储 ............................................................... 11
8.1 Package/包装 ...................................................................................................................................................................... 11
8.2 Transportation/运输 ............................................................................................................................................................ 12
8.3 Storage/存储 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
9 Appendix Handling Precautions and Guidelines for PACK/附录:PACK 操作指示及注意事
项 14
10 Disclaimer/免责声明 ................................................................................................................ 16
10.1 Customer Responsibility/客户责任 ............................................................................................................................. 16
11 Miscellaneous/其他................................................................................................................... 18
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1 Applicable Scope /适用范围

The purpose of this product specification (“Document”) is to specify the specifications of the rechargeable lithium PACK with
POWERAMP system Part Number 519110001326 (“Product or Battery) to be supplied by POWERAMP to Customer based on
customer requirements. For the avoidance of doubt, the specifications specified herein only apply to SCO RESS product. /本规格书
(下称 “本文件”或 “本规格书”) 描述了 POWERAMP 依据客户需求定制的锂离子可充电电池组的产品技术指标,POWERAMP
系统代码号:519110001326 (“产品”或“电池”)
。为避免疑问,本规格书仅适用于 SCO RESS 产品。

This battery PACK is adaptable to SCO inverters only and cannot be used with inverters of other brands./ 此电池仅能适配 SCO 逆变

2 Model/产品型号:Hope 4.8L-C1

3 Standard Environmental Test Conditions /标准环境测试条件

Unless otherwise specified, all tests stated in this Document are conducted at below conditions/除非特别指定,本规格书的测试遵循

 Temperature/温度:25  3°C (“Temperature Condition”/温度条件)

 Humidity/湿度: 5 RH -95% RH (“Humidity Condition”/湿度条件)

Throughout this Document, numeric criteria annotated by “*” means such criteria are only applicable to fresh unused Product within 30
days from POWERAMP manufacturing date. Products either have been used or stored for a period longer than 30 days by Customer
and/or its customer may exhibit an inferior numeric parameter than such criteria. Customer agrees that such occurrence does not
constitute nonconformance of specification/本规格书中,所有标有“*”的项目是指仅适用于“未使用的且从 POWERAMP 制造日起
30 天内的产品”。如果产品已被客户使用或存储时间超过 30 天,可能表现出低于标准规格,客户同意并接受产品不构成不符

4 System Appearance/Component 系统外观与组成

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4.1 Ports and Terminals/端子/端口

No./序号 Terminal/端口 Description/功能描述

1 PCS PCS communication port/PCS 通讯接口
2 Link-Out Network port for parallel connection/级联通信口
3 Link-In Network port for parallel connection/级联通信口
4 DO1 DO2 DRY contact point/干接点
Display the battery capacity, and each indicator represents 25%SOC/显示电池容量,每个指示灯代
表 25%额定容量
6 ALM Display the alarm status/显示电池告警状态
7 RUN Display the running status of the battery/显示电池运行状态
8 POWER Power ON/OFF button/开关按钮
9 +/- Two-positive two-negative power IO ports/2 正 2 负功率输入、输出接口
10 Grounding terminal/接地端子 Grounding terminal/接地端子
11 Bracket 19" rack mount bracket, adjustable/19 英寸机架安装挂耳,可前后调节
12 Handle Foldable handle/可折叠把手

4.2 Terminal Definition/端口定义

Pin No. PCS Link-In Link-Out

3 NC Ecode_IN Ecode_OUT
5 CAN1_L Master Slave
6 NC RS485_B RS485_B
7 NC RS485_A RS485_A
8 NC Syn_Wake Out Syn_Wake Out

Status SOC Indication LED1 LED2 LED3 LED4 LED5 LED6

0%-25.0% ■(T=1s) ●

25.1%-50.0% ■(T=2s) ■(T=1s) ●

● LED On Charging
50.1%-75.0% ■(T=3s) ■(T=2s) ■(T=1s) ●
■ LED flickers /充电
75.1%-99.9% ■(T=4s) ■(T=3s) ■(T=2s) ■(T=1s) ●
★ LED flash
100% ● ● ● ● ●
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100%-75.1% ● ● ● ● ●
75.0%-50.1% ● ● ● ●
& Standby
50.0%-25.1% ● ● ●
25.0%-0% ● ●

Pin No. Function/功能 Remarks/备注

1 Dry1+ Dry Point contact
2 Dry2+ Dry Point contact
1 3
3 Dry1- Dry Point contact
4 Dry2- Dry Point contact
2 4

4.3 Labelling/PACK 丝印图纸

铭牌/Nameplate Label/标贴
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5 Detailed Specifications/详细规格

The specifications listed in this Chapter 5 shall be the detailed specifications for the Product/列在第 5 章的规格作为产品的详细规格。

No./序号 Items/项目 Specifications/参数

1 *Total Capacity/总容量 100Ah
2 *Total Energy/总能量 4.8kWh
3 *Rated/Usable Capacity/额定/可用容量 93Ah1
4 *Rated/Usable Energy 额定/可用能量 4.46kWh1
5 Nominal Voltage/标称电压 48V
6 Operating Voltage/工作电压 42V~54V
Max. Charging Current/最大充电电流(cell surface
7 15℃≤T<55℃:50A
Max. Discharging current/最大放电电流(cell surface
8 0℃≤T<55℃:100A
9 Peak Charging Current/峰值充电电流 59A/3s
10 Peak Discharging Current/峰值放电电流 118A/3s

11 Max. Continuous Charging power/最大持续充电功率 2.25kW (15℃~55℃)

12 Max. Continuous Discharging power/最大持续放电功率 4.5kW(0℃~55℃)

14 Peak Charging power/峰值放电功率 3.1kW/3s(15℃~55℃)
15 Peak Discharging power/峰值放电功率 6.2kW/3s(0℃~55℃)
16 Operating temperature range/工作温度范围
17 Optimal operating temperature/最佳工作温度 15℃~30℃
Temperature: -20°C ~ + 45°C, within 6 months; -30°C ~ -20℃,
45℃~ 60°C, within 7 days;
6 个月内-20°C ~ + 45°C /七天内-30°C ~ -20℃, 45℃~ 60°C
18 Storage conditions/存贮条件
(for shipping state/发货状态)
Recharge every 3 months/每隔 3 个月需补充电
19 RTE 94%, 0.2C charge/discharge 25℃ /0.2C 充电/放电 25℃2

1. Pack ambient temperature 25℃±2℃; cell surface temperature 25℃±2℃/电池组环境温度 25℃±2℃,电芯温度 25℃±2℃;
2.Measure method: 0.2C CC (0.2C=20A, C: Total Capacity) charge to battery voltage 53.5V or single cell 3.55V, reduce current to 10A
charge to single cell 3.55V, and then reduce current to 5A charge to single cell 3.55V cut-off./ 测量方法:0.2C(0.2C=20A, C: 总容量) 恒流
充电至电池组电压 53.5V 或单电芯 3.55V 后,降低电流为 10A 充电到单电芯 3.55V,然后降低电流为 5A 充电到单电芯 3.55V 停止
3. Rest for one hour/搁置 1h;
4. 0.2C(20A) discharge till 42V or Vmin of cell falls to 2.8V/以 0.2C(20A)放电至 42V 或者单体电芯电压≤2.8V;
1. Pack ambient temperature 25℃±2℃; cell surface temperature 25℃±2℃/电池组环境温度 25℃±2℃,电芯温度 25℃±2℃;
2. 0.2C CC (0.2C=20A, C: Total Capacity) charge to battery voltage 53.5V or single cell 3.55V, reduce current to 10A charge to single cell
3.55V, and then reduce current to 5A charge to single cell 3.55V cut-off/0.2C(0.2C=20A, C: 总容量) 恒流充电至电池组电压 53.5V 或单
电芯 3.55V 后,降低电流为 10A 充电到 3.55V,然后降低电流为 5A 充电到 3.55V 停止充电;
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20 DOD 93.0%
21 Calendar Life/日历寿命(25℃) 5 years 70%SOH/ 5 年 70%SOH
22 Cooling/散热方式 Natural cooling/自然冷却
23 Dimensions/尺寸 W442*D480*H130 mm
24 Weight/重量 ≤36kg
25 Installation/安装方式 Cabinet-mounted installation/机柜安装
26 Ingress protection/防护等级 IP20
27 Max. operation altitude/最高运行海拔 ≤2000m
28 Cell safety certification/电芯安规认证 IEC62619
29 PACK safety certification/ Pack 安规认证 IEC62619/CE
30 UN transportation test standard/UN 运输测试标准 UN38.3+PI965(Sea/海运)
31 Communication/通信方式 CAN
32 Parallel connection/允许并联数量 Max. 16 batteries /最大 16 台电池并联

3. Rest for one hour/搁置 1h;

4. 0.2C discharge till 42V or Vmin of cell falls to 2.8V/以 0.2C 放电至 42V 或者单体电芯电压≤2.8V;
5. Repeat steps 1~4 for 5 times to get the largest RTE/重复 1~4 获取最大 RTE 值。
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6 Warranty period/保质期

The warranty period provided by POWERAMP as well as the conditions and exceptions to the limited warranty shall be prescribed in a
separate limited warranty document mutually agreed and signed by the Parties and such limited warranty document shall take
precedence over this Document with regard to the subject matter. In the event that no such limited warranty document is entered
between the Parties, the warranty period for the [Products/PACK] shall be the Shelf Life plus the Calendar life, defined as follows
(1)Shelf Life is for the period of 3 months from the time the battery is shipped from POWERAMP factory or, from the time the battery
is shipped from POWERAMP factory until the installation and commissioning, whichever occurs first, (2) Calendar Life occurs when
the battery reaches 70% of the rated capacity after 5 years or battery throughout reaches 9.7MWh, whichever occurs
first./POWERAMP 提供的产品质保期、质保条件以及排除质保的情形,应依照双方所另行签订的质保协议书所约定内容执行,
该质保协议书有关质保内容并应优先适用于本文件。如双方间并未签署该项质保协议书的,则 POWERAMP 提供的产品质保
期应包含货架期和日历寿命两部分,分别定义如下:1)货架期为自产品出货之日起 3 个月或自产品出货之日起到产品安装服役
止,哪一个条件先达到以哪一个条件为准;2)产品的日历寿命为自货架期满之日起的 5 年时间或累积产品吞吐量达到 9.7 MWh,
以两者中先实现者为产品日历寿命保证期。乙方向甲方提供的产品,在质保期间内的产品容量需要在可用容量的 70%以上。

7 Protection Strategy/保护策略
Protection Permanent
Level 1 Warning/ Level 2 Protection/ Level 3 Protection
No. Item/项目 Restore/保护 fault/永久故
一级警告 二级保护 /三级保护
恢复值 障
Overvoltage of cell/单体电
1 3.6V 3.65V 3.7V 3.4V 4.0V
Undervoltage of cell/单体电
2 3.05V 3.0V 2.8V 3.1V 2V
Undervoltage of pack/总电压
3 45.8V 45V 42V 46.5V
Overvoltage of pack/总电压
4 54V 54.8V 55.5V 51V
Over-temperature charging of
5 60℃ 65℃ 66℃ 55℃
6 discharging/standby of cell/ 60℃ 65℃ 66℃ 55℃ 70℃
Under-temperature charging
7 0℃ -2℃ -4℃ 5℃
of cell/充电单体温度过低
8 discharging of cell/放电单体 -10℃ -12℃ -14℃ -5℃
Large temperature difference
9 between cells/模组内电芯间 15℃ 20℃ 25℃ 10℃

If the module encounters a protection event against undervoltage in use, recharge it within 3 days since the event occurs. Otherwise,
the battery module might be damaged permanently. POWERAMP does not provide any warranty for loss in this case./模组使用过程中
如发生欠压保护,请务必在 3 天内对电池进行维护充电,防止电池过放电造成永久损坏。否则,由此造成的损坏,POWERAMP
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Over-charge power/充电功率
10 1.1*Imax*3.5*15 1.15*Imax*3.5*15 1.18*Imax*3.5*15 Pmax
Over-discharge power/放电
11 1.1*Imax*3.5*15 1.15*Imax*3.5*15 1.18*Imax*3.5*15 Pmax
Over-charge current/充电电
12 1.1Imax-CH 1.15Imax-CH 1.18Imax-CH Imax-CH
Over-discharge current/放电
13 1.1Imax-DCH 1.15Imax-DCH 1.18Imax-DCH Imax-DCH
Short-circuit of external load/ 375A(10ms delay/
14 / /
外部负载短路 延迟 10ms)
15 Under SOC/SOC 过低 4% 2% 0% 9%
16 Under SOH/SOH 过低 55% 53% 50% 50%
Large voltage difference/压
17 600mV 800mV 1000mV 200mV
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8 Package, Transportation and Storage/包装、运输和存储

Customer shall ensure that the Products are handled, operated, used and maintained by professionals qualified for such Products and
that such professionals shall handle the Products in accordance with the Pack User Manual (“User Manual”) provided by POWERAMP
as well as in accordance with local laws and regulations. Customer shall alert its customers, contract manufacturers, agents, distributors,
service providers and end users of the risks of the products given and are provided with adequate instructions as per such User Manual;
Customer shall also ensure that Customer's obligations as specified in the Document as well as the User Manual are, through a printed
label on host device, or through Customer's user manual, or a help file or Customer's Internet website, contractually imposed on
Customer's own customers and distributors, and by them further down to the end users so that the entire chain is committed to the
above obligations and so that the products are properly handled, operated, transported, used and maintained.客户应确保本产品由专业
人员进行处理、操作、使用、维护并按照 POWERAMP 提供的产品用户手册(“用户手册”) 及当地法规执行安装、使用、存储、

8.1 Package/包装

The 640mm(L)*590mm(W)*230mm(H) carton is designed to contain only one PACK. The 1200mm(L)*750mm(W)*1100mm(H)
pallet can contain 8 packaging boxes. The package process is shown as follows:/每包装箱可装 1 pcs PACK,每卡板装 8 pcs 包装箱,
包装箱尺寸为 640mm(L)*590mm(W)*230mm(H), 整卡板单元尺寸 1200mm(L)*750mm(W)*1100mm(H),一体化打包。包装方

Paper box should be equipped with corner protection and wrapped with films/原始堆垛包装即纸箱侧边角有护板、护板捆扎带,外

If packaging boxes cannot fill up a stack, the openings should be filled with solid paper boxes. Add air bags between stacks to prevent
moving against carriage. As for inter-province carriage up to a distance of over 800 km, it is recommended to add air bags between
stacks and van in order to prevent relative movement/维持原来的货物堆垛包装强度。不够一个堆垛的空虚部分填充结实的空箱
子。超过 800 公里的跨省运输,应增加气袋固定堆垛间靠紧车厢不移动。

Packaging boxes insufficient to fill up one pallet should be packed in wood boxes and carried by van-type vehicle. /不够一个卡板的几
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8.2 Transportation/运输

Product has cleared UN38.3 (Section 38.3 of the seven Revised Edition of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods:
Manual of Tests and Criteria) and SN/T 0370.2-2009 (Part 2: Performance Test of the Rules for the Inspection of packaging for
Exporting Dangerous Goods). The Product is classified as class 9 dangerous goods, and shall be transported in accordance with the
following: /电池组已通过 UN38.3(《危险货物运输建议:试验和标准手册》第七修订版 38.3 节)和 SN/T 0370.2-2009《出口危险
货物包装检验规程-第 2 部分-性能检验》的认证(此产品属于第九类危险品)

Use van-type vehicle including container and metallic van-type vehicle. Platform vehicle and convertible are prohibited/必须厢式车辆

 In order to protect PACK from moving, fall or crash, bandages and bubble bags shall be adopted during transportation.
Specifically, bandages apply to both long and short distance transports, and at least the last 1-2 rows at vehicle rear shall be
bandaged. Short distance transport does not need bubble bags. But both bubble bags and bandages (at least the vehicle rear)
should be used for long distance transport. If there isn't enough space for bubble bags, bandage application inside the whole car is
an option.为防止运输过程中电池组发生倾倒,移位,或碰撞,需采用捆绑带(飞机带)和气泡填充袋。其中,无论长途
还是短途运输,均需要绑飞机带,且至少保证尾部(最后 1~2 排卡板)绑好。短途运输不需要填充气泡袋,长途需在车

 Vehicle in the middle of unloading should berth near dock. Vehicles waiting to be unloaded should keep a safe distance of 6m
from warehouse. The vehicle prohibits debris stacking and should stay away from other vehicles/正在卸货要靠近装卸码头,非
卸货等待的运输车辆停放区域距离仓库有 6m 安全距离,无杂物堆放,尽量远离其他车辆。

 Prohibit mixing up with explosive, inflammable or toxic objects/不得和易燃易爆物品,有毒物品等混装运输。

 Prohibit piling up with other objects/禁止堆垛上再堆叠货物。

 Maintain original packaging and keep labels complete and recognizable/维持原包装状态,保持原来标识完整。

 Prevent from direct exposure to sunlight, rain, condensation and mechanical damage/禁止直接暴晒、淋雨、温差冷凝水、装卸

 Do not stack more than four PACKs/堆叠不得超过四箱 PACK。

 Maintain temperature between -20℃ to 45℃, and keep humidity within 5%-95%RH during the storage./运输过程中需将温度
控制在-20℃至 45℃,并将湿度控制在 5%-95%RH 间。

 Extinguisher designed specifically for lithium battery shall be installed in carriers/运输工具必须配置锂电池专用灭火器,并连


A damaged box or rattles during transport may indicate rough handling. Make a descriptive notation on the delivery receipt before
signing. If obvious damage such as package hole or serious impact is found, please feedback to POWERAMP/包装盒在运输过程中可

8.3 Storage/存储

 Warehouse Management 仓库管理。

① Seven meters heighted warehouse is not recommended to store Products. In case of the warehouse, Products should be placed not
higher than two meters from floor/不推荐使用立体式仓库(高度在 7 米以上为立体仓库)储存锂离子电池;如果用立体仓
库,则放置在地面 2 米高度以下的货位。

② Batteries with safety deficiency and normal batteries should be separately stored with wall in-between or in different fire
protection zones/安全缺陷电池和正常电池放开区域存储,单独隔墙或者不同防火分区。

③ Prevent electrical fire sources. Electrical tube, switch box and socket should be undamaged. 0.5 meters from floor standing air
conditioner and dehumidifier should be free from inflammable materials. Use cold light source in warehouse. If spotlight is used,
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at least one meter therefrom should free from other inflammable materials/管理电气火源,电气穿管不破损,开关箱、插座不
破损;落地的空调、除湿机周围 0.5 米范围内无可燃物;仓库室内使用冷光源照明,如果用射灯在其周边至少 1 米无其

④ Warehouse should be labelled with smoking ban and confirmed without cigarette butts. Smoking points should be reasonably
designed with a fire-retardant wall-separating warehouse. Wind at exit cannot blow cigarette butt near warehouse/仓库有禁烟标

⑤ Warehouse should have mice protective measures, like plugging up holes and caves, timer-connected mouse expeller, floor
baffler against mouse, sealing door slot with less than 10mm gap/仓库有防鼠措施,如堵住孔洞、设置有定时器联动的噪声驱
鼠器,或门口设有挡鼠板或门缝有可以加密封后间隙不超过 10mm。

⑥ Warehouse canopy must use fire retardant materials, prohibit inflammable materials like plastic or canvas/ 仓库雨棚只能用阻燃

⑦ Warehouse should be equipped with fire detector, watch-keeper, and surveillance video kept for at least one month/仓库有火灾
探测器,联动值班室,仓库整体有视频监控,视频保存至少 1 个月。

⑧ Keep a dry clean storage place with proper ventilation. Specifically, with a relative humidity of 5%-95%RH, if ambient
temperature ranges between -30℃ to 60℃, storage period lasts for seven days; if ambient temperature ranges between -20℃ to
45℃, storage period lasts for six months/保持存储环境干燥、通风、清洁,七天内存储温度为-30℃至 60℃,六个月内的存
储温度则为-20℃至 45℃,相对湿度 5%-95%RH。

⑨ Battery performance is vulnerable to chemical corrosion, strong acid, strong base, electrochemical corrosion, salt spray and
radiation /化学腐蚀、强酸、强碱、电化学腐蚀、盐雾和射线都会影响电池性能。

 Fire extinguish device/配备灭火装置,

① Battery sites must be equipped with multiple varieties of battery fire extinguishers, including fire sand, blanket and powder

② Micro fire station is recommended to de deployed with firefighter uniform, helmet, fire protection mask, safety gloves, and at
least one set of first aid kit including medical devices and drugs/建议在现场布置微型消防站,多套消防战斗服,头盔,防火

 Smoke discharge/排烟。

① Equip 24 hours fan with failure alert. Fan should coordinate with smoke detector or gas concentration detector/房间宜配置独立
风机 24 小时运作有故障报警,或房间有独立风机且风机和烟雾报警器/或浓度报警器联动。

② The ventilation capability should be not less than 12 times per hour and fan speed should exceed 0.5 meters per second/建议配备
通风能力不低于 12 次/小时的换气能力或风机作用区域的风速不低于 0.5 米/秒。

③ Fan portfolio includes axial flow fan on wall (effective distance less than 5 meters), fan with fixed air hose, and mobile fan with
flexible aluminum foil. Wall fan combined with mobile fan is recommended/建议灵活组合使用风机。包括:墙壁轴流风机(作
用距离不超过 5 米),或固定风管的风机,或带伸缩铝箔管道的移动风机,鼓励见墙壁风机和移动风机组合排烟。

 Fire retardant buildings/建筑耐火:

Warehouse and plant should use level two fire retardant buildings, like rock wool colour steel plate, plasterboard and iron
rain-shed. Inflammable materials like foam and plastics are prohibited./电池的仓库和车间使用二级耐火建筑;不得使用
 Separate storage/单独存放。

① Lithium batteries should not be stored with inflammable or toxic objects/锂离子电池不得和易燃或有毒等危险品一起存放,

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② Design various fire protection zones. Normal batteries and batteries with safety deficiencies should be stored desperately/要在不

 The shipment module SOC is more than 30% and the module need be charged after three months during storage /模组出货 SOC
为不小于 30%,超过三个月需要对模组进行补电。

Recharge: Charge the module that has been stored for over six months, Set“CV=53.5V,CC=10A and charge until LED2 flickers./补
电:当 PACK 存储超过三个月时,需要进行补电,补电时设置电源系统“CV=53.5V,CC=10A”,并补至 LED2 闪烁。

9 Appendix Handling Precautions and Guidelines for PACK/附录:PACK 操作指示及注意事项

These Handling Precautions and Guidelines for Rechargeable PACK (“Handling Precautions and Guidelines”) shall only apply to the
Products manufactured by POWERAMP. Customer shall strictly follow these Handling Precautions and Guidelines, and shall alert its
customers, contract manufacturers, agents, distributors, service providers and end users of the risks of the Products and shall ensure that
Customer’s obligations as specified in the Document as well as the Handling Precautions and Guidelines are, through a printed label on
host device, or through Customer’s user manual, or a help file or Customer’s Internet website, contractually imposed on Customer’s
own customers and distributors, and by them further down to the end users so that the entire chain is committed to the above
obligations and so that the products are properly handled, operated, transported, used and maintained./本《锂离子可充电电池组操作指

Statement(1): Customer is requested to contact POWERAMP in advance, if and when the customer needs other applications or
operating conditions than those described in this Document. Additional experimentation may be required to verify performance and
safety under such conditions


Statement (2): POWERAMP will take no responsibility for any accident or liabilities in the event the Product is used for applications
or under conditions other than those described in this Document.

声明(2):对于在超出文件规定以外的条件下使用电池而造成的任何意外事故,POWERAMP 概不负责。

 Use PACK under specified charge/discharge conditions/适用指定的充放电条件。

 Do not immerse in water/禁止投入水中。

 Do not heat/禁止加热。

 Do not attempt to crush, drop or penetrate the PACK/禁止尝试挤压、跌落、穿刺。

 Do not attempt to have any modification/禁止任何修改。

 Leave Pack in cool places/存放在阴凉处。

 Stop using the PACK with any colour change or mechanical damage detected during assembling, charging, normal operation and
storage /在组装,充电,正常使用和存储中,如有变色或机械损伤,请不要继续使用。

 In case of leakage or smells, track to thermal source, remove source and clean with water/万一有漏液或气味,要从热源移除,

 Do not place or leave the PACK and equipment in the reach of children so that they are not able to swallow or mistreat the
product. In case of ingestion, consult with a doctor immediately 请将电池放在幼儿不宜触碰的地方,以免吞食和误处理。万
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 Keep leaked electrolyte away from contact with eyes or skin. In case of leakage, immediately clean with water and seek help from
a doctor. Serious damages can be caused due to delayed treatment/漏出的电解液远离眼睛和皮肤,万一发生立即清洗干净或就

 Do not put the PACK into a fire. Do not use it or leave it in a place near fire, heaters, or high temperature sources. The heat can
melt PACK insulator, damage safety vent, result in overheat, explosion or fire/不要将电池丢入火中。不要在离火源,热源或高

 Do not submerge the PACK in water, or wet the Product. Abnormal charging current and voltage from damaged protective
devices may cause a chemical reaction within the PACK, which may result in heat generation, explosion and even fire/禁止浸泡

 Do not connect the PACK reversely connect positive (+) and negative (-) terminal.禁止反接电池正负极,在这种情况下,电池

 Do not short circuit. Do not let the PACK terminals (+ and -) contact a wire or any metal (like a metal necklace or a hairpin). In
such a case, the PACK is short circuited and generate excessive current, which may result in heat generation, explosion, or fire/禁

 Do not throw or drop the PACK. Strong impact may damage the protecting device, which may cause an abnormal chemical
reaction during its charge and result in heat generation, explosion, or fire of the PACK/禁止抛扔或跌落电池,强的重力冲击可

 Do not drive a nail in, hit with a hammer, or stamp on the PACK. In such a case, the PACK may be deformed and short circuited,
which may cause heat generation, explosion, or fire of the PACK/禁止针刺,砸锤或邮戳电池,这种情况下,电池可能变形和

 Do not solder the PACK directly. Heat applied during soldering may damage the insulator of the safety vent and mechanism,
which may result in heat generation, explosion, or fire of the PACK/禁止锡焊电池,可能破坏安全阀,以及机构的绝缘保护措

 Do not disassemble or alter the PACK. The PACK employs a safety mechanism and a protecting device in order to avoid any
danger. If they are damaged, heat, explosion or fire may be caused/禁止拆解或更换电池,电池安置了安全机构和保护机构避

 Do not put the PACK in a microwave oven or a pressure cooker. Sudden heat may damage the sealing of the PACK and may
cause heat generation, explosion, or fire of the PACK/禁止将电池放在微波炉或压力锅内,极速的热可能导致过热,爆炸或起

 Stop charging or using the battery after battery reaches its lifespan, otherwise, as the PACK might cause heat generation,
explosion, or fire/超过电池寿命周期后请勿继续充电或使用,否则可能导致过热,爆炸或起火。

 Do not use the PACK beyond specified conditions; otherwise, the PACK might cause heat generation, damage, or deterioration of
its performance/禁止在超出规定条件下使用电池,否则可能导致过热,损坏,恶化电池电性能。

 Read the instructions regarding the PACK installation and operation so as to avoid damages/阅读电池关于安装和操作手册,避

 The PACK may have insufficient capacity after long storage/电池长期存储不用可能导致电量不足。

 Please use battery inside room; if battery has to be used outside room, ensure the battery is contained inside a rack with at least
IP55 protection. /请将产品放置于室内使用,如需放置在室外,务必配备至少 IP55 防护强度的外箱使用。

 If battery is used nearing coastal water, ensure the battery is contained inside a rack with at least IP55 protection. /如需将产品置
于近海区域使用,务必配备至少 IP55 防护强度的外箱使用。
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10 Disclaimer/免责声明

10.1 Customer Responsibility/客户责任

10.1.1 The Customer hereby agrees that it has carefully read and understand any and all terms and conditions, safety precautions and
measures set forth in this Document, furthermore, the Customer waives claiming any liability against ATL and agrees to bear full
responsibilities of the risks for any accidents, injury to persons, or property damage that may occur due to non-compliance with any of
the above

规范及措施等因此可能产生的任何意外事故、人身伤害及财产损失等风险,将完全地承担责任而不会向 POWERAMP 主张任

10.1.2 Regarding a particular Product with the properties, the Customer is obligated to verify the fitness for a particular purpose of such
Product described in this Document under certain application. The parameters provided in this Document may vary in different
applications and performance may vary from time to time. All operating parameters, including typical parameters, must be validated for
each customer application by the Customer’s technical experts.


10.1.3 Customer takes full responsibility to verify all requirements (whether voluntary or mandatory) necessary to enter into a certain
market or territory, including but not limited to technical, environmental, safety certification or other requirements. Unless expressly
provided herein, POWERAMP shall in no event be liable for any failure of the Product to fit for a certain application or to meet any
requirement necessary to enter into a specific market or territory. The parties agree that the certification items and certification
institutions are designated or agreed by Customer. POWERAMP will assist the designated certification institutions to conduct testing
and issue certificates for the Products by providing all necessary documentations for certification, including specification, product label,
application form and samples. The Parties further agree that all expenses and liabilities in connection with or arising from the
certification shall be borne by Customer, and POWERAMP shall in no event be liable for any costs or expenses in connection with or
resulting from any failure to pass the certification or the non-compliance with any voluntary or mandatory certification requirement in
any specific territory.

格书明定外,POWERAMP 对本产品是否符合特定应用和市场准入要求不负任何责任。本产品之认证项目及认证机构经客户选
定或同意,POWERAMP 配合客户向其指定或同意的认证机构提出安全规格认证所需资料,包含规格书、产品标识、申请表及
,由客户承担,POWERAMP 不负任何责任。

10.1.4 The Product is produced and supplied to the Customer for Business to Business nature, and is not for direct consumer use. Due
to safety and technical reasons, the average lifespan for the Product is [5] years from the [manufacturing date], depending on different
user habits and conditions (“Average Lifespan”). The term Average Lifespan shall have different meaning with the term Warranty
Period. Customer hereby acknowledges the Average Lifespan of the Product and agrees to be responsible to handle after sales service
(except for instances where POWERAMP’s limited warranty applies) and take liability for claims raised by end users and consumers,
and POWERAMP is only responsible in accordance with this Document to the Customer, and not to end users and/or consumers.

端消费者或使用者负担相关责任。POWERAMP 仅就本产品规格书的所载之内容对客户(而非终端消费者或使用者)负有限责
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10.1.5 Customer agrees to take full responsibility for recycling the Product in accordance with the local laws and regulations in the
respective Permitted Territory and shall bear the costs arising therefrom.


10.2 Products can only be used and installed within the Permitted Territory as set forth in the cover page of this Document (“Permitted
Territory”). The Product warranty is null and void in the event Products are resold, used or installed outside of the Permitted Territory.

本产品仅供使用及安装于本产品规格书首页标明的适用区域 (“适用区域”)。若本产品被转售、使用或安装于适用区域以外的


除本规格书明定外,POWERAMP 不因本协议对提供客户之产品内容(包括品质性能、适销性、特定用途的使用目的、兼容性、

10.4 The parties agree that POWERAMP shall have no liability or obligation with respect to any infringement, claim or action which is
based upon:

双方同意对于下列的侵权、索赔或诉讼,POWERAMP 无须承担任何责任:

10.4.1 POWERAMP's incorporation or use of materials, designs, technology or intellectual property designed, designated or instructed
by Customer, its affiliates, contract manufacturers, customer, or end user into the Products;

POWERAMP 在其产品上结合或使用客户、客户之关联方、分包方、客户或终端用户的设计、指定或指示的材料、设计、技术

10.4.2 the combination, assembly, operation, or use of the Products with materials, devices, parts, or software not supplied by

客户将 POWERAMP 的产品与非 POWERAMP 提供的材料、设备、组件或软件进行结合、组装使用/运行;

10.4.3 modifications, disassembly, repair, and rework to the Products made by Customer or any third party without the prior written
consent of POWERAMP;

客户或其他第三人未经 POWERAMP 授权而对 POWERAMP 的产品进行的修改、拆解、维修或重工;

10.4.4 POWERAMP’s modification of the Products in compliance with the design, specification, requirements, or instructions of

POWERAMP 依照客户的设计、规格、要求或指示而对其产品进行的修改;

10.4.5 the claim or action arising from non-compliance with the requirements for use, storage, delivery, assembly, and disposal of the
Products designated by POWERAMP;

客户或任何第三方未依据 POWERAMP 指定的产品使用方式对 POWERAMP 的产品进行使用或未按照 POWERAMP 指定的标


10.4.6 use of the Products outside the scope of intended use under this Document; or

客户或任何第三方未依据本产品规格书中约定的使用范围对 POWERAMP 的产品进行使用;或

10.4.7 any defect that may exist before the Product enters the market or any defect that is unable to be detected by the existing
technology at the time the Product enters market.

引起损害发生的缺陷于 POWERAMP 产品投入流通前即已存在或投入流通时的技术水平尚不能发现缺陷的存在的。

10.4.8 knockoff or counterfeit battery/仿制或虚假产品。

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10.4.9 any inconsistency between serial number, model number, and product code./产品型号、序列号和产品编码之间存在不一致。

For any product liability related claim raised against POWERAMP, the Customer bears the burden of proof to evidence that (1) the
Customer and its contractors, agents, customers or end users have followed the requirements of this Document, (2) there is a product
defect, and (3) the accident, claim or liability is solely and directly caused by such product defect. POWERAMP is entitled to reject
any claim and be released from any liability in the event of Customer’s failure to meet the aforesaid burden of proof.

就任何对 POWERAMP 提出的有关产品责任的主张或请求,客户需针对以下事项负举证责任: (1) 客户及客户的代理人、外包

商、客户或终端用户已遵守本产品规格书的要求,(2) 产品缺陷存在,(3) 意外事故、主张和责任单独且直接由该产品缺陷所
引起。若客户未能证明上述事项之存在,则 POWERAMP 有权拒绝任何因此产生的请求并且据此免责。

10.5 POWERAMP shall have no liability or obligation with respect to any Products which have been subjected to abuse, misuse,
improper use, negligence, accident, alternation, repair or rework performed by any unauthorized persons or entities other than
POWERAMP. /对于任何未经授权的个人或非 POWERAMP 实体所滥用,不当使用,疏忽,意外,改动,修理或返工的产品,
POWERAMP 概不承担任何责任或义务。

10.6 Neither party shall be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any kind (including lost
profits), regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, even if informed
of the possibility of such damages in advance.


10.7 The parties hereby agree that POWERAMP’s entire liability, if any, in damages, indemnification or otherwise, shall not exceed the
Product price paid by Customer allocable to the specific Product upon which the claim is directly based.

双方同意并确认 POWERAMP 所应承担的全部损害赔偿、补偿及其他责任,累计总金额不超过客户为引发该索赔请求的具体


11 Miscellaneous/其他

In the event of any conflict, ambiguity or discrepancy between the Chinese version and English version of this Document, both parties
agree that the Chinese version of this Document shall prevail.


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