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Savannah Cushing

Professor Soto
TED 523
25 August 2021
We Are Not from Here Unit
TED 531 Novel Assignment #1

Central Focus/ Essential Question: How do challenges shape and change us?

Before Strategy: Analyze Art

a. What is the activity?
I will have the students analyze a piece of immigration art. I will ask the student
three questions to encourage engagement and activate prior knowledge.
 What details do you notice about the art?
 What might these details mean/symbolize?
 Look at the people’s faces. What can you tell about either their life
experiences or emotions?
b. What language arts skills will be practiced?
Close looking, making logical inferences, drawing connections, and determining
central ideas.
c. In what way(s) does this activity allow students to engage in higher order
This allows students to draw on their prior knowledge and draw new
connections from their observations in the artwork.
d. What academic language will students need to engage in this activity?
e. What are the language functions for this activity?
Students evaluate artwork and interpret symbols and themes. Students make
predictions on what themes and ideas will be in the novel.
f. What standard(s) are covered?
R.1, R.2
g. What support(s) would be made for Emergent Bilingual students?
This activity is a visual aid and acts as a support for EB students. If additional
support is needed, translated questions may be provided.
h. Materials needed:
Artwork and questions
After Strategy: Figurative Language scavenger Hunt
a. At what part of the novel would this activity be done-page #, chapter #...
Page 175 at the end of part 2 (halfway)
b. What is the activity?
This activity is a graphic organizer for identifying figurative language that
analyzes an author’s word choice.
c. What language arts skills will be practiced?
Close reading, analyzing author’s intent, analyzing tone and meaning
d. In what way(s) does this activity allow students to engage in higher order
Students observe how the character has developed from before their journey
and how the journey to America has changed or shaped them. Students
contemplate what traits define each character and what motivates their actions.
e. What academic language will students need to engage in this activity?
f. Alliteration, assonance, simile, metaphor, personification, onomatopoeia
g. What are the language functions for this activity?
Students evaluate the authors purpose in word choice and interpret the
figurative language in the text.
h. What standard(s) are covered?
i. What support(s) would be made for Emergent Bilingual students?
Translations of text and materials and further instruction/scaffolding when
j. Materials needed
Novel, worksheet pg 90 from 50 Common Core Reading Response Activities

After Strategy: Character Scrapbook

 Once students have finished the novel, what will you assign students as the final
Students create a scrapbook page of a character of their choosing (Pulga, Chico, or
Pequena). They analyze the character and provide a collection of important memories,
traits, places, objects along with supporting quotations. Each “memory” is illustrated
and placed in the format of a scrapbook page.
a. Design a rubric for this project
4 3 2 1
Characterization Scrapbook displays Scrapbook Scrapbook is Scrapbook is
a wide variety of includes some lacking in its missing
10 points
memories, objects, display of display of memories,
traits, and places memories, memories, objects, traits,
that gives a objects, traits, objects, traits, and places, but
descriptive and places that and places that is vague or fails
representation of gives a general gives a vague or to represent the
the character. representation of inaccurate character.
the character. representation
of the character.
Textual Evidence Quotes are Quotes are Quotes are Quotes are
complete and mostly complete, somewhat missing and
10 points
provide thorough and they support complete and incomplete or
and accurate the don’t fully fail to represent
support to characterization. support the the
characterization. characterization. characterization.
Creativity Scrapbook is Scrapbook is Scrapbook has Scrapbook has
colorful and uses a somewhat little color but is no color and
5 points
variety of colorful and uses lacking is its use little to no
mediums. at least two of creativity. creativity is
different displayed.

b. What language arts skills are practiced?

Close reading, use of textual evidence, and analysis of character
c. What academic language will students need to engage in this activity?
d. What are the language functions of this activity?
Students take on the point of view of a character and evaluate how they
have changed throughout their journey. They draw on textual evidence
to support their ideas about who the character is.
e. In what way(s) does this assignment allow students to engage in higher
order thinking skills?
Students observe how the character has developed from before their
journey and how the journey to America has changed or shaped them.
Students contemplate what traits define each character and what
motivates their actions.
f. What standard(s) are covered?
R.1, R.3
g. What support(s) will be made for Emergent bilingual students?
Oral and written instruction as well as peer support while working in
class. Intentional and frequent checks of understanding.
h. Materials needed:
The novel, poster paper, glue, scissors, and varying mediums: marker,
pencil, construction paper, scrapbook paper, fabrics, magazines etc.

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