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Basilio, Alyssa Bernadette A.

GED0106-SEC 51

SA2 – Concept Paper and Poster Making

“Ikaw, para kanino ang boto mo? The reality of vote buying in the Philippines”

As the election season approaches, various candidates who want to make a difference in our
society are vying for a restricted number of jobs. Though it may appear strange, these
newcomers and some recognized personalities are running under the pretense of "public service."
Although there are already various requirements for certain applicants, the thick skinned have
not been deterred from running. With this film, I hope that it may open the eyes of our fellow
Filipinos to vote for the respective candidates in their respective positions; the importance of
election in our country relies on those who are voting because it represents them and their views,
their votes speak on how they see leaders who advocate for the rights and interests of the

In many emerging countries, vote buying is common. Vote buying imposes several costs
on society, including a reduction in responsibility in a democratic society and a stifling of the
development of democratic institutions. The impoverished individual in our country is the
common target for vote buying because of their status in life, they need the money to survive and
attain their daily needs[ CITATION Can18 \l 1033 ]. Vote buying is simply one component of a
larger campaign by politicians to foster clientelism and patronage among their constituents.
Dependency and allegiance are simply interrupted by election-related shifts, rather than a
concerted campaign to alter votes. Many consolidating democracies employ illegal electoral
techniques. Vote buying is one of these techniques. Vote-buying is considered as political
bribery in which politicians provide gifts or money to individuals in exchange for their electoral
support. Vote buying in the context of a secret ballot is based on politicians' and brokers'
capacity to ensure that voters keep their part of the agreement. This leads to one of the most
significant considerations for politicians engaging in vote buying which is to target individuals
who are either easily monitored or do not require any monitoring at all [ CITATION Cru18 \l 1033 ].
Many consolidating democracies employ illegal electoral techniques. Vote buying is one of these
techniques; also, a type of political trade in which politicians provide presents or money to
individuals in return for electoral support. In the setting of a secret ballot, vote buying is
dependent on politicians' and brokers' abilities to guarantee that voters keep their half of the
bargain [ CITATION Hid15 \l 1033 ].
As the election comes near, we hope that our fellow Filipinos would vote for the right
candidate in the right position so that our country wouldn’t face more difficulties; voting for the
right candidate will help us ensure that our country can still thrive and improve its economic
state. With the help of this film and other film makers who shows the reality of vote buying in
our country, it’s time for us to speak up and educate our fellows on how it will greatly affect our
nation if they will sell their votes. Voting is important in our country because it depends on who
will lead our country to a greater nation, and I hope more and more Filipinos will see its

Canare, T. A., Mendoza, R. U., & Lopez, M. A. (2018, February). An empirical analysis of vote buying
among the poor: Evidence from elections in the Philippines. Retrieved from ResearchGate:

Cesi, C. (2018, August 07). Social Networks and the Targeting of Vote Buying. Retrieved from Sage

Hidalgo, F. D., & Nichter, S. (2015, August 06). Voter Buying: Shaping the Electorate through Clientelism.
Retrieved from American Journal of Political Science:

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