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“When an old person dies, A whole library disappears”

Throughout our lives, we collect so much lessons and countless experiences. Some
are simple, like we learn to organized our things or we learn how to cook. Some lessons and
experiences that we may encounter are deeper and messier but these are the things that
makes us stronger, teach us to overcome every problem we may face with positiveness and
take more risks than to regret. We lead our ways, our collection of experiences is like books
we create and hold inside ourselves, which becomes our library. If you just think about the
important details you want to tell and excluding some parts of it just to keep them short and
on point will make the story of your life incomplete. You have to add all the details, so that it
would be a chapter rather than just a paragraph or worse, just a sentence. Each day, you are
adding a chapter to your book, you may not remember it all but the fact that you’ve learned
from it is a big help for your growth as an individual. Through the lessons we gained from
our experiences, we pass all of it to the next generation and the way how we tell them really
matters. So as the old people, they share their wisdom and experiences to us and the way
they deliver these matters because these will become our strength and to have a knowledge
on how to solve every problem.
We all know that old people are full of words of wisdom and experiences. Like
libraries which is the sources of information, old people extend to the youth their life
experiences which will be a big help to us since it is a real-life situation in which we can
apply these in a real-life situation. Like me, when I have hard time facing challenges or
facing life decisions, I always ask for advise to my Lolo or to my parents. Instead of giving a
concrete solution to my problem, they always give me unclear solutions but meaningful
messages, maybe because that’s their way of telling me that I should know how to manage
my own problem but still, with their guidance and sometimes they always share their
experiences to me related to what challenge I am facing, so that I can acquire some
knowledge to figure out ways to solve my own problem. Through their wisdom and through
the lessons I gained from their experiences, the struggle and the negativities in my head
from the obstacle I face will transform into easiness and confidence that I will pass the
challenge in front of me. The power of their words will make me stronger and optimistic on
every challenge I face.

Old man and old women have much to impart to us their knowledge about life and
about ourselves if we spare our time to learn from their wisdom and experiences. By the end
of their life, they have a huge collection of vivid sights, sounds, smells, and feelings, all span
into millions of memories and lessons, which is like a library, built up over decades. When
they are gone, so as the library but the lessons they convey to us will never disappear
instead it will be again shared to the next generation. We must keep the lessons we learned
from them not just in our minds but we must put all of these into action. Through their
experiences in the past and our experiences at the present will be connected for the future.

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