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Title of the Paper

Institutional Affiliation
Diversity, Technology and Globalization

Diversity is the understanding, recognizing, and accepting individual differences

irrespective of their spiritual practice, physical ability, race, gender, age, class, and ethnicity.

There are two types of diversity, which are the primary dimension and secondary dimension.

The primary aspect includes gender, sexual orientation, and age, which tends to exhibit the main

differences between people. Furthermore, the primary dimensions are noticeable on the first meet

up. Secondary aspects include religion, education, geographical location, and income. Secondary

dimensions are not observable during the firsts meet up and can change during different

encounters (Lapis-bogda 2020).

The first equal employment was introduced in 1943 by President Truman. President

Truman signed the executive order in 1943, which was the first diversity in organizations. The

law required equal treatment and opportunities in armed services. The social and political

changes took place in 1960, which led to the passage of rights that prohibited workplace

discrimination based on age, nationality, religion, sex, race, and color (Dike 2020). The secretary

of labor, who was William Brook, commissioned a study of the economic and demographic trend

that highlighted five demographic aspects that would impact the labor market of the United

States. The five demographic elements were. The population would grow slowly than in1930s.

Additionally, the second aspect was that the average age of the people would rise, and the size of

youths entering the labor market would shrink. The fourth aspect was that more women ill enter

the workforce. The fourth aspect was to give the minorities will be given a share to enter the

workforce. Lastly, immigrants will represent the largest share in the increase in population

(Lapis-bogda 2020).
The aspects by William brook meant that the diversification of the workforce would

benefit an organization economically. The issues made companies to start diversity initiatives

that included emergency daycare, career path, dress requirements, domestic partner benefits, and

phased retirements.

The components of diversity are age, disability, and education, learning differences,

culture, politics, religion, sexual orientations, social class, gender, language, and value.

Globalization triggered the interaction between people from different backgrounds and cultures.

Today we see diversity in many organizations, and this has brought a lot of competition in the

world. Diversity has impacted our lives in so many ways. Diversity has promoted productivity in

workplaces as people from different places can share different ideas that can impact an

organization. Diversity has led to the end of discrimination. People can work anywhere in the

world without prejudice, and students are also free to study wherever they want (Lapis-bogda


Technology is the use and application of scientific knowledge in different workplaces for

practical use. The history of technology can be defined as the history of the invention of various

tools and techniques. The word technology originates from a Greek word techne, which means

art and craft( Khan 2020). The technology was first used to describe applied arts, but today the

word itself is used to describe the advancements around us. Technology starts with the beginning

of life on the planet up to where we are today with the existence of modern technologies like

computers and phones. Technology began when the first wheel on earth was invented, and this

paved the way for other technologies that later were developed. People started developing so

many things, and that led to the primary era of technology, which was the 18th century (Khan

The industrial revolution began with the invention of different machines, which led to the

development and production of many materials. The first industrial revolution began in Great

Britain, and many of the technological innovations were invented in Britain. Today’s technology

is known as the electronic age. The first computer on earth was designed to be used by the

United States army. This computer used vacuum tubes to do calculations, and it weighed 30 tons.

The second type of computer used transistors instead of vacuum tubes, and the rotating magnet

drum changed to magnetic cores. The third generation of computers used integrated circuits,

which replaced transistors. The fourth generation of computers brought the central processing

unit that controlled the computer. Personal computers were also developed, which are portable.

The history of technology is connected to science history (Khan 2020).

The first form of internet CompuServe was developed in the year 1960. The first-ever

social media site was developed in 1997, which enabled the user to post a profile picture and

connect with other users. After blogging was invented, social media became popular. Myspace

and LinkedIn became popular in 2000. Facebook and Twitter became famous in 2006 and used

in the whole world (Hendricks 2020). The components of technology are knowledge, tools,

structures, and infrastructure. Technology and social media have impacted our lives, both

positively and negatively. The positive impacts are, technology has brought up proper

communication channels. People can use different communication tools when communicating

with each other. A person can communicate with another person who is on another continent

without difficulties. Technology has also improved the lives of students. Students can take

courses online and other educational materials that are available on the internet. Technology has

also impacted our lives negatively, whereby so many people spend a lot of time on the internet

instead of working (Khan 2020).

Globalization is the interaction between people, companies, and governments worldwide.

Globalization started at the end of the 18th century, where Britain's dad started to set up other

empires in the rest of the world. The British industrial revolution promoted global trade. Britain

was making goods that were in demand by other countries, which made it attract the international

market. The invention of the refrigerated cargo ship in 1870 made other countries to start

exporting their goods. So many countries specialized in their production and transported their

goods ( Rizescu 2020).

The end of World War II brought a new shape to the global economy. The United States

of America, with its inventions, led to the rise of the worldwide economy. The United States had

manufactured cars and planes, which highly promoted global trade. The emergence of the world

trade organization supported and encouraged all nations in the world to enter into free trade

agreements. The following are the components of globalization. Trade agreements are an

arrangement made by countries to reduce trade barriers to promote international trade. Capital

flow is the measurement of a country's assets. Lastly, migration patterns have a significant

impact on the labor market, where immigrants with good experience can work in different

countries ( Rizescu 2020).

The emergence of the global market has impacted the lives of people in different

countries. The bigger the market, the bigger the returns this concept has promoted other

businesses to extend to other countries. The availability of cross-border markets has supported

activities along the border, and countries in different countries are enjoying the returns.

Globalization has promoted investments in all states. Today a person can inverts in any country

that he or she wants. Globalization led to advancements in technology. So many inventors have
emerged today, finding solutions to the problems of modern society. Technology and social

media have impacted us in so many ways ( Rizescu 2020).

Change in diversity, technology, and social media, and globalization has influenced

individual behavior in United Nations in so many ways. Every employee in the United Nations

organization has his or her response. Additionally, the United Nations is a big organization that

hires workers from different parts of the world.

It understands that every employee from different diversity has unique strengths and weaknesses.

The management has managed and put to place strategies that influence the strength of each

employee. The difference in United Nations organization has brought a positive impact as

employees work together to achieve the goals of the organization. Technology and social media

have a significant influence on the individual behavior of every employee in the United Nations.

The advancement of technology and social media has modified how individuals behave

at the United Nations. The existence of WhatsApp groups has promoted the right working

conditions as an employee can talk free and interact, thus improving the right working

environment. Above all, technology has also changed the individual behavior of some of the

employees in the organization. Some employee spends much of their time on social media rather

than interacting with their other colleagues. Globalization has influenced individual behavior in

the United Nations by modifying the unique practices of the employees. Employees can behave

according to the country they are working in. United Nations has offices in different parts of the

world. Globalization has influenced the individual behavior of employees positively as they can

work in different countries well. A United Nations employee can as well work in the United

States and respect the culture in the United States.

Changes in diversity, technology, and social media and globalization have influenced the

group and intergroup behavior in the United Nations positively. A diverse staff, including

different cultures, gender, and experience, will stimulate various creativity. The fact that a

diverse team is from different cultures will enable the staff to be more active to experience other

cultures and ideas. Proper management that understands diversity will provide strategies well on

how diversity will influence group and intergroup behavior positively.

Technology and social media will influence the group and intergroup behavior in a positive way.

The social group exists in the United Nations, and they usually create the environment to

cooperate and collaborate. Groups need to communicate, and technology will influence their

behavior positively through communication with each other. Great communication tools like

WhatsApp will make them united as they will always talk in their WhatsApp groups.

Globalization will influence group and intergroup behavior positively. Globalization is the

interconnectedness between people, companies, and cultures (Khan 2020). Globalization will

modify the group and intergroup behavior in a way that employees will be able to work together

in the United Nations. Employees from different cultures and countries will work together

merely because of diversity, which is brought by globalization. United Nations employees from

different cultures work together to come up with creative ideas. Diverse teams will always

produce better solutions to severe problems (Jones 2020).

Diversity, technology, and social media, and globalization can influence the leadership in

an organization. Workplace diversity is an essential thing in the current generation. Diversity in

leadership will help in the retention of diverse employees (Rizescu 2020). United Nations

leadership comprises of various individuals who are from different cultures and places from the

world. One of the importance of diversity leadership in the United Nations is that it has increased
productivity (Jones 2020). Diverse leaders in the United Nations play a significant role in the

organization by mentoring other groups in various professionals. Technology and social media

have modified leadership in the United Nations. Technology has reduced the bureaucratic way

of making decisions as leaders can just email. United Nations leaders can use technology and

social media to build and strengthen the corporate brand of the organization. Additionally, they

can also use social media to communicate with employees and manage a crisis. Social media has

enabled our leaders to take advantage and turn it into a strategic position (Dike 2020).

Globalization has strongly influenced the leadership of the United Nations positively. United

Nations has diverse leaders from different places with different cultures. Bringing various

leaders together is solving management problems. Globalization will bring diversity in the

organization, which will help come up with innovative ideas. Globalization will influence the

leadership of the United Nation as they will be able to understand the different cultures that are

in different countries.

Diversity, technology, and social media, and globalization have modified power and

influence is in the United Nations organization. Power is the ability to command once will even

against resistance from others. Influence is defined as the art of convincing people to change

their behavior. Diversity brings different employees together. The United Nations may encounter

problems with the minority. Diversity will influence even the minority group in the organization

to make a particular decision (Dike 2020). Technology has influenced power and influence in an

organization positively. Whenever the United Nations experience some crises. Technology will

be used to pass across messages. Globalization has a positive impact on power and influence.

Through diversity, you can get to influence other employees on what you want them to no. The
role of diversity in organizations is to allow employees to contribute fully to the success of the


Diversity in the United Nations has positively influenced organizational change.

Organizational change is the changing of an organization's strategies, technologies, and culture.

United Nations may want to merge with other organizations, but due to that, conflict may arise.

The management will consider a diverse perspective that values and utilize the differences that

will give a positive framework on how to manage a crisis. Technology has influenced

organizational change positively (Dike 2020). The advancements of technology and social media

tools actively assist in the management of a crisis. The changes in an organization are constant,

but the technology band social media will reduce the burden of organizational transformation.

Technology has provided tools that communicate frequently and transparently. During a crisis,

we will use communication tools that will support two-way communications. Globalization has

influenced organizational change positively. The idea of globalization is giving the world a new

shape by opening the unique perspectives of the international market. United Nations is also

expanding to other countries and hiring people from different cultures. At every level, the

management team in charge of the United Nations must know to support the employees through

periods that may prove to be stressful.


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