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荣 获 泰 国 米 其 林 餐 盘 2018-2021 的 Supanniga Eating Room by Khun Yai 海 外 首 家 店 即 将 于 圣 诞 前 夕 的

2021 年 12 月 19 日在北京正大中心试营业啦!是不是在这个带有泰国蓝天的北京冬天里迫不及待的想来品尝

The word is out – the very first overseas outlet of the Thai Michelin Plate Supanniga Eating Room
will be having their soft launch on 19 December 2021 at CP Center Beijing. Are you excited to have
a taste of our Thai Grandma’s secret family recipes? Khun Yai Somsri will be welcoming you with
open arms as you journey through the flavours of her hometown Trad and Northeastern Thai-Isan.

Supanniga Eating Room 在泰国曼谷有四家分店。在海外早已经小有名气的 Supanniga 此次首次冲出泰国,


Supanniga Eating Room has four outlets in Bangkok, Thailand. This is the very first time
that this renowned restaurant has spread their wings beyond Thailand and thankfully,
they have chosen Beijing as their first overseas stop! Let’s take a look at the mouth-
watering dishes that await us!

△苏潘泰小吃拼盘  Supanniga Appetizer Platter

三样罕见又难找的传统泰国小吃。。。就在这里重现世人了。马河 (Ma Hor) 是泰国知名的皇室小吃,也是我

们 在 Supanniga 欢 迎 客 人 必 备 之 宝 。 酸 甜 咸 香 辣 , 以 花 生 和 蒜 米 与 肉 碎 炒 后 放 在 橘 子 上 面 一 口 吃 。 棉 庸
( Mieng Yong )采用了新鲜崂叶包肉松、花生和甜烤椰丝,很清爽。米香饼配奶奶的猪油渣辣酱成为 Khao
Tang Namprik Kak Moo 。
This is where you will find some traditional Thai appetizers that are rarely spotted here
in Beijing. Ma Hor is a snack that is well-loved by the Thai royals, and it is part of the
repertoire here at Supanniga as well. With minced meat stir-fried with peanuts and
garlic atop fresh oranges, it is an explosive experience of different flavours and textures
that you simply must have! Another must-have is the refreshing Mieng Yong, which is
dried shredded pork, peanuts, and roasted coconut wrapped in cha plu leaves. Lastly,
you cannot leave without a taste of Khao Tang Namprik Kak Moo, which are rice cakes
topped with grandma’s special pork sambal.
△亲亲蟹蟹  Pu Jah
Pu Jah 翻译成“亲爱的螃蟹”,是一道蟹肉饼,外脆内嫩又不失嚼劲。以肉碎和蟹肉一起蒸后炸至金黄色,
Loosely translated as “beloved crab”, Pu Jah is a crab cake that is crispy on the outside
and tender on the inside. Consisting of minced meat and crab meat, it is steamed
before being fried golden brown, and is served with our signature chilli sauce.

△蟹黄辣酱沙拉  Nam Phrik Khai Pu

Nam Phrik Khai Pu is a salad with a smooth and silky crab roe and salted egg yolk
sauce. If you are looking for a dish that is tangy, savoury, and spicy, this is the salad for

△顶级 鱼露卷心菜 Ka Lum Tod Nam Pla Dee

看似很不起眼的一道菜却成为了 Supanniga 最受欢迎的菜品。我们采用了来自达叻府当地制作制作最顶级的

鱼露,所以香味与其他鱼露更胜一筹。我们摆盘时是用一片片卷心菜叶子并 排,食客可以从这脆脆的菜里品尝
One of Supanniga’s most popular dishes is the unassuming Ka Lum Tod Nam Pla Dee.
With premium fish sauce over the exquisitely laid out cabbage leaves, you will never
see cabbage the same way ever again!

△蟹肉崂叶红咖喱  Gaeng Pu Bai Cha Plu

Gaeng Pu Bai Cha Plu is an especially tasty curry with crab claw meat and crab roe
which is a perfect accompaniment to either rice or rice noodles.

△泰女婿蛋蛋  Son-in-law's Eggs

这是一道经 典的家常菜, 但是在 Supanniga 我们把这道简单的菜给升级了。我们用新鲜的 鸭蛋 煮至溏心,配

What are Son-in-law Eggs? This is another classic dish that has been elevated here at
Supanniga. The jiggly yolks of fresh duck eggs are maintained while it is bathed in a
tangy secret sauce. Interestingly, nobody knows the origin of this name!

△伊森咸蛋青木瓜沙拉 Tum Thai Khai Kem

Supanniga Eating Room 蘇 潘 泰 还 为 北 京 带 来 来 自 于 其 主 打 正 宗 的 泰 国 伊 森 街 边 美 食 的 姐 妹 餐 厅 颂 丹 德

Somtum Der。这个品牌以伊森式青木瓜沙拉闻名世界,在纽约、东京、中国台湾都有店,光是青木瓜沙拉品
种就有 50 多样式。其美国纽约第一家分店于 2016 年摘下了米其林一星级,并从 2018 年至今都被列入泰国米

青木瓜 沙拉是 伊森 最有名的菜 系,这道咸蛋 青木瓜 沙拉也是全 球颂丹德 Somtum Der 门店里 卖得 最好的菜品。

Supanniga Eating Room in Beijing will also be featuring its sister restaurant Somtum Der’s signature
papaya salad. Get ready to taste the renowned Isan-style papaya salad, Tum Thai Khai Kem, which
will have you coming back for more! Its tangy flavour is laced with salted egg yolk, making it the
bestselling dish in Somtum Der. Forget about the blistery winter out there – you will be transported to
a tropical summer instantly.

饭后怎么能没有甜点呢?在 Supanniga Eating Room , 的甜品清单中既有传统的泰国甜品,如芒果糯米饭、

榴莲糯米饭和 Bua loy(甜椰奶中的芋头和南瓜球),也有创新的甜品,如泰式茶饼,这是最引人注目的。
After-dinner desserts are a must! In Supanniga Eating Room, we have traditional Thai
desserts such as mango sticky rice, durian sticky rice, and Bua Loy (yam and pumpkin
with sweet coconut milk) and also contemporary desserts such as Thai tea cakes.

△泰奶茶布丁 Thai Tea Panna Cotta

这是 Supanniga 最畅销的甜点。人人爱 ta,是因为我们用了最上等的泰国茶叶制作布丁再淋上奶汁。

This is Supanniga’s bestselling dessert. Made with premium Thai tea leaves, this
wobbly custard is a crowd pleaser.

△传统芒果糯米饭 Mango Sticky Rice

餐 后 以 泰 国 国 民 甜 点 画 上 句 点 是 多 么 幸 福 的 事 呀 !
Very few things in this world are as fulfilling as a meal that ends with the national Thai dessert!

看到这里, 你会发 现在 Supanniga ,我们 没 有华丽 的装饰 、 没有网红 的摆盘、更 没 有金 碧辉煌 的装修 ,在这

At Supanniga, we may not boast elaborate décor, but we are sincere about sharing our
traditional flavours with you. All we want is to present a no-frills authentic dining
experience so that you can taste our grandmother’s cooking too. So, are you coming for

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