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ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet

Title of Learning Segment:

Hollie Chastain, Growth Collages

Grade or Class:

3-6th Grade

Prior Knowledge:

Art Principals and Elements: Color, Shape, Texture, Pattern, Rhythm, Line
Materials and Methods: Pencil drawing, Collage: cutting with scissors or knife, attaching
elements with appropriate adhesive.

Central Focus/Big Idea:

Create a collage that uses found imagery that investigates ideas of Personal Growth.

Learning Segment Overview: Briefly describe each

Day One:
Intro/ Motivation/Engage/Research:
Time needed: 10 minutes.

Introduce Holly Chastain with examples, she has website but her Instagram may be more

Delineate principals/elements vocabulary and methods in examples. Particularly: Use of found

material (the magazine illustrations and photography), layering, weaving. Collage is usually
different pieces of paper glued together,(Think about how you can stretch the categories of
paper and glue)

Use the sign out sheet for knifes. Make sure they are returned.

Instruction process/Procedure/Explore/Guided Practice:

Time needed: 20 minutes

Walk around and supervise the activity, look for proper use of scissors. Keep an extra eye on any
knifes you assign. Ask each student about the choices they are making.

Clean up/Highlight, Discuss, Share In-progress works:

Time needed: 10 minutes

Clean up. Retrieve any loaned tools.

Day Two

Present/ Respond and/or connect/present:

Time needed: 20 minutes

Have the students bring their artwork to the front of class to Share. Follow the guide for
classroom critique.
ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet

Summative Assessment/ Evaluation/Closure:

Time needed: 20 minutes

Have the students respond to their artworks through artist statements.

Standard Learning Objective (Summative) Assessment

NVAS: # &text

SCVAS: # & text

VA.CR.NM.1.1 I can combine shape, space, texture, Artist Statement: Students will
I can combine to express concepts of personal answer in writing the question:
several elements growth by creating collages inspired How did I combine elements of art
of art to express by Hollie Chastain to show my idea of personal
ideas, feelings and growth?
stories in my

Academic Language Demands, as applicable:

1. Language Function One LF essential for students to develop & practice. Use Standard
and Objective action verbs, e.g. analyze, compare/contrast, interpret.(are they going to
talk or speak). Describe. Interpret. Explain. Compare and Contrast.

Students are going to EXPLAIN their design choices in a written artist statement.

2. Vocabulary No more than 5 terms w/definitions using age-appropriate language. Cite


Collage (Assemblage) – The combination of different elements to create a whole, can be

Music, Theater, or Visual. In visual media, usually a form of paper with a type of glue
(Think about how you can stretch these categories!). 2D work that can extend into low-
relief. Often uses found materials.

Mixed Media – The use of one than one media in a work of art. A drawing with painting
elements. A painting with collage elements. A mixed media work with screen-printing.

Juxtaposition – two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.

Growth – process of developing physically, mentally, or spiritually

Theme - the subject of a talk, a piece of writing, a person's thoughts, or an exhibition; a

topic. The message, main idea, intent or

3. Discourse How will you develop students’ academic discourse (putting the words to
work/responding) and/or syntax (symbols, etc.)? In what ways
How they will, the method. Students will write a, Students will participate in a,

Students will participate in a critique, a class group activity beginning with a students
explanatory show and tell presentation of their work followed by Q&A free response time
with the class. Students will explain their design choices and symbolism by writing an
artist statement.
ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet

4. Practice How you will you help students practice using the language function? What
specific opportunities: e.g. reflective writing, exit tickets, critique, small group
discussion, presenting? And what?How will you do 3.

Students will have participated in a critique before. If it is their first time leading
questions will be asked. How did you begin? What subjects did you choose? Did you begin with
a subject? Did you begin with a process? What does this represent? Do you think that was

Key Materials Include appropriate technology that you will use in each activity as well as a
complete list of the materials you will use (manipulatives, worksheets, word lists, game
directions, art supplies, book titles, PowerPoint etc.).

Hollie Chastain instagram, @holliechastain

Hollie Chastain website:
magazines, magazines, magazines

Lesson I of 4 (2 of 4 etc.) Each lesson is a step to teaching the Big Idea of L.

Standard Objective Formative Assessment
The focus of this lesson Same as overview Formative for this lesson is…

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (Procedures & Timelines)

 Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks should match Objectives & Standards. This is
the heart of the plan. It is your script. Write so it is a clear, concise, yet thorough sequence.
 Include enough detail so that anyone who is well-educated could follow your plan.
 Include Introduction, reflective questions, & enough activities to adequately address your
objectives. They must be developmentally appropriate for grade level.
 Add at least 2 references from theory to practice
 Be very specific in this section, particularly with transitions. E.g. Can vary based on lesson:
o Focus/review OR INTRO
o Share objectives
o Teacher instructions Or I DO
o Guided practice We do
o Independent practice YOU DO
o Connecting/sharing/presenting
o Closure/ review

Theory/Theorists/Research Connections: State the theory/theorists whose thinking

influenced yours for this learning segment. E.g. Piaget, Vygotsky, Lowenfeld. Cite sources. These
are the two that you referenced in your Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

Accommodations Universal Design for Learning used in this art lesson.

 Representation:
 Engagement:
 Expression:
 Individual student with special needs:

Resources/ Books, dictionary, articles, websites cited correctly using APA

Artifacts/teacher or student made Images, handouts, PowerPoints, etc.

ARTE PRACTICE Learning Segment Worksheet

Reflection (Internship I only) What went well? Not so well? Next time I will do this

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