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Primary group

Secondary group Fictive marriage 

Polyandry Regional or
According to Membership (In- Provincial Parties
groups and out-groups) Polygyny
Minor Parties
Reference groups Polygamy

Networks Monogamy  Major parties Political Alliance

Political Parties that are
Group  Social group Political Dynasty
Endogamy  recognized by the
COMELEC are the
following: Compadrinazgo 
Primary groups Groups Types of Kinship by Marriage

Secondary groups Patterns of Residency

 Size and quantity

Relationships and Patrilocal

Membership in a Society How Society is Organized (Kinship, Marriage, and the Household)
communication among
members Matrilocal 
In-groups Three categories of household
Goals and membership Kin or clan Importance of group Avunculocal 
Out-groups Transnational families Ambilocal 
 Group structure and members Kinship It helps to transmit
statuses and roles culture to other people.
Reference groups Blended Family / Reconstituted Family  Neolocal 
Influence to members and It helps to maintain
nature of group control Networks social control Single parent  Duolocal 

Affinity  It helps to socializes  Extended Family 

Patrileneal  Unilineal   Kinship by ritual  Nuclear
It helps to have source of
Matrilineal  Double unileneal
 It helps to train the Family Orientation
Bilateral individual in
Family Procreation 

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